Thursday, May 1, 2014

2 1958 July December Sightings

2 1958 July December Sightings

Date: Summer 1958

Location: Holloman AFB




Date: August 1958

Location: Minduri, Brazil


Summary: It is that near Minduri, Brazil, just after dawn some unspecified day in August 1958, two "giants" estimated to be six meters tall and clad in brilliant red garb, were seen by three witnesses. The "giants" were walking up the side of a hill and only their backs were seen.

Source: Summary by Gordon Creighton in "The Humanoids", ufology magazine Flying Saucer Review (FSR), Special Issue, 1966.

Date: August 16 1958

Location: Leman Lake Switzerland

Time: 1700

Summary: A dozen people out on

the lake in perfect weather saw a bright light coming down. They stopped their boat as it came to hover about 15 m above them. It was saucer-shaped, 10 m in diameter, with a cabin showing several windows on top. The outer disk below the cabin was spinning. As it came down toward the water, a noticeable current was created. No noise or occupants were noticed. After several leaps in mid-air, the craft flew off at "unbelievable" speed.

Source: Magonia 469

Date: September 1 1958

Location: Laval France

Time: 2130

Summary: About 11 km before Laval, a businessman coming from Paris suddenly saw a motionless object, 10 m above ground, to the left of the road, 150 m away. It was shaped like two cones with a common base and showed two rows of about ten openings in the middle section. It seemed about 20 m wide, metallic, with a light similar to that of a red traffic light shining through the windows. The witness had time to stop and maneuvered to get the object in his headlight beams. Throughout the observation a whistling sound such as that of a jet aircraft was heard. The object rose very slowly, flew off faster climbing out of sight.

Source: Magonia 470

Date: September 21 1958

Location: Sheffield Lake Ohio

Time: 0300

Summary: A circular, flat object, 7 m in diameter, 2 m thick, hovering 1.5 m above ground, and making a jetlike sound was seen from a house by a civilian woman. Its color was that of aluminum; it had a wobbling motion and emitted gray smoke before rising again and taking off.

Source: Magonia 471

Date: October 10 1958


Time: A few minutes before six o'clock p.m.

