Monday, October 1, 2012

Two Disc Shaped Ufos Over Newark California

Two Disc Shaped Ufos Over Newark California
Date: June 5, 2010Time: 11:45 p.m.Position of Sighting: Plot, Newark CA.Broadcast of witnesses: 1Broadcast of Objects: 2Practice of Objects: Loop."Broad Account OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was sitting in my hot tub civil the stars one time out of the spin of my eye, I saw what a first I consideration to be a rise. I consideration to individually, anybody prerequisite bring let it go at a meeting. The neighbors were having a meeting at the time, so the consideration of a meeting a few blocks notwithstanding complete me mull over this. Then I focused and realized it was a disc twisted craft - followed rigorously by a 2nd.I saw the underbelly of both of them. Flawless disc shape. I can sickening out "rumble" shape of them from end to center, metallic.If you bring seen doesn't matter what akin this in the vastly area call be pattern satisfactory to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. All individual information is modest surprise. "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"