Wednesday, April 15, 2009

U S Army 1966 Ufo Confrontation At Grafenwoehr Germany Blow The Whistle

U S Army 1966 Ufo Confrontation At Grafenwoehr Germany Blow The Whistle

By Larry W. Bryant

The UFO Chronicles


Recently, a former U. S. soldier has revealed his victimhood at the hands of a landed crew of UFOnauts whose technical prowess apparently exceeded that of any Earthling during the mid-1960s.

The crews summer-night intrusion at the soldiers infantry-training camp in Grafenwoehr, Germany, apparently included abduction of one or more fellow infantrymen and the disabling of their M-113 personnel carrier. For more details of the soldiers experience, see his narrative here.

During the period in question, the soldier served as a truck driver

for A Company, 2nd Battalion, 21st Infantry, 24th Division.

If you or someone you know were among the participants/witnesses in

this case, and would like to offer the public some documented evidence

as to how and why the Army has suppressed public access to it, you,

and/or any other corroborative party, might prefer to submit your own

account -- in the form of a notarized deathbed confession. If so,

please share your information with me as follows:

Larry W. Bryant,

8415 Orcutt Avenue

Newport News, VA 23605-1415

phone: 757-251-2310;


Whatever you choose to provide might serve as a catalyst for other

whistleblowers to come forward and tell all in the interest of greater

UFO freedom of information and accountability.

See Also:

West German UFO Landing Incident Recalled By Former GI

UFO Encounter Over Nuclear Weapons Depot

UFOs Filmed Hovering Over U.S. Air Force Nuclear Weapons Storage Area:

Important New Revelations about the Paul Bennewitz Affair

Triangular UFO Above U.S. Army Nuclear Weapons Depot Performs 360-Degree Roll