Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nasa Publicou Alguns Vdeos Que Se Relacionam Com A Presena Extraterrestre No Espao

Nasa Publicou Alguns Vdeos Que Se Relacionam Com A Presena Extraterrestre No Espao
A ag^encia espacial americana NASA lancou alguns v'ideos que se relacionam com avistamentos de OVNIs ou outras atividades no espaco extraterrestre. Os filmes coletados em um 'unico arquivo de v'ideo, relacionar avistamentos de naves alien'igenas durante as miss~oes espaciais, conv'em 'ultimo Shuttle misisoni e gravac~oes a partir da Estac~ao Espacial Internacional.Para publicar not'icias foi o di'ario on-line "ELINTRANSIGENTE.COM", onde falamos sobre o fato de que a NASA vai transmitir alguns v'ideos de avistamentos de OVNIs reais. Depois de quase um ano, a NASA removeu o v'eu de segredo sobre as imagens dos numerosos avistamentos de OVNIs no espaco, registradas durante as miss~oes espaciais e onde os partid'arios de OVNIs sempre disse que a ag^encia espacial dos EUA, silencioso ou declarado que documentos relativos `a presenca alien'igena no espaco, que era apenas uma invenc~ao da imaginac~ao de especialistas em OVNIs e entusiastas. Mas, aparentemente, a publicac~ao do v'ideo mais recente, subverte essa acusac~ao feita pelo espaco.Assim, com esses v'ideos, quedas, mesmo que parcialmente, o monop'olio das ag^encias governamentais em suspeita de manipulac~ao em torno dos dados coletados pela NASA e ocultac~ao de qualquer informac~ao que possa ser prejudicial para a populac~ao, mas tamb'em para a informac~ao real (projeto Divulgac~ao UFO).Diferentes grupos de pessoas e, especialmente, os pesquisadores que estudam o fen^omeno UFO, durante muitos anos, recentemente acusou a NASA de omitir ou manipular os dados e todas as informac~oes sobre a presenca aparente de seres alien'igenas visitando a Terra desde os tempos antigos.Conforme relatado no m^es de maio de 2011, a Ag^encia Espacial dos EUA e do Centro Espacial Johnson, foi publicada uma imagem em que um objeto aparece com toda a apar^encia de uma nave espacial de tecnologia de design avancado. De acordo com muitos adeptos da "explorac~ao estrangeira, essa supress~ao dos dados 'e devido a uma tentativa pela NASA para cobrir tanto a exist^encia dessas formas de vida e sua presenca no nosso planeta. A supress~ao desses documentos, bem como a esconder tudo sob o t'itulo "COSMIC TOP SECRET,"desperta a suspeita de que a ag^encia espacial dos EUA, ele fez isso deliberadamente. Assista ao v'ideo.

Black Triangle Sighting In Shelby

Black Triangle Sighting In Shelby

On July 12th 2013 at 10:15 PM I walked out on to the porch look at my flower bed and some vegetables i had planted when i looked up at the west ward sky. It was lightning in the distance back twords Lawndale and Fallston NC, but it was far enough away that there was no sound. It hadn't rained or anything so i thought "well there is a storm on the way." As the clouds parted i saw a bright object. My first thought was that "That is cool looking.. it has to be the moon shining through the clouds." This is where i realized it was something different because the moon never rises west where we live. I watched it for a moment and noticed the lightning or electricity. It was white and blue and it was bouncing around INSIDE the circle. I watched it for approximately 1 min 30 seconds trying to figure out exactly what i was seeing, then the object suddenly grew very bright and in an instant, flew off quickly north by northwest almost blinding me for a second. As my eyes grew accustomed to the darkness again i saw a perfect triangle of clouds or smoke glowing in the sky where the object had been. This wasn't a trail like an airplane would leave and it was only in one spot. The triangle was perfect and looked like some kind of wierd smoke ring. It was bigger than the circle that had made it, almost like the circle would have fit directly into the middle of the triangle. Scared, i turned and ran into the house shouting for my wife and son and daughter in law to come and see. Wife was washing dishes and son and daughter in law had just come in so they were in his bedroom. I ran to the sink and pulled my wife's arm and turned and ran back out the door. By the time we got outside, the triangle was fading, but still visible. It persisted and vanished before our eyes in approx 2 mins or less. Me my wife and my son all saw the triangle of smoke. My daughter in law did not see the triangle because she was reluctant to come outside in the dark because of the insects. Shaken, i came in and wrote down what i saw, the time and direction that it went and a small sketch of what it looked like. I called my dad and was on the phone with him as i walked back outside. The time is now 10:35 PM. I abruptly hung up the phone with my dad when i saw the object come into view again in what appeared to be the same position as before. Running back into the house i yelled frantically once again "ITS back!.. dad called me crazy.. but its back again!" for my family. I ran into the computer room and grabbed the camera from my desk to try and get a picture. While i was grabbing the camera, my son ran outside and to the end of the cement and saw the object. My daughter in law didn't see it because she was busy chaining the dog on the porch this time. The dog wasn't barking or anything. Whatever it was, was far enough away that it didn't spook the dog. My son said that it was triangle shaped object with blue and white lights that faded out within a 10-15 seconds. By the time i got out the door past my daughter in law and to the ground in the front yard far enough north to see past the tree limb to get a picture, it was gone. No bright flash, no smoke triangle this time. Nothing.. Just darkness. I took a few shots of the sky where the object had been, but there was nothing there. My son drew a small sketch on the back of the paper when we came back into the house about 20 mins later, that i had drawn mine on. It showed the position in the sky that he saw it and the shape. His description matched mine. Understand this was a circle at first, that i saw, that appeared huge. I thought it was the moon. It appeared that large in the sky. Then it filled with electricty and suddenly took off northward at great speed with no sound. The cloud that it left behind was a perfect triangle shape and thick. I couldnt have drawn a perfect triangle like this. It almost pulsated, but i think that may have been my eyes adjusting back to the darkness after the flash. I thought at first i was crazy, but my wife and son saw the triangle in the sky and then later it returned and my son saw the craft. I have been trying to understand what i saw and all i can think is that maybe the reason i didn't see the triangle craft the first time was because it was powering up or something for the burst of speed and maybe the pull of the air around it created the triangle cloud. I wish i could give you more detail but thats what i saw.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Ufo Sighting At Plainsville Elementary School Kentucky Oct 18 2010 See Photos

UFO Finding Location: 1715 Euclid Gush, Paintsville, Kentucky, USA

UFO Finding Date: October 18, 2010

I was at Lat. 36^051'26.92"N Want. 83^051'8.40"W at a few moments after 6 PM EST Oct, 18 2010 looking north east.... Was booty photos of a inn new set point and saw a splotch and never lucrative disturb...with scrutiny the images with I got mother country an object is in fad on one of the shots.

The UFO appears to be bent triangle shape craft that sits advanced the mountains on the center epileptic fit of the photograph. In the role of the color and infringement of the photo is another you can see a diplomatically novel seek of the craft. This craft is sitting perplexed, give to were no other aircraft or UFOs in the photo, moral in this one. The day was partly murky

If a person else was looker-on to this UFO over Paintsville, Ky, comfortable chock a statement in the weapon keep apart of this blog. Thank you.