Summary: EXPLODING THE..HOLLOMAN CIGAR" By L. J. Loru,NzrN ll'e include a detailed account of the Holloman "Great Cloud Cigar" for the primary purpose of demonstrating (1) hou, easilT' tt conuentional occurrence can be misinterpreted and (2) the importance ol noting the smallest detail and lollouing up alL leads. i+* A few minutes before six o'clock p.m. 10 October, several people in Alamogordo saw an unusual sight. We shall restrict our account to the experience of fou people who had the benefit of a pair of 7 x 50 binoculars in their observation. These were our good friends John and Norma Romero, Coral and myself. The Romeros saw the object first from their front porch. Norma ran across the street to alert us while John climbed to his rooftop and took some pictures. After one quick giance at the bright silver-rose slit in the sky I ran for the binoculars-took them to the back yard and looked. The shape appeared as an elongated cigar making an angle of about 30 degrees with the horizon. (See fig. 1.) The upper end (which I called the "front") was elearly defined against the blue-white sunset sky, the "tail," however tapered to a more nebulous outline.There were no clouds near the "object," but (this bothered me from the start) it had a color much the same as many sunset clouds I've seen. I saw several bands of shadow along the "fuselage," each accompanied py a brighter spot. Remembering Aime Michel's "great cloud cigar" accounts, I said to myself, "Thi is it! A 'great cloud cigar'! The charaeteristic cloudy shroud is partly obscuring the port holes"-I handed the glasses to Norma and ran for the phone. I called Al Brown-no answer. Terry Clarke-no answer. Better try Holloman control tower-they shouldn't miss this Meanwhile, Norma was seeing approximately the same thing I had seen except the object began to assume a more vertical position while a bright light started blinking at the nose. She handed the glasses to Coral. The blinking light continued as did the motion toward vertical alignment. When she turned the glasses over to John, the light had "gone out." Unable to raise anyone on the phone, I came back out for another look. Coral took over the phone. Norma pointed the thing out to me again. It was smaller and about four degrees higher in the sky. John had seen it move upward quite rapidly, he said. As he gave the glasses back to me, the thing had begun to tilt toward the north. As I got the glasses re-focused, ow cigar appeared once more at a 30 degree angle -this time the high clearly-defined end was toward the north and-it was beginning to turn black at the tip! It moved slightly upward toward the north in a gentle arc, diminishing in size as the blackness gradually covered its entire length. It disappeared as a black horizontal line against the blue-white sky. Before discussing the incident at all. the four of us went into the house and drew sketches of what we had seen. They agreed remarkably. To our query, Holloman reported an L-17 and a 8-26 in the air at the time. No jets, they said. The Alamogordo Daily News carried the story the next day. Terry Clarke EXPLODING CIGAR... (Continued lrom page 5) sent the story to UPI. To our surprise, the newspaper article in a final paragfaph carried a statement bY an unnamed representative of a Holloman contractor. One of their jet planes had been flying in from the West Coast at sunset, he said. That's what we had seen. It was about 200 miles away at the time. I called the "News" editor. He had no doubt the man was sincere, he said. No-he couldn't give me his name, sorry! "What about the Air Force statement that there were no jet Planes uP?" I asked. This was a new plane just coming in, not assigned to Holloman as yetthey had no record of it at the time, was the reply. On the face of it, the whole idea seemed ridiculous-but I wasn't quite sure. Well, there seemed to be one good way to find out. A new jet coming in to Holloman would be part of the Convair proiect. Fran Parker, Chief Test Pilot for Convair at Holloman, is a good friend of mine. I gave him a eall and on his invitation went to his home to talk it over... "Don Humphreys was bringing in a new F-106A from the coast," Fran began. "I was sweating him out because the sun was going down and we're not supposed to land anything here after dark. Around six o'clock we saw his con (eontrail) in the west and watched it until I was sure what it was. For a while after it cleared the horizon, it hung like a long, thin ovoid in the sky-a real saucer shape. I remarked at the time that we would probably get some flying saucer reports out of this. It was a real unusual effect. If I hadn't been expecting Don and watching for a plane, I don't know whether I'd have spotted it for a contrail or not-it was real weird, what we call a "short con." It follows the plane for a few hundred yards and dissipates. In the sunset it was reflecting light like any cloud." Then I told Fran what we had seen. I drew sketches. He scratched his head, "I don't know-maybe you were looking at something else." After a lengthy discussion, Fran suggested that I call on him the next day at work. He pointed out that there had been quite a few people out on the ramp with him-some of whom had watched longer than he had. (Fran had returned to his office as soon as he was satisfied that Humphreys would soon be on the ground). Maybe some of them could be of help. Frankly, I thought I'd be wasting my time, but I went. As I toured the Convai installation with Fran and listened to the various accounts something began to puzzle me-it had been bothering me all along but now it hit me in the face. There had been a lot of people watching the sky that evening at Holloman. They had seen a contrail at the same time we had seen a UFO. Both groups had been looking toward the west. Why hadn't we seen their contrail? Why hadn't they seen the UFO? Was it possible that we were both watching the same thing? I decided to find out. My first clue was furnished inadvertently by a technician who had been with the Convair Mobile Communications unit during the incident. He told how he had watched the contrail from the time Fran had called it to his attention and made several attempts to establish radio contaet. They had succeeded about the time Humphreys was over the San Andreas Mountain range, giving him some preliminary landing instructions whereupon he altered his course slightly and had begun to let down. "When he turned and started down," said our informant, "he came out of the con layer and his trail shrank up and disappeared pretty fast. But he was so high that he looked like he was going up instead of down." I thought this one over and drew a few sketches. To an observer on the ground, the angular acceleration of an aircraft approaching at constant speed and altitude increases at an exponential rate. A plane approaching at high altitude could be Ietting down and still give the appearance of climbing. A diminishing contrail moving into the earth-shadow at sunset could give the illusion of an object turning black and moving into the distance. I continued to accompany Fran on a tour of the plant. We stepped into the main hangar where the F-106s are housed. "The 106-4 carries a rotating beacon behind the cockpit," he was saying. "This is something new. It rotates about one revolution per second." Well, there it was-the "flashing light on the nose." Although the plane must have been a good 50 miles away at this point, it had momentarily assumed an angle that beamed that beacon straight at Alamogordo. The "nose" of the eontrail would of course be the location of the aircraft-too far away for us to make out -even with the 750s. I was convinced. Aftermath The new UFO investigation officer at Holloman, Captain Woods, called Mr. Romero and requested an appointment with him to fill out a report for HQUSAF. He had a letter from them marked "immediate action," he said. John told him that a complete report had appeared in the "News" and that APRO could help him with any details. Capt. Woods apparently did not wholly approve of this response. He made one feeble attempt to pull rank. Was John refusing to cooperate with the Air Force, he wanted to know? "Oh no, we reported the inci said John. This reply seemed to take the Captain by surprise for he soon brought the conversation to a close. He did not call APRO. Tvo days later, Major Hillis, former UFO officer at Holloman, called Coral. What could we tell him about the incident? Briefly, Coral outlined our findings. "Are you sure?" asked Hillis. "Pretty sure," said Coral-"they can't all be real one, you know. I guess that's right," said Hillis thoughtfully. He sounded disappointed. October L6 rolled around. About 5:4b in the afternoon I was in our front yard. Norma called to me from across the street and pointed skyward. There it was again. I got out the glasses once more and any remaining doubt faded away. This time the jet was higher in the sky and a little closer. Through the glasses I could make it out quite clearly, preceding a brilliant sunset-lit tapole-shape contrail.


