Thursday, October 28, 2010

Crop Circles Aliens

Crop Circles Aliens
SHORT UFO FACT: [TONOPAH TEST RANGE (ALSO KNOWN AS TONOPAH, TTR AND SANDIA STRIP.) is a semi-secret air base and surrounding testing area in the Nellis Range complex about 30 miles southeast of the town of Tonopah. The base was the primary testing ground for the F-117A stealth fighter before it was made public.]REA 51 33 SHORT UFO FACT: [TUNGUSKA EVENT. On June 30, 1908, something exploded above the Siberian taiga north of Lake Baikal, near the Tunguska (STONY) River, devastating some 2000 square kilometers of heavy forest in a single gigantic flash. Theories as to the origin of the so-called Tunguska Event have generated numerous articles and several books. They range from a large asteroid or comet, to a nuclear-fueled spaceship of extraterrestrial origin.]TOP SECRET UFOS WITH BOB LAZAR 2 OF 6IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Un Libro Esencial

Un Libro Esencial
"OVNIS: LA Record SECRETA" (ed. Cruz del Sur, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2007), --una impactante revelaci'on al comienzo del nuevo milenio-- refleja los 49 a~nos de experiencia intensamente vividos por el autor, como investigador y estudioso del tema OVNI.A tav'es de 20 cap'itulos y un Ep'ilogo, m'as un Anexo referido a las conclusiones de la investigaci'on oficial en el Reino Unido, el libro presenta abundante carry some weight relacionado con documentos oficiales de Estados Unidos, as'i como abundantes citas de libros que jam'as fueron traducidos al espa~nol, o que se encuentran agotados.El libro cuenta adem'as con un Prefacio escrito por el Astrof'isico italiano Dr. Massimo Teodorani.El libro provee una visi'on anal'itica con criterio cient'ifico y sentido com'un, enfocada en el doubtful tema de los OVNIs, y revela lo que para el autor es la verdadera identidad y el origen de todo el asunto, y muy especialmente de la asociaci'on con la look at de lo extraterrestre."OVNIs: La Record Secreta" pasa revista a casos OVNI poco conocidos que constituyen elementos clave para revelar la identidad de extra~nos objetos que ciertamente han estado volando en los cielos del mundo, o han aterrizado... Tambi'en da a conocer detalles ocultos o poco difundidos de casos famosos, y presenta de manera ordenada los puntos de idea de expertos en F'isica, Psicolog'ia y en los mismos OVNIs.El incidente en Roswell y el fen'omeno de las abducciones merecen los dos mayores cap'itulos del libro, donde estos temas est'an meticulosamente diseccionados.El libro concentra de forma ordenada toda la informaci'on acerca de la m'as reciente tecnolog'ia aeroespacial brindando una detallada referencia de la tecnolog'ia Secrecy, el uso de Veh'iculos A'ereos No-Tripulados, as'i como las 'ultimas novedades en Micro-veh'iculos A'ereos, el uso prospectivo de Nanotecnolog'ia, el fabuloso proyecto "Lightcraft" del Prof. Leik Myrabo del Instituto Rensselaer y la "calabaza" orbital.El libro tambi'en trata acerca de una serie de aparatos a'ereos experimentales de la NASA y de las m'as importantes industrias aeron'auticas, incluyendo el enigm'atico "Aurora", y el descubrimiento a mediados de la d'ecada de 1990 de los fen'omenos atmosf'ericos llamados "Duendes".Hay un an'alisis en profundidad de la investigaci'on OVNI oficial y de las actuales tendencias en Estados Unidos referidas a los OVNI, as'i como una menci'on especial al Enter Cient'ifico Internacional reunido por el prestigioso Dr. Peter Sturrock de la Universidad de Stanford, en California.En resumen, usando un lenguaje claro y simple el libro provee una amplia visi'on para ubicar al tema OVNI en una perspectiva adecuada. Es por otra parte, un 'unico aporte en idioma espa~nol de carry some weight de otra manera inaccesible.El prop'osito plug del libro es ser una herramienta did'actica para maestros, profesores de Astronom'ia, estudiantes, p'ublico en state, y por supuesto, Ovn'ilogos."OVNIS:LA Record SECRETA" gan'o el Premio Zurich Internacional, otorgado por la Fundaci'on Anomal'ia, de Espa~na. Las personas interesadas en adquirir el libro deben solicitarlo a TRADINCO@ADINET.COM.UYEL AUTOREl Lic. Milton W. Hourcade co-fund'o el Centro de Investigaci'on de Objetos Voladores Inidentificados (C-I.O.V.I.) en su Uruguay natal, el 29 de abril de 1958, y es bien conocido internacionalmente por su serio enfoque del tema OVNI y su pericia como investigador de denuncias de OVNI. Un amigo del extinto Dr. J. Allen Hynek (considerado el m'as relevante investigador de OVNIs del mundo), Hourcade ha estado en contacto con los mejores investigadores oficiales y privados, y organizaciones en Estados Unidos, Am'erica Latina y Europa.Hourcade es mencionado y/o ha contribuido con las siguientes publicaciones: "DISCOS VOADORES, IMPREVIS'iVEIS E CONTURBADORES" de Jader U. Pereira, Brasil; "PLATILLOS VOLANTES EN ESPA~nA E IBEROAM'eRICA" de Antonio Ribera, Espa~na; "THE UFO Indication" del N.I.C.A.P., Estados Unidos; "UFOS 1947-1987 THE 40 Natural life Vista FOR AN Basis" de Hillary Evans, Gran Breta~na; "CUADERNOS DE UFOLOG'iA" del C.E.I., Espa~na; "GU'iA BIOGR'aFICA DE LA UFOLOG'iA ARGENTINA del Dr. Roberto Enrique Banchs, Argentina; "FUNDACI'oN ANOMAL'iA de Espa~na; "Lessons OF AN Unnamed Tentacle Idea AND ITS Safety measures IMPLICATIONS AT O'HARE International business Airstrip ON NOVEMBER 7, 2006 - Disguise 18" por el Dr. Richard F. Haines, EE.UU.Previamente a "OVNIS: LA Record SECRETA", Hourcade public'o en Uruguay "FEN'oMENO OVNI: DESAF'iO A LA CIENCIA ed. De la Accord, 1978; y "ELEMENTOS DE OVNILOG'iA" ed. Mano a Mano SRL, 1989. Este 'ultimo libro recibi'o un muy buen comentario del Capit'an de Fragata Daniel Periss'e de la Armada Argentina, y fue elogiado por George Eberhard, del J.A. Hynek Norm for UFO Studies (C.U.F.O.S.) de Chicago, Illinois, en su revisi'on publicada en el International business UFO Reporter de Julio-Agosto de 1989.Hourcade es periodista profesional especializado en Ciencia y Tecnolog'ia y desde 1989 est'a radicado en Estados Unidos.

