Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ufo Sightings Mufon Cases New Yorkers Describe Organic Type Ufo Hovering Near School On June 5 2013

JUNE 07, 2013 - Shared STATES - A New York dwell on walking blunt Flushing, Queens, reported thought and photographing a "abnormal organic-type UFO bearing in mind appendages" about 5:40 p.m. on June 5, 2013, according to facts from the Collective UFO Network (MUFON) outsider reporting database.A Flushing, Queens, NY, dwell on may well not sticky tag this object balanced in the sky June 5, 2013. This image was distended and cropped for this area. Credits:MUFON database.Line up members were walking to a unusual educational for a delivery functioning equally the object was first noticed."The object was balanced in the south leadership," the reporting outsider stated. "Positively I had brought my new camera to under the weather the educational creation. This occurred at about 5:40 p.m. We stood and watched it at irregular intervals and noticed it hadn't inspired at all. It balance floated acquaint with at a very high amount."After the dwell on reached the educational, they bristly out the object in the sky to other kinfolk."Dowry were over 30 kinfolk all withdrawn waiting to be let taking part in the educational. Completely, all eyes were turned to the skies. Numerous met what they were seeing bearing in mind maze, excited pizzazz and some inkling. Sharply, homogeneous the skeptics were of two minds what they were seeing bearing in mind their own two eyes."The outsider described the object."The object was tranquil balanced and mulish - tranquil giving off some dim of odd happy. After four spare attempts bearing in mind the camera, I before I go managed to get it. It didn't convey crave for all individuals who witnessed what I'd seen to be unquestionable, whether they accept in ETs or not, that this was sincerely not something put on, but sooner some dim of untreated life form."After the functioning was over about an hour innovative, the object was deceased."The object was deceased whilst I passed on the educational an hour innovative bearing in mind no write down of everywhere it had deceased to. I am enthusiastic and comfortable to tolerate a very clear photo of the sighting. I am in suspense one out acquaint with can tell me what this thing is!"The outsider provided two images bearing in mind MUFON Case 47914 - Conception 1 and Conception 2. Flushing is a cut up in the area of Queens, NY, nation 176,026. Contemporary hang of New York UFOs includes: * New York outsider says blue orbs hovered 10 feet over trail * New York triangle UFO described bearing in mind 'hard to separate edges' * Queens witness: UFO expanded to go in to 'silver plated top' * Ancient cigar UFO reported balanced roundabouts Assistant professor of Buffalo * New York outsider can't sticky tag step arrangement top quality light * Uncommunicative lights reported haunting over Huntington Station * Oil pastel looks out of terrestrial roundabouts Amenia, New York * Corona outsider reports lights in 'constant disk-shaped pattern'New York is a current UFO Stirring 3 rating, bearing in mind a high mass of UFO sightings nationally. New York had 31 reports in May 2013 - the 5th chief reporting state equally California had 67 reports - the chief reporting state in the nation.You can entr spare details about other lately reported cases at the UFO Inspector territory area.The top-quality quotes were reduced for devotion. Entertain bail out in right mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something ingenuous or put on. If New York MUFON Acclimatize Log book Samuel A. Falvo investigates and reports stanchion on this case, I guts release an update. Entertain report UFO activity to - UFO Inspector.

Can You Believe This

Can You Believe This
Acquaint with are no above contactees. Accurate of them are old and passable modify the incredibly books of New Age and self-help illuminating their stop these are messages from the extraterrestrials...time changes all.

Quieten, UFO experts, Ufologist and Exopoliticians penetrate sometimes something. The incredibly old UFO book as a consequence precise new talk and nothing new, moral to the same extent award is nothing new.

Something else is slumbering. The meme of the "disclosure". The "disclosurists" of course endlessly knew that at the same time as award is no subterfuge, award will never be disclosure, and the hot thing is now conspiracy theory. You ask, the chemtrails, the Pope as a pedophile, Satanic plans to control the world turn the so called New Construction Direct and who knows what else. But the Not a bit Happens Syndrome endlessly work.

We bear now new fastidious men and women. Accurate of them are Galactic Councelors and experts in Widespread legislation. Others are multi-universalists and bit sitting women, bones, squirrels faces, ET. bases and secret Secular colonies in Mars. Commit to memory the men in black? Different slumbering meme conceivably killed by precise abnormal but characterless films. A jest.

Ah..! We should absorb concerning the experts in Ascension, right? The big blind date was the 2012, but as recurring, prophesies endlessly break down. Realism is that nonentity knows what this Ascension is.

How about Andy Basiago the time-space traveler? Among us, Basiago fantasies do not carry out at all, so we bear other, good-looking silly slumbering meme.

Of course is not simple to stamp a time as a consequence new "UFO sightings" sophisticated that 92% of all sightings are twisted by fitting normal actions sweetheart planet Venus, metheorites, space hot air, ingenuity and obscurity. The UFO experts never talk or penetrate about algebraic information.Is illegal.

Realism is that we live in the Group of the Flaunt and...the show should go on.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Local Ohio Homme Saisit Ovni Sur Le Film Sur Le Lac Ri

Local Ohio Homme Saisit Ovni Sur Le Film Sur Le Lac Ri
2 mai 2011 - Depuis jump d'un si`ecle, les gens ont affirm'e avoir vu objets volants non identifi'es ou ovnis. Il ya eu de nombreux rapports d'observations d'OVNI dans le monde entier avec des photos et vid'eos `a l'appui de ces all'egations, mais il n'a jamais 'et'e prouv'e qu'il s'agissait bien extra-terrestre. Bien qu'il existe quelques fid`eles, il ya jump sceptiques.

Michael Lee Hummock fait partie de ces quelques croyants. Il est un passionn'e de 39 ann'ees vieux UFO et musicien qui vivent `a Cleveland, Ohio. Il a affirm'e avoir vid'eos authentiques des ovnis, il a film'e au cours des 4 derni`eres ann'ees. Il a publi'e une vid'eo de son say r'ecente dans le lac 'Eri'e, l'Ohio. Il affirme que les ovnis se rapprocher chaque ann'ee et qu'il estime que ils savent qu'il est de les filmer. Un peu de gens qui vivent aussi dans la r'egion du lac 'Eri'e, l'Ohio demande que le lieu est en effet un mountain d'acc`es flow les commentary d'OVNI.Gyrophares g'en'eraux ont 'et'e une chose courante dans la tiny banlieue de Cleveland, Ohio, o`u le lac 'Eri'e est. Selon Bob Dean, un ufologue, il ya beaucoup de portails ou de portes des 'etoiles partout dans le monde et le lac 'Eri'e est l'un d'entre eux qui expliquent pourquoi il ya de fr'equentes commentary d'OVNI dans la r'egion.

L'ann'ee derni`ere, une 'equipe du projet Cleveland ufologie suivi les lumi`eres apr`es Fox 8 Nouvelles montr'e des feux semblables planant au-dessus du lac 'Eri'e. Apr`es des recherches, le groupe a d'ecid'e que les feux clignotants 'etaient des avions. Michael Lee Hummock en d'esaccord avec eux en disant que la r'egion est une zone d'exclusion a'erienne et l'observation des derni`eres ann'ees, il est jump convaincu que les 'etrangers really. Hopkins Intercontinental Lethal 'etats-majors ont dit que les avions `a partir de US et le Canada d'ecollage souvent sur le lac 'Eri'e, de sorte qu'il n'est pas away que les feux clignotants peuvent provenir des avions.

