Sunday, February 13, 2011

Four Alien Species Had Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years Says Paul Hellyer

Four Alien Species Had Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years Says Paul Hellyer

By Lee Speigel

The Huffington Post


Paul Hellyer is widely known and credited for his work to unify the Canadian Armed Forces. In 2005, he made headlines by announcing that "UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead." That statement made him the first cabinet-ranked individual in the G8 group of nations to say that UFOs were unequivocably real.

"Since then, Ive learned a lot from many sources, including a number of the fantastic witnesses that we have heard these last [five] days."

Among the things Hellyer says he has learned and believes is a particular document that concluded at least four species had been visiting Earth for thousands of years: "This is my own view at this stage, as well.... They are different species and, consequently, may have different agendas. I dont think we can say that they all have the same agenda any more than we can say that the United States, China and Russia have the same agenda. Our real interests may be similar, but as of now, our perceived interests are still quite far apart."

"My interest is in about 95 to 98 percent of full disclosure -- I know of one or two things that Im not sure should be in the public domain, at least yet. They will be someday, Im sure. But just as children survive the idea of the tooth fairy and Santa Claus when they become adult, I think the taxpaying citizens are quite capable of accepting the new and broader reality that we live in a cosmos teeming with life of various sorts.

"The fact that some other civilizations are more advanced than we are may be humbling. But that could be a necessary step in our survival."

Several of the former members of Congress who presided over the 5-day hearing suggested they would be interested in reuniting to try and take the UFO-ET disclosure issue to the United Nations.

Time will tell....

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