Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ufos And The Melting Pictures

Ufos And The Melting Pictures
tks to 3 6 13

Published: 1:47 PM 5/31/2013

Written by Grant Cameron

Most UFO researchers have heard of camera problems around UFO and crop circles. The general complain is that power is drained from the batteries of the camera leaving the camera unusable.

Rarely if ever is the camera ever affected. There is just light entering the lens after all, so what could possibly go wrong?

That might be the rule in the materialistic world view paradigm where everything is just a machine of one sort or another. In the world of the non-local paranormal the rules seem to be a bit different. This is especially true if you are Chris Bledsoe who has lived in a bizarre world of paranormal events since 2007.

I first became aware of Chris's camera story when I visited him in May 2013 just outside of Fayetteville, North Carolina. It wasn't until a woman in California complained of the same problem, however, that I realized the possible importance of what had happened to Chris.

On May 7 Ellen Harris, a member of the Santee Historical Society was photographing an historic building known as the Edgemoor Barn when she suddenly realized that she had taken a picture of something to the left of the barn. When she downloaded the picture to her computer she discovered what was clearly a picture of a classic flying saucer.

More important to this story - for some unknown reason Ellen's camera suddenly stopped working.

Now back to Chris Bledose. He is a man who has a rough go of it since 2007 when he and four others encountered a series of UFOs and small aliens with red eyes while fishing at the Cape Fear River on cool January evening. The events of that night changed the lives of the five men forever.

In a regression done with Chris in 2008, he recounted how he had seen three UFOs after wandering away from the other four fishermen and was abducted by one of the three objects. The encounter inside the ship was with aliens standing around him showing him things. Then it had some very strange aspects which have yet to be resolved.

What has occurred since the 2007 event can only be described as possibly the most bizarre paranormal UFO series of events on record. There have been numerous sightings of UFOs and aliens, UFO circles in the yard, black helicopters, shadow people, accurate precognitions, messages, medical healings, totally unexplainable burning trees, bleeding dogs, and a camera that broke when Chris tried to photograph one of the many UFOs.

Chris described the UFO camera encounter this way;

"I had just purchased a new digital camera not a cheap one but a 300.00 camera. Chris Jr. and a friend of his Zack Bond were going out for the evening it was cool out getting dark early evening. My TV room is in view of the back door of our home Chris and Zack started to the door looked over to me to tell me bye.

The boys went out the door and the door no longer shut it and they were back in shouting, 'dad come quickly.' I knew what it was by the way they were acting. I jumped up met them out back on the patio and looking up not high at all this beautiful Golden Object as gold as what is in Fort Knox was hovering less than a quarter mile away it was maybe 200 feet in the air. This object was so golden and brilliant there was rays shooting out all around it.

I ran inside grabbed my new camera hurried back out the door pushed the shutter button and the camera said Memory Card Error. The card still says Memory Card Error and the camera with a new memory card takes pictures but everything is melted. It had ruined my new camera."

I asked Chris to send me some of the melted face pictures and on May 26, 2013 he did. The pictures speak for themselves.

See the UFO Casebook case file,.

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source the pair was startled by what appeared to be a round low-flying object coming directly toward the car. The object appeared to pass over the car and Miss Richards turned to see it appear to speed up and then veer off out of sight. She and [her fianc'e] both felt they had seen something unusual which was difficult to explain and certainly did not appear to be an optical illusion."

In a debriefing with FBI agents, Miss Richards recalled that the object was definitely circular in shape, was spinning, and "was bright as though containing a series of lights in a zigzag pattern."

The debriefing report continued: "The object appeared to be flying very low as it came toward them, moving at great speed and gave off no particular sound. The object, to the best of her belief, was at least as wide as the highway and appeared to be no more than two to four feet in thickness."

It's also interesting to note that Miss Richards is described in the files as being "one of our best employees [and] stated heretofore she had placed little credence in 'flying saucer' stories and felt that had she and her boyfriend not seen the same object she would be inclined to think she had imagined something."

On April 10 and 13, the FBI prepared documentation on the case for the attention of U.S. Air Force investigators. In part, it states:

"[Miss Richards] advised she had seen the object for only a few seconds that it was still dark when she observed it, although it was near daylight on April 6, 1956. She stated when daylight came she observed the sky to be cloudy and it started raining approximately 30 minutes after she had observed the object."

