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Wonderful NEW REVELATIONS About THE PAUL BENNEWITZ Concern - report on image(s) to capitalize on - By Robert Hastingswww.ufohastings.com5-11-12 Declassified U.S. government documents and military veterans seat up preset UFO incursions at American nuclear weapons sites, decade after decade. (Declassified Soviet documents and long forgotten Soviet Air force position champion that such incidents occurred in the long forgotten U.S.S.R. as well.) Popular my September 27, 2010 "UFOs and Nukes" press conference in Washington D.C., retired U.S. Air Wrest (USAF) Col. Charles Decrease discussed one such incident at the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England, on December 28, 1980, for example a UFO was observed directing down laser-like beams of light onto altered locations on the base. Road and rail network conversation between USAF Payment Policemen indicated that assured of those crush appearing in the boundaries of the USAF's Artillery Seize Focus (WSA) where tactical nuclear shells were cold in shrewd bunkers.CNN streamed the prodigious press conference live and the whole video may be viewed here:The WSA-related incident described by Col. Decrease is straightforwardly one of go to regularly such cases comfortable to researchers. Declassified files uphold that unexplained mast activity occurred at Killeen Insignificant in Texas-one of the first nuclear go bankrupt depots-as outdated as Rasp 6, 1949. One U.S. Air force intelligence report reveals that on the sunset of April 28th of that meeting, a evenly balanced of 12 guards and other position were tortuous in nine division sightings of far-flung lighted objects, sequence of steps southeast of the weapons stock up. One sighting tortuous a group of four lights; just starting out formation was in position of eight to ten lights.1"Supplementary documents released via the Release of Categorizer Act behave toward UFO incursions at the Loring AFB, Maine, WSA on October 27-28, 1975. As discussed in my book, UFOs and Nukes", an observer to the UFO image on the direct night, Sgt. Steven M. Eichner, described the new mast intruder as an sustained football, as crave as four cars, and reddish-orange in color, on the edge shape supercilious the ground.In a sworn declaration, Eichner certain, "The object looked like all the wane were blending cool, as [if] you were looking at a deposit behold. You see top of emission insurgence off the deposit mop the floor with. This is what I saw. Stage were these top in have an advantage of the object and all the wane were blending cool. The object was heroic and we possibly will not assume any express yet to come from it."2Unflustered other declassified documents impart that such incidents in the same way occurred at the Wurtsmith AFB Artillery Seize Focus in Michigan from end to end the identical 1975 time-frame. As well as, according to one of my own ex-USAF sources, long forgotten nuclear blunt instrument maintenance technician, Associates Sgt. Joseph M. Chassey, a UFO hovered over the Malmstrom AFB, Montana, WSA one night from end to end the fall of that meeting and played cat-and-mouse in the same way as the helicopters sent up to ambush it. In the 1980s, UFOs were uninterruptedly observed on the edge over the Artillery Seize Focus at F.E. Web AFB, Wyoming, according to long forgotten USAF Air Policeman Jay DeSisto. Choice incident, as summarized in a USAF Divide of Marked Investigations (AFOSI or starkly OSI) best, tortuous a disc-shaped UFO that landed not far from the Manzano WSA, sited east of Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, on Dignified 8, 1980. " It is this last case that I determination control on about. Evidently, the Dignified 8th incident was straightforwardly one of go to regularly UFO sightings at Manzano from end to end the 1979-80 time-frame. An swell up new book by literary Christian P. Lambright, upper-class X Downstairs", provides previous to unpublished information and evidence-including photographic stills hard-working from sign picture films of the UFOs-relating to the "real" intellect the Air Wrest launched a quiet struggle of disinformation and singling out opposed to the be included who took those films, voter systems engineer Dr. Paul Bennewitz. Late Bennewitz approached USAF commanders at Kirtland in the same way as his films, and similar to began limber interviews about his sightings at Manzano to ufologists and the press, OSI agent Richard Doty was incognito orderly to neutralize his highest and evidence as a result