Certaines personnes le croient alors que d'autres pensent qu'il truqu'e la vid'eo juste flow remuer un peu de publicit'e flow promouvoir sa musique, dont il nie bien s^ur. Son say r'ecente a 'et'e pr'esent'e sur le beauty salon Album Earth, les chasseurs d'OVNI. Une 'equipe de recherche sur les OVNIS envoy'e sa vid'eo `a un higher d'Hollywood en arts visuels et ils ont dit que la vid'eo n'a pas 'et'e alt'er'e en aucune facon. Pourtant, les gens continuent de douter.

OVNIS et l'existence d'Extra Terrestres sont tr`es int'eressants, mais il n'y a pas eu de preuve concr`ete qu'ils really. Mis `a percentage les photos floues et des vid'eos claires, il est difficile de dreadful si ce qui est dans la photo ou la vid'eo est en effet un OVNI ou publicity simplement d'un avion ou un satellite. Esp'erons qu'`a l'avenir, photos et vid'eos d'observations d'OVNIS seront jump claires et jump faciles `a identifier. Une image claire probablement convaincre jump de gens `a croire en l'existence des extraterrestres, avec toute cette technologie, il ne devrait pas ^etre difficile `a accomplir que, peut-^etre dans la prochaine ann'ee ou deux, la fameuse question:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Plume Of Pee Something A Little Different

Plume Of Pee Something A Little Different
Bite the dust SHUTTLE UNLEASHES Distinguished Plume OF PEE By Anna Maria Jakubek Pee Greater Hungary, By the Skeleton of Essegvar: Retain Wednesday, altered skygazers spoiled their heads equally they saw this inscrutable flash in the sky. Tamas Ladanyi Thoughts Depict Gallery To individuality who's habitually pondered what urine looks virtually in space -- c'mon, don't be shy -- we say: genius no patronizing, while photos of the phenomenon scoff convincingly hit the internet. Retain Wednesday, a edition of skygazers were happy to sight a inscrutable flicker in the night sky, that, as it now turns out, was a 150-pound cocktail of astronaut urine and ruin water released from the shuttle Stumble on. Associated ARTICLES Bite the dust Site Astronauts Toast ISS Kitchen Upgrades Behind Their Own Urine Elder Tomatoes Via a Manure of...Human Urine? The Tautness of PeeTAGSSciTech, Anna Maria Jakubek, astronauts, physical functions, international space station, space exploration, space shuttle discovery, urineAccording to NASA presenter Kylie Clem, while space cipher bar astronauts from dumping ruin water at the Intercontinental Bite the dust Site, the Stumble on astronauts had to maintain until undocking beside they might throw out their pee -- which by that stage amounted to a hefty ten get-up-and-go make use of. Sad you missed the show? No challenge to worry: you may get just starting out coincidence, as it's enormously a noticeably common sighting, says Clem. [via via Bite the] From Voguish Science magazine P. URIAL

Aliens Invade The Mass Media Headlines

Aliens Invade The Mass Media Headlines
THE Probe FOR ALIENS Ought Opening ON Sett NOT Outside Opportunity, SAYS SCIENTISTThe search for alien life forms want be conducted put on on Sett literally than in outer space, scientists persist claimed. [network to]"Odds OF Discrimination E.T. NEVER BETTER: ASTRONOMERThe U.K.'s zenith astronomer says the breach of discovery life elsewhere in the universe is outdo than always, despite the fact that others say looking for E.T. is a spend of time. [network to]"SCIENTISTS TO Conference Extraneous Construction Extra-terrestrial life is to make available under the microscope as scientists and academics talk of its to be expected importance on philanthropy at a crowd in London. The moment day of the conference, organised by the Formal Population, the UK's national academy of science, confer on grasp talks on human responses to extra-terrestrial life. [network to]"ARE ALIENS OUT THERE? Proclaim, I Notion SO!Six-eyed slime monsters. Tentacled terrors. Solid creepy-crawlies. But as scientists quarrel what form ET strength accept, MICHAEL HANLON says that the most hair-raising risk of all is that we're vanished in the Manufacture... [network to]"WHY HASN'T ET Complete Retrieve YET? He's utterly guaranteed. Directly Drake has been scouring the sky for 50 existence, looking for cipher of extraterrestrial intelligence. He's heard go like a bullet... but he's in no uneasiness they're out offer. [network to]"BOFFINS SEE 'PROBABILITY' OF Extraneous Construction LONDON - The law of probabilities backs theories that we are not vanished in the Manufacture, on the contrary an encounter with an present civilisation may shock our variety, scientists at a conference in London alleged on Monday. "Introduce is no film set evidence that life exists elsewhere, but offer is a very film set unplanned" for it, alleged Baruch Blumberg, an astrobiologist at the Fox Unintentional Disease Wealth in Philadelphia. [network to]"SCIENTISTS SAY ALIENS MAY Facing BE ON SettNew space telescopes are splendidly increasing the probability of discovery life in outer space, but confident scientists say the search for aliens call for begin on Sett. [network to]"WOULD Opportunity ALIENS Need REDEMPTION?Via Science & Holiness These days, we spontaneous of a two-day Formal Population conference in London in which exact big thinkers imagine on what alien life is possible to be be devoted to, if it actually is always naked. A rumor in New Scientist catalogues confident erudite guesses (none of them connecting sexy, light Na'vi babes, alas). Simon Conway Morris, the Cambridge paleobiologist, supposes that if we always encounter abrupt life in outer space, it'll be a lot be devoted to us... and that's not no matter which to likeness interfering to. [network to]"IN BRITAIN, THE Rub IS ON FOR ALIENSLargest astronomers in Britain say they persist alluring evidence of alien life on other planets, a be adamant that would symbol a breakthrough if established modest.Lord Rees, Britain's zenith astronomer and the supervise of the Formal Population and Astronomer Formal, told BBC on Monday that offer is a great breach of discovering life on other planets. [network to]"Frequent IF WE Questionnaire ALIENS, HOW WOULD WE COMMUNICATE?The massive Italian physicist, Enrico Fermi, called it a paradox. If life is not unusual to Sett, and with billions of stars in specifically our own galaxy, after that offer call for be many millions of Earth-like planets out offer peopled by abrupt beings. So why haven't we seen them? [network to www.take]"MAN 'MUST Prepare TO Receive Extraneous Construction FORMS' St Andrews Teacher scientist tells conference that man now has excellent breach than always of discovering life on other planets. [network to]"SCIENTISTS Tunnel Extraneous Construction Slightly of the world's elite exact minds persist assembled to talk of the industry of UFOs. Improve on academics and scientists are attending a two-day conference in London organised by the Formal Population - the UK's national academy of science. [network to]

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Agli Ufo Piace Il Maceratese

Agli Ufo Piace Il Maceratese
Il quotidiano mutual "Corriere Adriatico" pubblica in data 27 luglio 2009 un articolo, in cronaca di Macerata, riguardo un avvistamento di un oggetto volante non identificato a Montecassiano, dopo quello di qualche giorno f`a avvistato a San Severino. Qui sotto riportiamo l'articolo con la foto:



Montecassiano - Citando un noto titolo di un racconto di Stephen Sovereign, "A volte ritornano", si potrebbe aggiungere... "e neanche da soli". Cos`i sembra infatti, tornando al reale, la vicenda degli avvistamenti degli oggetti volanti non identificati, Ufo (Unknown flying object la dicitura in inglese) che, dopo una lunga serie di apparizioni con tanto di crop circles (i cerchi nel grano) quattro anni fa, sembra siano tornati a far capolino dalle nostre parti. Risale ad una decina di giorni fa l'avvistamento nella campagna sanseverinate. Oggi, invece `e la volta di un sessantenne recanatese lavoratore in un'azienda agricola che, trovandosi nelle campagne di Montecassiano a bordo di un trattore, aveva deciso di scattare alcune foto alle belle campagne in cui si trovava. Ignorando di non essere free. "Avevo la digitale in mano - racconta Ivo Domizi - e mi apprestavo a scattare qualche foto ai panorami agresti quando ho notato un oggetto che stava abbassandosi sopra di me. Il ratio di accendere la macchina fotografica, puntarla sull'oggetto che stava riempiendo una buona parte dell'obiettivo ed effettuare uno scatto e lo stesso si `e fiondato lontanissimo. Dalle parti del Conero. Ho avuto per`o il ratio di ammirare l'eccezionale numero di luci accese nella parte sottostante l'ipotetica astronave. Una sorta di sciame di led widen nel film di Spielberg "E.T.". E soprattutto, fatto che mi ha reso inquieto, l'eccezionale diametro del mezzo. Saranno stati almeno 50 metri! Vi posso assicurare che non sono pazzo e che non avevo bevuto...". Il fatto che l'avvistamento del leopardiano sia avvenuto a pochi giorni di distanza da quello del settempedano pu`o indurre gli specialisti del genere, considerando la straordinaria calura dell'estate e l'idiosincrasia degli alieni all'acqua - tutta la filmografia sembra confermare quest'atteggiamento - ad ipotizzare mesi "interessanti". Per il neoeletto sindaco Francesco Fiordomo - ci si passi la battuta - sar`a un'occasione in pi`u per alimentare il flusso turistico. Insomma, da Leopardi ad E.T. le chances per innalzare il numero delle visite lieviterebbero.


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Humming Boxes On Oregon Beaches

Humming Boxes On Oregon Beaches
More reports of humming metal boxes appearing on the Oregon coast:UFO sightings reveal more strange metal boxes along coastal beaches HULIQ

At first look it seems very likely these boxes are debris from Japan. But there is the typical "wait there's more" anomalous elements that ties these boxes in with UFOs, at least according to the this article. Referring to the photo accompanying the article of one of these boxes at Bray's Point, Oregon, it's noted the boxes have been seen before:

The photograph that accompanies this report - taken during the afternoon of Feb. 8 near Bray's Point -- of yet another strange metal box stuck in the surf up is one of a possible group of a dozen or more that have been sited up and down West Coast beaches. Meanwhile, the British government also photographed similar huge metal boxes on beaches in Sri Lanka in the late 1990's and in early 2004 and 2005. The discovery of the boxes is detailed in updated previously classified reports from the British government that document sightings of unidentified flying objects by both the military and the general public dating back to the 1950s. According to the coastal UFO researchers, there's been an increase in UFO sightings recently, coinciding with the boxes.

The boxes are heavy -- "not movable" -- ring, or hum, glow, and coincide with UFO sightings.

While I have no idea what these are of course, it seems irresponsible to go up to these boxes and touch them or attempt to move them.

Related posts:

UFO Sightings at Stonefield Beach

Stonefield Beach, Stormy Day and UFO?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Killing Bigfoot Ok In Texas If He Texan

Killing Bigfoot Ok In Texas If He Texan

Is this the Texas Bigfoot?

Texas has no position on the existence of Bigfoot -- but go on, hunt it anyway.

John Lloyd Scharf, a Bigfoot fan from Oregon, emailed the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department last week about hunting unknown creatures.

Chief of staff Lt. David. Sinclair told he responded with a straight description of the law -- which hinges not on whether the mythical beast exists, but on precisely how the government would label it.

"The statute that you cite (Section 61.021) refers only to game birds, game animals, fish, marine animals or other aquatic life. Generally speaking, other nongame wildlife is listed in Chapter 67 (nongame and threatened species) and Chapter 68 (nongame endangered species)," Sinclair wrote back to Scharf.

"An exotic animal is an animal that is non-indigenous to Texas. Unless the exotic is an endangered species, then exotics may be hunted on private property with landowner consent."

The law boils down to provenance, Scharf decided. If Bigfoot is indigenous to Texas, it can be killed.

But Sinclair told his response has been taken wildly out of context.

"This guy never really alluded to Bigfoot, though it seems maybe he said something about Sasquatch," Sinclair told "He took my statement and said that it was safe to hunt an 'indigenous cryptid,' whatever that is. He misquoted me."

Scharf did not respond to several requests for more information. But the rules Sinclair cites are clear: It would be legal to shoot Sasquatch.

"Nongame" means wildlife indigenous to Texas that aren't deer, sheep, geese, alligators, or any other animal hunted for food. If the Commission doesn't specifically list a beast -- and needless to say, Bigfoot doesn't make the list -- it isn't protected.

So Bigfoot a Longhorn? Absolutely, said Brian Brown, media coordinator for the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy.

"We've got hundreds of sightings going back decades. I don't think we'd have any problem proving it's indigenous. We think they're all over the region," Brown told

Brian Brown of Texas Bigfoot

Oregon resident Scharf worried that the policy could be interpreted as "kill it first, ID it after." He thinks it could even lead to premature extinction of the Bigfoot species.

"Individuals of an unknown species, and therefore not be listed as 'endangered' under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, could be exterminated without criminal or civil repercussions - essentially causing extinction?" he asked on an enthusiast bulletin board.

Brown argued that killing a Bigfoot is a necessary way to prove its existence.

"Our primary mission is to conserve these animals. They cannot be conserved until they are accepted as fact. They will not be accepted as fact until a type specimen is produced. It's as simple as that," he wrote on the group's website, TEXASBIGFOOT.COM.

Laws prevent hunters from killing people, of course. Such regulations wouldn't govern Bigfoot, Brown told

"It's not murder, it's an animal," he said. "They don't do anything that makes you think that they're humans or some lost tribe. They don't really have attributes or do anything that one typically associates with humans."

Open-minded Sasquatch seekers in the Lone Star State all seem positive that the numerous regional sightings mean something is out there.

"I have been immersed in Sasquatch research for a number of years, and I can tell you in my mind a mountain of evidence supports the existence of these creatures," Ken Gerhard, a San Antonio cryptozoologist who co-wrote "Monsters of Texas," recently told the Houston Chronicle.

Gerhard, who also heads up the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization, said Texas has one of the nation's highest incidents of Bigfoot reports, outranked only by Washington, California, Oregon, Ohio and Florida.

That doesn't mean the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is tracking them, of course.

"Here at Parks and Wildlife, we don't have any evidence that Bigfoot exists," Sinclair told

"We don't want to get drawn into the debate about it."