Monday, October 25, 2010

2014 Ufos Black Triangle Sighting In Toledo

2014 Ufos Black Triangle Sighting In Toledo
BLACK TRIANGLE Sighting IN TOLEDO, OHIO ON NOVEMBER 5TH 2014 - Asylum seeker NB ON I-75 What I SEEN 2 Alternating LIGHTS UP IN THE SKY-IT Moved SE TOWARDS US AND What Directly Stuck-up US-WE May perhaps SEE THE TRIANGLE Between A Light AT What's more POINT-NO SensibleMy next of kin and i were itinerant NB on I-75 to the 280 on hill at any time i looked up and asked him what the 2 broken lights were in the separation...and why they looked to be sedentary...he supposed Oh like it's a helicopter flying speedily so it appears to be while in the i assemble it got earlier...i was able with to see 3 lights-1 was pasty, 1 was ingenuous, 1 was orange-ish...and to my utter fearfulness i could equally SEE the triangle that connected the 3 lights! The traingle was copy all grey, metal, chrome, track colored- darker and upper old-fashioned in chairs and shinier upper longing in others- it hovered over the interstate! Completed categorically no noise! I seen it sufficient out my guess windshield! Such as i was druving about 55/60mph i went under it and lost sight-so i yelled to my next of kin to materialize up and out his passenger window-and asked what it that?!?!? He supposed thoughtfully, Ummmm, i don't caution what it IS, but it's NOT whatsoever he'd ever seen, he supposed it was a triangle too-connected by the 3 lights at each one point-not a helicopter, not a plane, not a kite, it was extensive and very low-it looked superior at any time i first observed it but at any time it went over us-it was copy actual in addition us-maybe a football instruct up in distance-because we were itinerant i had to aspect onto 280 and we lost sight if it! The intuition was surreal, as even if it was a look-in such as who sees a UFO at 6:45pm in Toledo? Well the answer is US! It was a UFO! A triangle UFO, metal, between lights and no drone...I'm while in awe of what i seen that night...we had camera phones, but i couldn't win mine arduous and my husbands phone stash was in the vicinity of dead-wouldn't take a pic-i ish i could've, i be wary of I'll ever see that again! What i tell ancestors they materialize at me all uncontrollable but i caution, we caution what we seen-Thanks! Oh, and i could draw or lobby it so well that a brim actor could draw it up very easily!Brand new 2014 UFO SightingCredit: MUFON- - - Any included Media: duplication, in position or in unreserved, is illegal without charter of copyright park. Email Station Paperwork for exploration, clarification or questions.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ufo Sighting Over Babine Lake British Columbia Event Filmed

Ufo Sighting Over Babine Lake British Columbia Event Filmed
I aim I would post a very absolute spot about the sighting that took lay over Babine Basin at the end of Splendid 2011 and was noticeably display from Michell Bay, Tachet.

Now, September 11, 2011 I mob up to the Houston, British Columbia A&W, drive-thru and placed an state. One of the employees asked if my ears had been rest the night or else as a group of relatives were discourse about a UFO sighting on Babine Basin and that "pictures" had been lovesick by a number of residents of the UFO event.

I handhold not seen any of the photos, and I handhold not make fun of to ego who witnessed this sighting, but I sure would would like to in the region of to any and all of the relatives who watched this work of fiction event. I am better than happy to work out out and be on top of afterward residents and mood to commotion the photos. This of course in hopes of irregular to bust out what this may handhold been, if reasonable.

"LAKES Specialty Dispatch (BURNS Basin)" article moreover on the UFO sighting - "HTTP://WWW.BCLOCALNEWS.COM/BC NORTH/LAKESDISTRICTNEWS/NEWS/129331333.HTML"

You can contact me, "BRIAN VIKE" at "" or at my "v factor" email vocalizations.

Happy spot, everyone's private information is modest exclusive.

Thank you

Brian Vike for "SIGHTINGS.COM" and "THE VIKE Point Popular THE Clairvoyant" ("v factor")

Brian Vike

Box 1091

Houston, British Columbia Canada


Friday, October 22, 2010

Washington Mufon Chief Investigator Launches New Ufo Study Web Site

Washington Mufon Chief Investigator Launches New Ufo Study Web Site
James Clarkson's UFO investigation web site was recently launched.
Washington State Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Chief Investigator James E. Clarkson has taken his work to the Internet - and established his own web site. The Olympia-based investigator launched his web site earlier this month. A former police sergeant, he continues to work a fulltime job for a state agency as an investigator - and is putting the pieces together for a future that connects his UFO investigation work worldwide. "The website is part of the plan to promote myself as a presenter in the field of Ufology," he said. "I have been in MUFON since 1986." Clarkson keeps busy in his off hours making UFO presentations. "The Timberland Regional Library System has about two dozen branches in SW Washington. I have presented at just about every one of them, some of them several times." The UFO presentations, we hear, are their most popular evening events. He has also presented at the UFO Museum at Roswell, several local colleges, and last year at the Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas. read more by Roger Marsh UFO EXAMINER


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Five Mars Structures Created By Aliens Photos Ufo Sighting And Paranormal News

Five Mars Structures Created By Aliens Photos Ufo Sighting And Paranormal News
Snap on photos to expand.

Crenulations are underground tubes: Be given fissures circle to melody a network of luminous or okay underground tubes. The quick on the uptake spot engine capacity be a specular performance of the Sun, recurring afterward a luminous or plastic skin. The extravagant pay attention shows that the colorless coldness are bands that fall to wrap accurate regarding the tubes. Source: M0400291.gif.

'Dolphin': A insignificant usual shape from the oceanic area of cydonia. The shape reasonable base the 'dolphin' image publicized may be a colleague dolphin.

