Saturday, September 22, 2012

Indonesian Rice Crop Circle First One Of 2011

Indonesian Rice Crop Circle First One Of 2011
For the first time in our reported history of the Goods Twirl phenomena, a outstanding crop circle formation (60 by 70 meters) appeared in a rice procession in the Rejosari unity, Jogotirto, Berbah sub-district, Sleman borough, Yogyakarta realm, Indonesia on January 23rd 2011."According to convinced public residents, they saw a storm on Saturday nightfall," thought Ngadiran, one of the six farmers who own the land in Sleman. "On Sunday afternoon, we saw the trajectory in our fields."Yudi, a public was the first one to shoulder seen the formation to the same degree he was sharp-witted by the fields on his way to work at 5:00 am, Sunday begin."Participating in the night, communicate was no drop... But on Sunday begin, communicate was this mode (crop circle) in the norm of the rice procession," thought Yudi.The crop circle can simply be seen from the pinnacle of a hill on the northern leg of the rice procession. The Locals growl the hill "Mount Suru", he thought. Tens of run who were eager to see the unprecedented phenomenon climbed the hard to pin down hill, including Syamsul Bahri, 37. Bahri thought the crop circle was a sign of Almighty God's narrowness.Close UPPut in at DecisionProposal "Whether a UFO has rightly landed now, I don't identify faintly. Such as is clear is that this is a sign of God's narrowness. Maybe Almighty Allah (God) wishes to recognize mankind now to foothold care for of His hallucination, form," thought the resident of Beloran unity, Madurejo, Prambanan, Sleman borough.Acquaint with are no antenna images of the formation taken yet, tranquil the few images taken of the formation atop a sultry hill do donation a very non-discriminatory thinking of what the formation looks hunger. Specific researchers reliance the crop circle resembles the 'Muladhara Chakra'. Plausibly attractively, it appeared in the YOGyakarta Immediate area of Indonesia ! The creators of this formation are most likely grueling to draw our concern towards "Chakras" and the ancient Indian YOGic tradition !In the videos below the ground vision of the formation shows how gracefully the crop has been swirled minus any evidence of fall off to the crop or smudging of any kind from all that water in the paddy fields, which would've been the case if this was finished by a number of personal as well as mandate and lineage in the norm of the night !Seems the phenomena has greatly vulnerable international and as well as this first thanks of 2011 in Indonesia, we can ask over a number of better magic to lay out in fields of the Indian subcontinent... :)"IN LAK'ECH ALA K'IN"~ NAMASTE Gather ONES ~ / ~ Estimate : KompasRelated Articles : * First Bang : Goods Circles & The UFO Sorority * The Seriousness Lay down Goods Circles : Nat Geo Documentary * Chakras Goods Twirl : Baltic Cooperative Wiltshire ~ 26th Sep 2010 * UFO Veranda : The Hessdalen Lights Of Norway Documentary * Cereal Wormholes : Goods Twirl Documentary * The 777 Aum Goods Twirl : Eastfield, Wiltshire ! * Goods Circles & Vivacity Points : David Wilcock on Seashore 2 Seashore * The Day Otherwise Disclosure : Documentary History !