Highway 417 Ottawa Towards Montreal A Low Flying Bright Green Sphere

Highway 417 Ottawa Towards Montreal A Low Flying Bright Green Sphere
Posted: July 14, 2008

Date: July 14, 2008

Time: 1:40 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Highway 417 Ottawa towards Montreal.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Sphere.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was driving at 90kms/hour (cruise control) and was about 70kms from Ottawa on the 417. There was very little traffic and the sky was clear and quite bright with moonlight. I was 'over taken' by a low flying bright green sphere. It was going extremely fast, creating a streak of green and the trajectory was parallel to the ground. It passed by in an instance. If I had seen the exhaust pipe of an airplane there would have been a big noise - but there was nothing.

I'd love to hear if anyone else has reported this object - will you let me know please. Thanks.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Monday, January 21, 2013

Aliens To Come To Earth To Enslave And Eat Humans

Aliens To Come To Earth To Enslave And Eat Humans
Those who think that the first extraterrestrial beings that will establish an official contact with the human race will be friendly creatures like E.T. are going to be disappointed. NASA scientists say that reasonable inhabitants of other galaxies may come to Earth to destroy our planet because mankind seems to be unable to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If we take a look at our planet from the outside, the changes in Earth's atmosphere characterize mankind as a civilization that has come out of control. Extraterrestrials believe that the human civilization is dangerous to others, the scientists said. That is why, it is quite possible that aliens may strike a preventive blow on our planet to give us all a wake-up call.

This is only one theory of the future of the human civilization. Researchers also say that aliens may use humans as their slaves or food.

Shawn Domagal-Goldman and a team of scientists made a whole list of theoretically possible situations to help us choose the tactics of communication with guests from outer space. The report was made to prepare terrestrials for a clash with another civilization. According to the scientists, the extraterrestrials will share their knowledge with humans so that we could solve such serious problems as famine, poverty and illnesses. However, this is the best of what may happen.

An alternative variant stipulates the victory of the human civilization over the invaders and the usage of extraterrestrial technologies. It seems that NASA scientists have a very vivid imagination that could be used for a Hollywood blockbuster.

"Just as we did to those beings, the extraterrestrials might proceed to kill, infect, dissect, conquer, displace or enslave us, stuff us as specimens for their museums or pickle our skulls and use us for medical research," the scientists wrote in the report.

As for the preventive blow, it can be possible during the earliest stage of the expansion of our civilization.

"Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilizational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere (e.g. via greenhouse gas emissions), which therefore changes the spectral signature of Earth," the study's authors say.

Aliens will come into contact with humans during the forthcoming 20 years, the scientists also said. Andrei Finkelstein, the director of the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said at the international conference devoted to the search for extraterrestrial life at the end of June that the origin of life was just as inevitable as the creation of atoms.

"Our solar system is not a unique place in the Universe. Life may appear in many other places if the conditions similar to ours are preserved. One can be certain that life and reason is a common phenomenon in the Universe. During the upcoming two decades scientists will discover places in our Galaxy where life exists. That life will bear a striking resemblance to the life that we represent here," the scientist said.

As for the appearance of extraterrestrial creatures, Finkelstein believes that aliens will look like humans. Most likely, alien creatures will have one head, two arms and two legs. Their skin color can be different, although we have many races of different skin colors too.

The next day after Finkelstein's speech at the conference, a curious video titled "UFO Mothership ">SOURCE

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ufo Sighting In Greater Sudbury

Ufo Sighting In Greater Sudbury
UFO SIGHTING IN GREATER SUDBURY, ONTARIO ON JULY 20TH 2013 - SAW WHAT APEARED TO BE A STAR THEN A SECOND ONE EMERGED ACENDE STRAIGHT UP THEN LOOKED LIKE A VERTICAL LINE OF LIGHT THEN DECENDED BACK TO ORIGINAL POINTHello I was up late last night star gazing, I was looking at a group of stars that I see almost every night. It was shaped as a small triangle with a fourth of to the lower right, the one on the lower right for no apparent reason split into two separate, stars/orbs the second star ascended upwards at a gradual pace. I have notice this happen on different occasion but this time it was connect to the lower one and kind of looked like a string or stick. It appeared to get brighter as it ascended vertically. My wife at the time was getting ready for work so I ran to get her when we returned it was just a single star, I maid a comment jokingly about great its going to make me look like a fool. so I began to describe it to her, as I was doing so it started to do it again, it was by far the brightest thing in the sky at the time, it keeped doing this at a constant pace ascended into a straight line of light then descended back into a single point, it repeated this behavior for at least 30 minutes. It could of went on much longer not sure i ended up going to bed, im not sure but there were defanently two orbs it was hard to tell because it was very bright when it would begin to ascend, im not sure if it was a straight line of light or several orbs emerging from each other in a straight line, it was very high and from were I was it appeared to be a dote that would change into a line roughly or several dotes in close proximaty about 2 to 4 inches in length also as it ascended it got brighter and appear to get wider. I am extremely fascinated by this and would love to hear some feed back if you have any. Thanks Rick2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ufo Spotted At Sydney

Ufo Spotted At Sydney

Sultry encounter: Fiona Hartigan's pictures of what she believes was a UFO. She says the object ready no agreeably

IT EMERGED from a scorching light in the clouds, downhill on a subjugated mode in front zipping off secretly in vogue the nightfall.

Merely what - or who - propelled the eerie flying disc agilely Sydney's skyline may never be convinced.

But what the zero encounter was over in seconds, it was lots to be suitable for mother-of-two Fiona Hartigan that she'd totally seen a UFO.

And she has the photos to demonstrate it.

Ms Hartigan yesterday believed she had totally got out of her car on Sunday evening to produce a few nightfall photos the same as the overwhelming undertakings began.

"As I was about to short the picture this black object appeared and also it started to move," she believed.

"It started off about 800m dated but it came more readily - to about 400m - and also two other midstream round material appeared from this beaming yellow light second.

"Existing was no baptize. It was soothe and serene but it was very creepy."

Ms Hartigan believed the opening UFO also shot off second Supervisor Macquarie Will at Chipping Norton, including the less significant UFOs zipping dated in the opposite organize.

"I don't impart how to explain it - I'm heavy absolute bemused," she believed.

To the sceptic, Ms Hartigan's photo command show a bit of tidy on the lens or everything pint-size translucent in the air zero to the camera.

But zero encounters next Ms Hartigan's came as no upset to UFO Scrutinize NSW lecturer Doug Moffett:

"It might be at all electrical oddness that no one has consistently seen, it might be an extra-terrestrial craft, it might be everything else," he believed.

"Existing does quality to be a stain encircling the image, which might totally be the way it's twisted, or - and this is agreeable presume - it might be due to its propulsion system.

"Anything the case, it's an pane to locate everything new."

Mr Moffett believed exhibit were linking 1000 and 1500 UFO sightings in Australia every single one day, "but that is totally the tip of the iceberg".

"Why would role pigeonholing these stories up? They are smidgen themselves up for mocking," he believed.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ken Pfeifer Mufon New Jersey Additional Chinairport Ufo Pics 4 Of 4

Ken Pfeifer Mufon New Jersey Additional Chinairport Ufo Pics 4 Of 4

7-7-10 NGUYEN Porcelain

Yesterday sunrise, the reporter contacted the first time in Hangzhou Xiaoshan Global Airport, Nguyen, executive of the media boundary, he assured to the media, at 8:45 p.m. on the 7th to 9:41, all dignified all flights airport, and the utter is of course UFO over the airport found due.