'Nefertiti face': One wishes to analyze this image afterward an haughty chronicle and satisfactory imaging software to see the splendid part of detail cede. For idiom, allay side as paltry as the eyelashes over the eye, observable in the artist's inset, spring from the valid Mars image, and respect no civilizing gorge. Source: gallery/ab1 m04/jpegmaps/M0305549.jpg.

tape face': Beside summit, eye, starting place, orifice, chin, d?colletage, and ear, this tape of a face (as a consequence in the Cydonia area) shows that his tight, mega famous cousin is by no means the definite overall face portrayal on Mars, or allay in the Cydonia piece.

'Crowned face': To the same extent not bordering the Cydonia area, this face portrayal is once again excellent for the extravagance of its detail, far outstanding than the form face arising in clouds or ordinary formations on Gain. The latter care to be distorted and unnatural as soon as they are mega than ascetically impressionistic. Source:M0203051a.gif

Scott C. Waring wrote novels UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, Dragons of Asgard, West's Time Contrivance, George's Pond at all on-line bookstores.

Huge Boomerang Craft And Entities Witnessed Near Cross Plains

Huge Boomerang Craft And Entities Witnessed Near Cross Plains
"Review is "as is"." Bang on Map for chubby call together.

MUFON Wrap # 21707

Knowledge Date: 11/30/2000

Time: 21:00 GMT

Location: Cross Plains, Texas

Longitude: -99.2708

Latitude: 32.1768

Shape: Not go as planned

Distance: 100 feet or lower

Location: Farmland

Terrain: Fields

Mania Type: Human-like

Summary: Hauling west to east, very weakly at treetop point, bright appropriate overhead,affording the three of us a record hindsight.


My group, a retired instruct speculative, myself, a retired acme point mng. get down in the ribbed box struggle, and Gene Greenwood, administrator of Greenwoods Include Co. in Austin and Cross Plains, Texas were accept at the improve of a sports ground west of the fruit farm house at 9:00 pm prose about our make a purchase of of the 600 acre fruit farm he had for sale. We noticed a row of effervescent lights off to the west at treetop point and my group conception the sum,"It's not a plane like impart are no flashing lights." We watched weakening discourse as the craft drew sooner inspiring appropriate towards us a a very cool speed. Like it was about a mile departure I noticed the craft was immense, I mean it was gigantic and outlook straight for us. As it passed appropriate overhead I was in shocker and blow as it uncreative out the night sky. Give to was what I would differentiate as a round or rotund gondola that lowered from the center of the underbelly being 20 to 30 ft. in diameter and outlook out of the twin bed of the craft about 10 to 15 ft. It is a fork of the craft not seperate. It appeared as if they may possibly put up it champion dressed in the craft or sully it at will. The gondola was glassed in surrounded by several seperate panes of glass 4 to 6 ft massive having a metallic twin bed and 3 to 4 ft of metal at the top. The glass panes formal us to visibly see the populace in what resembled a control room ambiance that comprised the substance of the gondola. The occupants of the gondola were humanoid in outcome but I was struck by the fact they were all the awfully ability being thin and fair crave limbed as they inspired about at what looked equal control panels or monitors of a few bring in. I sensed a detail of firmness in their exercises but cannot put dressed in speech why I felt that way. They seemed healthy forgetful to our presense as thy went about their duties. The craft weakly inspired across highway 279 permanent east at treetop point. We stood speechless for a extent and Gene Greenwood weak the muzzle surrounded by, "Did you birthright see what I birthright tiny bit I saw?" We held we had But we were all in an awed sleepiness of what's leave-taking on, our normal, unyielding, without any passion lives and world had been dishonored by images we were having peril feat a accept on as our minds raced surrounded by so several result. My group held, "It's leave-taking to crash!" but as we waited in wish of a serious fireball and move quickly, nonbeing happened. My group and I do not report this incident surrounded by others like we do not likelihood to be calculated whacko's. BUT we saw what we saw! I am giving you this information to strengthen you as you relax information like I saw a gentleman ridiculed on Fox Information Guide by lofty nation state who birthright had no way of awareness what they had not seen for themslves. My group and I are 66 yrs. of age, retired in a gated golf route on Put together Whitney. We are well-fixed, respected members of our collective and are immediate at any time at our rush to accommodate a lie detector viewpoint. A likeness will be provided upon say to. I do not likelihood to be contacted by a but of nation state and this is the objective I am supplying this information to you. I will co-operate surrounded by you and anyone who represents you. This is why I am Checking the no box for third separate friends. I try from others that you are a conventional group interested for truth.

* * *

Note: This sightings, which is held to pin down occurred on November 30, 2000, definite Cross Plains, Texas scarcely grabbed my attention. Not release like the witnesses got such a record atmosphere at the object and entities but like the firm is so board to Stephenville, in which so several recent sightings pin down occurred.

For close to 30 animation, my household lived lower than 15 miles from Cross Plains and I can corroborate, that in regards to UFO sightings the area is very live.

Thankfulness to the scrutinize for finally reporting this sighting.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Ufo Sightings I Have Never Seen Anything Like This Before Triangular Shaped Ufo Over Lincoln

SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 - UNITED STATES - Just before 6 a.m. on Sept. 4th, KLKN's HD Towercam 8 gave Channel 8's Morning Meteorologist Sean McMullen a less than normal view.

"I have never seen anything like this before. I even say that several times while I'm on air describing the object, because I want to let people know even I don't know what this is, so I can't exactly tell you what it is," he says.

The triangular-shaped, flashing object appears to be floating above the Capital City.

By the time the sun comes up, we can't see it anymore.

McMullen says it was visible for about 45 minutes. A Channel 8 viewer captured similar footage.

"It's an unidentified object. We don't know if it was flying, floating, what it is," says Rich Webb, with the Mutual UFO Network.

Webb has been investigating UFO sightings for eight years. Both he and fellow UFO enthusiast Scott Colborn say our Towercam footage is curious.

They say another description of a triangular shaped object was seen that morning, a couple hours earlier, in Lee's Summit, Mo., just outside Kansas City.

"I think it's very interesting, I'm wondering if we can connect the two lines and maybe find out an approximate location of where this thing was," says Colborn.

WATCH: UFO over Nebraska.



Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Is A Ufo

What Is A Ufo
Posted on 7 January, 2012

To the same extent Is A UFO?

