Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Were The Crashed Ufos In The 1940S Shot Down

Were The Crashed Ufos In The 1940S Shot Down
The Tap Blog in March opened up a new chapter featuring whistleblower testimony claiming that ETs and EDs (extra terrestrials and extra dimensionals) are having significant influence on events taking place on earth in 2012. Many readers have ridiculed this step, and prefer either not to dedicate any time to watching the longer video clips, or reject the stories out of hand.

Of course the whole thing could be a giant hoax, to fool us into swallowing ET stories whole. But anyone who has watched the videos can see that these are either extremely good actors working with very poor scripts, or they are genuine. There are so many witnesses coming forward telling different aspects of the same story, and applying different interpretations, with people recounting real life contact with alien beings, you are almost forced to the conclusion that they are far more significant than I and many others had previously realised. Or maybe we had not been ready to realise. I used to reject most of the witness statements out of hand, but now see them as providing crucial understanding of the otherwise inexplicable events taking place.

Saturday finds a new clip posted up on Project Camelot's whistleblower website. Chuck Wade made a deep study of UFO phenomena in the 1940s. This is his testimony to history talking to Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, handing them a piece of crashed UFO to handle at the start.

All these ex-military types have a similar throat-clearing technique.

His father was nearby when the UFO crash happened at Roswell. The farmer on whose land the craft came down came round and asked his dad to come and help clear the debris. The whole village knew all about the UFO crash. Yet under threat everyone was afraid to talk about it. There were, Chuck Wade found out, other UFO crashes which happened that week, three possibly four others, at locations nowhere near Roswell, which is the only one that made it into newspapers, before it was covered up and presented as a 'weather balloon' incident.

Sent in from ME -

Chuck Wade's pictures of crashed UFO material from archaeological dig in 2004.

UFO debris photos Skip to 45 mins in if you don't have much time. - ME.


Aliens are fabrications. The technology is real.

THE TAP BLOG is a collective of like-minded researchers and writers who've joined forces to distribute information and voice opinions avoided by the world's media.