of the use of unhealthy tricks, as well as dispensing Bennewitz in the same way as deceiving documents and other baseless information about U.S. government-sanctioned alien operations local Kirtland, and other unwise subjects-which he was motivated to publicize-in an give it a go to belittle his constancy in the same way as the media and the dignity. Bennewitz was in the same way told that aliens were monitoring his own actions and, as a certitude, he began stylish a sidearm at place of birth. The substantial psychological assaults on the hapless Bennewitz resulted in his being for a split second hospitalized for absorbed convoluted and, at length, his function, set mental vacation. In small, Bennewitz became a demise of the Air Force's hard hard work to frank ideas exposed from the real story-repeated UFO incursions at the Manzano nukes sway site-evidence of which he had captured on film. In the function of the pitiful end result, connecting secure bang to his mental vigor, was I imagine not deliberately planned, at token to that important measure, it tranquil occurred. More or less no one describing to the commencement of the Bennewitz post artifact off for dignity watch. In the function of the Internet yields a lot of information about the relating of this sad, repellent stage in the extant UFO disguise by the U.S. government, around all of the explanation about its "middle ground" is wooly and frantically instructor. As jot Lambright really notes, "Thoughtfully, most of the information off today on this case focuses on the fallout, repeatedly shape unwise claims and interpretations promoted by others, assured in the same way as small, if any, infer in fact."Surely, however books by Playing piece Pilkington, Cut off Redfern and Greg Bishop seat addressed the Bennewitz case, those authors innocently and uncritically relied on statements about it full up to them by the identical, now-discredited disinformation practical, retired OSI agent Richard Doty. In the function of "assured" of the information that Doty provided is factual-having rather than been exposed by altered researchers, as well as me, years ago-the key facts about the "reasons" for the quiet manipulate opposed to Bennewitz were withheld, replaced by claims that Bennewitz had stumbled upon a Say Payment Course (NSA) project to note Soviet satellite-related communications. As Playing piece Pilkington strangely enough told one interviewer:"[As a certitude of disinformation provided to him by Doty,] Bennewitz alleged that he was eavesdropping on the communications of ETs flying in and out of the base. These were evidently [electronic] emissions from an NSA project which he was [misguidedly] 'decoding' to clip alien messages in. Late being motivated in his delusions for assured years by Doty and others hand out of Kirtland, Bennewitz built-up heroic absorbed convoluted and had to be institutionalised for a month. Popular this general time Bennewitz was more accurately compelling in the UFO arena, and go to regularly of the beliefs he promoted, and was motivated to expect by AFOSI-that there's an ET base bordering to Dulce, New Mexico, that the ETs seat traded their technology in the same way as the U.S. government-are untroubled central to the UFO lore. My perfume is that Bennewitz was deliberately targeted to piece hogwash wearing the UFO narrow."3On this last determination, Pilkington is altogether proper. Citation, nonetheless, the desire of any observe of Bennewitz having hard-working films of UFOs over the Manzano WSA. Naively, Pilkington, and other authors, seat assisted in continuation the "classified NSA project" cover story alive, starkly while they took Richard Doty at his promise on the recognize. Thus, abovementioned to the concern of "X Downstairs," the birth story of the origin of the Bennewitz post remained underground. Voluntarily, Lambright's book precisely and stoutly fills that fruitlessness in the same way as its realistic, established research.My own investigation of Richard Doty began in the mid-1980s. In Rasp 1989, I thin appearing in the ufological narrow a small paper, "The MJ-12 Affair: Particulars, Questions, Remarks", which summarized my own learning wearing his OSI-related actions. The paper was similar to published in the June 1989 trouble of the "MUFON UFO Publication." Surrounded by his officially-sanctioned capers, Doty in actual fact duped not straightforwardly Bennewitz but in the same way filmmaker Linda Moulton Howe, en route for all style of apparent quiet developments, as well as secret alien-U.S. treaties, the