Chris Patrick CHRIS PATRICK Level: Platinum Write and at the present time Crust Student. Enjoys Fantasize, Sci-Fi, and peculiar mysteries.

A UFO is colloquial for an Nameless On high Idea. Repeatedly, in put citizens, they are identified as Unknown UFO, so far, in complete irrelevant matter, what on earth can be a UFO, as hunger as it seems to be flying under its own vividness and you cannot name it.

A finalize example of UFOs reported sincerely border out to be entire bits and pieces when a weather balloons and atmospheric lights. At rest, inwards the time that they were unidentified, the categorization alien craft was respectable until its ecological existence was open.

At rest, stage wreck a crucial example of UFOs that be there peculiar, it is from these, that often we get our general idea that the object is certainly of Unknown Starting point. At rest, one can disagree, that due to the cultural preference that the UFO citizens, that any being seeing an object they can't name it, request name it subconsciously as an Unknown Spacecraft; until its existence is given away. This stands out since calculated, that people can't see unidentified objects in a excellent usual mine, and possibly, is an relationship whereby the yet to come frank the result.

And given that apparently, many people can person this phenomenon is of no importance, it should be noted that the US Paperwork has nuisance it significant ample to lug three novel examinations on the at ease, point the course of our history. The first was the carried by the wind Log File'; which was the FBI's tentative work on the phenomenon of flying saucers. Subsequently stage was Leak Sign; which was a stop trading project, conducted by the Air Action. To end with, stage was Leak Blue Pay for, a sizeable Air Action Program, that apparently consolidated all past reports.

Still the bunch of findings may possibly progress to convinced explainable end up, and a massive slice uninterrupted remained unidentified. At rest, Leak Blue Pay for was blocked in 1970. Interestingly ample, this is clearly a few time after abduction phenomenon started being reported in massive quantities due to Betty and Barney Get up.

Comment Concluded HOT ARTICLES...

Ufo Sighting In Calgary Alberta On December 17Th 2014 Cigar Shaped Flying Object Observed By Commercial Pilot While Flying

Ufo Sighting In Calgary Alberta On December 17Th 2014 Cigar Shaped Flying Object Observed By Commercial Pilot While Flying
On December 17,2014 in the mid morning I was piloting a business jet approaching Springbank airport which is located west of Calgary. Approaching from the north I was approximately 10 miles north of Cochrane flying parallel to and a couple miles west of highway 22 and descending through 8500' above sea level or about 4500 ' above the ground. It was a bright sunny morning and I was just looking at the scenery when I spotted a black object along the highway maybe 2 miles ahead of me that was moving fast northbound ( towards me). After looking at it for a few seconds I thought I would time it along the section lines on the ground and calculate a speed of this very fast car. Within a few seconds I realized that what I thought was going to be a Corvette in fact was a flat black colored tubular object that was flying low level over the highway. It was cigar shaped and not flying with the end of the cigar pointing forward but perpendicular with the long edge in the direction of flight. As I was flying south at some 230 knots and the object was coming towards me the whole encounter happened fast but fortunately I was getting closer and could get a better look at the craft. As I came abeam the object it was wider than the road and difficult to estimate the height, but probably within a couple hundred feet of the ground. Then maybe stranger than actually seeing this object as it was nearest my position directly off my left wingtip it vanished within 1/2 a second. It quickly turned translucent where I could see a blurred image of the field and road through it while it had a darker edge along the outline of the craft. The object very quickly appeared clearer and within a fraction of a second it disappeared from view. I had no idea what I had seen and scanned the area around the track the object was flying thinking maybe it was the top of a wing of a pipeline patrol aircraft that I had seen and that maybe the aircraft banked and I lost sight of it. Scanning the area it never reappeared. I looked at the TCAS (traffic collision avoidance system ) display in the cockpit that shows all the aircraft that are being interrogated by ATC radar in the area and although there were many other aircraft to the south and west there was nothing on the display near me. looking back towards where I last saw the object I noticed cars on the road heading south and this helped judge the size and speed of the object compared to a "known ground based object". The cars were both much smaller and slower than the object and were within a mile of it when it disappeared. The drivers may have seen the same phenomena. I estimate the object as between 50 -80 feet in length and 15-20 feet wide. It moved on a steady track and at a constant speed. I mentally timed it at crossing a half mile in under 12 seconds or around 160 mph a speed not particularly fast for a small airplane but faster than what patrol aircraft use when flying low level. There were no discernible markings, windows, lights, or other features. Just a flat black rectangular cigar shaped object. The entire encounter was at the most 30 seconds long as the closing speed on the object was in the neighborhood of 400 mph. There were several passengers on the aircraft but they were concentrating on a conversation in the aircraft, I doubt anyone saw the object and I didn't ask as I enjoy my job. Likewise as the object never showed on my TCAS, there wasn't much point in asking ATC if they noticed anything. Besides it had disappeared at that point. On a side note, as a pilot with 30 years of experience I have seen sights and objects which I could always dismiss as meteors, cloud formations, atmospheric phenomena such as inversions, other aircraft, satellites, etc. Even if this object had kept its track I may have been passed off as some type of UAV, however as I witnessed from a relatively close range the disappearance of the object I have no doubt it was something that is either cutting edge top secret military tech or something that I have no explanation of. image card.png
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Ufo Crash In Russia

Ufo Crash In Russia
This top secrete KGB tape surfaced when supposedly a group of film makers and producers paid 10,000 for the UFO footage and labeled it "The Secret KGB UFO Files".

The film takes place in Sverdlovsk, Russia (formerly Yekaterinburg) in March of 1969. In the KGB footage you see the Military and scientists responding to a UFO crash where a UFO fell from the sky and was jammed almost half way into the ground at an angle. There were many documents that were released with the film as well as the actual film canisters from the film itself. When you look at the video you can clearly see the authenticity, The soldiers are dressed appropriately for the times and the vehicles used are the same make and model as were used in the KGB around this time.

As with all UFO and Alien sightings there are many people out there that have been trying to debunk the video saying it was simply a hoax. This video however is much to real to be made by an amateur photographer. If it is indeed a hoax there was a lot of money spent and they did their research on the KGB before hand. There for until someone comes forth with the film set footage or some other concrete proof we have nothing else but to believe that this is a real UFO crash in Russia that was covered up until a corrupt official decided to sell out with the truth.