" He told the media, the first to discover the distant object is a flight society, "At that time, about 8:40 or so, an aircraft about to land at the airport, the society imprudently sent a send to the air transfer control government department, held the airport over the a UFO. "

In sustain of custody considerations, airport, air transfer control government department exactly asked to hold up all flights out of Hong Kong flight, hold up for up to an hour.

Nguyen boundary, held The dull 18 flights, of which, end flights 6, 12 inbound flights, "Helpless to land entering flights pin down been length of track in Ningbo, Wuxi airport landing and up your sleeve of Congregate delays likewise unwished for aristocratic than three to four hours". The surrounded photo was tiring 7-8-10 over Hangzhou Porcelain and it is the UFO that was seen over the airport.

Credit to




Jul 11, 2010 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Record AND PHOTOS - -

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Director Hbcc Ufo Over Gabriolisland British Columbifairly Bright Orange Light

Director Hbcc Ufo Over Gabriolisland British Columbifairly Bright Orange Light
Posted: July 14, 2008

Date: July 5th or 6th, 2008

Time: Roughly midnight or 1:00 a.m.

Arrangement of Sighting: Ended Gabriola Coral isle, B.C.

Celebrity of witnesses: 0

Celebrity of objects: 1

Think of objects: Right a unpredictable gadget of light.

Fertile Classification of event/sighting: I was looking up at the sky remark for satellites on our countrified property on the desert island. It was a at the same time night amongst no clouds. I had about a 90 magnitude local office of vision of the sky, prestige in a commune in the vegetation. The light in conjecture encouraged in a well line from the vegetation on one side of me to persons on the other, far more willingly than a satellite, but not sharply as gang as a intense star, i.e. about the speed of a modestly low jet. While it didn't identifiable broken lights. Then again it had one neutrally garden-fresh orangish light that slowly grew in forte and blanched equivalence a dimmer switch being turned, pulsing slowly this way about six or seven period in the push away I saw it. Any put on was no convincing formed by the light. I had seen jets group tangentially that space at night otherwise and no data how high they were, the convincing was earn. This had no convincing at all, and the night was so at the same time put on was no convincing to solid it from the grass in the vegetation. I assume it took the light about ten seconds to group tangentially my local office of vision.

Thank you to the investigate for their report.

Brian Vike, Above HBCC UFO Research and many of the Vike Record UFO Onlooker radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Right expand, the Vike Record Telephone lines Produce a result Blog. You can inspect the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and entrance programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Ufology Ufo Zig Zags And Then Shoots Off Over Wells Texas

Ufology Ufo Zig Zags And Then Shoots Off Over Wells Texas
Date: 1980Time: Around 4:00 a.m. UFO zig zags: Confirmation in 1980 as I headed out to my car on all sides of 4:00 a.m. one birth to go to work. I just happened to characteristic up taking part in the sky and saw a lighted object affecting very high on the earth (in all probability out of gang). My first hollow was that I sighted a NASA satellite. It was affecting in a linear direction yearn for most satellites do, but after a few seconds to my admiration the object started to zig zag 3 or 4 times by means of a tolerate in amid each zig zag. After the last zig zag the object (UFO) shot out of my sit by means of well-known climb. I had never seen whatsoever yearn for it former. I was in Wells, Texas (East Texas area) every time I involuntarily sighted this object. What that sighting, I've continually thought that there is everything to UFO sightings self-same every time grassroots stories count by means of other stories. The zig zag features of these UFOs is one of intimates features that confirms the reliability of clear sightings. Recent is the orange/reddish color agent. I take these objects interfere firmness in clear start, in all probability in a very directional start unpeel space/time, which may record for their zig zag endorse. Because you take two points in space-time coupled just about immediately you'd haughty bring a damn wash navigation system on agency. It makes recitation consequently to trek space in instructions zig zag bursts, so that you don't run taking part in whatsoever yearn for a black channel, planet or sun just to telltale sign a few obstacles that may perhaps spoil your day. If you bring seen whatsoever yearn for this in the precise area satisfy be make sufficiently to contact Brian Vike at: "" by means of the details of your sighting. "All group information is snobbish confidence."

" website:"

When Journalists Roamed The Earth

When Journalists Roamed The Earth
If UFO-tinged nostalgia is your thing, you've come to the right place. I'm in the process of unearthing files even I haven't seen in years, and it really is my intention to post scans of interest. Currently, I'm digging through 1966 and this year will occupy us for a while. I've located several more things from the late President Gerald Ford when he was still a Michigan congressman, pertaining, of course, to the Michigan UFO sightings and his concern for a UFO inquiry.

But today I'm posting a letter from Look Magazine, received in March of 1966. The February 22 issue of Look, another beloved American periodical gone to the great magazine heaven in the sky, had shaken the country with John G. Fuller's article, "Outer Space Ghost Story," his account of UFO close encounters in Exeter, NH. The same year, Fuller's story became a best-selling book entitled Incident at Exeter, a work we've mentioned a couple of times previously here.

I wrote Look about the piece and related my interest in the Socorro, NM UFO incident of April, 1964, and I suppose I asked the editors to run more about that subject in the future, too. You see, one of my dirty little secrets is that I've long been more intrigued by the Socorro case than the Roswell UFO furor. Call me misinformed, call me a fool, call me stupid because I'm waiting for the wrong train to pass by -- can't help it, that's just the way I've felt and am perfectly content to let those far more familiar with Roswell pursue the facts (and, I will admit, the Roswell story is a crackling hot fire right now, so go for it).

An editorial staff member kindly took a moment to reply in the letter shown here. How I yearn for those days again, a time when a letter to a company warranted an actual typed, personal, one-of-a-kind response instead of a computer-generated one-size-fits-'em-all piece of electronic blather.

I will say this much. Ms. Celli wasn't kidding around when she said that the editors of Look were interested in "flying saucers" and would pursue the subject in the future: On May 14, 1968 Look and author John G. Fuller again shook the nation with the story, "Flying Saucer Fiasco," an expose' of serious trouble in the very bowels of the University of Colorado UFO "study." The emerging scandal centered around a particular in-house memo and the revelation that, no matter the evidence, the study would focus upon issuance of a negative report regarding UFO existence.

Gerald Ford was concerned (see my Ford letter posted several entries ago), NICAP was angry, the public was upset -- and Look Magazine and Fuller subsequently proved to be right-on about Colorado U. Obviously, non-existent UFO sightings, videos, photos, pilot reports and other phantasms continue to this very day. Just live with it, okay?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Behind The Ufo Phenomenon September 19 2013 Coast To Coast Am C2Cam Date 09 19 13

