Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Mangy Explanation

The Mangy Explanation
Following up from my last post "Chupacabras Video" I'd like to talk some about the two most recent cases that have mangy explanations.

I've seen this article circling about quite a lot, "How Monsters are Made" which discusses the latest Jacobs Bigfoot photos and the recent Texas Chupacabras.

What the article discusses is mainly why I hadn't posted about those two cases previously, I wanted to but hey the simplest explanation is usually the best, both looked like sick animals to me and the "Bigfoot" one, well I've looked at those photos heaps and I still can't make out what the hell the animal is doing. From most Bigfoot sighting reports I have read, those photos don't really sit well with a lot of the descriptions, Bigfoot is hairy, and old Chupa, well there's a whole other description for what it may look like.

I just hope that the mangy explanation doesn't become the first call in identifying such evidence, especially with the main stream news coverage that these cases have had, the last conclusion is usually the first in the next story of its type. I feel you have to take on each new case individually and without hard evidence the research will be a lot harder and conclusions will usually result in theories.