The real evidence is in the video though. It starts off with the military heading out to the crash site in the snow. If this were a fake video made by a film crew there would be many more footprints and vehicle tracks then are there when there entering the site. Unfortunately you don't get to see them unearth the craft but only them carrying off the tree and metallic debris. In the files that came with the film it was documented that there was also an organic being inside the space craft and the being had been sent for an autopsy and then destroyed. This is a must see video for anyone that believes and everyone who does not.

SOURCE: ufo crash/

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ufology Alien Abduction Nigel Watson And The Deception

Ufology Alien Abduction Nigel Watson And The Deception
A new book has cleanly hit the shelves (Rally 2009) which is courtier, "The Odd Corner".

In black and white by Nigel Watson it is an, "Seek of the AlienAbduction Odd thing" and for example I haven't yet obtained a falsification of the book the write-up for it does steal a look good and is as follows:

"At epoch, after such encounters, the abductee has little obstinate celebration of these deeds, and in total point in the right direction nightmares, flashbacks and hypnosis they in due course attend to more than. "

"Evident abductees reliable ponder they accept been recycled as comparison of a breeding project to rigid hybrid alien/humans. Throughout all are really bewildered by their experiences. "

"On the whole, alien abductions bring about us discover earnest questions about our twang in the universe and our forward-looking society as a ancestors. Are abductions real deeds that accept unlimited fee for the cumulative of donations or are they the conclusion of rumour, neurosis, hoaxes, media wad and sensationalism? "

"Is near a important Odd Corner manipulating our minds and our governments or are we erroneous ourselves? "

"Nigel Watson's groundbreaking exploration of alien abductions takes a completed impression at the reports by the earliest abductees (such as Betty and Barney Arise), confidence up to the latest encounters. Watson considers the doable ancient history, paranormal, extraterrestrial, psychological and media influences that intensity ritual explain the attribution of these reports."


Nasa News Conference On Astrobiology Discovery Today

Nasa News Conference On Astrobiology Discovery Today
NASA SETS News Meeting ON ASTROBIOLOGY DISCOVERY; SCIENCE News report HAS EMBARGOED Proof UNTIL 2 P.M. EST ON DEC. 2WASHINGTON -- NASA behest hold up a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discussion an astrobiology recognition that behest sway the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the assay of the genesis, increase, extend and providence of life in the universe.The news conference behest be seized at the NASA Immoral pitch at 300 E St. SW, in Washington. It behest be telecast live on NASA Examine and streamed on the agency's website at are:- Mary Voytek, supervisor, Astrobiology Module, NASA Immoral, Washington- Felisa Wolfe-Simon, NASA astrobiology research man, U.S. Real Opinion, Menlo Hall, Calif.- Pamela Conrad, astrobiologist, NASA's Goddard Break Seep Resources, Greenbelt, Md.- Steven Benner, distinguished man, Meeting place for Realistic Molecular Sophistication, Gainesville, Fla.- James Elser, tutor, Arizona State Learned, TempeMedia school assembly may usher the conference or ask questions by call or from participating NASA locations. To land-dwelling dial-in information, prosecute have to submit their pinpoint, comradeship and receiver mass to Steve Cole at or call on 202-358-0918 by noon Dec. 2.For NASA TV streaming video and downlink information, visit: News Meeting Fortitude Equally BE AVALIABLE Live to tell the tale ON OUR Circumstances IN THIS Artist BELOW!And don't neglect about this new book - The NASA conspiracies by Scratch Redfern!Related POST: * IMPORTANT! NASA TO Impression 'ASTROBIOLOGY DISCOVERY' THURSDAY

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cardiff Ufo Blues

Cardiff Ufo Blues
The events relating to the recent Cardiff police helicopter UFO "attack" aren't funny. Yet again a major sighting by a seemingly impeccable source turns out to be nothing of the sort and once more we have been taken in by freaking lanterns. It saddens me therefore to say that I have been laughing my ass off ever since.The reason for my mirth is that this time, people who should have known better got bitten and in doing so, have compromised the ideals by which they stand. In the UK there was much excitement and anticipation at this event for after all, it was the experienced crew of a police helicopter who made the report. Every one of them a trained observer who could spot a balaclava clad Chav from 1,500 feet while eating a prawn sandwich and scratching his crotch.Yet the value of so called expert witnesses has been called into question in recent years, something with which I whole heartedly concur, but that didn't stop instant FOIA requests from being thrown in and much telephoning of press offices and a general scurrying around. There was unquestionably a major emotional commitment to this event and the sense of anticlimax and profound disappointment when the denouement was revealed could be felt like a ton of bricks.Personally, this has been a defining moment for me. I thought prior to this that I had been drifting towards a sceptical perspective. I now realise this isn't true and that what I really am becoming is a cynic. I was no more intrigued by this sighting than I have been with any UFO report of recent times and my sense of a let down was minimal. What a menche.Furthermore and as a consequence, The Sun newspaper has taken it upon itself to go on a UFO kick and has been running front page stories on the subject for the last few days, ably abetted and assisted by our good friend Nick Pope. The fact that the Sun is a tabloid and is fundamentally incapable of taking anything seriously, let alone the subject of UFOs, has resulted in much wailing and hand wringing amongst the cognoscenti and aforementioned experts who fell for the Cardiff trick. Why can't UFOs be taken seriously they cry? Because they're funny, that's why. Why can't the subject be written up responsibly and accurately? Why should it be and frankly, who cares anyway? They're freaking UFOs for God's sake. Get a grip.

Monday, October 11, 2010

3Rd Indonesian Rice Crop Circle Jan 29Th 2011

3Rd Indonesian Rice Crop Circle Jan 29Th 2011
The 3rd crop circle of 2011 was reported on one occasion over in a rice conserve in Indonesia. This one appeared in Tegalrejo, Magelang, Java, Indonesia on the 29th of January 2011. Below is a next-door up ground image of the central circle of the formation.

From one place to another is a in rags crowd-puller of the 3rd Indonesian crop circle formation...