supposedly-authorized villa of underground alien bases on American tarnish, and so on. Of course, all of these tales were function fabrications, intended to baffle the UFO disguise trouble, and the folklore that resulted from Howe's untoward ordinary acumen of this disinformation is in evidence sure today, scattered all over the Internet. (The latest iteration may be found in the hoax towards the end being perpetrated by Anthony Sanchez, describing to his apparent sample in the same way as a "Pepper Colonel X". The privilege is that this anonymous be included worked at the underground alien base at Dulce. Sanchez first marketed the story in the form of an e-book, and is now sphere it in print form. As proof of the existence of Colonel X, he included a sham of the officer's redacted DD214 attack book in both publications, claiming he acquired it via a FOIA request to the Say [Army] Place of work Documentation Basis. A sham of the claimed DD214 was succeeding sent to the NPRC, and they deemed it "baseless". As well as, it seems, Sanchez has through other invalid statements about his apparent communications in the same way as the figures center.)In any case, my leader recent, efficient expos'e on the still-active disinformation actions of the now-retired Richard Doty was published at this website in 2009.By the outdated 1990s-following my interviews in the same way as altered USAF veterans about their proficiency of UFO activity at WSAs-I began to seat worries about the real intellect Bennewitz was targeted. Existence succeeding, after literary Robert J. Durant's article "Doty and the Introduction Snatchers" was published in October 2005, in the record "International UFO Speaker", I wrote to him, saying:"No matter what Doty's recent dignity reason en route for the reasons for the struggle opposed to Bennewitz, I am of the posture that Bennewitz may seat actually photographed and filmed bona fide UFOs over the Manzano Artillery Seize Focus (WSA), which is sited shape east of Kirtland AFB. It was this nuclear weapons stock up, now decomissioned, which the moment restricted Bennewitz' split, Four Hills. If you are strong in the same way as assured of the nuclear weapons-related UFO sightings-including those at ICBM sites and weapons research labs-then you may in the same way be judicious that a few of those sightings seat occurred at WSAs."For example I wrote that, I was not yet judicious that Chris Lambright harried untroubled frames from assured of Bennewitz films of the UFOs over Manzano. I did, nonetheless, distinguish of references to those films in the ufological lettering published years earlier but, by the time I read those articles, the movies appointments was new, and I had no way to champion their integrity.Considering this in empathy, I moreover told Durant: "In suggestion of these facts [about other UFO sightings at altered WSAs], I seat suggested the following outline to other researchers: Bennewitz-a well-known businesswoman whose lodge under arrest contracts to food trade components to altered government agencies-photographed bona fide UFOs supercilious the Manzano WSA, and next talked about it to character who would chill, as well as the Air Wrest, ufologists, and the media. In the same way as nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents were/are hazardously gentle, a oath was through by the Air Wrest to fail Bennewitz' constancy. Thus, OSI at Kirtland formulated a disinformation philosophy whereby the forthcoming Bennewitz would be provided in the same way as outrageous stories of alien visitations at Kirtland, underground alien bases in the Southwest, secret U.S./alien treaties, and all the rest of it. On one occasion this substantial rumor had been conceded set down to others by the step by step absorbed Bennewitz, the lawful media-as well as the leader wise members of ufology-would momentarily drain away item in his claims, abandonment straightforwardly the most pure to oooh and ahhh at these remarkable 'revelations'. The net result? The foundational, bona fide UFO sightings at a highly-sensitive nuclear weapons aptitude got lost in all of the hoopla and were straightforwardly infrequently, if perpetually, mentioned in the articles and news stories about Bennewitz' claims." So, thank you, Chris Lambright, for verifying my longstanding worries on the recognize in the same way as your well-documented concert of the photographic evidence gathered by Bennewitz. (Individual of the images in your book seat been inserted under.) Population live in having an item in the UFO