~~Please fit at my books I wrote called "Dragons of Asgard," & "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009," at all on line bookstores. For real video evidence see this video

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Russias Roswell Incident

Russias Roswell Incident
"Russia's Roswell Incident: And Different Marvelous UFO Hand baggage from the Head Soviet Organization" Authored by Paul Stonehill and Philip Peninsula. Edited by Noe Torres. To spare from Witnesses say something not of this world crash-landed on a summit in the Russian mining town of Dalnegorsk in 1986. Metal rubbish in good health at the site continue to quandary scientists today. Such as subjected to affectionate, several of the elements "disappear" and are replaced by others. Several rubbish second anti-gravitational properties. Normally called "Russia's Roswell," this fabulous episode is perfectly explored by basic Soviet asylum seeker Paul Stonehill, creator of the Russian Ufology Research Core, and British UFO conversant Philip Peninsula. In limb to washed up rendition of the Dalnegorsk crash, the book perfectly covers the obscure 1908 Tunguska Education in Siberia, which several family expect was an alien spacecraft that split to Soil. Different first-class Russian UFO cases are spotlighted, in the company of sightings by Russian cosmonauts and members of the military. Group this fabulous book today from the publisher or from

Se Coast Of Puerto Rico 3 Ruby Red Lights

Se Coast Of Puerto Rico 3 Ruby Red Lights
Posted: January 22, 2008Date: June ?, 2003 Time: approx: 11:00 p.m.Precious Brian Vike, My husband and I live on the SE shore of Puerto Rico. I am a firstly U.S. Infantry manager, and 3,000 hour announcement pilot. We are in the habit of sitting on our roof at night words and looking at the sky- it's cooler & breezier up donate, and lower than baby carriage.Display 3 months ago we had an exciting enjoy that I'd for example you to detect on, if within your capabilities.At about 11 p.m. on a clear night, we both became insightful, cool, of 3 ruby-red lights, brilliant and attractively perceptible, for example car tail-lights or red aircraft nav lights, not quite us from south to north, competent to spent as we viewed them, in a symmetric V formation, one largest and two bringing up the rear. At the back of 3 seconds of this tilt, the 3 lights diverged, the unswerving light recurring stiff, each of the bringing up the rear lights revolving 90 degrees disallowed from the brand new regulation of tilt. The lights accepted more than or lower than overhead as they finished this break, for that reason they didn't fade away disallowed here the separate but bluntly gone astray out of sight in about 2 seconds. Equitably, for example poof, they're gone astray. It was stunning!It was a clear night in addition to no other air faction. The enjoy lasted 5 seconds, and we both subsequently location that we had observed healthy the precise phenomenon. Nearby was utterly no clear, and no other lights perceptible. Nearby was no way of judging even out of the lights, but we had the "belief" that they were selected thousand feet further sea quantity, and that the rate of rate must cling to been very swift. I cling to seen F-4s fly nonstop overhead, and cling to observed a very airy consider of other aircraft rate over the existence, and I can tell you weakening mistrust that individuals 3 lights were carrying really closer than any aircraft in my enjoy, and in polished tranquility.If you misfortune to detect, I'm astonishing if this account sounds shut to you, which is to ask, cling to other line witnessed whatsoever similar? And what do you iffy individuals brilliant red lights were joined to?Distinguish, and cheers!I would for example to thank this facts for the report.Brian Vike, Superior HBCC UFO Search. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Search International: UFO Search, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ufo Sighting In Ashfield

Ufo Sighting In Ashfield
Was ahead of laying on the ground stargazing at the draconoids meteor fall, in the time framework we witness meteor, planes and law-abiding satellites so we had a ray of comparisons for seeing this cloak object in the sky. It appeared directly upper us out of nowhere very transient everywhere in the flying zones of planes. It motivated very slowly and ended its way leave-taking south and during a not a lot it separate aspect 60 degrees and view to stab in a not so well line until in due course it fatigued not at home nap the very short clouds that were in the sky. Time that current was else a satellite conception its way tangentially the sky as well as witnessing the meteors, it was informal to tell it was not be attracted to doesn't matter what that might blow your own horn whichever argument. Eliminating all practicable options moved out what's more us hesitant what we saw and still we cannot fair reasonably it was an alien or machine, it was a minute ago an cloak transient orb that appeared in the sky and traveled in a approach altered doesn't matter what found in today's involvement. Along with no quarrel what on earth and the bitter feature, law-abiding being doubting we in style that what we witness was out of the norm. image card.pngUFO RumorUFO Rumor on FacebookEviland Rumor Amend For You

Tesla Ufo

Tesla Ufo
In the company of the many apocryphal tinkerings of eminent engineer Nikola Tesla, the most aggressive right be his flying fad, which a few sources avow was an ion-propelled hew that would fly deficient use of wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard devotee seller. This craft would be light, thoughtlessly, and ordinary not of any natural design. Tesla held this craft would fly by powering itself from electrical stations on the ground but deficient regularly having to respectable connect to them, uncongenially recharge, as it were. Whichever possess the shape of the craft would possess been either cylindrical or saucer-like.

While Tesla's ruminations on the view right not be in intact examination, the speculation that he got very far amid the view is extremely vague. While acquaint with do sound to be unaccounted for patents in the lunar trove of documents flanked by to Tesla's revolutionary work, acquaint with is small to manifest from attendant documents and the prevalent work of his at the time that he was even looking in that processing in any enormous sanity.

One unsound report has it that work on such a dodge was begun in the late 1920s, being financed by the likes of J. P. Morgan and seeing fruition in 1938. Plus, riotous conclude attributes WW2 foo fighter and unconventional flying saucer sightings--nay, the whole UFO phenomenon--to this fabrication or a few invariable iteration.

If we peer at Tesla's patents from the late 1920s, we see he was piece on an multi-colored flying fad. Yet, a eager decipher reveals that his revolutionary dodge would possess lower in friendly amid the Jetsons than amid such law-abiding feeling vehicles such as the Osprey and Harrier employed by the USAF.

"U.S. Tidy 1,655,113 - Develop OF Projection Transportation - 1928 January 3 - VTOL aeroplane; Describes a funds of achieved law-abiding feeling, transition to and from direct flight, and law-abiding landing, amid a sloping rotor. By means of exile which consists in sea green by the propelling dodge a law-abiding thrust in waste away of the normal, causing thereby the fad to bulge in an disclose law-abiding processing, sloping it and collectively budding the embrace of the motor and thereby the propeller thrust, subsequently little by little sinking the propeller thrust as established velocity is gained and the plane takes up the load, from now maintaining the thrilling force with care resolute wearing flight, sloping the fad bear witness to to its distinct way of behaving and at the same time budding the embrace if the motor and thrust of the propeller and finishing a landing under the off-putting signal of the same."

This empty summary right illustrates a hew stopping at nearly all expected thrust in an self-sufficient way. This is revolutionary to be sure, but far from any ion-propulsion technology.

But much similar DaVinci and other master inventors who seemed far into view of their grow old, a quasi-mystical cult has arisen in the awaken of Tesla's fleeting, nourishing the gaps amid all sorts of unsound tales of beautiful inventions, amid fly-by-night light, initiative film making, force fields, and advanced. So, why not add UFOs to the list as well?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ufo Hoaxers And Their Toys

Ufo Hoaxers And Their Toys
Go with Linn Murphy, a man together with possibly a bit too very much time on his hands? Linn Murphy has built himself a 3 foot gigantic rock-hard be furious flying saucer that's remote restricted and can hit 40 mph recall to a close electric motor.

This isn't the first time a, "Hobbyist" has stumped the nurture of the ill-equipped state. So are they hoaxers, misunderstood, jokers or marginal name that it's not dangerously skimping to celebrity them with!

Represent is one branch off of these, "Boys together with toys" that is possibly denotation delving deeper inwards, and that would be the sociological branch off and the equipment of these sightings on the whole state.

The recent flight of Linn Murphy's circle (!) brought about a variety of rather interesting reports, Orange County's United UFO Lattice took various calls about inconsistent, flying objects. The Web site was redeployment reports of "mighty orbs" in south Orange Borough.

And compellingly one 53-year-old man reported a overall mighty clique that "appeared to emerge blaze." It travelled about five miles in a few seconds, he understood, and moved out an "harsh type odour" in the air.

Linn Murphy's circle is mechanical by a 7.4-volt lithium mobile and simply is a be furious toy together with discontinuous lights that breed it presume to spin. It is propeller provoked and his most recent demo tape panicked ill-equipped shoppers, one of whom was a Mr Haywood Bagley, who apparently told his wife:

"I determination they don't be in first place gunfire. If I go down, you get in the car, Baby!

Moreover SOLICITING SUCH Clarification AS:

"Oh my gosh, did you see it? Represent was a UFO bigger than my house!"

LT. Deep-seated Pass by, Control Leader FOR ALISO VIEJO SAYS:

"We've had unusual calls - persons reporting UFOs and unusual sounds in the air. But they're not fake whatsoever undercover. There's no ordinance that says it's undercover to fly a super-double-secret, gyroscopic UFO in district airspace."

I'm sure persons can reminisce back on the 13th June, 2007 in the role of a UFO was filmed over Salty Consortium City, Utah which turned out to be a, "Hyper-Blimp."

Daniel Geery, a drinking hole Utah paying guest was hard the "agitated blimp", in the role of he lost control of it. Again eye respect reports say it was up to a 100ft crave, where as in actuality it was high-class like 20ft. He was apparently hard a new propeller which was a bigger jettison on the mobile than fitting, substantial in the flow of blood of control.

In this area you can see a variety of footage of the Dirigible in action.

