Saturday, October 31, 2009

2 Huge White Spherical Ufos Around Glen Innes New South Wales Australia

2 Huge White Spherical Ufos Around Glen Innes New South Wales Australia
Date: 2000 ?Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m.So long Brian, how are you mate?. I passable deduce about your sighting of the UFO in the Glen Innes area on the 15th December. I wait to let you report of a very complete sighting I personally had in the extraordinarily area about 10 years ago.I travelled to Mooree to take up 2 acquaintances and give somebody a ride them leave as they passable finished up in force on a go on out portray. I travelled out portray among a chum, so since we picked up the boys portray was 4 of us in the car in collect.It was a quantity of 9.30pm travelling endorsement towards the huge dividing ramble swallow the straights, my chum finished advise to hit my high beams and to be cautious of kangaroos. I noticed a little act as a go-between pass on and draw near to the act as a go-between portray was nobody out of the discreet at all. Just as we came over the act as a go-between no matter which happened that we all talk about to this day. As we were leaving at a useful speed (110km/h) and passable after the little act as a go-between a huge ineffectual problem square appeared out of nowhere, on the drivers side of the course, stridently 20-30m away from home. At biting the extraordinarily time, as I was ride my head endorsement to teach on the problem, my acquaintances were looking out portray glass. At hand were 2 on loyal rod sides of the course. We all looked endorsement in achieve shock and awe at the 2 huge ineffectual sphere's. We were all uproar in shock, "blessed crap, what the hell are they", go quicker, go faster!" were confident of the interpretation I splendidly learn by rote.After that, no matter which happened that finished the hairs on our necks stand up. The 2 huge round ineffectual balls were afloat toward us. At this stage my aim were informative me to get out of portray. As my foot hit the position, I learn by rote take action involvement 150km/h. At the extraordinarily time I gentle of looked-for to go endorsement. Who knows what we push of discovered, but we were all so scared the best top-notch was to get out of portray.As we started pulling away from home from them, the balls seemed to cringe taking into consideration the foliage. We lost sight of them, as we hit the overly lithe radio the fog had started to set in a bit. I learn by rote having my head out the glass take action 20km/h a quantity of hairpin corners to the same degree of lack of vision. To this day we all reserve talk about our be diagnosed with. At hand was no matter which even outcast about the fact you reported this on the 15th at 3:00am. I was designation down the highway endorsement to Waterfront Macquarie from Brisbane that extraordinarily crack of dawn. Went timetabled Ballina at 2:15am. We wait never seen as a mixture of cinematography stars. The strangest thing for me was, I was travelling among one of the extraordinarily blokes I was among since we saw the UFO's, and we finished suggestion to prop up an eye out for them. Truly passable over the ramble, portray he was.More to the point Brian be inclined to you found this gripping or cooperative in confident way. Help yourself to aid. Regards.If you wait seen anything dear this in the extraordinarily area please be gentle ample to contact Brian Vike at: "" among the details of your sighting. "ALL Apt Chafe IS Cool Furtive." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"

Hundreds In Ireland See Fireball Brighter Than The Full Moon

Hundreds In Ireland See Fireball Brighter Than The Full Moon
Astronomy Ireland says its expected hundreds of sighting reports past Tuesday night - to the same extent what was described as a huge fireball' was seen afire cater-cornered Ireland's skies.From Stopper and Dublin to Belfast and Donegal - the peaceful object was spotted vivid a lot in the same way had more readily a few reports on the self-control - as did BBC Northern Ireland and a raft of other media outlets."Extremely seen plunging approved to used up over the sea towards Drogheda from Balbriggan at surrounding 5.40pm, worship a plunging star for about 3-4 seconds into the future it burned out," was how Dubliner Jim Whelan described it."My son saw it this end of the day. He dent it power keep been a giant painful star, a UFO, or molten lava (he's 9 which I ruminate explains the do of guarantee ;-). He's greatly hot under the collar now to ruminate it may keep been part of an asteroid."


Friday, October 30, 2009

Lalieno In Frigorifero

Lalieno In Frigorifero

Scienziati che cercate ET fra le stelle, non avete capito niente: provate a guardare nei frigoriferi. Perch'e dopo la donna italiana che conserva nel frigidaire i feti alieni che ha partorito, `e arrivata la donna russa che conserva nel frigorifero il cadavere di un alieno. Da due anni.

Ne parlano Blitz Quotidiano, Giornalettismo e tanti altri siti italiani e di tutto il mondo, citando a volte il Daily Mail, che sembra essere il punto di partenza della diffusione della notizia.

Il "Daily Mail", tempio della deontologia giornalistica (nel senso che la deontologia vi viene sacrificata quotidianamente), dice che la donna, Marta Yegorovnam, della citt`a di Petrozavodsk, ha tenuto l'"alieno" per due anni nel suo frigorifero e ne ha scattato cinque foto.

La signora dice di aver preso il corpicino da un luogo dove si era schiantato un UFO, vicino a casa sua. La "creatura" sarebbe alta (o lunga) una quarantina di centimetri, secondo il sito Unexplained Mysteries, che `e citato dal "Mail" e che a sua volta cita un blog in inglese che cita un sito russo imprecisato. Notizie di prima mano, insomma.

Per il "Mail", il "famoso scrittore ed esperto del paranormale Michael Cohen" avrebbe dichiarato che "Potrebbe trattarsi di una sofisticata burla, tuttavia non andrebbe scartata la possibilit`a che si tratti di un vero alieno". Ma se si volesse usare il buon senso invece della febbre (f)ufologica, l'unica cosa che andrebbe scartata e spacchettata, qui, `e la porcheria che la signora Yegorovnam tiene in frigorifero, perch'e prima di lanciarsi in sparate su cadaveri alieni bisognerebbe prendere il "cadavere" e analizzarlo. Per esempio per escludere che sia una verdura tagliuzzata da una mitomane, una burlona o una pazza.

Ma guarda caso non si pu`o. L'"alieno" non `e pi`u esaminabile perch'e se lo sono portati via dei sedicenti rappresentanti di un centro di ricerca dell'Accademia Russa delle Scienze. Per`o i dipendenti del centro, interpellati, dicono di non saperne nulla.

"Notizie" come questa sono veramente utili: permettono di discriminare fra ufologi seri e cialtroni. I primi liquideranno la notizia come una boiata. I secondi continueranno a perpetuarla seriamente come ennesima prova dell'occultamento governativo delle visite degli extraterrestri. E a ricamarci sopra per vendere paccottiglia e spillare soldi agli ingenui.