Date: October 27, 1958

Location: Union Dale Pennsylvania


Summary: ). An object resembling a large gray cigar with an assembly tail flew at treetop height, making a strong "swishing" sound.

Source: Magonia 472

Date: October 28, 1958

Location: Pont-la-Dame, France


Summary: A motorist saw a luminous disc hanging stationary in the air over the Pont-la-Dame bridge across the Grand Buech river. Described as having a classic "saucer" shape of two plates joined together. 300-600 feet in diameter, consisted of two concentric circles, from the smaller of which emanated red sparks.


Date: October 31, 1958

Location: Caledon East Canada

Time: 1550

Summary: A civilian reported an

elliptical, aluminum-colored object at 2 km altitude, coming down to 4 m, flying up and down by sudden jumps, stopping at ground level less than 200 m away for five min. A red light appeared at one end of the object, which gradually took a fiery color, then exploded. The witness ran away.

Source: Magonia 473

Date: November 1958

Location: Braemar Scotland

Time: 0500

Summary: Two soldiers of the Territorial Army on an exercise near Ballater heard a "gurgling noise" and saw two figures, over 2 m tall, dressed in peculiar suits. As they fled, they heard a "swishing" noise and saw a large disk flying at ground level, which then swooped over their heads and away, pulsating and leaving a sparkling trail. Witnesses were in a state of shock.

Source: Magonia 474

Date: November 17, 1958


Time: 2203

Summary: Soviet Union, exact location not revealed. A luminous object, with an apparent diameter greater than that of the full moon, was seen coming down from a high altitude, hovering at tree height, then landing. It was observed for two min.

Source: Magonia 475

Date: November 23, 1958

Location: Cojutepeque, San Salvador

Time: 11:35 p.m.

Summary: Engineer Julio M. Ladaleto stopped when his car hit a can rolling on the road, then observed an object about 35 meters away. It was shaped like a lamp shade with an upper transparent sphere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 meters diameter, 7 meters high, resting on three half-spheres. An occupant, 2.5 meters tall was photographed by the witness as he crossed the road and appeared to inspect the craft. He wore a blue coverall and luminescent heel-less boots, and had a bald head. The observation lasted 10 minutes, after which the object took off with a whining sound, sparks and smoke. The following day, before he had revealed anything about the case, Ladeleto was contacted by strange "newsmen" who appeared to know all the details of it.

Source: Passport to Magonia 476

Date: December 20, 1958

Location: Hoganas Sweden

Time: 0255

Summary: Near Domsten, Hans Gustavsson, 35, and Stig Rydberg, 30, saw something in the woods and stopped their car to observe it. They found a disk about 5 m wide set on a tripod. All of a sudden they were attacked by four gray-colored creatures described as "fluid," but one witness reached the car and blew the horn for help. The beings fled and the craft took off, emitting "paralyzing vibrations."

Source: Magonia 477

Date: December 22, 1958

Location: Clermont-Ferrand France

Time: 1600

Summary: Approximate date. A

disk of 20 m diameter was observed and caused damage on the ground.

Source: Magonia 478

Date: December 22, 1958

Location: Poland




Date: December 28, 1958

Location: Portglenone Ireland

Time: afternoon

Summary: A black flying object, 2 m wide, cut a tree in two, 3 m above ground, and did not stop. The tree in question is 70 cm wide and 13 m tall. This event was observed by a farmer named Bennett.

Source: Magonia 479






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The post 2: 1958: July - December Sightings appeared first on Think About It.