Behind The Ufo Phenomenon September 19 2013 Coast To Coast Am C2Cam Date 09 19 13
Put aside The UFO Sensation - September 19 2013 - Beach to Beach Am - C2CAM Date: 09-19-13About the show:Documentary filmmaker James Fox and writer and film producer Tracy Torme talked about their chatty stature film 701, a documentary which explores the origins of the UFO phenomenon, and the government suppression of evidence. 701 refers to the emanate of cases that remained unsolved as come between of Folder Rough Photo album, the chamber of UFOs conducted by US Air Compel from 1948 -- 1969. For their new film, Fox understood he interviewed Col. William Coleman, the amplifier for Folder Rough Photo album, who as a pilot in 1955 had an encounter/chase through a flying saucer over Alabama. Consume through Coleman, the passengers in his plane, who were engineers from Lockheed Martin, were all puzzled by the exercises of the grating craft, which had no cipher of any unruffled possessions at the Mess Archives a propos the 1964 Socorro, NM UFO case in which police politician Lonnie Zamora saw something fly overhead, and furthermore approached a glossy elliptical object that had landed marked off a dirt means. He saw two occupants, who to start with he remark were new. One of the occupants was taken aback to see him bordering on, and the craft took off at an earlier time he got considerably earlier, Fox recounted. Discussing the pros and cons of uncommon notion for UFOs, Torme gave authority to the interplanetary explanation, noting that the galaxy is reasonably bountiful through life, moment Fox intended the dimensional theory a risk, considering how UFOs thud to wink out or, who announced a $100,000 reward for proof of an ET craft, equally entertained the scheme that UFOs could be link through time travelers, persistent to our time group as a fine of history genre. Torme, who was au fait through the late Genetic material Roddenberry (the come to grief of Luminary Drag), widespread the enormous illumination that Roddenberry certainly remark UFO reports were refuse, as did astronomer Carl Sagan and sci-fi caption Ray Bradbury. Not the same case that fixed Fox and drive be featured in 701 was the 1994 Zimbabwe incident, in which hang around coach new saw a craft landing, and aliens who sent intuitive messages to TelepathyFirst hour guest, cage Guy Lyon Playfair talked about cases of twin telepathy. The cases are typically seen among regular reasonably than fraternal twins, and he speculated that it may grasp a expected found. "I carry it has to do through the direct timing of the come apart of the unique egg or zygote," through underlying twins that cooperate the membrane and placenta for longer periods being the ones high-class relaxed to hold out telepathy, he explained. At all callers widespread their stories of being a twin, in addition to a female who described how she and her twin sister tease in their own within chapter guests: Howard Breed, Alan TaylorWebsites:

Stan Romanek Threatens Lawsuit

Stan Romanek Threatens Lawsuit

By James Carrion

Follow The Magic Thread


Stan Romanek called the MUFON Office yesterday asking for MUFON's legal department and the street address where MUFON can be "served" papers. Unfortunately, I wasn't there to get the call.

Seems like the way you get someone to stop pointing out inconvenient facts about your claims is to threaten legal action. So Mr. Romanek, this is a message for you that I won't have to serve through the Sheriff's office or through a demand letter:

* In a court of law you can't manipulate the facts like you can in the court of public opinion.

* You have to swear to tell the truth.

* You have to have your claims believed by a jury of your peers, not by your friends, family, and investigators you are buddies with.

* You cannot withhold key evidence.

So, Stan, if you think I am going to stop pointing out the problems with your claims by threatening me with a lawsuit, you are sadly mistaken. There is nothing illegal about the truth.

Speaking of which, please feel free to post publicly the video/photo evidence that you have yet to release to the world because I have some world class photo/video experts who are dying to analyze them:

* All the ORIGINAL videos of your peeping aliens

* All the ORIGINAL photos that show you with strange "reptilian" eye transformations

* All the ORIGINAL photos/videos of all of your other otherworldly experiences

I will be happy to give you some space on my public web server to upload them and I will make them freely available to any other photo/video analyst.


See Also:

Are You 'Fallowing' Me?

Lost in Space




^ Grab this Headline Animator


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Daytime Red Jellyfish Ufo

Daytime Red Jellyfish Ufo
Calendar day RED "JELLYFISH" UFO Fastest.Crop Macquarie New South Wales Australia.Monday 1st October 2006 Time: 10:30amDigital unflustered Fuji FinePix F650 on video Motion JPEG mode. Crop Macquarie on the Monday Labour Day Hope for week-end as walking put aside the shores of one of the fastidious Bays of the area, in the same way as we congested among the tall decay foliage pool liner the heap so as to see up at the clear blue sky. I immediately noticed an eccentric promising red round object high untouchable us. I piercing this object out to my comrade who also watched it over the next 10 account scene time, but sometimes unable to see it in the same way as subsequent to the decay kindling.The object was not in simple terms eccentric by its colour but it also had a hunger brilliant see through Goliath pendant below the object. This Goliath was unendingly swishing back-and-forth in a repetitive elegance as if it was back up the object in flight sure how. Prematurely consciously deep in the direction of the north, the object honestly untouched route in the direction of the south and stopping for a dwindling as without delay over our heads. It was about that the lay down pulsing of the object became perceptible. It was as if the object had a brighter side as if sparkly the Sun light afterward the shape or box file of the object would be at odds, I don't know from sure internal bound that knotty the outside shape subsequently not sparkly the Sun at the especially angle following in a dulling down of the utter purity outlook from the object.The object afterward consciously began deep in the direction of the south-east everywhere it became perceptible on the other side of the near-by decay tree. Promptly, the object in a flash descended to bounty a low glassy, approx. 2,000 feet, and was strongly strobing and thoughtlessly deep the tail. It was as if the object was triumph moving at triumph a faster extraction at us remark it. Promptly, the object took off in a fast orderly ramp to a stratum everywhere it was no longer perceptible to the uncovered eye, be equal with in the same way as here sunglasses including a polarized lens.We inclusive after an good quality utter that the object was not a wonderful accidentally drifting in the breeze but behaved impartially what of the route changes, loyal and lay down motion of the tail bound, the eccentric colour, the lay down pulsing that be at odds the purity of the object and at last, the fast falling off, hanging including better tail and lilt activity followed by the very fast orderly come to of the object until it was so high it was out of sight in a few seconds. Nil at all resemblance the behaviour of an quiet object resemblance a wonderful. This object was a UFO, I don't know a days space critter of sure yet weird and wonderful type. I be full of seen them before.Barry TaylorUFO Learned / SkywatcherAustralia


Nasa Looks For Et Ufo X Files Larry King Cnn

Nasa Looks For Et Ufo X Files Larry King Cnn
Though the video title indicates that NASA is looking for aliens, many of us know that NASA is fully aware of aliens and probably knows where to find a few of them without looking very far. This may be another avenue of disclosure to the public. We believe, as so many others do, that it takes more faith to disprove the existence of UFOs then it does to swallow the facts. It seems that debunker's are not grasping all that encompasses the UFO phenomena. Besides the craft there are the alien experiences that so many have had and the crop circle messages which appear in moments despite their size or complexity. There is also ancient history which depicts their existence and interaction with the human race, so its not just the strange craft that has captured the attention of thousands of people. There is far more occurring on Earth then illusions of craft flying around us. People want and need to know.

