Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mysteries Belleville Ontario Silver Or Metal Looking Tube Ufo

Mysteries Belleville Ontario Silver Or Metal Looking Tube Ufo
Posted: January 27, 2008

Date: April 30, 2007 Time: Approx: 3:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Benjamin and Yeamon opportunity in Belleville. Be incorporated of witnesses: 2 Be incorporated of objects: 1 Blueprint of objects: At the same time as a tube, but it had a bewilder hunger a sphere.

Inclusive Marking out of event/sighting: My buddy and I were burdensome down Yeamon opportunity in Belleville Ontario having the status of my buddy supposed,"signal at that". I looked but didn't see anything. He turned the automobile down off of Yeamon opportunity leave-taking down to my intention and he supposed to signal between the buildings as current was everything in the sky. I looked and I couldn't see anything. My buddy ram up to latest house and in-between the houses I see a shiny, or metal looking tube unbiased sitting current in the sky. It looked hunger it was a tube at first, but than I noticed it looked hunger the peep from the metal. It was enchanting and nearly hunger the thing was circling. I along with noticed it listing and I seen it had a bewilder. I merely noticed it listing for a instant, along with it went encourage to normal and started enchanting indolently not at home. We ram to sketch it and saw it over between the next two houses. Later the flight road it was on, or should've been on was subsequent to to the same degree having the status of we went ram to the next break in the houses, current was code current and that's not realistic. This thing had to fly hunger a hummingbird as it finished no phone and judging from the physique of the bewilder and how stringent it was it should've finished phone. I live adjacent Trenton airbase and about 3 minuets after I saw the object. I saw 3 jets fly in the sky upwards and in a triangle circular were I saw the object.

Thank you to the spectator for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Dive. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Dive International:

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