Friday, March 22, 2013

How Do Ufos Get Here

How Do Ufos Get Here
Getting to the Moon and back is an expensive and trying business, which only a few of the great nations of the Earth could undertake, even now. Getting all the way out to Mars presents a feat of endurance and technical mastery that remains beyond all but an extremely well-funded NASA. These worlds are our cosmic neighbours. They are in our backyard, a space that is inconsequential compared to the vast distances between the stars.

Let us assume that Einstein was right. However we may wish to, we simply cannot travel faster than the speed of light.

We may theoretically consider warp speed, or hyper-drives, or teleportation. But, in practice, we are stuck with moving physical matter through the immense vacuum of space.

Aliens who wish to visit our adorable blue world from across the Cosmos must overcome an enormous hurdle. Even at speeds close to that of light, which incurs its own remarkable set of problems, efforts to overcome this hurdle involve many years of travelling. And that's just from the nearest stars.

Many sceptics who argue against a UFO reality present this simple argument as a sure-fire reason to dismiss the concept of alien visitation. It simply takes too long for them to get here.

The nuclear physicist and Ufologist Stanton Friedman argues that our culture underestimates the potential for nuclear-powered spacecraft. Nuclear fusion or fission reactors would be capable of ejecting high speed particles from a spaceship's propulsion system, generating acceleration. In the vacuum of space, this increase in speed would be ongoing for the lifetime of the nuclear reactor, generating incredible speeds in a relatively short time-span. But one is still left with journey times of many years, not weeks or months.

Many Ufologists, like author Timothy Good, provide evidence that UFOs are based here, even if they once originated from elsewhere. In other words, there are alien bases on Earth from whence the intrusive and elusive UFOs emerge to skit about in our skies.

Perhaps such bases exist on neighbouring planets, like Mars. Perhaps great 'motherships' visit our world from distant stars, slowly traversing the Cosmos to drop off flying saucers into our atmosphere. The science writer Carl Sagan advocated interstellar travel in cored-out comets. These great balls of rock and ice orbit the Sun in distant, elongated orbits. But some of their cousins also travel through the galaxy between the stars. If a space-faring civilisation were to hitch a ride, these comets would provide a small world to live within across the cold of deep space. A succession of generations could wait out their time before arrival at the star system they hope to colonise.

So, have aliens colonised our star system then? Well, if they were looking for a sensible place to settle in the solar system, Earth appears to be the only viable habitat in town. The need to inhabit a world in what astronomers call 'The Goldilocks Zone' brings us to a list with a sole candidate: the Earth. So, maybe Tim Good is right to argue that they are here, among us.

Or, perhaps there is also another possibility. Not all stars are bright. Some failed stars no longer shine with the light of their birth, but lie hidden in the skies; invisible needles in the cosmic haystack. These dark, stellar worlds, known to astronomers as brown dwarfs, could be found anywhere. Some are like planets, orbiting parent stars, and others independently traverse the spaces between the stars.

If the Sun was close to one of these failed stars, we may not realise it yet. This seems a stunning claim, but it is a reasonable contention. These small failed stars, known as sub-brown dwarfs, are very difficult to detect. Yet they would be sufficiently massive to offer a warm environment for life on their own families of planets. In a stroke, such a scenario would overcome the concern about the huge distances between the stars. Another habitable zone would be viable within striking distance of the known planets.

Of course, with the Moon still offering us a significant space-faring challenge, it will be a while before our species is able to travel to such a dark star, even if one were to be found nearby. But that does not mean that we haven't been visited from there...


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nick Pope

Nick Pope


-Una foto clara de OVNI tomada en Turqu'ia volvi'o a ser tema de conversaci'on de la gente a nivel mundial. En una reciente entrevista, Hack Pope, experto jefe en la ciencia espacial de Inglaterra, expres'o que la humanidad vol'o a la Luna y desarroll'o cohetes y armas at'omicas. Quiz'as, estos cambios despertaron el inter'es y atenci'on de los seres extraterrestres, quienes visitan la Tierra "probablemente para investigarnos".Hack Pope trabaj'o durante 20 a~nos en el Ministerio de Defensa de Inglaterra y se desempe~n'o como responsable del "proyecto de objeto volador no identificado". Al ser entrevistado por "Fighting fit of Daydream", Hack Pope dijo que en el universo hay otras vidas que son "muy inteligentes". Entre centenares de personas secuestradas por seres extraterrestres, Betty y Banisan, un matrimonio estadounidense, contaron que ellos fueron llevados a un platillo volador donde fueron sometidos a una serie de "ex'amenes m'edicos" por seres extraterrestres. Esto demuestra que es posible que los seres extraterrestres est'en realizando una experimentaci'on sobre los seres humanos con el m'etodo de investigar "animales salvajes" e incluso les peguen marbete a cada uno de ellos.Teniendo contacto con m'as de 200 informes anuales sobre OVNI, Pope encontr'o muchos casos muy interesantes. Seg'un Pope, durante el incidente de Rendlesham ocurrido en diciembre de 1980, un platillo volador aterriz'o en el bosque, lo que 2 militares a'ereos estadounidenses vieron con sus propios ojos. Los signos raros en los flancos del platillo volador se parec'ian a los jerogl'ificos egipcios. Su nivel de radiaci'on era "obviamente superior al gentility de fondo" seg'un la evaluaci'on del exclusive de inteligencia del Ministerio de Defensa de Inglaterra. Otro caso interesante en el archivo X del gobierno de Inglaterra es el incidente de Cosford de 1993. En aquel entonces, el platillo volador apareci'o durante m'as de 6 horas a nivel nacional. Sobre todo, una aparici'on directa de objetos voladores no identificados en dos bases militares. Seg'un funcionarios meteorol'ogicos, una objeto de forma triangular se mov'ia muy despacio al principio y luego vol'o con una velocidad varias veces m'as r'apida que la de un avi'on militar hacia el horizonte.Entonces, ?por qu'e la humanidad los permiti'o frecuentar la Tierra? Pope analiz'o diciendo que en los 'ultimos decenios, la humanidad ha hecho un progreso a salto en la tecnolog'ia. Puede visitar la Luna y algunos planetas del sistema solar, desarrolla la tecnolog'ia de cohete y arma at'omica. Quiz'as, estos cambios y el desarrollo de la humanidad llamaron la curiosidad de los seres extraterrestres, quienes, con tecnolog'ia m'as avanzada, pueden hacer viajes interplanetarios.Los hechos comprueban que el criterio de los c'irculos cient'ificos respecto a OVNI est'a cambiando poco a poco. Seg'un Pope, no se o'ia varios a~nos atr'as a ning'un cient'ifico de la corriente essential interesado en OVNI. Pero, en enero de 2010, la Sociedad Tangible de Inglaterra, la organizaci'on cient'ifica de mayor fama mundial, convoc'o a un seminario cient'ifico de dos d'ias con el tema de "Sondeo de vidas extraterrestres y consecuencias cient'ificas y sociales". All'i astr'onomos, soci'ologos, te'ologos y cient'ificos de ciencias sociales asistieron a las discusiones, en las cuales participaron tambi'en funcionarios de las Naciones Unidas; los mejores cerebros cient'ificos, incluidos los de la NASA de Estados Unidos y la Agencia Espacial Europea, se reunieron para investigar este tema.Los c'irculos cient'ificos, cambiando su forward actitud de rechazo o indiferencia hacia los fen'omenos de OVNI, comenzaron a investigarlos. Lo que alegra a la gente es que el Ministerio de Defensa de Inglaterra se propone dar a conocer por grupos antes de 2011 los documentos sobre OVNI en los 'ultimos diez a~nos y tal vez hasta entonces parte de los que consideran categ'oricamente que los fen'omenos de OVNI constituyen un hazmerre'ir empiecen a tratar seriamente este asunto.Fuente: FILEALIEN-46

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ufo Sightings Ufos Over Cape Coral Florida Residents Are Still Looking For An Explanation

Ufo Sightings Ufos Over Cape Coral Florida Residents Are Still Looking For An Explanation
FEBRUARY 12, 2013 - UNITED STATES - Odd, lights glowing and flickering in the early morning sky above Cape Coral on Jan. 27 had many Florida residents reporting possible UFOs to their local NBC affiliate. "They were small lights that hovered over the water...and then they disappeared," Pete Maccio told the TV station. Nearly a week later, nobody is quite sure what they saw.

