Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Stonehenge Flying Saucer

The Stonehenge Flying Saucer
In the function of here are different theories explaining (or troubled to) the Stonehenge megaliths and site, an just about stale interpretation is that the primary creators of Stonehenge (circa 8000 B.C.) were emulating the craft that brought them or provided "provisions" to them, far-off in the way that the Cargo Whim peoples emulated Conception War II aircraft they had seen delivering provisions in the Comforting.

Just so as the Akkadian peoples and Egyptian scribes depicted the gods who provided them plus cultural artifacts, the Stonehenge creators did the identical, but in a elder passable and bodily way, plus a world that duplicated the craft they were warm plus.

Stonehenge's enlargement has been functional, plus the innovative site comprised of broad grate, ground cover, earthworks, and foliage insertions that duplicated "flying saucers."

At some spike, when than 3000 B.C., the heft and quality of the craft or "saucers" that interacted plus the British Isles realm were mock by megaliths that someone identifies plus Stonehenge.

If prompt dates possibly will be well-built for world variables, those possibly will be compared plus UFO sightings for the identical time periods, which would gifts deep-seated ufological anthropologists, probably, plus proof of alien visitations that came in brunt.

S. Shklovskii's declare, in his book plus co-author Carl Sagan, Intellectual Computer graphics in the Nature [Valley, NY, 1966] that here was an extraterrestrial visitation in and on the order of Sumeria 10,000 go ago, as optional by Soviet ethnologist M. M. Agrest, is supplemented plus von Daniken-like assertions that different extraterrestrial visitation took place in the ground for periods former and after 10,000 B.C.

Stonehenge represents at lowest one of those visitations and very would-be different visitations for instance the Stonehenge slyness was agilely efficient from about 10,000 B.C. (as some scholars date the early development of Stonehenge) to 1600 B.C. later than look after flourish of the site seemed to pause.

The history of the British Isles, together with the legend of Ruler Arthur, is stuffed plus special occurrences that bespeak of visitations by better or top cultures, well former the Roman invasions of the common era (circa 43 A.D.).

But it is the Stonehenge storage area that creates, elder noticeably than any other site, anywhere else in the world, together with the ancient AmerIndian cultures or Egyptian civilizations, a pretend that depicts, hugely, the vehicles that ecstatic alien galactic cultures to Terracotta.