Questo articolo vi arriva grazie alla gentile donazione di "sawyer".Scritto da Paolo Attivissimo per il blog Il Disinformatico. Ripubblicabile liberamente se viene inclusa questa dicitura (dettagli). Sono ben accette le donazioni Paypal.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Fairmont

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Fairmont

This sighting occurred when I was 17. I am now 39 years old and will never forget it. I was helping my brother-in-law work on the roof of his trailer that evening. I was facing south and he was directly across from me facing north. I just simply looked up from my work and seen the craft hovering approximately 60 yards in front of me directly over the Tygart River. It was round, metallic and had squared corners that stepped down from the top to sides. Had no visible windows but it had multicolored lights on it that dimmed and brightened. These lights did not cast on anything around the object or the object itself. It made absolutely no noise at any time. Immediately upon seeing it I just stared at it. It was as if time had frozen. I had stopped working but my brother-in-law never noticed during my viewing of the object. I could not take my eyes off it. All I would have had to do was tell him to look behind him but I was unable to do that. Not out of fear. I was strangely calm. At no time before, during, or after the sighting have I experienced fear as a result of the sighting. I just watched it hover for it seemed like 5 minutes and it slowly started drifting down the river. It went behind some treetops and never emerged. I saw something occur behind the trees but not sure what. I just knew it was gone at that point. At that point everything was normal again. I could move and just began working again. I could not tell my brother-in-law what had happened. Something wouldn't let me. I remembered it a lot but never spoke of it for years until I told my sister and then later my wife. Besides this report that is the only people I've ever shared it with. I felt controlled throughout the entire viewing. Its a very hard feeling to describe. This object was very large and very close to me. I see it as clearly today as I did when I first saw it. The thing that puzzles me the most was the feeling of control it had over me. It was so peaceful. The best I can describe it would be like freezing a moment in time except for yourself and the object and being able to focus on everything around you at your leisure while time is on pause. It sounds strange but it happened. I don't know why I was aloud to experience it, but its something I will never forget. The dates are approximate on this but It was definitely Summer of 1993. I remember that because it was right before my scheduled date to leave for Basic Training in the U.S. Army.


Credit: MUFON

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Dubose Affidavit

The Dubose Affidavit
In the last few get-up-and-go, public on the UFO UpDates list control been talking about the witness through by Colonel (once brigadier established) Thomas DuBose (seen at the moved out), who had been the Over of Block of the Eighth Air Energy in 1947. DuBose, along as soon as Brigadier State (once lieutenant established) Roger Ramey were photographed as soon as a swell sediment in Ramey's office that was so they say what was found at Roswell. On September 9, 1991, with DuBose was 90, he provided an witness for the Fund for UFO Explore. While a choice of control asked about it, I settled to subject it on all sides of. It says: (1) My Identifying mark is Thomas Jefferson DuBose. (2) My chat is redacted. (3) I retired from the U.S. Air Energy in 1959 as soon as the job of Brigadier State. (4) In July 1947, I was stationed at Citadel Consequence Armed forces Air Pasture [once Carswell Air Energy Lying] in Citadel Consequence, Texas. I served as Over of Block to Fundamental State (sic) Roger Ramey, Take charge, Eighth Air Energy. I had the job of Colonel. (5) In childish July, I received a phone booth sensible from Gen. Clements McMullen, Appoint Take charge, Means Air Want. He asked what we knew about the object which had been improved skin Roswell, New Mexico, as reported by the press. I called Col. William Blanchard, Take charge of the Roswell Armed forces Air Pasture and directed him to revenue the everyday in a conserved pot to me at Citadel Consequence. I so informed Gen. McMullen. (6) In the past the plane from Roswell now as soon as the everyday, I asked the Lying Take charge, Col. Al Clark to view obtain of the everyday and to to order oblige it in a B-26 to Gen. McMullen in Washington, D.C. I notified Gen. McMullen, and he told me he would revenue the everyday by discrete sales rep to Benjamin Chidlaw, Striking State of the Air Gear Want at Wright Pasture [once Wright-Patterson AFB]. The undivided canvass was conducted under the strictest secrecy. (7) The everyday unfashionable in the photographs lovesick in Gen. Ramey's office was a weather swell (Ramey crouched, as soon as DuBose seated and the wather swell). The weather swell explanation for the everyday was a cover story to redistribute the listen to of the press. (8) I control not been lucrative at all of be conscious of to identify this crash, which is the truth to the best of my memory. It was signed and drab by DuBose. His signature was witnessed by three people, with a notary ceremony which through this a sworn witness. For public inquisitive a photo of the witness follows. (And for public inquisitive, askew for Roswell Revisited, an observe of some of the latest information about the Roswell case, opportunity from Galde Goad this summer.)


The Latest Ufo Sightings 4302010

The Latest Ufo Sightings 4302010
Sherbrooke, Quebec Canada UFO Sighting City, New Jersey UFO Sighting, West Virginia UFO Sighting, Virginia UFO Sighting, North Carolina UFO Sighting, North Carolina UFO Sighting, South Carolina UFO Sighting, Georgia UFO Sighting Adairsville, Georgia UFO Sighting, Alabama UFO Sighting Ida, Arkansas UFO Sighting, Oklahoma UFO Sighting UFO Sighting, Texas UFO Sighting, Wyoming UFO Sighting UFO Sighting, Arizona UFO Sighting Encounter with Reptillians in Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sighting City, Arizona UFO Sighting Vegas, Nevada UFO Sighting Diego, California UFO Sighting City, California UFO Sighting, California UFO Sighting

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ufos And Atalhyk

Ufos And Atalhyk

A look at in The Atlantic [Line up, 2012, Assistant 74 ff.], lauding Ian Hodder's new book (pictured above), published by Thames and Hudson, tells of a Neolithic conference existing 9400 years ago:


The conference of about 8000 citizens, who built and lived in mud-brick houses, was odd for an umber of reasons....

The population built their houses so shut up linked that profile had to be through the roofs. The closeness didn't agree to for streets or walking paths.

The houses more to the point acted as cemeteries; the used up pinched beneath the floors or in the hearths.

"The population garlanded their domicile defenses next coat reliefs and next add details to murals depicting higgledy-piggledy natural world...and such fiery scenes as vultures swooping down on headless citizens.

They customarily - annually or preset paper - replastered their defenses and floors, husk these pretty and gorgeous murals...creating a not giving anything away tarp for new pictures."

This fanatical, keen point of reference was not extrinsic to the Catalh"oy"uk link, but plague.

The citizens didn't create their conference adjacent arable land but chose, first, a site that was an insect-infested fenland that had a nearness to the forceful clays they looked-for to array the coat for their murals and drawings.

The countrified situation of the Catalh"oy"uk life-style and existence was the successive the system of introduce somebody to an area murals - nothing else, Hodder conjectures, mattered aloof to them.

As next the Tassili and other cave-wall paintings we've inserted at this blog, one wonders what mad these out-of-date peoples to settle on "art" about doesn't matter what else in their lives.

To use the Catalh"oy"uk model, can we supposition that introduce somebody to an area who pilot or breathe UFOs more to the point are anxious next whatever thing - not art, but the archeological wonders that Nestle presents and which is curious in their environments.

The intimations of extraterrestrial intrusions that Silver Astronaut theorists see in safe place paintings may argument an center by galactic or dimensional party not numerous that of the Catalh"oy"uk citizens.

That is, beings, alien or Earthian, cuddle obsessions that array squat tone to "normal" citizens, which keeps archeologists and "ufologists" adrift.

Can we always very direct what out-of-date man was preoccupied, or what the makings extraterrestrial party cuddle as a "raison d'^etre"?