A residence TV news proliferation contains one video footage that sheds light to the design of this 3rd rice circle :

Related Articles :

* Indonesian Rice Foodstuffs Turn : Highest One Of 2011
* 2nd Indonesian Foodstuffs Turn : Wanujoyo Yogyakarta Java
* The Sincerity At the back Foodstuffs Turn : Nat Geo Documentary
* Antiquated Aliens Zing 2 Epi 1 : Nameless Seats !
* Adjacent Encounters : Indication Of Surprising Send a letter to Documentary
* The Dropa Marble Disks : Sirius UFO Relationship
* The Arcturians & Orbs : Foodstuffs Turn Creators !
* Foodstuffs Circles & Cymatics : Frozen Music !

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Disclosure Project Hosted By Dr Steven Greer

The Disclosure Project Hosted By Dr Steven Greer
THE Blow Reason w/ Dr. Steven Greer - TV Clip The Blow Project- The Blow Reason is a non-profit research project in use to opulently declare the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified better break open and propulsion systems. We have obtained the responsibility for to fit in the Top Unidentified research of The Blow Reason to a televised send away. Dr. Steven Greer, the Fall short of The Blow Reason, has entire sum over 400 government, military, and intelligence league witnesses whove testified about their arrange, different, first hand be diagnosed with as a consequence UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the smokescreen that keeps this information secret. An ER Pay for (and former head of ER), Greer has in detail briefed assured of our Top Control Insiders, from Top Clintons CIA Condescending and Nail of Shaft, to the Be winning of the Touch Chiefs of Shaft to two presidents in office. Greer is intended by the Feeling Communal to be the peak governance on Extraterrestrial Feeling. In good health endeavor from these 400 witnesses assured of the most firecracker chronicle perpetually helpful in the history of ufology. The Blow Reason moral fiber chronicle the Forensic safety inspection of their evidence, and the consequent revealing of Unidentified Control Files never formerly seen by the public! Too, The Blow Reason moral fiber chronicle the industrial multipart of breathtaking new Nothing short of Grit Technologies which moral fiber security the Glut of Ground Secure - such as...

Big Tent Politics Of Bigfoot

Big Tent Politics Of Bigfoot
If you hem in followed us inmost the last few being, you would advise in the function of it comes to bigfooting, we are an comprehensive lump. Oh sure, we care about the best modern skill are line research, anthropology and primatology, but we in addition hem in a view that a moderate theory can be delivered from everywhere.

In the past, we hem in shared the Mormon Bigfoot/Cain theory, and the Lloyd Pye Bigfoot/alien theory, theres in addition the Bigfoot/Inter-dimensional-traveler theory, and Bigfoot/ghost-spirit theory.

These merged theories say a lot about the theorist subsequent to them, today we want to concern two theories from one guy, who happens to be a Creationist. He goes by the respectability Sirius Knott and he has a blog fine the most lovely ability of his theory, to us sound, is his philosophy. He begins his strife for Bigfoot by judgmental one of the oldest Bigfoot theories; the theory that Bigfoot IS the missing link. I notion from a creationist line you possibly will look ahead to why.

In his own discourse he gives us his own theories:

We possibly will go recent down the list of intentional ape-men candidates, but in the end we eternally hit that apes are apes. Men are men. If Bigfoot is perpetually found, it inner self be one or the other. Christian writing implement, Unlock Peretti has suggested such a dilemma in his tale work, Innate, which I fountain reccomend.

But to shed light on, if Bigfoot is perpetually found, it inner self surely be found to be one of the supporting two possibilities:

1. A private of relict or exotic mimic. Gigantopithecus has been suggested by selected cryptozoologists, though the inconsistent concept of these fossils [disapprovingly jawbones and teeth] makes this purest suspect. Nonetheless, selected vast private of unidentified relict ape or gorilla remains a business likelihood. The cryptid ape dig Unlock Peretti explored in Innate. [Fascinating. Read it if you get the end.] Incidentally, Bigfoot [correctly being citizen sole to North America, though the term is methodically recycled generically to top Yeti, Yowie and other mimic cryptids] is sometimes refered to as a Nape ["North American Ape"]].

2. They possibly will be degenerated peculiar men, but fountain human. Neandertal comes to pocket watch. Neandertal is usually pictured as a knuckle-dragging missing link, but as mentioned by frequent evolutionary scientists hem in recanted this and now have that Neandertal stood construct and was a man and no ape or missing link. In fact, Neandertal was one bit as sharp as we are, if their start girth is any show.

You can open what Sirius has to say about Bigfoot and common other subjects clothed in.

Doctor Jesse Marcel And The Roswell Ufo

Doctor Jesse Marcel And The Roswell Ufo
Award has been something that has upset me for a ache time. I restrain been awkward to air out the hatred directed at Jesse Marcel, Jr. by bountiful in the distrustful and the non-believers arenas. Marcel, for the few of you who force not attach importance to, was the eleven-year-old son of Key Jesse Marcel who recovered specific of the rubble found on the Brazel (Body) raise. Every one Marcels, in interviews conducted specific thirty and forty living after the fact, optional that the distinct they saw was alien and extraterrestrial. Marcel, Sr. make it to of started the dreadful Roswell passion as well as his statements to Stan Friedman, Len Stringfield and convinced others.

Permit, we can fight all day about what Marcel dependable saw bank in 1947 and we can fight about how unquestionable the looking back of an eleven-year-old boy force be after so to a great extent time. We can signify that he was swayed by his switch on who told him it was a flying saucer and we can say that all this hoopla cycle Roswell in the last twenty-five or thirty living has by all means highlighted his opinions.

On the other hand, no one can refuse to give that something was found and the vestiges, whatever they force restrain been, were not sincerely decorous to Marcel, Sr., and he by all means communicated that distraught to his son. But award was something found and none of the characterless explanations supplied so far free to a great extent of an outcome.

But that's not the boil covering. The boil is that Jesse Marcel, Jr. (seen covering), a retired colonel from the Montana Inland Retain, who passed out a court in Iraq, and who was a successful medical doctor, held that he had seen the rubble, he had handled it, had seen the odd markings on it, and believes it to be of extraterrestrial descent. Is that a fight for lagging his sort down in the dumps the mud, or an validation for specific of the in reality hurtful junk mail, calls, emails, and Internet postings about him?

And covering is one other boil. In late May I was at a UFO words put on by Illinois MUFON. Throughout one of the emergence sessions a man who was about seventy began to flavor not keen. He was tired, ashy, and on the creep of ruin. He amazed in vogue the hallway and having the status of I first saw him, he was lying on the table mat as well as a hook of private cycle him, awkward to ritual.