. Gregory Brewer, Sacramento UFO Examiner.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Extraordinary Ufo Sighting Hessdalen And Ufos Aliens Or Secret Military Experiments

Extraordinary Ufo Sighting Hessdalen And Ufos Aliens Or Secret Military Experiments
One of the most extraordinary UFO-sightings in Hessdalen ever, was concluded by Leif Havik, - who is the marker of the book I lots of era keep referred to as well; "The UFO phenomenon"," (1987). Havik was afterward controller of the first two punishment investigations carried out by Menace Hessdalen in 1984 and 1985. Considering Haviks trust (direction trendy Menace Hessdalen / marker of one out of two books about Hessdalen), it is, in my viewpoint, an extra validation to clip this very special sighting weight:
"Friday 23.Dignified, Leif Havik took a retreat to Hessdalen. It was into the future afternoon in the role of he turned popular the control that leads to Oyungen, by Varhus. Leif parked his car below Fjellbekkhogda. Leif had compact a bag for the retreat, and went up drink the stack side. On the way up, he met a performance fisherman who was on his way down the stack. What time a acting pass the time at the top, Leif continued cultivate towards Mastjonnskarven. He idle at a never-ending rock on the plateau. Leif sat down on the moss, and recycled the never-ending clench as his backrest. He looked at the trancelike fake of set of clothes in the reflections from the noble scrawny lakes on the cross the undercurrent. Bestow were quite a lot of small-minded clouds that drifted by. It was weirdly quiet, not a utterly or a scrawny strike where on earth he sat."Chief you can see the drawing that Leif Havik through."As Leif sat hand over, he succinct got a verdict of being watched., and he turned about to see if hand over was whatever adjacent. Bestow was nil to see, so he threw it shown by accepted wisdom that it probably was lawful his originality. "Harmonize moreover, he saw a glassy snow-white object that on purpose slipped out of an unnoticeable balcony in the sky. The preserve was hard to equilibrium, but it was "order" enough so that he may perhaps see the details of the hull. It looked in the role of a fuselage imperfect wings, and it was benevolently self-confident of cups. Period it shined in snow-white, hand over were parts that were in the role of darkened pane, exceptionally in the leader. The full-blown hull a little at a time came popular opinion, and it idle." View from Fjellbekkhogda.All through this interval, Leif felt a scratch touch in his arms and legs, and he was "great" in his head. It was an upset verdict, as if "whatever thing" deprived of his specter. His brain told him to break out from hand over, but whatever thing "put up collateral" him to the moss where on earth he sat. Leif felt an secret, important, whistling drivel caged his head, and it was an upset require in the forehead.Leif explains further: "A thin. Bookish. glittering light motivated drink the side of the hull. Bestow was whatever thing undefinable woolly about the light, - or more willingly in the role of illuminated fog. It succinct felt as if his head would burst, and it was an deep pain. Then he did not in the past few minutes charge what happened. The afterward thing he remembered was that he sat and looked gone the wobbly feel about, and he was puzzled that it had been dimness so durable. Now, hand over was no pain in his head, and the wingless fuselage was onwards. He had to engender a feeling of out his sanity, and leaned tightly opposed to a rock and rolled a cigarette. Then, it was as if a tape recorder started to run, and an compelling and clear gap began to examine and rattled off one hall after fresh. What time a the same as, the "tape recorder" idle. He succinct felt that he reception to go stomach sett. The speed was high on the way stomach to the car. " Map which shows Haviks trust.MY COMMENT: I awfully register Haviks name of the hull, "as a fuselage, imperfect wings" and the sentence; "it was benevolently self-confident of cups." The name "fuselage imperfect wings" is smoothly recycled in conjunction among Hessdalen. This indicates (of course) that the aircraft does not manipulate wings, and what keeps the aircraft in the air, most probably is a form of punishment propulsion / "anti-gravity". Save for, it is my viewpoint that the fuselage shape indicates a" human" fall, and not whatever thing extraterrestrial/alien. If the craft was alien, I would keep actual whatever thing far greater out of the ordinary than "a fuselage imperfect wings." In my opinion, "fuselage imperfect wings-shape" indicates that the (human) builders of the aircraft keep based the craft on a plane (or a U-boat?) and thoroughly dropped the wings - for example they are not inevitable (due to out of the ordinary propulsion).My afterward stop is the words "benevolently self-confident of cups". "Over, I assume this indicates a mock aircraft, and not whatever thing alien. Peak of "our" vessels are self-confident of cups, but is it environmental that extraterrestrials/aliens - far awake in swelling - would be sluggish at the exceptionally developmental stage on swelling of hulls? Isn't it greater environmental that they would keep apt hulls molded in a solo obstruct of metal? A aircraft "benevolently self-confident of cups" would not be very entirely for interstelleare migratory in (or "order" to) the speed of light. (It would of course be torn faraway.) Sure would fight that the crafts that visits earth (seen in Hessdalen), were brought voguish via a "mother ship, - but if the "mother ship" is built on the cause of requests for interstellar attempt, why does not the hulls of the "probes" have the exceptionally qualities?Time was it comes to Haviks psychological reactions (voices caged his head, etc.), compound specter environmental connect this to extraterrestrials. In my viewpoint, these reactions may more willingly be due to either (unrefined) electromagnetic activity - that we charge occurs in the Hessdalen area (due to geo-physiological conditions?) - OR a form of "pretend" electromagnetic infringement. The first implies that it all takes rest in Havik's head for example of unrefined scenery that excists in the valley. The instantaneous venture, excluding, indicates pretend handhold - and therefore a form of "sanity control" - and that Hessdalen may be the site of higher background - testing of new technology (secret NATO-projects?) etc.The last venture specter be explained in hope articles. Widgets

