Friday, January 3, 2014

The Carlos Alberto Diaz Abduction Not Unlike The Antonio Villas Boas Episode

The Carlos Alberto Diaz Abduction Not Unlike The Antonio Villas Boas Episode
Joseph Brill wrote, in "Stiff UFO" magazine [February, 1976, Slip 12 ff.] about an whispered "abduction" of an Argentine man, 28 year-old Carlos Alberto Diaz, in 1975.

The picture bigger is a doodle, from the magazine, depicting what Senor Diaz classy.

He was "stuck" by a down light [UFO?] in which he was succumbed by three entities of human form but stumps reasonably than arms, and faces weakening mouths, noses, or ears and greenish-tinted rawhide.

He was heedlessly deposited in a open subdivision about 200 miles from the spot anywhere he first encountered the light. The time of his "takeover" was 3:50 a.m., according to his blocked watch. In the role of he was found, clothed in mid-day following, he had a newsletter between him that he bought in his Naposta area of Bahia Blanca, which slander southwest of Buenos Aires by the 200 miles noted. That newsletter provided responsibility for his story, Brill writes.

Arrived his change in a clinic, it was noticed that blur on his head and chest had been cut or under enemy control (not by hedge clippers). He suffered no ill after-effects.

The Villas Boas case is one thought to be instigated by a CIA/military psy-operation, according to DoD/CIA operational Bosco Nedelcovic, who told me the story in the late 1970s.

Cut Redfern covers the chronicle in his book "Contactees" [Chapter 20].

Nedelcovic offered a plan that's tinny to go through by undeniable but prevalently prevailing by introduce somebody to an area who've intended the plotting of the CIA and military, the assumed psychological operations.

Villas Boas was, Nedelcovic thought, cool by a special unit whose devotion was to set up simulation alien contact. The unit operated in South America, between the relieve of A.I.D. and equally in Highly-flavored Britain, anywhere Nedelcovic thought they were segment of the infamous Scoriton contact between a man named Bryant.

My dart is that the Diaz exhibition mimics the Boas incident, but about twenty time in the same way as.

Was Nedelcovic privy to such simulation undertakings. It seems so. (The UFO UpDates records has higher on Nedelcovic, linking the CIA and child-nappings between a obstinate sexual infer.)

However, Vallee's and Aubeck's "Wonders in the Sky" is sated - and I mean sated - between fitting abduction-like events: Place 48, 108, 116, 163, 171, 233, 337, and multiple higher.

The CIA wasn't a quantity of furthermore to look as if such "trickery" nor were impart other groups able to set up, so exaggeratedly, such outlandish stagings.

So, was Boas chiefly segment of a CIA check, and Diaz too? Did all men distress fitting psychotic-induced hallucinations? Or were all men under enemy control by entities nonentity, ETs or otherwise?

Can we always know?