Sunday, June 30, 2013

Wanaque Wonders In 1749 England

Wanaque Wonders In 1749 England
On mass 432 of Jacques Vallee's and Chris Aubeck's book, "WONDERS IN THE SKY" [Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, NY, 2010] is this:15 SEPTEMBER 1749, RUTLAND, ENGLAND - WATERING Criminal"An object created a bloom that roared, took water from a watercourse [Welland], shot light beams to the ground, and destitute rocks...."This 18th Century speech mimics what happened at Wanaque Stockpile, New Sweater in 1966, and recounted a moment ago, again, by Anthony Bragalia at The Bragalia Files ( with are other prehistoric accounts in the Vallee/Aubeck book about such water-gathering by UFO-like objects.And Mr. Bragalia provides comparatively current sightings everywhere water-gathering and light beams short paste inside UFO sightings by credible witnesses.The 1966 Ann Arbor/Dexter/Hillsdale "horde gas" sightings as well complex what seemed to be water-gathering, as the witnesses indicated in interviews at the time.This seems to be a run of confident rank, that may be could do with to an explanation of what UFOs are and their mean.This aspect of the phenomenon has gotten instant shrift by UFO researchers, rescue for Bragalia and a few others.It requisite be grist for investigation, possibly....RR