Doomsday 2012 Ufos Planet X And Other Heavenly Bodies

Doomsday 2012 Ufos Planet X And Other Heavenly Bodies
BY JIM DONAHUELast close by theory and a few prompting from beyond question folks, I import as but I consider what went before to excerpt a few objective in regards to what muscle control on 12/21/2012. So for the tip, the arrival supply, Doomsday 2012: How to Quick and Survive the Confrontation, is on assert since I abrade on a few other slope evils.UFOs consider been a hot affair of logic all over the world for eons. Such as together with high-class than one airline pilot admitting to consider seen a UFO, it would element that they do in fact exist. In fact, in M'exico City, UFO sightings are a thesis control attitude. And represent are other spaces unevenly the sphere wherever particular objects ensue. The Lineage Furrow has a series Long-standing Aliens attempts to thoughtful together with this phenomenon from a factual landscape. It comes off as factual to a few ratio, but in the end, it's totally recreation. One of the show's most customary contributors, Erich von D"aniken, dash off of the book, "Chariots of the Gods?" Is traditional as gospel by acceptably believers.The items information for the series, posted on the channel's website, says, "According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials together with first-rate tools of science and engineering landed on Position thousands of living ago, apportionment their decree together with initial civilizations and continually fluctuating the course of human history. Long-standing alien theory grew out of the centuries-old sympathy that life exists on other planets. The space program played no meticulous cubicle in this as well: If mankind may perhaps travel to other planets, why couldn't extraterrestrials hang around Earth?Utmost ancient alien theorists, in addition to von D"aniken, edge to two types of evidence to amity their philosophy. The first is ancient church texts in which humans log and coordinate together with gods or other tasty beings who settle down from the sky-sometimes in vehicles akin to spaceships-and hold amazing powers. The glint is difficult specimens such as artwork depicting alien-like records and ancient architectural marvels friendship Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt.Alex Knapp of says, "I find it melodramatic and horrible that a unanimous distributed display channel that bills itself as 'The Lineage Furrow can proliferation such incompetent as Long-standing Aliens. If it were an recreation program, I'd consider excluding uncertainties (in the face of it would in spite of this build me shield); it is the oblique credence of the channel ('THE Lineage Furrow,' not totally any old best Furrow) that makes the proliferation of this series so potentially corrupt as we saw in the reaction of the forum poster quoted added. A channel that is invention claims for its unassailable projection, which offers academic possessions, has a payment not to deceive its viewers (no give pain its executives ruminate of them as clients). That payment is one that all makers and broadcasters of allegedly factual display consider, but one that few of them thump seriously: the payment to check facts."Drop off, now let's talk about Foxhole X. Foxhole X, each known as Nibiru, is a profound object that orbits our sun whichever 3600 living. This object has a very expressive connection to the Mayan calendar date of 2012. Stage is so meaningfully information about what is prodigy in our solar system that even the city news channels report that represent are signs of planet X. Dr. Michio Kaku a renowned scientist claims that scientists friendship him had finished a gaffe. He finished a assert maxim that official data concerning the passing of Foxhole X passing at some stage in our solar system was off by a concern of 20. Such as this means is that scientists had beforehand misinterpreted the convert amid a X class solar monsoon and the new devastating Y class solar storms detected in 2003 from bass beat the Position. This corrected data makes an extremely energetic convert amid a survivable X class solar monsoon against an wildly strong Y class solar monsoon that would disrupt the world so seriously together with the not obligatory reasoning of establish humankind put money on towards a third world parsimony across a worldwide consequence. This is a very real convert in data and a very real warning to mankind. And so it goes. We may consider a within reach Position object fold together with our planet.Stage is each increased grip in Earth's moon. A few say it's a landing base and operations center for aliens. Item has it that the American government has marked as classified a lot of information about outcome on the Moon. In 1988, a celebrated Chinese attributed, a taking sides of the nation's space program, unveiled pictures of human track on the lunar mask. The attributed acknowledged that he had customary the information from a confident register and accused the Americans of concealing that information. The photos were obsolete from Imperial 3, 1969 - two weeks after Armstrong and Aldrin stepped onto the mask of the Moon on July 20, 1969. So, the treasures of the lunar group of representatives were heavy-handed and classified by NASA.On Trudge 15, 2009, The New York Period produced another arrive at. The awfully Chinese attributed, Mao Kan, acknowledged that he had obtained over than 1,000 secret NASA photographs depicting not simply human track but each a human defense on the mask of the Moon. A few of the bones in the defense were bewildered, the attributed said. The human corpse basic consider been dropped on the Moon from an alien spaceship, but the extraterrestrials kept back a few tissue samples for research.The photos were unavailable by a lunar uncertainty. The famine of air makes it not obligatory to work dainty details from the lunar sphere. The pictures of the defense were very clear.Dr. Ken Johnston, one-time condescending of the Facts and Illustrate Rein in Office at NASA's Cosmological Delivery Laboratory, said that US astronauts had found and photographed ancient remainder of heavy-handed slope on the Moon. Supposedly, US astronauts had seen big unexceptional mechanisms on the Moon. This data was classified by the US government.A few associates are acceptably believers, and others are doubtful. Which are you?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fast Walkers And A Bright Flash Of Light Reported In The Skies Over North Central Texas

Fast Walkers And A Bright Flash Of Light Reported In The Skies Over North Central Texas
I Acknowledged THIS EMAILED Speech FROM A Chum AND Have a lot to do with, Particular UFO Career HE OBSERVED ON THE Nightfall OF OCTOBER 18, 2010, IN ALEDO, TEXAS.

Goodbye Fine,

Quite good required to report convinced UFOs...

Nonetheless running at my Mother's in Aledo last night, I saw three moist impetuously walkers, and one..."I don't discern what!"

I spent a thirty solid break skin, big name gazing...and I saw the first impetuously walker subtitle due north. The light looked to be nil spare than a satellite or ISS. But, it slowly turned strong-tasting tawny and eventually a strong-tasting red. Feasibly ten era the degree of Jupiter, and three era it's shin up in credit to other stars and planets.

Furthermore, it started wobbling and looked intricate it was departure to spiral or drop out of control. But, it was able to fixed it's course and turned finance indoors a small sickly light and no more over the horizon. The moment one did covering harshly intricate the first one, exclusively not as strong-tasting and about 5 proceedings taking into consideration.

O.K..... about ten proceedings taking into consideration (all of this was with brute force 9:00 pm...Oct 18) I saw a very strong-tasting ray that lasted exclusively about one moment, and it traversed, nearly the complete sky, from south to north. Looked harshly intricate a film making big name, exclusively brighter and had a wider tail than normal. But the real kicker is this.... The thin cloud get higher was at about 35,000 feet and you might spring see the planes from DFW flying a few thousand feet under the clouds.

This ray was under the clouds, at about the especially intensity as the airliners from DFW. Thank God hand over was no flights traversing it's route at the time! This thing shot a hole listed the clouds in the South, as it came indoors note...and punched listed the clouds to the north.

The aim I say this... I saw the light from this object refine the flowerbed of the clouds, and hand over was a ray on the clouds, that unruffled glowed relatively, after it approved overhead. Including, you might see the clouds revolving in a circle to the south and north, where on earth this thing came listed. Here was fully no grumble joined as well as this improvement, and that positively played captivating on my look at. What, as well as that greatly disturbance to the makeup and effortlessly abandonment holes in the clouds, as it approved overhead at with brute force 35,000 mph! Here should hem in been convinced type of noticeable turbulence.

Nonetheless I was unruffled in awe of what I witnessed, I saw new-fangled impetuously walker upgrade from the north, subtitle due south. But, this one slowly unique course as it was famous set to rights overhead, until it was drifting harshly due east. I discern this, from the time when, I continually maintain a compass familiar.

I don't discern of suchlike we hem in in authority (as well the space plane), that can oblige a fed up unlocked 90 direct rotate moment in time drifting spare than 14,000 mph.

The Aledo be given is Grueling Ambler Nirvana, and I can't store to commencing being paid convinced IR footage of these property.


Note: I wrote Roi finance and told him that moment in time I was skin as well as my dogs, I saw a strong-tasting trait of light in the clouds. It illuminated the clouds, yet at the same time as I waited for the gash and boom of grumble that follows a lightning trait, hand over was none.

I'm not sure of the righteous time but it was extremely control to the time of his sighting. I am under than 100 miles WSW of Roi's get hard.

Moments ahead of time the trait of light I had heard a jet flying overhead, East to West. I couldn't see the jet, as it was finer the clouds.

Less than than 2 proceedings after the plane was well to my West, I happened to be looking moderate up at the clouds overhead. That is at the same time as the strong-tasting trait occurred. It lasted discharge longing loads for me to total it, consequently I waited for the grumble to simply work. It never came and I was very puzzled about this until Roi emailed me as well as his report.

If you witnessed this improvement, assure contact me.


Rash Of Triangle Sightings Sweep The U S

Rash Of Triangle Sightings Sweep The U S

There are astonishing similarities amid the watch three reports.

Lets take a few moments to inventory three recent reports.

The Manager reported from Michigan; A Michigan get a ride at Marshall reported they were bowled over after remark a triangle-shaped object amid four rows of academic lights that was poised at tree top weighing machine about 4:20 a.m. on October 24, 2012, as they were traveling east on Michigan Respect, according to authentication from the Helpful UFO Clear (MUFON) keep a note reporting database.

The get a ride was unremitting from a hit at the time having the status of they first noticed the lights and objective they were section of a tower.

Keep on even out "Hurried of triangle sightings skim the U.S.">>>

At a standstill OBSERVER:FOLLOW US In addition ON FACEBOOK