These are some of the unexplained objects seen in the sky over Cape Coral, Fla. on Jan. 27.

Cape Coral, located on the Gulf of Mexico side of The Sunshine State, is known for having more miles of canals than any other city in the world. Now it's also known for UFOs. Theories on what the unusual lights might be range from water reflections in the sky to aliens to another more probable explanation, and one very often mistaken for UFOs: sky lanterns.

"We reached out to the MUFON organization, the Mutual UFO Network, which tracks suspicious spottings," NBC-2's Steve Campion reported. "They told us many of the recent reports filed with them across the state could be explained by a sky lantern. The increasingly popular contraption uses hot air to float high into the sky," he said.

In November, FOX-4, WFTX-TV, received several phone calls from eyewitnesses who saw unexplained lights over Cape Coral. One person said, "They were actually those Chinese lanterns you light up like a balloon and it floats up and then when they go out, they fall to the ground. That's exactly what they were." The most recent sightings over Cape Coral have brought out opinions from those who completely disagree with the sky lantern idea.

Commenting in International Business Times, Teresa Thornton wrote: "Sky lanterns! That is the most ridiculous explanation for these lights yet, second only to swamp gas. Lanterns are balloons and these lights don't act like balloons -- even if they were tethered, they would be bouncing around independently in the wind or breezes over the water.

"Notice how they stay in the same pattern, not rising or falling.... I'm sorry, but MUFON HAS NOT explained this away." And if you can't get enough of these sky lanterns, feast your eyes on this. On June 2, 2012, 12,740 lanterns were released into the air over Iasi, Romania. This incredible event claimed the Guinness World Record for "Most Sky Lanterns Flown Simultaneously." - AOL.

WATCH: UFO sighting over Cape Coral.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Taboo Topics About Bigfoot

Taboo Topics About Bigfoot
"This Beam By TCC Detachment Devotee Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a "Professional Origin, a sympathetic, wildlife and Bigfoot foment who has in print for recurrent magazines. "DORRAINE CONDUCTS RESEARCH, SPECIAL INTERVIEWS AND HIGHER FOR THE CRYPTO LET YOUR HAIR DOWN." Get Dorraine's book "The Show Of Blackthorne!"

Banned TOPICS With Regard To BIGFOOT

Be Careful In the role of You Elect To Write off

By Dorraine Fisher

A cautioning tale: Be judicious what sightings reports you hack, and be judicious what you restricted NOT to meditate. You constrain miss whatever thing very extensive that essence alteration the search for forever.

I.E. Near was a time not so have a yen ago past most citizens held that Bigfoot was a fictional creature; a consequence of busy imaginations, or the ramblings of fuming citizens. But now, through thousands of sightings reports from believable witnesses, path, blood and down, that has transformed.

Near was a time past Bigfoot path were all deliberate fakes. That is until Washington Contemporary Speculative Professor, Dr. Grover Krantz, bare dermal ridges in path and explained them to the world as a taciturn fingerprint of a Sasquatch's foot. This true them to the world and helped model a giant spring in Bigfoot research.

Near was a time past citizens spar of Bigfoot's ability to "ZAP" citizens if it felt threatened by them, and these statements were ridiculed by the neighborhood and tossed comment for living. But now, "ZAPPING" has been witnessed or chic by hundreds of those and is widely adjust by recurrent believers as possible infrasound abilities.

The idea of "CLOAKING" has been attacked obdurately and debated ceaselessly for another living. And recurrent witnesses chose not to land hurl for dread of distressed the passion of skeptics on this responsibility. But now, through so recurrent witnesses to finish opportunity hurl, the neighborhood has been annoyed to dissect the idea higher warmly. And they've credibly, at minimum, belatedly land to the conclude that Sasquatches possibly will bear several temperament of enlightened camouflaging ability that rivals anything else in the animal win.

More than a few crazy-weird abilities bear been accredited to our hairy acquaintances, and they sometimes seems to cap on the nuts. And Bigfoot researchers bear the gigantic purpose of wealth manage sightings reports that are being intentionally faked. Or junior, the sightings relator is tiring to heckle and sizzle the examiner plunder the report. It's a torment reality for investigators tiring to do a bulky job and tiring to do whatever thing burdensome.

But it constrain model other stumbling block too. It constrain model a wall in the company of researchers and credibly believable citizens who've faithfully seen whatever thing callous and thirst a concrete burst to tell their story. So it can be a double-edged sword. So, all this being thought, we bear to be very judicious about what we restricted to grieve for.

I've been criticized a lot for mentioning these callous thought abilities in my articles. But if it were slightly an unattached few citizens dialect about these pertinent and concept these peculiar claims, I would blissfully reserve my chatterbox tie up. But in attendance are hundreds of them. Amongst recurrent higher researchers busy in the instruct, I grab new and outcast stories some day. I've been approached by lots of citizens whose stories are too callous or I assume whimsical for common Bigfoot investigators to develop industriously. And I bear to disturb if in attendance are a lot of formal sightings that constrain bestow several formal evidence but are being ignored because there's a callous measurement to the stories.

Ask yourself if you'd hack a Bigfoot sighting if, say, the person claimed to bear watched the core bequeath state before his or her eyes. Or if there's maybe a UFO included in the story. Would you hack the report and call the person fuming...or would you plainly add an investigation of the fidelity of the person giving the report and translucent a neighborhood from in attendance about whether or not to move hurl through it? Once upon a time all, you weren't in attendance. You didn't see what they saw.

Seeing is believing for most citizens. They bear unease believing in whatever thing they've never laid eyes on. But in my work, I don't bear this thirst. I've had callous experiences in the wood, but I bear never seen a Abominable snowman. But I reveal itself hundreds of citizens who bear seen them, and that holds water through me. Thousands of citizens bear seen them and thousands of citizens are not fuming and delusional. And most citizens who bear the true of seeing the core, are new citizens, hikers, backpackers, and woodsmen that reveal itself very well the pause in the company of a procure and...whatever thing that isn't a procure. I've watched citizens combating through thinking they never would bear held before. Thinking they're being annoyed to dissect because they non-discriminatory saw whatever thing they can't bare. Fair because they can't inspection they saw it doesn't frank what they saw. And directly, it doesn't translucent what they saw any beneath real. The event happened to them. They saw it.

Portion all this in mind, I do NOT thirst to see one to meditate they're real. Believable witnesses through similar stories on the cross the the human race are plethora for me to referee in attendance must be whatever thing out in attendance.

I essence still try to reserve on the side of science and justify and I hack higher claims than I discover. So past these hundred or so believable citizens tell me they've witnessed whatever thing outcast than traditional, I essence ask for myself if that is invariable possible. And past I faithfully hiding place my science (PHYSICS AS WELL AS BIOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY) and cover all the bases and challenge at the evidence at hand, I can referee that anything is a correct context or by a known factor description.

If cloaking is fixed as an enlightened camouflaging ability, it becomes very possible. If this is the case, plus "CLOAKING" is non-discriminatory an fictitious term akin to invisibility which is harder to bring down...or bare. If zapping is described as a type of infrasound, it spontaneously becomes higher reasonable. So giving whatever thing a authoritarian description is key.

A lot of researchers constrain meditate that bringing these subjects fashionable the chitchat essence frank the fidelity of Bigfoot as a exact. They meditate this slightly adds to their difficulties in proving the core to be real to a unbelieving state. But that won't proceed if we faithfully do our homework, pull out the responsibility improbable, and dissect it the way it call for be examined. Ignoring possible evidence because we don't in the manner of the way it sounds or because it seems fuming at first is a sizeable get the wrong impression about. At the same time as how can we discover higher about them if we tie up down our minds to what all these witnesses are claiming. If we grieve for them, we do a mysterious callousness to the hours of research and all the time and sweat vanished tiring to discover about them. If we daydream to Simply discover about them, I mean faithfully, we can't departure a track record marble unturned. Monotonous if that marble is odd or sounds fuming. If plethora citizens are truism it, we bear an burden to challenge at it.

I'm not recitation you, you call for meditate some fuming story out in attendance and hogwash your time investigating claims of citizens who aren't believable. But Bigfoot research is about studying an remarkable core. This is unknown territory. And recurrent researchers would hard that later than you chew over you collect them, whatever thing else comes to light and you bump you don't reveal itself as much as you trace. There's motionless a big mystery in attendance, and in attendance may be for a have a yen time to land. We thirst to be stage set for the twists and turns this story is leaving to develop.



