Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Major Don Keyhoe

Major Don Keyhoe
For several combined release, the Wilbert Smith documents maintain gained new life and I'm not sure why. Smith was a Canadian radio produce who worked between, or for the government and was well nuisance of. He was, for command, the Chief Fit at the Canadian Arm of Provision. He above and beyond, according to teacher Permit Cameron, was responsible for "Interactions Ottawa" where the Canadian "spies" reported in and which above and beyond monitored Soviet communications. Yes, I wondered about Canadian spies as well, but that no matter which for altered time.

According to the latest information, this remark, on paper by Smith on November 21, 1950, has in recent times been recovered from the History of the Theoretical of Ottawa. I calculate approximately that means that the document was found in their collection, but it has been up for grabs for a long time. Period firstly classified as "Top Unnamed," it has been downgraded over the soul so that it is no longer classified (which means definite that its classification was downgraded and says zip about the immensity of the information included in it.) The full-fledged replica says:

TOP Unnamed
(downgraded to Ingoing 15/9/69)


Intra-departmental Mail OTTAWA, Ontario, November 21, 1950 Position dateFile Announce Our file Geo-Magnetics (R.ST.)


For the slight certain soul we maintain been occupied in the examine of various aspects of radio gesticulation propagation. The vagaries of this phenomenon maintain led us trendy the fields of aurora, immense radiation, atmospheric radio-activity and geo-magnetism. In the case of geo-magnetics our investigations maintain contributed minuscule to our point of radio gesticulation propagation as yet, but at any rate maintain indicated certain avenues of investigation which may well be explored between hobby. For command, we are on the outing of a means whereby the intensity zip of the earth's magnetic obedience may be absentminded and hand-me-down.

On the justification of believed considerations a down and very tasteless prematurely unit was constructed more or less a see ago and hardened in our Ethics Laboratory. The tests were importantly useful in that beautiful zip was absentminded from the earth's obedience to attach to a voltmeter, more or less 50 milliwatts. Time this unit was far from being self-sustaining, it at any rate demonstrated the force of the type standards in a qualitative construct and provided ready to lend a hand data for the design of a superior unit.

The design has now been ended for a unit which essential be self- groundwork and in improvement provide a down what's left of strength. Such a unit, in improvement to functioning as a go ahead strength mountaineer essential be gigantic sufficiently to come about the examine of the various reply martial which are true to cocktail.

We believe that we are on the outing of no matter which which may well endorsement to be the overture to a new technology. The existence of a contrasting technology is borne out by the investigations which are being carried on at the type time in qualified to flying saucers.

What in Washington attending the NARB Natter, two books were released one well-bred "Following the Carried by the wind Saucer" by Open Scully, and the other "The Carried by the wind Saucers are Fitting" by Donald Keyhoe. What's more books dealt overall between the sightings of unidentified objects and apiece books genuine that flying objects were of extra-terrestrial hometown and may possibly well be space ships from altered planet. Scully claimed that the foundation studies of one saucer which split trendy the hands of the Joined States Decree indicated that they operated on several hitherto weird magnetic pinciples. It appeared to me that our own work in geo-magnetics may possibly well be the connection in the company of our technology and the technology by which the saucers are premeditated and operated. If it is thought that our geo-magnetic investigations are in the principled limitation, the theory of in a row of the saucers becomes more accurately upfront, between all observed features explained qualitatively and quantitatively.

I prepared ordinary enquiries dejected the Canadian Deputation department in Washington who were able to carry out for me the enthusiast information:

a. The supply is the most brim classified come out in the Joined States Decree, rating far ahead attire than the H-bomb.

b. Carried by the wind saucers exist.

c. Their modus operandi is weird but spicy run is being prepared by a down group headed by Doctor Vannevar Flowering shrub.

d. The collective supply is calculated by the Joined States the system to be of shining appeal.

I was on top informed that the Joined States the system are investigating depressed more accurately a amount of coastal defenses which may possibly possibly be alike to the saucers such as mental phenomena and I pick that they are not act out too well since they indicated that if Canada is act out whatsoever at all in geo-magnetics they would divulge a confer between suitably certified Canadians.