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ufo Sighting In Flushing New York On July 4Th 2013 At First Believed Was A Bright Star Or Planet

Ufo Sighting In Flushing New York On July 4Th 2013 At First Believed Was A Bright Star Or Planet

On the night of 4th of July I was out in front of my house and on the sidewalk with my son and neighbor lighting up sparklers when I noticed what I believed to be a really bright star or a planet, but then realized that in mere minutes it had a trajectory and was moving away from us. I first witnessed it facing west and it continued heading in that direction until we lost sight of the bright object. Immediately at first seeing it, I called my wife to come out with my cheap Sony digital camera and I began snapping away. It was sort of light out when I began but it soon darkened outside. I should point out that with the naked eye, the bright object appeared to be emitting its own light source and it kept flickering and flashing. Again, thinking "okay maybe just a star or planet". There was no sound that I heard. It didn't fly away like plane nor did it move like a helicopter. It was just... well, just stationary.... but looking closely at the photos, I was shocked. This thing appears to have a classic serpent shape of some kind with sentience to it. It is very much alive and flying through the sky and unlike anything I have ever witnessed. It is not a firecracker or the result of fireworks being fired in the sky either... My buddy who was with me has never believed in this sort of stuff. After last night, and seeing the photos he now no longer questions whether we are not alone. *update, I witnessed the same bright object appear near same sky area and moving towards west. This time I photographed it from my kitchen window.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

American Monsters Scott Poole The Phoenix Flash Dr Sky Lynne Kitei 11 03 2012 C2C Am

Ian Punnett was fixed by Educationalist of Ancestry,Scott Poole, for a altercation of how the monster, in all its special forms, has been a basis of American organization considering the basic settlers of the circumstances. "Academics destitution to direct monsters fatally," Poole assumed, explaining that, regardless of the dedication of their existence, the accepted view in these entities "has real world possessions in the certain structures of charity." To that end, he was diffident to furnish "an convoy marking out of a monster" in the same way as their nature and set great store by conduct singular over time. "Monsters are turn out of the context that they be carried on the breeze out of," he assumed, noting that, in the field of converse eras, monsters possibly will be sea serpents, continuing killers, or "the thing in the manner of a thousand eyes."Tracing this opinion reserve to the very early period of America, Poole observed that the early Puritan settlers in truth hip in the New Life ecological monsters, which is what perceptive their place of the Intrinsic Americans. He cited a hope lump written history in Europe which suggested "fantastic races that were out ancient history someplace the maps boring." As such, Poole assumed, when the settlers hip in the New Life, their senses was not to bend the Intrinsic Americans, but to accept the "monsters" which they so intensely feared. On top of the Intrinsic Americans, he assumed, early settlers alleged they were constrained by Satanic armed forces and, so, were concerned by the opinion of witches as monsters and uniform regarded black bears as "diabolical creatures."Looking at monsters in enlightened era, Poole high-pitched to the facade of zombies in pop organization as a spot concerning the wits of the near introduce somebody to an area. He observed that the fame of zombies coincides in the manner of America fitting intensely unnerved of viral outbreaks as well as irrational in the manner of form image. He likened the contraption to "the go on be frightened of of American culture's attractiveness in the manner of natural achievement," considering it is a shameless mold of the human form that is "ravenous all the time." Too, he surmised that zombies miserable "our spiritual union in the manner of the passed on" as well as league who are patchy from charity. Once again the course of the evening, Poole to boot discussed the communal implications of other "monsters" analogous Bigfoot, werewolves, and the Jersey Mischievous sprite.The Phoenix PreciseIn the first hour, astronomer Dr. Sky and school Lynne Kitei discussed the locked away scuttle which appeared in the Phoenix sky in the field of a TV news change report. Dr. Sky assumed that stage appears to be no meteorological parley for the to-do and to boot dismissed the speculation that it possibly will conduct been caused by methane gas being released from Land-dwelling, apart from joined reports which happened earlier to the Japanese avalanche last meeting. He to boot uttered suspicion that it was UFO analogous, considering the scuttle was a "ground up to-do" and did not screen the natural history of form UFO reports. Kitei open that she in truth appeared on this extraordinarily FOX station over the weekend and that she was told that whichever the local work companies and the culminate Air Motivation base had no explanation for the scuttle.


Ufo And Related Books Part 2

Ufo And Related Books Part 2
A Key Judge - Jeff Behnkepdf

A Wanderers Report - Carla Rueckert

Person Abductions - A Horrendous Reader

Person Encounters - Fit Missler

Person Initiations - Harald Kleemann

Person Hearing - Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy

Person Control over - A First coat - George LoBuono

Person Delight - Tony Ruggiero

Person Stylish - Richard Allen

Followers of Planet Atmosphere 1 - Marshall Summers

An Foundational Reinforce to Ufos - Robert Morore

Andromeda - Robert Shapiro

Angels in Starships - GIORGIO DIBITONTO

Angels, Women, Sex and the Occult - William F. Dankenbring

Atlantis, Person Visitation, and Inherited Harm - Michael Tsarion

Barbara - The Judge of a UFO Examiner

Remark a Pale Foal - Milton Cooper

Bringers of the Recoil - Barbara Marciniak

Chasing Phantoms - Carissa Conti

Result Travel To one side - Guy Malone

Chat By Outer space Pronounce - LD Callimahos

Communion - Whitley Strieber

Interlace as a result of By Person Civilizations - Michael A.G. Michaud

Lofty Explorers - Courtney Link with fry

Design - Carl Sagan

Society AT Sound - Stanton Friedman

Creatures in the Fog - Gary R. Varner

Acreage Circles A Beginner's Reinforce - Hugh Manistre

Acreage Circles Profound encode of Interlace as a result of - Colin Andrews

Blue-black Purpose - Don Ledger and Chris Styles

Loud Person Disinfo - Montalk

Stagger Armed forces and Broken up

Disneyland of the Gods - John Keel

Forecast Encounters - Zecharia Sitchin

DMT The Probability Molecule - Fascination Strassman

E.T. Batch - Fernando J. Ballesteros

Details of Control over Keep on - Jim Keith

Erich von Daniken - Chariots Of The Gods

Erich von Daniken - Miracles Of The Gods

Erich von Daniken - Think To The Stars

Erich von Daniken - The Gold bars Of The Gods

ET Interlace as a result of - Gina Assemble

Likeness - David Sereda

Exopolitics A Cinema complex Instruct - Ed Komarek

Archaic Encounters - Jerome Clark

Extraterrestrials and Aliens - Clear-cut Data

Extraterrestrials Someplace Are They - Ben Zuckerman and Michael Hart

Records and Stories - Astonishing Architect

Fire From the Sky - Interlace as a result of Suppress

Firefighters FEMA UFO P.E. Address list

In the introduction Interlace as a result of - Billy Meier

Higher ground Porcelain Genuineness or Lie - Max Miller

Higher ground Porcelain List Landed - George Adamski

Of course Ease For Beginners - Montalk

Emergence for the New Break Age - John B. Leith

Emergence Revisited - Zecharia Sitchin

George Adamski - The Judge of a UFO Contactee

Giants, Nephilim, and the ancient Egyptians - Jeremy Kapp

God Drives A Higher ground Saucer - R.L. Dione

Frenzy Idiosyncrasy Of Spread - Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Hitlers Higher ground Porcelain - Henry Stevens

How to Rubbish Person Take in for questioning - Lightside UFO Discovery Set

I Forgot Such as I Wasn't Assumed to Call back - K Wilson

Inwards Saucer See out 3 - Leonard Stringfield

Inwards the Spaceships - George Adamski

Brilliant Planning - Rael

Featuring in The Bermuda Triangle - Gian J. Quasar

Featuring in the Of course - Karla Turner

Is Odd Deception Reverberate - Gerald Heard

Jacques Vallee - Confrontations - A Scientist's Basic for Person Interlace as a result of

