Tuesday, January 14, 2014

James Gilliland Director Of Eceti Enlightened Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence

James Gilliland Director Of Eceti Enlightened Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligence


An unprecedented event is unfolding in a small town known as Trout Lake, Washington. This event has the potential to change the course and destiny of Humanity and the Earth. The people of Earth are being offered a chance to join the rest of the universe in peace.

The technologies to end disease, clean up and restore the environment, fuel-less energy technologies, and the virtual keys to Utopia have been disseminated and are waiting for distribution and production. A whole new world is unfolding for those with the courage to accept it. C5 Contact with spiritually and technologically advanced extra and ultra terrestrial off world visitors which we refer to as the greater family of man has occurred at the home of James Gilliland, known as the Sattva Sanctuary.

James Gilliland is the director of ECETI, Enlightened Contact with

Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which aims to connect humanity and the Earth

with the higher teachings of the Ascended Masters and Benevolent

Extraterrestrials. James' property, ECETI Ranch, is an Internationally

recognized hotbed of UFO activity.

After a Near Death Experience in 1979, James returned with what he refers to

as Interdimensional Mind-the ability to move beyond the body and the

personality into other planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. This

includes the ability to experience different time lines and future

probabilities. James is dedicated to the awakening and healing of humanity

and the Earth as well as researching and ushering in new healing and Earth

friendly energy technologies.

The ships came in right on schedule. We had several fly over and

light up in the beginning around 9:30 PM. They would move from side to

side, and make turns to show they were not satellites.

The most remarkable one was just above the tree tops below Mt Adams. It was

headed tight for us when it began to grow brighter and brighter. It was

brilliant blue white light, not the normal dirty yellow often associated

with landing lights. It dimmed out and began to make an easterly turn. There

were no running lights or strobes. We had another appear in the big dipper.

I was awoken at 5AM. Something told me to go outside, but first grab my

camera. I have learned from past experience to listen. I was standing in the

back of the Sanctuary looking at Mars when I began to feel a strong tingling

sensation down my left site and pressure on the crown of my head. My ears

began to ring. I looked up and sure enough a very large ship began to power

up right over my head. I grabbed my video camera and filmed it as it headed

south behind the large ponderosa pine.