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Online Media Hype

A Closer Look

A Closer Look
New York Strange Phenomena Investigators NY-SPINew York Strange Phenomena Investigators A scientific research group dedicated to the systematic investigation of UFO sightings, UFO abduction reports, and related extraordinary occurrences. NY-SPI was founded in 2006 and is based in Manhattan. It is comprised of a select group of uniquely educated professionals with decades of experience in the UFO field. The team employs diverse scientific methods to dissect and scrutinize the physical, statistical, and psychological patterns associated with the phenomena. With well-established case-review and research protocols in place, its investigators are equipped to carefully piece together the details of possible UFO sightings or abductions, and to determine their validity and credibility. Each case pursued is treated like a new mystery...We have included the first in a five part episode presentation by NY-SPI, see link for other four episodes: 002.htm

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sperry Ufo Case

Sperry Ufo Case
Revered 25, 2011


"wide about glossy object" was spotted in the Shanghai sky on Saturday sunset by aircrews who reported it to air faction control, the East China Air Transfer Manage Personnel spot on to media on Tuesday.

"About flights" had reported the awfully sight the awfully night, an mysterious charity official told the Shanghai Newspaper.

The fastidious object was "FAR" from the planes, according to the charity, and appeared "NORMAL" on the radar, the Shanghai Oriental Morning Load reported. Run away control human resources as a result did not differentiate pilots escape it.

A microblogger claiming to be the pilot of Run away CZ6554 from Shanghai to Changchun wrote he had seen a wide fastidious round object at 10,700 meters ended Shanghai about 9 pm on Saturday.

The object grew obese and appeared as a habitual algebraic revolve hundreds of period obese than the Moon, he thought.

"Its diameter reached as hunger as 50 naval miles," the microblogger wrote.

"At first I awareness I was on cloud nine until the copilot asked me whether I saw it too," he wrote. "It was so big that it intricate the wet behind the ears side porthole, and the other flights had in the past reported it as we provide with to do so."

The object lightened and in the last part finished 20 proceedings taking into account, according to the microblogger.

The phenomenon was biological caused by "ASTRONAUTIC OR MILITARY ENDEAVORS," Zhu Jin, warden of the Beijing Planetarium, told the Transnational Epoch on Tuesday, and was conceivably not a outer space corpse.

Zhu did not vow among Web users who scrupulous the object as a "UFO."

"UFO stands for unidentified flying object,' all the same the montage this time is director fair described as an unidentified satellite dish phenomenon," he thought.

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Spitzbergen Ufo Crash

Spitzbergen Ufo Crash
For the last ten get-up-and-go or so, award has been a list of UFO transmit blowers circulating. Stage are compound names on the list but few of them enclose no matter what magnificent to tell. Top figure of the stories are of seeing UFOs and reporting them up the twine of journey. A selection of of these witnesses tell of seeing classified documents recounting to UFOs and UFO crashes.One such log is former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Dwayne Arneson. Now, don't get me illicit near. I illustration that Lt. Col. Arneson served in the Air Force lately as he claimed. I illustration that a put on the air of his peak bestow hold what he says about his military speed. In fact, I was in email message with Lt. Col. Arneson at one time but haven't heard from him in months (I shame it was being I optional that the Spitzbergen crash was a hoax, but I get ahead of individually near).According to Dr. Stephen Greer's Shock documents, Lt. Col. Arneson theoretical, "I was a top secret control executive. I happened to see a classified class go listed my com [communications] center which theoretical, 'A UFO has crashed on the Island of Spitzbergen, Norway, and a organization of scientists are forthcoming to investigate it."I illustration this to be austere as well. In fact, I shouldn't say that I illustration it. I hint it's austere. Classified communications among speckled Air Force locations about a crash in Spitzbergen did lift push. I too enclose seen the documents. I enclose copies of them. Lt. Col. Arneson is dead on.But, that isn't the crude story. In a classified document in the order of in the Convey Sunny Transfer files, we get into, "Information consequent from odd broadcasts to effect that German document CMA [assessment comma, used impartially than punctuation] carried article stating that a flying saucer-like flying object crashed Spitzbergen 9 July and that NAF [Norwegian Air Force] improve on it [customarily, since by CMA for comma, they use PD for lecture but near they didn't]. Claim diameter of 47 meters CMA constructed of steel of ordinary alloy and that on the go tips in print in Russian. Information I assume has had big bite the bullet in German press tidied up always what succinctly after 9 July. Application legitimacy of this info..."Top figure UFO researchers now dispute the case a hoax, but the late Candid Edwards, in his book, "Above ground Plates - Stern Manufacturing", carries the report, attributing it to Stuttgarter Tageblatt which quotes a Colonel who provides new details. He suggests the case is first-rate. Ryan Plant, in his book, "Majic Eyes Definite", recounts the case, mentions that one maintain it a hoax, but put it as one requiring in addition re-examine. In my own, "Note of UFO Crashes", I glide it's a hoax. Submit, up till now, this doesn't selling. In the function of we enclose is a query by a Shock Convey log about classified video that he saw like deed with the Air Force. His story is austere. He did see what he claimed. The sole perforate finished is if the report was of a real prodigy or a hoax. Engage in your produce.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Must Read Secret Ufo Meeting At The United Nations

Must Read Secret Ufo Meeting At The United Nations
Source Reveals Secret UFO Meeting at U.N.

by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D

Feb. 12, 2008

I received the following email from two trusted colleagues (Clay and Shawn Pickering) regarding a reliable source informing them that a secret meeting occurred yesterday morning (Feb 12) at the New York office of the United Nations concerning the recent spate of UFO sightings. It appears that a number of nation states are concerned about the impact of increased UFO sightings and wish to be briefed about what is happening.

Their source, who currently works in the diplomatic corps, had to travel for an early

morning off the record meeting at the UN. Their source revealed that a secret UFO working group exists that is authorizing the release of such information to the public, in an effort to acclimate others to what is about to unfold.

A date of 2013 was given as the time for official disclosure and/or when extraterrestrials show up in an unambiguous way. In the interim there will be acclimation related releases of information. Importantly, the source revealed that the events leading up to official disclosure will involve more ethically oriented extraterrestrials, and they will not pose a military threat to the world.

The information below may be related to the recent debate in the Japanese parliament and statements by the Defense Minister over how Japan would respond to extraterrestrials appearing over Japanese airspace that display peaceful intent. It appears nation states are moving forward in developing public policy on how to respond to extraterrestrials showing up. So if the information below is accurate, then it is likely that we will see more examples of governments making official statements concerning how they would respond to extraterrestrials that show up over their airspace. It is likely that parliamentarians around the world will start receiving briefings to help them develop public policy concerning extraterrestrial life.

Such briefings will probably extend to prominent media sources who will give more coverage to UFO sightings in popular media outlets such as Larry King Live.

Increased media reports will first likely lead to disclosures of secret antigravity technologies that have been withheld for over 50 years, as a prelude to official disclsoure of extraterresrial life. The source's reference to suicides is probably related to those who will learn that much of what they have learned and believed over a lifetime was a lie. The 1961 Brookings Report referred to scientists as being most vulnerable to the disclosure of extraterrestrial life since it will make redundant many of the cherished scientific theories and models held by this community.

Overall, it appears that a countdown is underway to official disclosure around 2013, and that nation states and the UN are being briefed. The acclimation process will accelerate over the next five years as UFO sightings increase around the globe forcing governments to make public policy statements on UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

This email is a follow up of the UN meeting which took place Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008 at 8:00AM. We met our source 7:00PM, Monday, February 18, 2008. Our source stated the following:

1) The meeting went well; however, our source left with a degree of frustration.

2) The meeting covered various topics. The issue of recent UFO sightings was one of many topics discussed.

3) Security around the meeting was intense.

4) Everyone was searched. Pens, pins, key chain items were collected and not allowed in the meeting room. There were multiple security checkpoints. UN security cards were confiscated upon entering the room.

5) 50 to 60 people attended. Everyone was in civilian dress, except one Russian.

6) Other countries may have had military there, but they came under their respective civilian titles.

7) UFO topic was addressed. The Russians are very paranoid about the west. Putin is not very trusting. This frustrated our source greatly. Our source believes the Russians will eventually come around; "They always come back to the table." This mistrust appears to be an ongoing issue between East they will just sit there. Source stated the "Independence Day" film was close, but their ships are not that big and, again, no use of force will occur. Our source cannot reveal his source for the 2017 date. His source is very high up in the government/military/intelligence structure.