reality, and the smart disguise of identical, owe you a sum of recognition. - report on image(s) to capitalize on -For example screening the confused, indistinct photographic images above-individual frames excerpted from Bennewitz' 8mm sign picture films-it is prodigious to withdraw that multitudinous observers large-scale seat mentioned the plasma-like charm of UFOs at night, almost certainly due to the ionization of the near vent and/or assured other phenomenon, which lends a resplendent, unceasingly varying stamp to their outer hulls. For example, as Sgt. Eichner at Loring AFB held, "The object looked like all the wane were blending cool, as [if] you were looking at a deposit behold. You see top of emission insurgence off the deposit mop the floor with. This is what I saw. Stage were these top in have an advantage of the object and all the wane were blending cool." Furthermore, Bennewitz' films were pre-digital and shot on paradigm color film, which uses light-sensitive age-old halide crystals in the answer. For example built-up in a darkroom, these clumps of interlocking crystals let go a highly-visible "backbone" pour for example viewed at high magnification, such as the images supercilious, which are zoomed-in close-ups of the UFOs that straightforwardly gorged a unimportant part of the unusual picture circumference. So, the resultant ragged-edged stamp of the unidentified mast objects is due in part to this effect. Surely, in any pre-digital untroubled or sign picture image, regardless of the subject being filmed, the identical take off would be visible if one zoomed-in on any far-flung object in the sizeable film circumference.THE Supplementary ShampooThe footer of "X Downstairs" is "Two marvelous films impart the dishonesty, deception, and the truth about Ordinary On high Stuff." In the same way as my own research affair has kind on UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites, I seat submissive most of this article to a point out of the first, describing to the Bennewitz case. The "other" attractive UFO film discussed in Lambright's book was hard-working by Ray Stanford, in Group Christi, Texas in October 1985 and shows a rank of disc-shaped objects, whichever one enveloped in a sparkler catch the wind of, well, no matter which, in the same way as a decent stab of light extending from a tower in its radial center. Blunt frames in the sign picture impart the spikes to be vivid, as well as promising and attenuation in length. Possibly counter-intuitively, whichever vehicle is migrant in the same way as one face on the way to the sway of bother, rather than its leader modernized barrier. - report on image(s) to capitalize on -Apart from goodbye wearing a lot of methodical detail about, Lambright devotes a crucial part of "X Downstairs" discussing his absolute search for evidence of a technology in existence in 1985 which would admission for the unwise images captured on the Stanford film-only to breath up empty-handed. He did, nonetheless, roll upon the mid-1990s speculative work of aerospace engineer Dr. Leik Myrabo, a lecturer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Begin, connecting an chief, ultra-high-velocity aircraft's use of directed-energy technology to make lighter examination. Enchantingly, as it turns out, Myrabo's 'Directed Chauffeur Air-Spike' concept-for the help of explanatory shock top, plunging take out, and aiding in put the last touches on propulsion-apparently inferior from his having visited Stanford's house in Rasp 1987, where he viewed assured untroubled images from the film for himself.In the same way as Lambright's absolute research confirms, exceeding a justification second thought, that no such disc-shaped aircraft utilizing directed-energy technology existed where on Scrabble in 1985, the doubt becomes: If the objects photographed in Group Christi did indeed go in assured already-functional switch of the Air-Spike system, shape who was energetic the craft captured on the Stanford film?REFERENCES:1. Clark, Jerome. The UFO Number, Clear Ink Bundle, 1998, p. 2592. Greenwood, Barry and Fawcett, Lawrence. Robust Intent: The Disorder Mask of the UFO Exceptional person, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1984. pp. 41-453. http://www.strung In addition See Also:UFOs Apparently Over Nuclear Artillery Depots in Soviet-Era Poland: One of the Covert Stuff Normally Emitted a Warmth Strut On the way to the Ground The Washington Post: UFOs Hovered Over Nuclear Bomb Sites UFOs "> Proportion YOUR UFO Exceptional personRead between the lines leader >>