Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ufos Und Aliens

Ufos Und Aliens
SHORT UFO FACT: [One of the race of extraterrestrials is HUMANOIDS: Humanoid aliens or Nordics are commonly reported in Europe. These are attractive and usually friendly people who are more like "SPACE BROTHERS". There are other aliens including reptilian beings. Few if no cases of alien encounters report Hollywood's many renditions of aliens. The thought of "LITTLE GREEN MEN FROM MARS", or even ET, are unsupported in these cases. Not many people have been abducted by "WOOKIES" or Ewoks either.]UFO TEXAS USA DECEMBER 23 2007 SHORT UFO FACT: [One of the race of extraterrestrials is BEAST LIKE ALIENS: Commonly reported in South America and Africa, these include furry little monsters, giant blobs, cyclopes, and giant insects. There are other aliens including reptilian beings. Few if no cases of alien encounters report Hollywood's many renditions of aliens. The thought of "LITTLE GREEN MEN FROM MARS", or even ET, are unsupported in these cases. Not many people have been abducted by "WOOKIES" or Ewoks either.]NASA IS LYING ABOUT MARSIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