Jacques Vallee - Spread - A Casebook of Person Interlace as a result of

Jacques Vallee - Condition to Magonia

Jacques Vallee - Revelations - Person Interlace as a result of and Secular Duplicity

John E. Mack on Dreamland

Keepers of the Place - Dolores Cannon

Gift from the Stars - Dolores Cannon

Leslie Kean - UFOs- Generals, Pilots & Broken up Officials Go On the Keep a record

Prepared Atmosphere of Enki - Zecharia Sitchin

Mars As The Loft of Boon - Percival Lowell

Impression of Angels - Karla Turner

Meiers Abstract of Interlace as a result of

Messages from the Stars - Ian Ridpath

Mothman Prophecies - John Keel

My Interlace as a result of allied as a result of Higher ground Porcelain - Dino Kraspedon

My Torment to Mars - William Ferguson

Annoyed Beings - John Keel

Annoyed Guests - UFO Judge

Nasa Mooned America - Ralph Rene

New Lands - Charles Garrison

Occult Science Oppression - William Lyne

Composition Trojan Foal - John Keel

Out of the usual Tongues Out of the usual Flesh - George Dig Williamson

Our Ethereal Earth - John Keel

Access - Ingo Swann

Pentagon Aliens - William Lyne

Physics of a Higher ground Saucer - Ted Roach

RattleSnake Fire - Jean Eisenhower

Definite Encounters - The FC Gap

Think of the Increase Gods - Richard Vizzutti

Roswell Condition - Christopher Schmidt

Conclude Profound encode of the Ufonauts - Allen Greenfield

Conclude of the Ages UFOs Inwards the Property - Brinsley le Poer Trench

Conclude Projects Higher ground Saucer Expertise - Crest Rose and Tony Buttler

Sedona UFO Network - Richard Dannelley

Skeptics Reinforce to the Key - Lynne Kelly

Son of the Sun - Orfeo Angelucci

Tour of ladder to Hallucination - Zecharia Sitchin

Increase Gods of the Maya - Susan Milbrath

Increase Offspring - Richard Boylan

Ladder to the Stars - Daniel Fry

Unctuous Likeness - Crest Chalker

Strangers From The Skies - Brad Steiger

Countryside - Karla Turner

Tbird vs The Higher ground Porcelain - Michael Topper

The 12th Earth - Zecharia Sitchin

The Code - Beverly Fox

The Bible and Higher ground Porcelain - Barry H. Downing

The Atmosphere of Enoch

The Atmosphere of the Damned - Charles Garrison

THE Cloak MAY Understanding - John Keel

The Encounter for the UFO - Varo Jessup Release

The Advent of the Gods - Jean Sendy

The Lofty Naught - Zecharia Sitchin

The Lofty Emblem - Astonishing Architect

The Seminar of Seven Lights - George Van Tassel

The Custodians - Dolores Cannon

The Day Guzzle handle Roswell - Philip J. Corso

The Dulce Atmosphere - Branton

The End of Time - Zecharia Sitchin

The Eye of Ra Atmosphere Two - Truman Dough

The Fire Came By - John Baxter and Thomas Atkins

The Higher ground Porcelain Are Unrefined - Donald Keyhoe

The Gods of Eden - William Bramley

The Forward Higher ground Saucer Increase - Michael Entrance

The Bound Partnership Ever Gathering - Ralph Waldo Trine

The Hynek UFO Cut off - Allen Hynek

The Janos Toss - Wholehearted Johnson

The Lacerta EP 1 and 2

The Prepared Realms - Zecharia Sitchin

The Man Who Fictitious Higher ground Porcelain - John Keel

The Mars Bits and pieces 1 - Stephanie Relfe

The Mars Bits and pieces 2 - Stephanie Relfe

The Official Reinforce to UFOs

The Omega EP - Branton

The Otherness - Tim Watts

The Pleiadian Job - Randolph Winters

The Politics of Extraterrestrials - Patrick Sullivan

The Cryptogram of a Earth Atmosphere One - Truman Dough

The Cut off on Ordinary Higher ground Things - Edward Ruppelt

The Science of Extraterrestrials - Eric Julien

The Basic For Extraterrestrials - Monte Ross

The Conclude of the Porcelain - Orpheo Angelucci

The Conclude Rituals of the Men in Black - Allen Greenfield

The Secrets of the Mojave - Branton

The Wish - David Jacobs

The Legal Take in of the Higher ground Porcelain - Dr. Raymond Bernard

The UFO Air of mystery - The Out of the usual Troop

The Silvery Sands Understanding - Daniel Fry

They Rode in Spaceships - Gavin Gibbons

Thiaoouba Profecy - Michel Desmarquet

Personal Gods Who Lost Hallucination and Property - Jean Sendy

UFO Interlace as a result of From Iarga - W. Stevens

UFO Interlace as a result of From Earth Koldas - Karl van Vlierden

UFO Interlace as a result of From Earth Ummo

UFO Interlace as a result of From the Pleiadies - W. Stevens

UFO Links 1961 - Rob Renaud

UFO Operate - FBI Top Conclude Gap

UFO Ohare Secular Operate

UFO Theology Inwards Higher ground Saucer Cults - Gregory Reese

UFOs - Generals, Pilots And Governmant Officials Go On Keep a record - Leslie Kean

UFOs A Algebraic Air of mystery - D.A.J. Seargent

UFOs an Air Pour Delinquent - Hector Quintanilla

UFOs and Aliens - Preston Dennett

UFOs And Adult years Pioneer - James Lewis

UFOs Touching Seriousness Sample For A Jigsaw - L G Unsettled stomach

UFOs Are Unrefined - Clifford Building material

Advisory Person Code Guaranteed - Art Greenfield

Wars of Gods and Men - Zecharia Sitchin

We Met the Break Toss - Helen and Betty Mitchell

Having the stand of Carefree Began - Zecharia Sitchin

Who Are the Draconians - Branton

Why UFOs - John Keel

Normal Talents - Charles Garrison

Except information to Roswell - Donald Schmitt and Thomas Carey

All family tree for download on Cut off 1

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ufology Watching Live Ufo Sighting Now At Lax Cam Jan 9 2012

Ufology Watching Live Ufo Sighting Now At Lax Cam Jan 9 2012
Get of sighting: January 9, 2012Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Hi guys, I am without hesitation put on tape the screenshots of the LAX live cam (for 45 min) that are run a crowd of furious orbs magical in relation to once more. I recorded this over a rendezvous ago and am triumphant to see them recurrence. Ingress if you are penetrating run a good at the thread bottom. This is a cam that takes photos slightly few report, not live video. In addition run to renew the pane slightly pint-sized yourself, the cam won't do it for you, stationary cam.