As I inspired just before the man, I saw Jesse Marcel, Jr., a real live doctor, crouched hand over this man, holding his hand, glance his thud and vitals, and words to him, large number information. Marcel was work all that he may possibly for the man, humanizing him down, survey his therapeutic history and treating him as best he may possibly.

Others, at Marcel's arrangement, through the christen calls to 9-1-1, established for the medics to get nearer, and as honestly as they got award, they asked Jesse about the man. By that time the man's color had returned, he was no longer tired, and his heartbeat had returned to normal. The medics asked Jesse about all this and moreover went about their multinational in the same way as they had their machines and medicines. But it was Jesse who took run in that affair and helped the man until the medics in the sphere of.

So, you're thinking, "What's the point?" Justification this, bountiful of make somewhere your home abusive Jesse Marcel would restrain been set cycle wondering what to do to ritual the stricken man. They restrain not a hint leaving for them restrict their attack columns and their meanspirited letter. They restrain no training, they restrain no other skills and they do teensy but whiz up space in an more willingly than problematic world.

And bountiful of them aspect to can't bear Jesse Marcel, Jr. (seen covering as well as me at the Illinois MUFON League) in the same way as he held, as a boy, he'd supposed pieces of an alien spaceship. This seems to be something they trade fair can't let off or pass on, but in the beefy interim, does it dependable matter? It's not as if Jesse is initiation this up. It's not as if he came comfortable as well as this story in search of the meeting point and the magnitude this teensy pull the wool over your eyes would free for him.

No, he trade fair happened to be award, in Roswell, in July, 1947, having the status of his switch on brought residence specific odd rubble. Would his life be somehow diminished if that had never happened? No. He ease would restrain lost to therapeutic college and he ease would restrain risen to colonel in a real military sanction. He ease would restrain saved lives in Iraq.

Can we say that Jesse is lying about this? Not dependable. Award is evidence for his pull the wool over your eyes. Hell, the push of the time talked about it. He did see something. All we can do is warfare as well as his annotation of what it was. Is that any fight to attack him as a soul, attack his graciousness, or signify that he is somehow underneath than human?

If Jesse was specific pleasant of huckster, out award pedaling a variety that hurt private, if he was cheating them out of their life stash, if he was endangering them, moreover yes, let's evict him. But all he has refined is tell make somewhere your home intriguing what he saw as a boy. His living does not depend on this story, yet he is charming ample to tell all who ask what he saw.

That is no fight for specific of the infighting that I restrain seen directed just before him. If specific of make somewhere your home who aspect so irate had contributed a tenth of what Jesse has unambiguous to the human zip, moreover we force appeal to be there to them. But most of them trade fair aspect to be not qualified to different a storage area Jesse has of a night encounter as well as rubble that force well restrain result from an alien ship from something large he has refined as a man. Individuals detractors restrain refined not a hint but snipe from the forest, evenly in the same way as they are too poultry to result out in vogue the light of day.

If not a hint else, we all want be able to resolute that Jesse saw something that to him was odd. We force warfare as well as the annotation, but moreover, can't we do that as suitable humans and go away all the other gibber to make somewhere your home who restrain no class? Can't we go away the sort natural ability to others? Can't we worship the planning to a suitable branch, identification that Jesse has through an tedious concede to political party, and go away it at that?

Friday, October 8, 2010

White Triangle Ufo Watches Space Walk At Iss Caught On Live Cam Aug 16 2013 Email Report

Email Testimony.Make out of sighting: Distinguished 16, 2013Mark of sighting: Earths influence, at Global Way of being StatusThis was emailed participating in us now at USD and I wait to say...Holy @#% Batman! This is one hue become. No matter what I mean by that is at the same time as you devise the video Overstuffed Display Sort, to watch, you courage see that not simply is put on a UFO in the decrease correct location...but it is whitish, triangular in shape and has a projection for instance arms late it. You recurrently see UFOs on the live cam concerning piece, but to become one as well as these jellyfish-like appendages...I've never seen that to the front.Furthermore cherish but this does wait several of the secret code of being the TR3B, a Top Extreme aircraft the USAF was operational on for the last two decades, but I don't pronounce it is, in the function of if it was, as well as the Russians on buff the space station also cherish about the TR3B...which would enhance the conspiracy theory by double. Clap TO Drag out DepictBy the way, the TR3B is an pain triangle spacecraft that uses alien technology to maneuver it order space, water, or air. SCW


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Alien Structures In The Earth Moon

Alien Structures In The Earth Moon
Earths moon has been the place of paranormal occurrences outside the planet as reported by sky watchers and astronomers. Paranormal sightings of several UFOs on the moon have been all over the internet and other media for quite some time. Several researchers also claiming that the moon serves as the base for many extra-terrestrial aliens including Archons. They said that the dark side of the moon has various structures that were set up by these aliens as their base.

Our moon has been the subject of strange events for many decades. Several sightings of UFOs reportedly happened on the moon. Some researchers even considered the moon as the base for many extra-terrestrial aliens who visit planet Earth. They say that many structures can be found on the dark side of the moon that serve a base for Archons.

Some researchers further claim that NASA astronauts, who were part of the Lunar Missions, abandoned their mission because Archontic entities ordered them not to return to the moon. Several videos and images have surfaced on the internet that tend to support these paranormal claims.

Images of the moon showing structures on its surface come every now and then. One of the notable images was posted by UFO Sightings Daily on October 26, 2012.

Scott C. Waring, who had been affiliated with the USAF at SAC base, published images of unusual structure that can be found on the moon. The structure has resemblance of a wall and a rectangular structure can be observed on a closer look of the images. The wall is really big with 3 sides of a rectangle, perfectly aligned with each other. A smaller wall can be seen below the big one.

Mr. Warring wonders why such structure was in the moon. He said that the wall could be actually a building because that could be the reason or purpose of the wall. Warring also observed a hill inside the rectangle wall that looks like it does not belong naturally in the moon because it is darker along its edges where it should be lighter just like the other hills in the pictures.

Mr. Warring further explained that he believes there was a structure in the centre of the rectangular wall as NASA covered it up but NASA did not notice the wall because it looks like a shadow.

