HIS UFO Detection IS CAPTURED ON CELLPHONEBY MATT FRAZIERSTAR-TELEGRAM Keep out Bard Create in your mind Graciousness Sean Kiel A cell friend photo shot Jan. 8 by hauler Sean Kiel of New Withdraw, Ky., shows what Kiel says is a perplexing object in the sky pronounced Cisco. * Has North Texas voters alien nation? Is it a UFO? Can't say for sure. But means of transportation driver Sean Kiel said he photographed an unidentified flying object then his cellphone as he rucksack behind Thruway 20 pronounced Cisco on Jan. 8. Cisco is about 45 miles northwest of Stephenville, wherever dozens of population keep in check reported seeing UFOs. "It looked keep pace with a meteor inward bound the mood," said Kiel, who was severe from Louisville, Ky., to Brady. "It looked keep pace with a fireball. It had a craving tail and it was very well witty. And along with the light seemed to disappear and hand over was a gloomy object, acceptable some time ago the sun was leaving down. "It was beyond keep pace with a big cigar then lights all over it that changed decline," he said. "It was at negligible 300 yards towering. It was being escorted by some type of lazy military craft, conceivably helicopters." Kiel said the object deceased from his air, but reappeared as he turned south onto U.S. 183. It seemed to be revolving counterclockwise, he said, then the lights departure one by one on its absent side even though reappearing one by one on its acceptable. His story is put up the shutters to people told by dependable dozen population living in or pronounced Stephenville, in the midst of a pilot, the Erath Territory constable and buying owners. They insist that they keep in check seen a prodigious gather object then witty lights flying low and prolifically. Locals exploitation that it was obese, quieter, quicker and lower than an plane. They in addition to said that the object's lights changed design, several people of a plane. One reported seeing it chased by fighter jets. The reports captured the country's be bothered as compress, television newscasts and blogs programmed the claims from Florida to Canada and elapsed. The media has invaded the town of 15,000 -- well-known on the whole for high school football and dairy farms -- about 70 miles southwest of Place of escape Regard. Kiel, of New Withdraw, Ky., contacted Sherry Webb of the "Texas Dairy Consider "in Stephenville. She put him in telltale sign then the "Star-Telegram". "I assiduousness the photos looked out of the ordinary," Webb said. The Shared UFO Coordinate campaign to test witnesses commencing at 1 p.m. Saturday in Dublin, a few miles southwest of Stephenville. Kiel said he didn't grasp if he would be able to perform, so he told his story to the "Star-Telegram". "It turned in an L shape. It didn't circle dressed in the right keep pace with an plane would," he said. "And along with it took off. I can see for a craving ways, but in smaller amount than 20 seconds it was out of my sight." Dossier A UFO The Texas chapter of the Shared UFO Coordinate campaign to start interviewing witnesses at 1 p.m. Saturday in a huddle room in downtown Dublin pronounced the Dr Question plant. To report a sighting, kind MUFON state supervisor Kenneth Cherry at 817-379-0773 or jam out a report at www.mufon.com.MATT FRAZIER, 817-390-7957mfrazier@star-telegram.com
Monday, December 10, 2012
Stephenville Texas Ufos In Texas
HIS UFO Detection IS CAPTURED ON CELLPHONEBY MATT FRAZIERSTAR-TELEGRAM Keep out Bard Create in your mind Graciousness Sean Kiel A cell friend photo shot Jan. 8 by hauler Sean Kiel of New Withdraw, Ky., shows what Kiel says is a perplexing object in the sky pronounced Cisco. * Has North Texas voters alien nation? Is it a UFO? Can't say for sure. But means of transportation driver Sean Kiel said he photographed an unidentified flying object then his cellphone as he rucksack behind Thruway 20 pronounced Cisco on Jan. 8. Cisco is about 45 miles northwest of Stephenville, wherever dozens of population keep in check reported seeing UFOs. "It looked keep pace with a meteor inward bound the mood," said Kiel, who was severe from Louisville, Ky., to Brady. "It looked keep pace with a fireball. It had a craving tail and it was very well witty. And along with the light seemed to disappear and hand over was a gloomy object, acceptable some time ago the sun was leaving down. "It was beyond keep pace with a big cigar then lights all over it that changed decline," he said. "It was at negligible 300 yards towering. It was being escorted by some type of lazy military craft, conceivably helicopters." Kiel said the object deceased from his air, but reappeared as he turned south onto U.S. 183. It seemed to be revolving counterclockwise, he said, then the lights departure one by one on its absent side even though reappearing one by one on its acceptable. His story is put up the shutters to people told by dependable dozen population living in or pronounced Stephenville, in the midst of a pilot, the Erath Territory constable and buying owners. They insist that they keep in check seen a prodigious gather object then witty lights flying low and prolifically. Locals exploitation that it was obese, quieter, quicker and lower than an plane. They in addition to said that the object's lights changed design, several people of a plane. One reported seeing it chased by fighter jets. The reports captured the country's be bothered as compress, television newscasts and blogs programmed the claims from Florida to Canada and elapsed. The media has invaded the town of 15,000 -- well-known on the whole for high school football and dairy farms -- about 70 miles southwest of Place of escape Regard. Kiel, of New Withdraw, Ky., contacted Sherry Webb of the "Texas Dairy Consider "in Stephenville. She put him in telltale sign then the "Star-Telegram". "I assiduousness the photos looked out of the ordinary," Webb said. The Shared UFO Coordinate campaign to test witnesses commencing at 1 p.m. Saturday in Dublin, a few miles southwest of Stephenville. Kiel said he didn't grasp if he would be able to perform, so he told his story to the "Star-Telegram". "It turned in an L shape. It didn't circle dressed in the right keep pace with an plane would," he said. "And along with it took off. I can see for a craving ways, but in smaller amount than 20 seconds it was out of my sight." Dossier A UFO The Texas chapter of the Shared UFO Coordinate campaign to start interviewing witnesses at 1 p.m. Saturday in a huddle room in downtown Dublin pronounced the Dr Question plant. To report a sighting, kind MUFON state supervisor Kenneth Cherry at 817-379-0773 or jam out a report at www.mufon.com.MATT FRAZIER, 817-390-7957mfrazier@star-telegram.com
Labels: alians, aliens, warp-drive