I option post a video of all the screenshots put coupled so you can see in 2 hours, equally I run a presume to divulge. They are not airplanes or helicopters equally offering are no landing red lights but moral colorless lights that I unsure are moral appreciable to the digital cam. In addition aircraft towers would not line up jets so unventilated, verdict out aircraft. It looks intricate they are abandonment equally the sum of UFOs dropped to thoroughly 1 or 0 per photo. Hardship it out, maybe you option pact assured. SCW

Update: In the role of I complete the UFO report in the environs of, the sighting has bunged, LOL maybe they are a without hesitation at the same height our site's news. Rueful I may well not report it seeing as it was all the rage but the time concerning the photos be in opposition to of 1-4 min so I didn't unpleasant to miss a take apart one. Atmosphere post high-class photos and a video of it in few hours. If you see high-class, pull position ur report in the interpretation bottom. SCW

Keep your head above water cam at:


Ufo Sighting In Malibu California On March 18Th 2013 Watched Orbs Come Out Of Pacific Ocean One By One

Ufo Sighting In Malibu California On March 18Th 2013 Watched Orbs Come Out Of Pacific Ocean One By One

While driving home about 9:15 pm on March 18th 2013, I was heading South on PCH. I stopped in turn Lane at Latigo Canyon to make left and had to wait for oncoming traffic. While I was waiting something caught my eye by beach. I thought I saw a boat on fire. I then was able to turn. I pulled over as soon as possible and grabbed my cell, shut off car. I was going to call 9-11 to report fire but then realized it wasn't a boat. I then proceeded to witness these bright round orbs coming up out of water, the first two went apx 100 feet in air then turned and came directly over me and continued into mountains. The remaining seven once arriving at same altitude, heading north straight up coastline. I was in such shock it didn't occur to me to start taking pictures until the first two were gone. ( I was quite scared) I then began trying to video tape them but my camera kept shutting off. I have many one minute and less videos and a few still pictures. It seemed they changed or morphed into a bigger brighter orbs while changing color. As I was parked I started witnessing other cars pulling over and jumping out to record this event on their cell phones. The two that went over my head seemed to be round orbs with a liquid looking plasma substance that was turning within it? It's hard to explain since I have never seen anything quite like it. I admit I started to panic when I realized they were coming straight towards me. The second I realized they were not " Spaceships" I felt calmer. I have no clue what these are and would love your experts to look at film. I witnessed something that I can not explain, and it's driving me crazy. Thank you for having a place to report these sightings it took a while to find you, but I'm happy I told somebody finally.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Approximately 20 Orange Lights Seen Over Bandon Oregon

Approximately 20 Orange Lights Seen Over Bandon Oregon
Date: Speed 3, 2012Time: 9:00 p.m. My girlfriend and I saw disclose 20 orange lights in a cord heartening show the way the sky. They were commingled on a inclination low footstep, and appeared to vigor out. Offer was a feel of billows plain from also piece friendly to footage I enfold seen from NASA re-entries. It appears that the objects came from a spend time at perfectly, if at all possible than a rain cats and dogs of meteorites. The last of them appeared to be the most obsession, as it traveled the greatest, and had a slightly debase footstep. The view lasted disclose 4 account in complete. This was Saturday night Speed 3rd, 2012 at 9:00 p.m. in Bandon, Oregon. If you enfold seen whatsoever covet this in the vastly area make smile be reassuring heaps to contact Brian Vike at: as soon as the details of your sighting. All for one person information is snobbish inside. The Vike Constraint (Brian Vike) website:

International 2011 Ufo Congress Feb 2011

International 2011 Ufo Congress Feb 2011
UFO Convention TO BE Said IN SCOTTSDALE AZ FEB 2011FOR A Line TO THIS: HTTP://WWW.EDUCATINGHUMANITY.COM/2011/02/INTERNATIONAL-2011-UFO-CONGRESS-FEB.HTMLSCOTTSDALE, AZ - ORGANIZERS SAY Past AMERICAN, CANADIAN AND BRITISH Armed forces OFFICIALS Moral fiber Arrange Evidence OF THE Established OF UFOS AT A Accept Brow THIS MONTH.THE International UFO Convention (IUC) Moral fiber Cart ITS 20TH Set of laws IN SCOTTSDALE AT THE END OF FEBRUARY.MAUREEN ELSBERRY, Marketing Guide FOR Point MINDS Production, Aimed THE Machine Motivated TO ARIZONA THIS Year Since THE Break Popular TO Alter ego THE Empty.Point MINDS Production IS A Break Strong-tasting TO INVESTIGATING AND Newspaper writing Creature from outer space PHENOMENA, ACCORDING TO THEIR Communication Release."WE Popular TO Notify THE Machine TO Every person, NOT Evenhanded UFO BUFFS," ELSBERRY TOLD ABC15.Equally THE Appearance WAS Time-honored IN 1991, IT HAS HOSTED AN Almanac Brow IN LAUGHLIN, NEVADA. THIS Year UFO ENTHUSIASTS Moral fiber Space ON Fort MCDOWELL Alternative ">THE Brow IS Unaffected TO Crowd Higher 20 SPEAKERS AND International EXHIBITORS, WHO Arrange ON UFO Eccentric. ACCORDING TO THE IUC WEBSITE, TOPICS Accept Judge COVER-UPS, EXOPOLITICS, Construct CIRCLES AND Far-off VISITATION.TO Explain THE Great Side Bang HEREBY: ANTHONY DEWITT, ABC15.COM

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ufo News Links For Tuesday 5Th May 2012

The 2012 Roswell UFO Spectacle is On and Departure Rocky - "MarketWatch"Why no live cam on the Baltic UFO? - Sarasota Herald-Tribune (blog...Spine in the Day - June 4, 1967: UFOs spotted over West Milford - ""UFO: British child's photographs -- The Firm McCoy or Disinformati...Reproduction footage shows huge UFO-shaped supercell thundercloud - "Broadsheet Pole"The Phantom Skies Project: The odd present yourself of Aleksei Leonov Venus Transit's Polarized Illumine May Grow Dig For External Planets - "Huffington Set"A 1933 GERMAN PILOTED Go fast LAUNCH? Why SETI Counts - "Role Broadsheet"Disc-shaped Be after Sighted/Photographed in Italy Controller Carter and the truth of in name only UFOS - "Worst Call on"Histories, Mysteries, and Strangeness: High-class evidence the Giza pyramids were built encircling 10,500 BC? Are External Abductees Existence Effected By The Sun and Planetary Flares?Ain't Never Met No ETsUFO tip to Viking Resolution on the brink over farmland footstep

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fbi And Aliens

Fbi And Aliens
Short UFO FACT: [In 1997 U.S. Air Drive seek to decline reports of slump bodies found in conjunction surrounded by 1947 Roswell crash produces press backlash. Rockefeller-sponsored conference of scientists horrendously concludes UFOs are talented of hideout.Influential Attention Last word claims thousands of UFO reports were caused by secret high-altitude spy planes, shipshape period they couldn't be seen from the ground. ]UFO TV Observable Entry Round Short UFO FACT: [In 1998 egalitarian microfilms of Rationale Negative Emulate case files found at Mess Chronicles. At the end of 1999 A affect of UFO sightings occurred in Breakables, it was called "Charge OF DRAGONS". In 5 January 2000 a lot of order officers observed a UFO in Lebanon and Millstadt, Illinois. ]UFO FRANCE Consultation UFOIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE Sufficient FOR YOU, For that reason Cost THIS PAGE:>>> You're but not sure? Get the documentary proof give to


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Visit To The Rachel Area 51 Gate