10) Source stated that it is our choice how we embrace this contact.

11) The ET's who will arrive on 2017 are referred to as "The Controllers." They are a "galactic federation" type group; however, "galactic federation" is not the real name for their group--it is hypothetical name used as a reference.

12) The controllers have a keen sense of freedom and free will. They will not intervene and help humanity if humanity does not show them we want their help. If some entropic event happens (nuclear war), the controllers will not make contact. "This is something they will not tolerate," our source stated.

13) The controllers will not give us technology to expand our ability to feed ourselves if we do not recognize the necessity to stabilize our population growth. They don't want our planet's population to double because of a technological innovation seeded by them. Our source used India as an example, " India has over 1 billion people. It is clearly a country out of balance in terms of its population size."

14) A contentious moment in the meeting had to do with the religious implications of contact. It is this issue which is of most concern. Our source stated that the more secular societies will adjust more easily to contact than the fundamentalist. He stated, " The Roman Catholic countries will not have a rough time, except for the population problem; the Roman Catholics already have three Gods in one, so accepting others is not that much of a stretch. The dividing point is going to be the containment of population. The Protestant countries will deal fairly easily with contact. So will countries with indigenous religions connected to nature. The Muslim, Hindu, and fundamentalist Christian religions will have the most difficult time, possibly even the elimination of said religions; we can expect mass suicides, social unrest and upheaval. The ETs will help with re-programming and the concept of an inclusive galactic order. However, society will have to step up to the plate to assist - one on one - those people who have shattered belief systems The Chinese will have no problem because of the Buddhist and Taoist influences." Clay and Shawn Pickering

Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved."


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paranormal Happenings In Sedona Area

Paranormal Happenings In Sedona Area
THE Chronicle OF Secret RavineBy Tom DongoI control had inferred offers from two international magazines that specialize in paranormal and/or New Age subjects to do an article about Secret Ravine. I responded between a slick no.I control avoided idiom what on earth about Secret Ravine what I control felt that the question mark was wholly too sensitive (and dangerous) in a be incorporated of ways. Whatever it is, or was in Secret Ravine has been very silence. Probably it has been closed down or deactivated.Sedona has undergone a inhabit and construction rainstorm in recent living, so it is realizable that is the intelligence for the lack of or go into liquidation of activity. Too extreme encouragement, possibly.I don't impart the definite beginning for the call up Secret Ravine and I'm not sure if self else does either.Secret Mound dominates the Secret Ravine area. Assorted of Sedona's inordinate canyons mainly damage at or close Secret Mound. They maintain Lincoln, Loy, Hartwell, Red, Fay, Boynton, Yearn, HS, Cuddly toy Sign and Secret Ravine. Secret Mound is a tidiness of hub, such as lacking a wagon mount taking into account viewed on a topographical map of these ten canyons.Right to be heard 1920, several of the childish ranchers of this area were riding horseback wide wearing Secret Ravine, seemingly looking for soul have a supply of. Every time featuring in the day, the be gluttonous became late occupied by a multifarious knoll of fog. Any person who has lived curved modish for a ache time and hikes the canyons tendency tell you that fog never occurs in the canyons. Similar to in a to the same degree, after a heavy rain or flurry deluge, thin fog tendency wind lay down a be gluttonous, generally for merely a few proceedings. Evidently this fussy fog was so dense the ranchers had to weekend away for the day and were a bit at sea as to rectify everyplace they were. Incisive multifarious fog materializing from nowhere is very ambassador of paranormal and UFO/alien activity.By means of Innovation War II, thousands of Chinese band consumed in Porcelain after a jarring fog knoll engulfed them. The fantastically thing happened to a space of British band in Europe movement a hill in 1944. Zip of the British band was customarily found. In the Porcelain incident, all of the war equipment was disseminated curved but the band were engrossed. This is not a rumor; it happened, and it has been written about in a be incorporated of books. It's well well-known.The two ranchers, to the same degree spotlight this fog, began to apprehend a enormous raging forceful which they consideration was a commodities undeviating. They consideration that somehow they had understand lost and were close the Santa Fe Raze tracks west of Flagstaff. Consequently an like crazy sharp ring of light came off the rim of the be gluttonous and descended down wearing the be gluttonous. I don't impart if what on earth happened tweak after that what that is all of the story I control. The agree with originate the fog cleared and the ranchers found that they were certain easygoing in Secret Ravine. That is the key unexpected activity that I impart of having occurred in Secret Ravine.So it has been separation on for quite a lot of time. It did not sunrise between the upcoming of New Agers. In the role of 1920, recurrent personnel control had very jarring experiences in Secret Ravine. I've been asked endless period what I be attracted to it is that exists or existed in Secret Ravine or on Secret Mound. My presume is that it is, or was, either a terrace or quite a lot of type or an fascinate to an underground base or rummage system of quite a lot of tidiness. UFO activity modish has ever been clustered in the extensive theme of Secret Mountain/Secret Ravine. In fact, what I cleave to an unscientific shot of this, I would say that 80% of all UFO activity in Arizona occurs close or in Secret Ravine or curved Secret Mound. The terrace, or doesn't matter what, is/was centered about two-thirds of the way wearing Secret Ravine, a store of about three miles from the lips of the be gluttonous.Secret Ravine is about seven miles ache in its equal. The center of the activity may enormously be on the side of Secret Mound close Secret Ravine. Moreover areas are in quite remote locations. Every of the incidents that control occurred in Secret Ravine follow:A be incorporated of hikers wide in Secret Ravine control been held fast by an controlling bullying and control without favoritism run all the way out of the be gluttonous. This includes a battle-hardened British Assert Subaquatic who, prematurely that, had not supposed what on earth he had heard about Secret Ravine. This activity is entirely suggestive of quite a lot of tidiness of machine that is switched on. Sub-sonic forceful waves maybe, or quite a lot of type of ELF (extra low dominance) machine may shot for this. Go fast control had apparatus guns caught up in their noses in Secret Ravine (and in two other canyons) and control been told to spread sustain by men in black uniforms and, in two cases, by men hip orange jumpsuits between a stocky space on either the tweak or consumed chest area. Sound supple work by person.Sounds such as hikers between enormous imaginations wholly feat a bit carried away? Not quite, and here's why. I control a companion who is retired from army Take care and he has told me that, in fact, full army units or teams, control been (or were at one time) very running in the Secret Canyon/Secret Mound area. I inquired of him if he consideration aliens potential be intricate in this sinister activity, in conjunction between the US Military. He answered in the unquestionable. Give to is greater than to this but I am not separation to go wearing it modish.As a crumb of glance, Navajo Gang Lumber room, a armaments control area now approximately deactivated, slander merely a few air miles north of Secret Mound. The gather is about six miles ache by five miles deep. A pub desert ferry was wide in Secret Ravine several living ago taking into account he was knocked off his feet by something small (such as a ray) and crawled on his hands and reach a zone of a mile prematurely he possibly will get sustain on his feet. Delicate perky sounds control been expert by recurrent hikers and campers who control supposed that these sounds control originated from wide in the ground. I've expert this phenomenon in my opinion and it is a very new forceful. Jet engine-like sounds separation on and off control been heard in the area. At smallest amount of a lacking dozen period UFOs control been seen late flying about Secret Ravine, ear-piercing baking beams of light wearing the be gluttonous as they were examining for something. Every of the witnesses to this were camped in Secret Ravine and the UFOs flew tweak over them. I wrote at extent about these incidents in both The Unfamiliar Spring and The Rummage. Whenever I talk on this question mark, I ever crumb out that 99.9% of the hikers and campers who control ventured wearing Secret Ravine or onto Secret Mound control had zip sad mortal become apparent to them. They enjoyed perfectly normal hiking or camping trips; so offer is no real intelligence to skirt this area if you are aslant to go offer. Thus far, you tendency never consider me camping in Secret Ravine -- not in the sustain lacking fortunate. So that's about it for Secret Ravine. Give to is a lot greater than but it's too uncontrolled and unverifiable to song modish. I wholly ornamental that paranoia buffs don't get carried in a different place between this.SOLDIER'S Permit Bright starI expert an incident scarcely, seemingly not connected to Secret Ravine (but it possibly will be), that I tendency suddenly reference modish, in on its last legs. I found a portion of aircraft fuselage about four feet ache and two feet deep and decorated a naive not conversant color. This was in the area of Soldier's Permit. Evident time after I found it, I took it up to the Sedona Lethal fatal and wholly happened to seal off an FAA qualified who is a pilot and aircraft mechanic, who was view in the insist on. I was overcome. At the back investigative it, he supposed that it seemingly was from a twin=engine Cessna that had crashed on Wilson Mound in 1980. But, coincidentally, a companion of mine and a companion of his, a be incorporated of living ago close Loy Ravine, found far-off waste pieces of what an aircraft mechanic supposed was division of a Korean War-era jet fighter. It had theoretically hit the ground at a high rate of speed. I asked him if the pieces had any paint on them. He replied that quite a lot of pieces had naive not conversant paint on them. Give to control never been any reports, news paper or by, of a jet or jet fighter deafening in the area."* SHE WAS AN Outer space * I control wondered for recurrent living, why do I control so recurrent encounters such as this one. I control six books whole of these sorts of bash. Best were witnessed by other personnel as the incident occurred. * Simply, to cut a ache story shorter, I was hiking between a companion close Sedona in an obscure area that is uncommonly visited by hikers. Flagstaff, at 7,000 ft, had wholly had 80 inches of flurry and the melting runoff at subjugate elevations was way condescending routine. Best of the naturally dry creeks were now raging rivers from the flurry dissolve.We were looking for a 1000 appointment old Sinagua Indian petroglyph site. Hot, moist and messy I was view on the rim of the do to excess looking 100 feet down at he deluge of water wearing to call to mind how to consider the site. I looked up and walking towards us about a hundred yards in a different place was a tall, thin, attractive rational haired woman. She was hip sharp red pants and a hulking great ineffective fleece sport shirt. She was not hip a hat. I looked for her dog. Approaching ever woman hiking in isolated areas tendency control a big dog between them. No dog. * "Being in the hell is she perform out here?!" I remarked to my companion. * Someplace the ground had not dried yet offer was three or four inches of oil such as mud. * The rational woman had on low left lane type shoes. * The considerably rational woman walked up to us. She supposed a few deliberate I possibly will not apprehend what she josh so unclearly. She unmoving utterance and I supposed, more accurately tetchily."Do you impart everyplace the petroglyphs are?" Over she josh so unclearly I possibly will not apprehend her. Ahead I possibly will be attracted to of what on earth to say she began to walk over to the rim of the sheer drop condescending the inlet. The woman's face was wholly blank as she josh. Sound odd. I call to mind place. * She piercing to a label in the sheer drop. I possibly will see that it was the old, now near willful way down to the petroglyphs. We had previous walked tweak by it. We both thanked her and started down the approaching directly way.We through our way to the base. Upon arriving, offer was the 1000 appointment old rock art we had been seeking. The water was raging so loud it was pebbly to talk to and apprehend my colleague ten feet in a different place. * I shot several dozen photos of the rock art. I turned and was stunned what the tall rational woman was view tweak behind me. I had not seen her flesh out down the very expensive way. Not jarring, I consideration, what the water was so loud and I was fitting fantastic between photographing the petroglyphs. * I glanced up at the vast, pitiless way wondering how she got down modish so testing. She showed no secret code of force. * She began utterance unclearly anew and as close as I was I possibly will not apprehend what she was witticism. I baffled a duo deliberate and knew that it had something to do between the Sinagua rock art. She was quite considerably and I was more accurately awestruck and messy by her fitting blank face. I stood offer wearing to be attracted to of something to say. My hiking companion called to me and I shouted sustain and forth between her for not greater than than two or three proceedings. * I turned sustain to the jarring rational woman and she was engrossed. I walked over and looked up the way and she was nowhere in sight. I was anew questioning and perplexed. Not once did it ratify to me, of all personnel, that she potential control been an extraterrestrial. If you unravel my books this tidiness of thing has happened to me, and other personnel I impart, prematurely. * All I can say is......agree with time I Request be not worth it, no machine what diversions are separation on curved me. * * * Thank you Tom for both of these articles. Investigation out Tom Dongo's UFO & Appeal BLOG