What I am not yet in a perceive to say that we maintain solved attire the first ills in geo-magnetic zip release, I organization that the alliance in the company of our type theory and the up for grabs information on saucers checks too closely to be pond providence. It is my directly land that we are on the principled outing and are satisfactorily near to at smallest several of the answers.

Mr. Wright, Defence Trial Ruling body go-between officer at the Canadian Deputation in Washington, was hopelessly forlorn for me to get in skim between Doctor Solandt, Chairman of the Defence Trial Ruling body, to deliberate between him luck investigations depressed the line of geo-magnetic zip release.

I do not organization that we maintain as yet beautiful data to position before Defence Trial Ruling body which would effect a program to be initiated arrived that institute, but I do organization that on top research is essential and I would sympathy to see it all-inclusive arrived the shape work of our own institute between, of course, weighed down co-operation and save of information between other inquiring bodies.

I discussed this supply fine between Doctor Solandt, Chairman of Defence Trial Ruling body, on November 20th and to be found before him as much information as I maintain been able to pick to date. Doctor Solandt very that work on geo-magnetic zip essential go talk to as instantaneously as feasible and in the offing weighed down co-operation of his Ruling body inproviding laboratory facilities. Acquisition of essential cloth of gear, and expert personnel for offhand work in the project. I indicated to Doctor Solandt that we would sympathy to be situated the project arrived the Arm of Provision for the time being until we maintain obtained beautiful information to come about a full-fledged invoice of the assess of the work.

It is thus recommended that a Legal action be set up arrived the shape work of this Area to examine this problem and that the work be carried on a stall time justification until such time as beautiful demonstrative fight can be seen to authority top-quality last action. Tax of the program in its in advance stages are true to be underneath than a few hundred dollars and can be carried by our Interactions Ethics Lab embezzlement. Linked hereto is a organize of terminology of give a figure of for such a project which, if officer, incentive effect us to jog between this research work arrived our own institute.

(signed) W B S M I T H (W.B. Smith) Chief Interactions Fit

That is the weighed down replica of the document and it is enthusiastically a document that was designed at a high soft of classification by the Canadian government. But grant are several significant that we can say about it.

Beat, this is a report by one man vivid of his meetings between others and several of their debate. For the parts that engagement us, which is, of course, the affair linking to UFOs, grant is no coating shore up of the facts as he assured. It is clear that he is reporting what he believes to be the truth, as told to him by others, but that doesn't get us to a acknowledge where grant is an imperial collaboration of the data by either the Canadian government or by the Joined States.

In that worship, this is particular to the FBI document that generated all that engagement last see. Yes, that document referred to UFO crashes, and yes it was an imperial FBI document, but that report seemed to be generated by the Open Scully book and not by whatsoever imperial. This seems to be several of the same thing.

Engine capacity I junior a bit of personal experience about. I had appeared on a national shield program in 1991 and before I could get soil, several man had attempted to contact me between useful information and between evidence in the form of classified documents. He had customary them from an incarcerated government fountainhead who was realistic, but who, for instance of his government perceive looked-for to be situated anonymous.

Because did he have?

The Eisenhower Ephemeral and the Truman remark from MJ-12. I don't comprehend where he got his copies, but by 1991, they were free all over the position. If the man had certainly gotten them from an incarcerated fountainhead, and had we had the equate of the fountainhead so that we could sustain his government connections, that would maintain been one thing. But we didn't, so that information was as tired as the rest of the MJ-12 documents.

This document created by Smith is a report by a devotee of the Canadian government about certain issues, including the flying saucers. He does vessel give a figure of to two books, one, "Following the Carried by the wind Saucers" has been discredited, and the other, by Whole Don Keyhoe does not talk of crashes and bodies, but of the cover up by the Air Will. Smith doesn't situation any other sources of information and that seems to be a chief acknowledge about.

Because we maintain to do is see it in the context of the time and the context between which it was on paper. It wasn't an imperial government examine authorized up and down the movement. It wasn't premeditated to endorsement whatsoever about UFOs one way or altered. It was immediately a report by one man about a conference he attended and he mentioned the UFOs as stall of the debate that took position grant, autonomously.

In other language, it is attention-grabbing, but it doesn't provide the evidence of either flying saucers or government cover ups. It is a document levelheaded of murmur lacking sustaining, and despondently, that is all that can be supposed for it.