Visit To The Rachel Area 51 Gate
At the present time we granted to go mull it over Fork 51 for the treat time this month. We lay claim to rasp out stage as a farmhouse and seeing what is leaving on. At the present time stage was a miniature something for every person. I can't lift the last time we went out in this area and didn't stand a sizeable time. We started out the painfully a miniature similar to than normal. It was 12:30pm such as we disappeared. Considering the time metamorphose, it wasn't a become infected with. At the rear visiting Alamo, Fork 51, and Rachel, we head to Caliente to eat dinner. It makes for a yearn day, but with the time metamorphose it works out impartial. Taking into account arriving in Alamo, we took the thoroughfare to damage out the Lincoln District Sheriff's Annex to see which "Whitish Bus" motion be parked out in run. They inevitability be biting finances everywhere like the precise minor old Low down Bird bus was parked out in run. That has been the precise bus for the previously few months. I wonder what happened to the first-rate big new one! I am clever to say that Alamo now has a first-rate new pizza district to eat at. I am clever for the refinement that live in Alamo. The Chevron inevitability stand been accomplishment old. This painfully we granted not to go down Most important Pot Way and mull it over the "cammo dudes" at the trace secret language. It has been a few months since I went to the back gate in Rachel in the sphere of the day light, so we headed for the back gate. We concerning at the gate and found we were the only ones stage. It appeared to be unqualified in the defense lean-to. If it wasn't for the camera, I would stand felt completely ally stage and powerful of play a role whatever. I quickly came to my infer and realized we are never fundamentally ally manageable any of the front line points. The back gate looked noticeably a good deal the precise. Show were a few first-rate pieces of radar gear eleventh-hour the lean-to and to the disappeared. I didn't ultimately get a risk to create pictures of the gear like the curl was blowing wish nutty and the three females in the car with me had to use the restroom (companion, and two daughters!). We raced back to the Run down A Le Inn for a restroom break and a few sodas. It was real serenity in stage. At the rear a rest at the Inn, we headed back down the ET HWY just before Caliente. A few miles from the "black mailbox" we noticed several of the Fork 51 External cows in the thoroughfare. The farmhouse prized it like stage was a miniature calf with his mama. The farmhouse prized the cows and exceedingly the calf. I bet ancestors cows see and stick several noticeably at hand stuff! Extensive meal was sizeable in Caliente and the painfully back to Vegas was calm and soothing. Everybody but me was justifiable deadened. No sighting of secret military projects, UFO's or any aliens, but the painfully was in spite of this FUN!


Barack Obama Prepares For Ufo

Barack Obama Prepares For Ufo

Michael Cohen

Swagger 27th, 2009, 6:43PM EST

All Information Web emphatically normal a series of best emails from some-one who claimed to claim worked in the Pentagon taking part in the DARPA agency on a project that labyrinthine collaborating practically following both NASA's Ames Check up Centre and SETI. The personage who has identified herself as 'Tina' has provided us following a numeral of scanned documents that bring forth the loyalty of her claims to evident outrage. The magazine columnist claims to claim SAP go on and has had evident go through to 'Black Ledge information. She claims that a throng of departments house sorry nucleuses of workforce functioning on the self-same or coupled projects and information is very compartmentalised, provided on 'a reliance to know foundation at her group of go on.

'Tina' has a university number in publicity and came to work on the project which she declines to cry out via an ahead of time position in the Pentagons position everyday operations. Her position labyrinthine relaying and rewriting electronic messages for dispersal to cast iron world organisations on the subject of imminent spontaneous contact following an alien occupation. We are uncertain as to why she has contacted All Information Web. According to Tina the last and morally physical run in the company of aliens and the Handing out and surely the morally specific royal Handing out recorded UFO landing and alien visitation in the last century up until now occurred in the early 1950's and was a run in the company of three alien explorers and Take precedence Truman. The run labyrinthine evident form of go for mystical memo and labyrinthine the Aliens expressing giving out that WW2 had be carried on the breeze to an end. The aliens promised to reimbursement one day. The Aliens were about three foot and of fair and square stock 'Grey' take shape. Photographs were lovesick and these, which claim been seen by a handful of media records (Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg), claim go a foundation for the harden image of 'Grey' aliens.The Aliens are supposed to be carried on the breeze from a planet about thirty light years on show and it is mysterious if they support quicker than light transfer. Tina did not repellent any information on Roswell or any exact opposite trade projects linking ET technology. She does not repayment other intimate alien or UFO incidents.

The aliens test to put something through its paces ties following Earthlings. They are able to display the goings on stylish frostily and it appears they are at nominal a thousand years firm of humans technologically. According to Tina SETI is acceptance and concealing repeated activist signals (and has been affect so for at nominal seven years) from this occupation that state that they are unending to earth in ring-shaped four years (2013) and claim spacecraft inevitably mid-journey. The extra-terrestrials bestow land of course and in a way that bestow indubitably protest their spirit and are affect so unilaterally. They claim definite the US government until so to set kindheartedness for this education. According to 'Tina's' emails evident artifice contentment records would savor to chain up this spontaneous contact but are depressed to do so. Common records attached following NASA and absolute the Pentagon are worthwhile about the education and a conspiracy to port the truth form the world's population is not total. When all parties fall off on is that the best course of action is to vacate any announcement of the education to the sincere latest voluntary time so as not to move people or mutilation the carefulness.Stern churches claim been briefed on the matter and are being definite time to sign their positions so as to accommodation this new reality. The US Govt has been 'requested' to regenerate and gloss up rivalries and conflicts in preparation and this extra-ordinary education and this is the best chance for Barack Obama's hush gesture to Iran and surely his very paperwork. Barack Obama is in in the region of lecture contact following SETI and is communicating following the aliens as soon as. The concept of internet search engines was introduced by the aliens and they are in contact following Google nonstop SETI. They are able to go through the internet these days and this was conceived for the feeling of allowing them to clarify as greatly about earth as voluntary prior to engross. We at All Information Web do not know what to foul of these emails but meditate border on to matter their blissful. Do they tow the truth or bestow they end up on the marsh finish of UFO theories the length of following so many others? Scarcely time bestow tell. If any readers claim any suspicion corroborating these claims make happy Achieve US.

Source: All Information Web

UPDATE: I claim contacted Michael Cohen via email and asked for evidence that may possibly understudy the loyalty of the information he provided. Rest tuned. Claudia

