Monday, December 17, 2012

Ufo Sighting In Rancho Cordova

Ufo Sighting In Rancho Cordova
I was going to go out to see UFO when I heard loud flying objects flying over my apt. once outside I could see many Helicopters flying towards it. UFO hovered while spinning slowly and blinking very bright lights. Very pretty and very large. It stayed in same place for about 2 hours. Then it went straight up and stayed at a higher elevation, not sure for how long. ABC ran info on TV all evening. I think it was ABC. They were to give us info at 11:00 news. At 11:00 they stated they did have confirmation of the event with CHP. Next day they reported that they were unsure what it was and the only facts they could dig up was that Mather AFB had never in it's history had so many craft flying in and out of base. Then never heard of it again. I'm writing this now because on SCI channel, their program UFO conspiracies S1/Ep04, UFO swarm, shows these two woman and one boy who saw same kind of UFO. Theirs was close to ground and blowing flames out the bottom. The one I saw didn't have flames but maybe because it was higher up and didn't need to. Also they one they saw wasn't flashing different colored lights. It was exact shape and was bright, like the one I saw. I'm sure it's the same kind. I felt good watching this UFO. I kind of thought it or someone on board might have noticed me. It would have been easy to see me. I only felt this way for a short time. I did get a feeling that there was a brief connection somehow with it. Hard to explain. Did not have any ill effects from sighting. Wish I'd had a pic of it. Funny thing is I never thought to take one. Not like me either. I might not have thought to because I was sure the word and plenty of evidence would be forth coming. Lost sight when I finally went to bed.

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