Sunday, January 17, 2010

It Came From Outer Space

It Came From Outer Space
by S. Douglas Woodward

"We know that the [crop circle] formations occur quickly, in some cases within a few seconds. Eyewitnesses report the plants suddenly oscillate, moving back and forth wildly, then simply collapse to the earth. Dowsing ["Water witching ], a technique used to detect earth energy, demonstrates the formations are linked to ley lines, or lines of k'ul, as the Maya would say... Interestingly, the ley lines also link the formations to ancient sacred sites such as Stonehenge and Avebury. Are the [crop] circles activating these ancient sites as Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men says will happen? "COLLIN AND SYNTHIA ANDREWS, from

2012: An Ancient Look at a Critical Time


"In the last article of this series, we discussed UFOs and how they've influenced our culture and impacted pseudo-religions such as Theosophy" and the "New Age Movement". We also connected the phenomenon to the claims of many 2012 enthusiasts (i.e., 'something sinister this way comes!') From all reports, beings from 'outer space' are all the rage!

One of the most popular series on the History Channel today addresses what has become known as 'ancient astronaut theory.' Eric van D"aniken spawned this interest with his classic book, "Chariots of the Gods "(1968)"." So far, van D"aniken has sold 63 million copies of his books in over 32 languages. Not bad for a notion Science planned to easily debunk by publishing 'the real facts' in no more than well-researched book or two. Of course, never let the facts get in the way of a good story!

Over the past 40 plus years, the growth of research on this topic and the conclusions drawn are equally astonishing. There are now countless titles by scores of authors attempting to account for the many puzzling human artifacts dating back to megalithic times long since passed (spanning from the "Great Pyramids" of Egypt to the "Moai" in the Pacific - that's those 'big heads' on Easter Island). All these manuscripts share the conviction that humankind didn't have the technology to do the job. Aliens had to participate in such processes to provide the out-of-this-world know-how. Not that there is a consensus amongst all the cosmic commentators. But what is beyond debate is that there are 'tons and tons' of anomalous data (being such big stones and all), thousands of years old, crying out for explanation.

What ancient astronaut theory has in common with traditional religions is the belief that the human species did not result from naturalistic evolution. What's unique, however, is its supposition our kind emerged from "genetic engineering carried out by extraterrestrials. "

The most well-known source elaborating on this alternative history is middle-eastern scholar, "Zecharia Sitchin", now 90 years old. Sitchin, who's been translating Sumerian clay tablets for over four decades now, concocted an amazing account regarding our origins from his many discoveries. Now, he claims that he isn't 'telling stories' - it's all there in dried mud in Mesopotamia. As they say, "you can't make this stuff up!"

It seems that tens of thousands of years ago, beings called the "Annunaki" from the planet "Nibiru" came to earth in search of gold, a necessary element for surviving on their planet. Given they were running out of gold and they discovered our planet had plenty, they decided to raid earth's resources. However, since it was such hard work, these 'gods' determined that they would need laborers to mine the gold. They took the forbears of humanity (our ancestors - native Homo sapiens) and improved upon our DNA, increasing our intelligence and ability to do the work required. Consequently, through genetic engineering, the Annunaki became the masters of the human slave race. This arrangement worked out well (at least for our masters who controlled humanity for thousands of years - "as the story goes"). Many interesting events transpired, which I won't delve into here. However, Sitchin indicates that Nibiru - the planet from which the Annunaki originated - travels in a highly 'elongated' elliptical orbit that comes near to our sun (and the earth) every 3,600 years (one Nibiru 'year'). 2012 speculators go so far as to claim that Nibiru has been detected by NASA and will come close enough in 2012 to wreak havoc upon the earth. That's why the "Kolbrin Bible" (originally an Egyptian ancient book of wisdom) calls Nibiru 'the destroyer.' Fortunately, the man who discovered Nibiru says that we shouldn't worry about this rendezvous. According to his math, these 'extraterrestrials' (whose DNA we apparently share) aren't due back for another 1,000 years from now. Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief!

In direct contrast to the annals of the Annunaki, there are contemporary artifacts that many 2012'ers believe evidence aliens here on earth today! These artifacts are the sensational art form we've come to know as "crop circles." Consequently, if the true believers are correct, we don't have to wait for ancient alien astronauts to return. They're here and communicating with us through the remarkable designs they've laid down in fields of gold. (Which is, by the way, the only obvious connection between the ancient aliens and the contemporary ones - they both hang around in "gold fields")....

...So is there a single explanation for the origin of these common traits in all these phenomena? Is there "meta-consciousness" at work that ties all these formations to human activity, either physical or spiritual? Alternatively, are UFOs involved? If non-human sources are responsible, should we assume they're extrater-restrial?[12]

On the other hand, biblical scholars would propose that if any non-human entities are accountable, we call them by their proper name: "De-mons". They would charge that there a diabolical scheme of spiritual decep-tion at work. We can imagine that in ancient times, the henges were circles enabling ancients to encounter the spirit world. Whether such spirits visibly appeared then or not isn't the point. The 'cosmic circles' enabled humankind to expand its consciousness - but more to the point, they facilitated human-spirit encounters....