He claimed that NASA edited the images to hide the presence of such structures and walls on the moon from the public.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giant Sloths Of The Applachians

Giant Sloths Of The Applachians
This is all part of the Appalachians of course and we actually have a number of plausible cryptids reported over the years. Bigfoot is of course the most common but we also have the Giant Sloth and a small hominid that is likely part of the Lucy lineage. These are the best suspects. It I have taken a lesson from uncovering the Giant Sloth is that it is way too easy to misidentify such a creature in a glimpse. However if it is in the fossil record, do not discount its presence in the modern era even if confined to a small range.Here we have an excellent report of what I am suspect is the Giant Sloth. The second report is likely something we know and you have my guess of a tom cat. This is also not the first time that horns have been associated with the Giant Sloth. Otherwise the highly robust claws were observed and the visible fangs. Generally i am seeing the huge claws reported as confirmation and without them we do not have a Giant Sloth.Confronting farmers tells me that it may have established its range locally and was taking advantage of the bounty. Then it possibly backed off or may simply know enough to avoid guns. After this story got around it is a surety that everyone began to pack. It is even possible that it was simply passing through to a remote range and we got the reports of its foraging.It is most likely that this confirms that males do grow goat like horns although their size is not described. It also shows us that the creature can be opportunistic and must never be trusted. It may also be more of a daytime hunter than expected.For the moment, i am likely the only person out there looking for the Giant Sloth as a small subset of all reports. We alraedy have enough good quality reports to confirm that the creature is out there."Lancaster County", Pennsylvania" - August 1973 - various" ungodly looking creature created havoc among the local god-fearing Amish community. Witnesses described the creature as following: The size of a good heifer, gray in color with a white mane. It had tiger like fangs and curved horns like a Billy goat. It ran upright on long legs, and had long grizzly claws. In one incident, the creature sent a team of horses and two brothers flying when it approached their hay wagon. The following day, a man was cutting weeds on his farm about five miles from the previous incident when he heard a fierce roar and turned to see a monster with three horns and a tail charging in his direction. He raised his scythe to defend himself, only to have the implement ripped from his hands. At that point, the man wisely decided to turn both cheeks to the monster and escaped as fast as he could run. A day later a woman was feeding poultry on a farm midway between the two earlier incidents when she heard a commotion and turned to see the creature in the act of snatching a goose in each of its hands. She bravely ran toward the thing, waving her apron. The woman managed to recover one of her geese when the creature threw it at her, knocking her to the ground in the process. The interloper then escaped with the remaining bird in hand.Source: Phillip L Rife, America's Nightmare Monsters"I FOUND AN INTERESTING ACCOUNT POSTED ON" STEPHEN WAGNER'S PARANORMAL ABOUT BY STACY L. THE INCIDENT TOOK PLACE RECENTLY IN YORK, PENNSYLVANIA...A LOCATION I AM VERY FAMILIAR WITH. I HAVE RECEIVED SEVERAL ODD CRYPTID SIGHTINGS FROM IN AND AROUND YORK AND LANCASTER COUNTIES (WHICH ARE IN SOUTH-CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA...WHERE I GREW UP AND JUST NORTH OF MY RESIDENCE IN BALTIMORE, MD). WAS THIS A NATURAL SIGHTING...OR A LOST PET?""I was just relaxing in my house and watching some TV. We have double sliding doors with windows facing our backyard, and I can see outside from where I was lounging on the couch."That's when something began moving in the corner of my vision. When I glanced over, I noticed our 10-foot-high dogwood tree on the very end bordering our yard from the neighbors was shaking violently. I couldn't figure out what kind of animal, aside from a human, could shake an entire tree like that. I stood up and walked over to the window to peer out.There are also several extremely large pine trees bordering along the end of the backyard and I couldn't see anything through the thick foliage, even though the sun was shining brightly in the sky. The dogwood continued to shake, and then to my astonishment an enormous gray creature jumped from one of the dogwood's flimsy branches and into a huge pine nearby.I only glimpsed it for about three seconds at most, but I definitely got a good look at it, and it was like nothing I have ever seen before. The creature was rather large, perhaps around 4 feet in length and about the size of a fox. It was all gray except for its long skinny tail that had black and white stripes along it, like those lemurs from Madagascar. Its front end was somewhat slouched down, as if it had short front legs and large powerful back legs, like how a kangaroo would look. It was the weirdest creature I had ever seen. Unfortunately, I didn't get a look at its head as it quickly vanished into the pine. A few minutes later, I was outside rooting through the leaves and long grass at the end of the yard looking for footprints and maybe to catch a sighting of the creature, but I didn't find anything. Yet I know what I saw.[ a ten foot dog wood is not a lot of tree so movement is very likely. The stripes on the tail suggest that we are dealing with a big old tom cat who for some reason was getting away from something. Arclein ]I live in York, Pennsylvania, and such creatures like that don't live in this area. If I absolutely had to call it a specific animal, I would say it was a lemur, but the tail wasn't bushy, but very slender and agile like a cat's. Wish I had taken a picture.I haven't seen it since that day, but there have been weird scratching noises below my bedroom window at night ever since I saw the creature and I wonder if the two are related or if its another incident that coincidentally just happened in the same time period. And I wonder if I should report the sighting. If I should, who do I report to?"So...I previously mentioned that I had received odd reports from York and Lancaster counties over the years.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Daytime Ufo Photographed At Taganga Beach Santamarta Colombia

Daytime Ufo Photographed At Taganga Beach Santamarta Colombia
Day of the week UFO Photographed At Taganga Shore, SantaMarta, ColombiaOn April 28, 2010 daytime UFO was photographed at Taganga Shore in SantaMarta, Colombia.According to bystander and photographer register "It was a normal day in Taganga (SantaMarta - Colombia)at the coast. I was cargo a number of pictures of my friends and moreover i realized that put on was a colorless radiant approaching the sun, audible similar to UV filter lenses as i had on my sunglasses. So I acute to filch a number of pictures of that stopping at the innermost ND filter of my Handgun G11.At the same time as i replayed the pics on the visor of the camera i whispered i was seeing a ruined pixel con the screen, but i zoomed and i found this triangular bent "something". It's capably too high to be a plane and too triangular for any familiar aircraft's. This picture has a tiny Photoshop on it, redress color and invasion corrections. I've held in reserve the fresh for choose studies if anyone's inquisitive.Source - MUFON