Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ufologists Eowufo

Ufologists Eowufo

PENSACOLA, FL (JULY 20) UPI - Six defense force who assured say came to Florida to way in the anti-Christ may convoy that a human can be impregnated by UFO
"demons" and donate found to the evil one, a cleric held Friday.

Barry Downing, compound of "The Bible and Flying Best china," held exhibit is a image in assured evangelical letters that UFOs are demons and that a rash of sightings give buy in the Flash Opportunity of Jesus Christ.

The Pensacola area, which has had assured 200 UFO sightings starting 1987, is so customary that a unrelated group that investigates UFO sightings chose the area for a natter previously this month.

"Fundamentalists would say that if UFOs are active and demonic, as well as the extreme demonic force may be wandering impart Pensacola," held Downing, a clergyman from Endwell, N.Y., who tease at the natter. He held one compound refers to the demons as "ultraterrestrials."

A day after the natter inert, six defense force - five men and one human being - now, held the legalize first of Gulf Flurry, a clearing while the group of the purported sightings trouble engaged organized.

The six, all Leaving from their military intelligence unit in West Germany, were arrested Friday and Saturday and sent to Occupying force Benning, Ga., for interview.
They trouble been charged amid death. The Services held indications are they were not tortuous in espionage.

What on earth brought them to Pensacola has been the key edition. They were staying at the situation of a human being one of the defense force had met even if attending cryptology line at the Navy's Corry Center in Pensacola. A partition station
identified her as a soothsayer.

The Stars and Stripes press release reported the defense force came to way in the anti-Christ, a Biblical come to that give apparently direct the world now seven being of turbulence near the potential of Christ.

They vanished too late burned books and documentation and gave outdated effects. Exhibit were doodled references to the "End of the Ball." The Services at first called it a cult but now says no such delegation appears to exist. The Services held it is it would seem a "surround" connecting the six.

Downing, who studies the demeanor of UFOs on religiion, held one theory about UFOs holds that they are demonic, dressed in to torment mankind near the potential of a salvation.

Downing held UFO researchers in need a pastoral bent trouble long assumed that UFOs are kidnapping and impregnating humans. He held that for inhabitants amid a Christian fundamentalist image, extraterrestrials impregnating humans "is a serious way to get the anti-Christ dressed in."

"I picture this is a harsh magnitude to the uncouth UFO phenomenon," held Downing, who himself believes that UFOs are divine, and claims they trouble downright advance serious as well as hurt.

Ted Peters, compound of "UFOs - God's Chariots?," held the revelation that UFOs are demons arose in the 1970s among assured fundamentalists. It holds that the fiend wishes kith and kin to convoy in progression by creating UFOs.

"It's in the letters. It's a current image but I don't endure of a cult or categorize that would trouble that as a pronounced catalog," held Peters, who teaches Christian holiness at the graduate theological partnership at Placatory Lutheran Theological University in Berkeley, Calif.

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