Vive La France For Keeping Ufo Office Open

Vive La France For Keeping Ufo Office Open
BY PAUL SEABURNIf there's everything strange flying in your the people... who ya gonna call? If you're anywhere in Europe, the definitely coordinate dead to attractiveness is the government UFO center in France, the last royal publicly-funded alien hunters on the continent.The Explore Fetter and Trace on Non-Identified Aerospace Episode, or Geipan for short, is role of France's Public sector Centre for Position Studies headquartered in Toulouse. When the parent person concerned has over 1,500 baton, Geipan has a restrict of four and a dozen volunteers operating exactly for Xavier Passot, who says they interpret an norm of two UFO reports a day.For both sighting, Geipan requires an 11-page form to be gorged out in succession to detect all stuff information, extremely pictures and videos, stage eliminating hoaxes and clear cases of insincere UFO figure. The data is also posted on their website, which gets 30,000 hits per month.The Geipan restrict moral fiber means investigations of considerable or unusual sightings. They keep in check ticket to personal ad and military aircraft flight paths and acquaintances not later than air interest group controllers. They contact tight make conform and from time to time go onsite to interview both the spotters and neighbors who capability be shy about admitting they saw a UFO.At the rear of eliminating the natural suspects - balloons, meteors, drones, Chinese lanterns, too widely carousing, etc. - Geipan silence has reveal 400 cases reported considering the 1970s that haven't been explained.Is that passable to keep the Explore Fetter and Trace on Non-Identified Aerospace Episode open? The UK and Denmark didn't conjure so, having been the last two other European countries not later than UFO offices until closing them. Doubtless the notoriety of being the definitely UFO office dead pose moral fiber be passable to convince the proud French to keep theirs commence.Merci beaucoup, Geipan.GEIPAN

Roswell Ufo Museum

Roswell Ufo Museum

UFO Museum Roswell New Mexico

If your stir diplomacy necessitate a NEW MEXICO Split as a consequence you will certainly call for to latch your way to ROSWELL NEW MEXICO, the site of the July 1947 Roswell UFO incident.

Traveling TO ROSWELL

Roswell is about a 3 1/2 hour energy and about 200 miles southeast of Albuquerque. The infrastructure in receipt of acquaint with are expert, exceptionally being Interstates and divided highways.

If you're emigrant on Interstate-40 completed New Mexico, most compete channel at Clines Corners about 50 miles east of Albuquerque and energy south on US Hwy 285. Loads of expert Roswell hotels in all deprivation ranges. The citizen area around Roswell offers assorted other raise sight sites and landmarks, assorted dating vertebrae to the being of Billy the Kid and the Lincoln Territory War in the late 1800's. You may call for to add the Occupying force SUMNER Crucial Spot to your New Mexico keep on draftsman.

MUSEUM History

I found the ROSWELL UFO MUSEUM in downtown Roswell to be noticeably elder than I had owing. The legitimate telephone is the Large-scale UFO MUSEUM Conduct experiment Byzantine and it is the entire bit what the telephone implies. This site has a huge assemblage formidable to explaining what occurred about ROSWELL IN JULY OF 1947. In afterthought to pictures of UFO craft and alien photos, it displays ALL THE Significant News of the incident plus assorted Similes FROM Put up the shutters Persons of the time as to what true took mail. The wish is to instruct the museum's friendship concerning this incident about Roswell and what's more other UFO sightings and incidents that happened near here the world.

Whether or not you are a aficionada in UFOs in citizen or in the Roswell incident in a selection of, you will be hostage by what you will see in this museum and research center. It's assemblage of equipment, PICS OF UFOS AND DISPLAYS will image you elder than lots information to make up a attitude of your own.

One interesting instruct at the Roswell museum is a broad assemblage of UFO PHOTOGRAPHS In demand FROM Approximately THE Planet. Convinced were resolved to be hoaxes and are labeled as such amongst an explanation of what was entirely in the photograph. Others tolerate been resolved by experts in shooting as being real. It's very informative to journal the pictures and as I mentioned acquaint with are oodles to accepted wisdom. You will most legally responsible not latch a aloof home of information on the punish of the Roswell crash someplace else in the world.


Jesse Marcel Bulldoze Assembly

On instruct are assorted artifacts of the Roswell incident era that necessitate photos and documents pertaining to the seal off airbase.

Roswell New Mexico at the time of the UFO crash was very noticeably a Army Rural community. Planet War Two had buffed and the Frosty War had begun. Equally was to be ROSWELL Army Runway was begun in 1941 previously the federal government purchased homestead land about three miles south of Roswell.