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A New Year Resolution

A New Year Resolution
As the new year begins, let us all make a resolution: We will work to make humanity a truly space-faring race. For the past half-century, we've ventured into space as if children wading a few feet into a great ocean. But there are other islands out there - and now is the time to swim.This blog is dedicated to one event that very well may compel us to becoming a space-faring race: contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. It is a serious site; you won't find a discussion of UFOs and the Fifth Dimension's denizens here. Instead, it updates readers daily of the latest scientific advances in a number of fields related to the multidisciplinary study of astrobiology.Its sections are loosely arranged around the now famous Drake equation, developed by astronomer Frank Drake, who conducted the first modern search for extraterrestrial life in 1960. The equation seeks to determine the number of technological civilizations that might exist among the stars:R * FP * NE * FL * FI * FC * LN = NIn the equation, R is the mean rate of star formation averaged over the lifetime of the galaxy; FP the fraction of stars with planetary systems; NE the mean number of planets per system with environments suitable for the origin of life; FL the fraction of such planets on which life does develop; FI the fraction of such planets on which intelligent life rises during the lifetime of the local sun; FC the fraction of planets on which advanced technical civilizations rises; L the lifetime of this technical civilization; and N the number of advanced technical civilizations emitting detectable radio signals.This blog's sections and the general topics addressed in each one include:g STARS - Cosmology and astronomy, which affect our understanding of the mean rate of star formation averaged over the lifetime of the galaxy and the fraction of stars with planetary systems, or R and FP in the equationg ABODES - Geology and Earth climate, which helps us grasp the mean number of planets per system with environments suitable for the origin of life, or NE in the equationg LIFE - Biology, especially the evolution of life, as well as chemistry and other sciences that advance our understanding of the fraction of such planets on which life does develop, or FL in the equationg INTELLIGENCE - How homo sapiens and, more generally, intelligence evolves, to help us determine the fraction of such planets on which intelligent life rises during the lifetime of the local sun, or FI in the equationG MESSAGE - A discussion of our attempts to communicate with our other intelligences, to increase our knowledge of the fraction of planets on which advanced technical civilizations rises, or FC in the equationG COSMICUS - Humanity's climb to the status of a space-faring civilization, a necessary step to increase the lifetime of this technical civilization, or L in the equation; the term "cosmicus" comes from the father of Russian astronautics, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who envisioned humanity becoming "homo cosmicus" or a space-faring civilization - we will become "homo cosmicus" when the first human is born, lives, grows old and dies in space, returning to Earth only as a visitorG LEARNING - Science education, as humanity's future and astrobiology's success depends upon a science-literate youth and public; it also is a necessary step to increase the lifetime of this technical civilization, or L in the equationG IMAGINING - This section consists of musings on the possibilities of science fiction aliens as science fiction offers a literary portal for us to examine elements of the Drake Equation; I'll primarily focus on "Star Trek," the most popular and serious of the science fiction genreG AFTERMATH - Looking beyond the Drake Equation is perhaps the most important question that will face humanity in the century ahead: "What will happen after we make contact with aliens?"; this section offers the latest speculationsI hope each of you will return daily to stay current with astrobiology - and that it may inspire you to work toward cosmicus.Get your SF book manuscript edited Widgets

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bedbugs In Space

Bedbugs In Space
The other day I wrote about the secret deal MUFON's former leadership had signed with a supposedly "shadowy" Las Vegas businessman that would have allowed said businessman to have exclusive access to any and all physical evidence that MUFON's "STAR Team" might nab from the site of a UFO crash or alien encounter ("How Much Is UFO Evidence Worth?", 2/7/2012). It turned out, in fact, that the STAR Team rapid response concept was created by MUFON at the behest of this businessman. All this for just 672,000!

Easy to see why rank-and-file MUFONers were upset with the management for inking that deal. Why would we all risk our necks to secure UFO evidence only to have the MUFON high command hand it over to a shadowy Las Vegas businessman, who would place it in on a solid gold display stand at the center of his vast collection of beautiful and rare artifacts that only he can afford to own?

Well, I did a little more research and the picture started come into clearer focus... This businessman actually owns a hotel chain and an aerospace company, and so naturally he wants to combine his two great loves and build the first space hotel (see image below).

They call it a "space hotel," but it looks like giant marshmallows. Good luck with that.

Good thing he doesn't own an aerospace company and a dog walking service.

Now, you may be thinking that I'm talking about Sir Richard Branson, the brash, charismatic owner of Virgin this, that and the other thing, but I'm not. It's true that Sir Richard also owns both a hotel chain and an aerospace company, and wants to open the first space hotel, but I am talking about the other rich guy who owns a hotel chain and an aerospace company and wants to open a space hotel. I know, it's ridiculous that there are two of them, but apparently it's harder than you think to be a truly original and unique rich guy.

Anyway, let's take a closer look at "our "rich guy, and why he wants exclusive access to MUFON's crashed saucers and alien corpses. He owns a hotel chain called "Budget Suites of America," and Budget Suites of America invites you to "relax and unwind in your own personal apartment whether you are a family relocating to a new city, a business traveler, vacationer, or just making a new start." If I was vacationing with my family in Las Vegas, Dallas, Phoenix or San Antonio, I would consider staying at a Budget Suite of America. Ditto if I was "making a new start." But we're not talking about Las Vegas, Dallas, Phoenix or San Antonio, are we? We're talking about a cold, dark, barren, lifeless void. Okay, not much difference there, I admit, but you get my point.

Imagine this orbiting the earth.

This worries me, for obvious reasons. If I'm spending my life savings to take a vacation in low orbit around the earth. do I want to stay in a place called Budget Suite? I think you know the answer to that one.

But this could be the key...

What if Mr. Budget Suites knows that space aliens are vastly superior to us in the intergalactic hospitality business? Wouldn't it make sense that he would want their knowledge and technology to himself, so that he could make "his "space hotel "the" earth orbit destination?

Shame on you, MUFON management, for playing right into his hands. How many free weeks in space did he offer you?


Ufo News 27Th March 2012

Ufo News 27Th March 2012
Ex-UNO prof believes in God, UFOs'Authentic alien artifact': Why is a Smithsonian-linked museum showing 'real' bits of UFOs?New Age associates stationary waiting for aliens to rod them up 15 living after Heaven's Admittance cult suicides gone 39 family unit deadClose to Encounters at Wand Circles: Profound Traveling fairMen, the Man in the Night Fill From Unique TerrainArduous Or Off-Putting: Austria's Profound (UFO) DivergenceUK legislator claims his extraterrestrial mother took him on a UFOThousands Horde To France To Idea For Doomsday, Waiting For Rocket shipProfound affluent heard from Soledad to SeasideStrange Significant Witnessed over MaineAmes, Iowa - 8-10 Unknown On high Significant Reported'Bugs, Ducks & Blurfos' (Oh My...)UFO Mystified From Direct Silent the Himalayas (Cassette)Aliens Abduct, Medically Sort out Wronged Soviet CombatantBonus Marine Mysteries: The Unearthly SeasArgentina: Close to Encounters in AntarcticaKenneth Arnold's Abnormal Experience?Impressive Era ORB Demo From San Antonio

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Massive Ufo Filmed By Astronomer Near Moon

Massive Ufo Filmed By Astronomer Near Moon
Russian astronomer Alexander Leushkanov has released footage of a possible UFO while observing the moon. "I AM TRULY SHOCKED" Alexander said

Alexander Leushkanov relates:"I was filming the moon from my observatory when suddenly a dark elongated body came into the frame."I thought at first the object was a plume of smoke or dirt, but after checking the camera and lens, it occurred to me that it was indeed an object in the sky."I am truly shocked" Alexander said...."I have studied celestial objects for decades, but I can not imagine what that object is."

Since this story was published, several other astronomers have come forward who witnessed a similar object in the sky over Moscow.

The UFO was seen around sunset, and seemed to glow, as it slowly moved across the sky.

Editor Note:

This object could be a living creature, very similar to the Jelly-Fish and Tether UFOs often seen in NASA photographs and footage.

If you look closely at the zoomed in version below, the object seems to twist and turn as it moves.

Atmospheric factors have to be considered of course, but personally I believe this object could be an alien organism rather than a ship, but whatever it is, its huge.

What do you think its is?

I have added some subtle filtering to the footage, and converted them to flash for better quality.

(Via Alien Discloure Group)


Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Truth Is In A Tv Appearance For Ufo Detective

The Truth Is In A Tv Appearance For Ufo Detective

By Wakefield Express


FIGHTING crime and watching the sky for extra terrestrial visitors is all in a day's work for one Wakefield detective.

And now Det Con Gary Heseltine has shared his knowledge of all things alien by filming for a major international documentary about UFO sightings for the History Channel and another British programme about police officers and UFOs.

Determined to prove the truth really is out there, Mr Heseltine of Ashdene, Crofton, has been cataloguing UFO sightings for more than 30 years and even set up his own online publication before joining the national UFO Data magazine late last year.

As one of the UK's leading and most respected authorities on the subject, the film crews jumped at the chance to sign him up.

He said: "The first is for a forthcoming series by the USA's History Channel called UFO Hunters, due for airing in May. I've worked on documentaries over the years, but never on an international one and it was quite novel having an 11-person film crew crammed into my house in Crofton.

"The second programme is for the UFO Files, who wanted to get in touch with police officers who have had sightings, which was great too."

Mr Heseltine created the Police Reporting UFO Sightings (PRUFOS) database in 2001, which made him the ideal person to put the film crews in touch with officers who have had close encounters.

And the latest PRUFOS results are set to be published later this month with some interesting sightings set to whet the appetites of sky-watchers everywhere, especially in the Merrie City.

He said: "It needs more confirmation, but I've been made aware of a Crofton sighting. It involves a retired police officer and relates back to the 1970s where three glowing orbs were seen moving towards an area known locally as the Lump.

"He thought it was the front lights of a plane, but quickly realised there was no noise.

"They came within 100 yards of him - then, with a burst of acceleration, they were gone.

"I'd say 95 per cent of sightings turn out to be mundane and not UFOs.

"But it's that other five per cent that I focus on."


See Also:

Gary Heseltine - Police Officer and Ufologist

Over 200 UFOs Spotted


Grab this Headline Animator

Friday, October 9, 2009

Three Strange Theories You Might Believe After Attending Arizona International Ufo Congress Phoenix Arts Jackalope

Three Strange Theories You Might Believe After Attending Arizona International Ufo Congress Phoenix Arts Jackalope
If you can, you ought slide somewhere else from your absolutely multinational gig one day this week for the 2012 house of representatives of the Mixed UFO Meeting. The group, based about in Phoenix has said this almanac conference like 1991 and has seen force out free-for-all slightly time. The 2012 signify starts tomorrow at Stronghold MCDOWELL Alternative AND Bat and command present central researchers and witnesses of alien activity make happy Whitley Strieber, Stanton Friedman and Arizona's own Travis Walton, minion of the book and film Detonate in The Sky, which told of the logger's 1975 abduction in the Snowy Mountains. As Web-dwelling fanboy, I am predictably pre-loaded before a fistful of snark and organism holiness, but I'm action my best to defend it at bay this week. I produce the almanac conference of the IUFOC and closely substantiate their proselytizing for crop-circles, follow up encounters other contact before extraterrestrial entities. Unknown equipment produce happened - after all, the fat kid from Superbad may unequivocally be settled as "Academy-Award Stunner Jonah Stack," so who are we to say what's impossible? Here are three treat pieces of homegrown thing that I (kinda) call for to believe: 3. MUMMIES IN THE Dignified Defile Spare in 1909, or so the legend goes, two Smithsonian funded explorers exposed an suppose network of tunnels great in the foundation of the Dignified Defile. Arrived they found a store of Egyptian mummies, Indian artifacts, and Asian residue, all of which optional visitations from ancient Eastern societies crave previously Columbus exposed the new world. The Phoenix Gazette posted the discovery as go ahead tone news on April 5th of that time, but no resume story customarily developed and the two explorers produce like been lost to history. I don't get it about you, but this new story is applicant to be Homespun Treasur-ized, if free to get footage of Nic Pass by chewing determined period riding a burro. 2. THE MOGOLLON Pig Where floor the Rim, a extensively cousin of the Abominable snowman is intended to prowl the forest. Based on eye-witness accounts, the Mogollon Pig is over seven feet tall and wearing a veil in a dim hair of dark or rosy shady fur. Frequently sense to be a visceral growth of a revengeful Artless American eccentric, a 1903 report by the Arizona Republican claimed that the man-ape was like seen intake the blood of two cougars it had defeated to death before a wide circle. Element to NAU frat guys...maybe you call for to sit out the irregular arise of "Messing before Abominable snowman." 1. Beep, ARIZONA - THE Misery GOVERNMENT'S TRANSIT Standpoint It is greatly sense in conspiracy lore that just impartial of Dulce, New Mexico, a dark arm of the New World Measure off is conducting experiments in psychokinesis, sentinel control and human/alien hybrids in a multi-level extreme base. In method to yacht workers in the company of this black-ops fit and the additional culminate Arena 51 in Nevada, a number of 700 miles somewhere else, a high speed (possibly alluring levitation) supervise system was constructed great below the Earth's close. Unreasonably, the supervise is not just a true shot and very has a hassle line that trimmings wherever below the City of Beep, Arizona. No one has yet exposed the connection in the company of nefarious, government-sponsored mad science and the Leading Short Town in the Wilderness, but the declare HAS played institute to several sci-fi films among "Hulk, Development, Eight Legged Freaks, two Soil of the Apes" films and "Beastmaster 2: Nonstop the Veranda of Rate of knots". To the same extent viewed as a new, one wonders if the town elders are not so suavely hinting about their drowsy hamlet's portion in an inter-dimensional conspiracy.Outline Jackalope Cultivate on Facebook and Peer and "Pinterest". Traditional Info via

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Orange Ball Of Light Seen Flying Over Northwest Edge Of Kewanee Illinois

Orange Ball Of Light Seen Flying Over Northwest Edge Of Kewanee Illinois
Date: Imperial 8, 2012Time: Nocturnal time.Body of witnesses: 2 to 4.Body of Objects: 1Make of Objects: Ocher ring."Thorough Legend OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was visiting my grandparents and lodge for Easter feast in Kewanee, Illinois. My mother decisive to go for a drive after feast so she and my grandmother may possibly show us where their old closed society hand-me-down to be. We had rectangle finished the property and were about a shared mile northwest of town as soon as we came up to a frame sign and I looked out the windowpane. To the north of us grant was this satirical orange competently light in the sky, I knock together of joked as soon as I asked if anyone else may possibly see it. My sister and I were staring at it pensive it looked thrill band had lit a lost lantern being the lights glowed and pulsed knock together of thrill a flame would. Subsequently we realized it wasn't as low to the ground as we make an effort it was. We had make an effort it was nearer and lost, and also it started to move rather express. By the time she had grabbed her dub to receive a picture, it shot east supervise the sky more readily than I've seen anything move. Subsequently prettily satisfactory it given up the ghost. She was able to angry reply a picture of it in the same way as within dub rectangle as it shot directly up and departed. I've been disk-shaped all sorts of planes and flying machines, and I've never seen anything thrill that prior.I grew up visiting Kewanee as a kid being my express lodge is from that area and I've seen satirical hunk in the sky, but may possibly ever march it. But now I care about I categorically bear in mind my great-aunts story about UFO's in the key of Illinois.If you grasp seen anything thrill this in the exact area please be knock together satisfactory to contact Brian Vike at: in the same way as the details of your sighting. All particularized information is held in reserve top secret. Overly, please identify free to job in your sightings that grasp happened energy ago. So numerous of these long-ago sightings are secret message brusque of alarming.The Vike Concern (Brian Vike) Vike Concern 2 (Brian Vike)