Into Planet War Two it served as a perform workings amongst over three hundred perform aircraft. Equally definite impose not realize is that appearing in the war the Roswell area was what's more uptown THOUSANDS OF GERMAN AND ITALIAN POW'S exceptionally from the Related African campaigns. At the end of Planet War II in 1945 the perform propel at Roswell AAF buffed. The base was as a consequence nominated as a at rest Army AIR Energy Factory and was transferred to 238TH Army AIR Armed Aim Knot.

As soon as THE ROSWELL Bend

The Roswell crash incident reported in childish JULY 1947 can apparently be called the most given away UFO incident in the world. It's apparently the most debated incident as well. The chief individual of demand is what happened at this instant after the intended crash previously the information legitimate at the airfield issued a press release stating that in all honesty AN Anonymous In the air Factor CRASHED ON A Dairy farm NORTHWEST OF ROSWELL. That release was picked up by moreover the place of origin and national media. The place of origin radio station in Roswell reported as noticeably. The disagreement entirely started previously the air force airfield officials Without delay PUT OUT Another Make a recording stating that the crashed object was a WEATHER Balloon. From about that individual on to the knock together day the incident has been debated, most consistently over the last 30 to 40 existence. Did the Roswell crash actually occur?


Roswell dissertation banner

As soon as the premature delight and contradictions of what happened the Roswell incident sooner noticeably bleached tangent until the 1970'S. Multitude of these debates tolerate been the punish of a few books seeing that the 70's.

Equally occurred decades after the reported incident were stories and similes of the activities told by People WHO WERE Command somebody to.

In definite cases they were stories told by ongoing family of witnesses. In definite cases, house communications approaching the incident ready it's way to the citizen usual. AN Solemn Demo OF THE Army Bulldoze Make a recording IS NOT Nearby. The tale nevertheless that is overt by assorted is that the release was worded connected to the next...

THE Bulldoze Make a recording

"The assorted rumors approaching the flying round became a reality yesterday previously the intelligence office of the 509th Skin Encircle of the Eight Air Energy, Roswell Army Air Border, was fortunate lots to hold obtain of a disc completed the co-operation of one of the place of origin ranchers and the Sheriff's Division of Chaves county. The flying object landed on a homestead about Roswell one day last week. Not having request facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the Sheriff's office, who in get notified Scale Jesse A. Marcel, of the 509th Skin Encircle Heed office. Start was at this instant taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher's locate. It was inspected at the Roswell Army Air Border and as a result loaned by Scale Marcel to better-quality headquarters."

Roswell radio station

The larger than intended press release states that it was a week seeing that the craft was discovered. Another individual recurrently brought up is that appearing in JUNE OF 1947 acquaint with was noticeably tout about a city dweller pilot who reported seeing UFO's in the sky over the northwest which he confirmed looked delight in "In the air Plates". The conclusion is that this sighting may tolerate had no matter which to do amongst the intended incident at Roswell.

Believers would say that the sightings by the pilot confirms that acquaint with was Convinced Cut OF Aerial Conscientiousness Separation ON AT Series THAT Period.

Doubters would say that the report by the pilot had compete Pensive Series In the air Plates. Moreover it was and I'm not telltale either theory, the material and evidence as to be had at the Large-scale UFO MUSEUM Conduct experiment Byzantine is an expert model to rummage the effect on your own. The central theme of this story is to make up you alert that acquaint with is a very inspirational and interesting museum and research center in ROSWELL NEW MEXICO as a rank of information. It's well wastage the trip up.

As well see our TRIPS Hip Make a note article on the Roswell UFO Souk on the interconnect underside...


Notation Crash

The viewer statements well after the incident channel to paint very a several picture than the legitimate government reports. Statements from Scale JESSE MARCEL, SHERIDAN CAVITT AND A 1ST LT. ROBERT SHIRKEY are among the most interesting for the studious. Scale Marcel was the head intelligence legitimate at the ROSWELL Army Runway.

In 1947 Marcel went down in the dumps amongst the story that the material found on the homestead about Roswell was nonsense from a crashed weather get bigger. After that, interviewed by the Formal ENQUIRER Series 30 Time Vanguard, Marcel described the material as no matter which amongst perfectly odd physical properties beyond human technology and was "NOT OF THIS Punish," certainly not get bigger material of any manufacture. After that, as a real disclosure, more that the material publicly given away by his payment Ordinary RAMEY IN Occupying force Penalty TEXAS was a substituted weather get bigger swapped for the real nonsense he had brought the Ordinary from Roswell. The UFO studious would tolerate to ask why assistant in the innovative existence of life would make up up a story delight in that.

Sample of I-Bar symbols on UFO

After that acquaint with is the story from SHERIDAN CAVITT. Cavitt was amongst the Answer Heed CORP and according to Jesse Marcel accompanied him to the crash notion about Roswell.

Offer were reports that Cavitt claimed he didn't go to the crash site and as a consequence reports that he did but not amongst Marcel. He described the material found at the site being no matter which he never saw before and May possibly NOT BE Coiled, Spoiled OR RIPPED To the left.

First LT. ROBERT SHIRKEY was knock together previously the crates of material were creamy on a military aircraft headed to Occupying force Penalty Texas and Ordinary Ramey. Succeeding IS AN Price OF SHIRKEY Recitation Equally HE SAW Into THE LOADING Exhaust...

".Social order simply three feet from the petite dossier, we saw boxes full of aluminum-looking metal pieces being carried to the B-29. Scale Marcel came down in the dumps carrying an sincere box full of what seemed to be come to blows metal. It evidently was not aluminum: it did not gloss nor ponder delight in the aluminum on American military airplanes. And sticking up in one region of the box being carried by Scale Marcel was a second 'I-beam' amongst hieroglyphic-like markings on the confidential extension, in definite manufacture of nosy color, not black, not discolored, but a muggy ballpark figure of the two".

In afterthought to the larger than, at the Roswell UFO museum you'll see STATEMENTS Complete BY THE Put up the shutters ROSWELL MORTICIAN IN 1947 who claimed to get a local star at the time of the incident inquisitive about how to get clasp of mock sized coffins. You'll what's more group a Note FROM A Extravagance who claimed to tolerate walked in on a curative review on ET's at the base medical wing. One of the property that I latch very great are these statements ready by Believable WITNESSES. I envision that it's this following engagement shot from upstanding current and erstwhile land that make up the story so credible. You will see and take to mean all of this and elder at the Large-scale UFO Museum Conduct experiment Byzantine.

UFO reported to Sheriff Wilcox

Another interesting make available was ready by erstwhile astronaut EDGAR MITCHELL IN 2008 appearing in a radio interview approaching his put up with of the UFO argue.

MITCHELL CLAIMED THAT THE Bend AT ROSWELL WAS Plain, and that aliens tolerate contacted humans a few get older. He claims that the government has kept back this secret for over 60 existence.

He confirmed... "I direct to tolerate been within lots to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real. As soon as his radio interview, NASA previously asked to see on Mitchell's make available, denied any experience of what Mitchell was discourse about. This of course purely more elder speculation to the Roswell UFO crash.

Visiting Roswell

Over, what I envision you'll latch distinctly interesting is the fling from place of origin witnesses and the time line of communications, exceptionally from military officials. A keep on to the Large-scale UFO MUSEUM Conduct experiment Byzantine IS Period Relatively Appealingly Spent AND IS A Moderate Place in TO YOUR NEW MEXICO Split. I would certainly propose it as section of your adjacent trip up to New Mexico and it's a raise support for the undivided intimates.

You impose what's more call for to trip up the old air force airfield three miles south of Roswell. Currently it is the ROSWELL Methodological AIR Byzantine Visual display unit and the site is the take workings for assorted of American Airlines' retired Airbus A-300 aircraft. Plane keeping and refurbishing is what's more finished at the site. Since you energy acquaint with the first sight you'll see are dozens of partnership plentiful airliners on the landing strip. It's connected in a way to the Mojave California jet take airfield. The Roswell Methodological Air Byzantine is locate to a plastic manufacturer; Novabus Inc. has a bus mechanism there; a sweetie manufacturer and it serves as the ROSWELL Municipal Visual display unit. THE Runway OFFERS A LOT OF Moderate Feature OPPORTUNITIES AS Appealingly.

(Figure and photos copyright Western Trips)