The report expands on what happened next: "She recalled the object approached their car on the driver's side straight ahead at a height which she thought to be less than 25 feet. She was unable to estimate the speed of the object. She described it as being oval shaped, being very bright and having a light blue color. It made no sound that she could hear. She advised her fianc'e would be able to state exactly where they had observed the object in North Carolina, inasmuch as he was familiar with that area."

As an examination of the documentation shows, a recommendation was made that all the papers relative to the case be forwarded to the FBI's Domestic Intelligence Division for possible liaison with "interested military agencies." While the matter was indeed discussed with the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations, nothing more of any great significance was uncovered and the matter was filed away as unexplained.

For those who (wrongly) claim the Freedom of Information Act has not brought forth anything meaningful on UFOs, this affair should be a lesson in learning. First, we have a case involving two witnesses, one described by none other than the FBI as being "one of our best employees."

Second, the encounter was a very close one, with the UFO in question flying low over the car in which Miss Richards and her boyfriend were driving. That it was brightly lit with "a series of lights in a zigzag" pattern strongly suggests the UFO was a solid, intelligently-controlled device of some kind. And, third, the documentation makes it very clear that the matter was studied closely and seriously.

So, contrary to what I have heard time and again about FOIA and UFOs, and claims that the good material never sees the light of day, that's actually far from the truth. Yes, there's no doubt that we are lacking all the facts (and attendant files) on some significant UFO cases involving officialdom - such as the Roswell, New Mexico affair of 1947 and the Rendlesham Forest, England affair of 1980.

That does not, however, mean that everything of an extraordinary UFOs nature that has crossed the desks of government gets filed away forever. It doesn't. If those who proclaim that FOIA is of no significance actually studied - deeply - all the many and varied documents that have surfaced via its regulations, they would see that it is indeed a very useful tool.

It has also provided us with a unique insight into fascinating UFO cases filled with government connections and highly credible witnesses. And that includes Miss Richards.

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Large Rectangle/Alien Beings Spotted by Two Witnesses over Kansas

Published: 5:21 PM 5/28/2013

Kansas - Spring, 1975

One evening in the Spring of 1975, my girlfriend and I were driving through the Kansas countryside.

After crossing a cement bridge that spanned a river, we pulled into a farmer's access road and parked at the edge of a field alongside a bend in the river with the car pointing east.

Not long after we stopped we noticed a strange light that suddenly approached our location in a quick "blur."

Suddenly, hovering above the tress was a dark object, rectangular in shape with one red and one green running light positioned together on the lower part of the craft at its center.

We stared in amazement and couldn't take our eyes off the object. After 5 minutes or so, we noticed the craft's position had moved to the right.

It seemed to move in a very slow motion to the other side of the river. After another 5 minutes I decided to drive away from the area.

As we turned onto the county road and subsequently onto the cement bridge we saw that the craft had returned to its original position, above us and slightly back from the bridge.

I stopped again and got out to look at the craft. The object was about 20-25 ft. wide and now I noticed a large rectangular glass window, or what appeared to be glass, running across the middle third of its front.

Standing inside to the left side looking down on us were two beings, which I could see only from the waist up but could tell that theses beings were about 4 ft. tall, with abnormally large heads and large black eyes.

The eyes seemed devoid of emotion and their skin was pure white, like the moon, the texture resembling that of an albino salamander.

Their eyes ran almost north/south with their heads. The craft hovered silently the whole time. After about a minute of eye contact with the humanoids I got back into the car and rapidly drove away from the area.

We could still see the craft hovering where we had left it. My girlfriend and I eventually married and still live very near to the location where we witnessed this craft.

Sometimes, we both get an urge to return to the spot and just sit there and talk about our shared experience, kind of hoping these beings would stop by.

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peace is perfecta second ago

totally unexplainable burning trees,shadow people,some of the melted face pictures

If we consider the extraterrestrial phenomena to be a form of communication to us, what could these items possibly suggest? Burning trees? Melted face pictures? Shadow people? Incidentally, Ft Bragg and Pope Air force base are nearby.


irmensulan hour ago

Not much here about the "guardian"..the taller 7 foot one

98.63 hours ago

Great magazine this week! All good items.

I liked the double-up articles on the Bledsoe case, especially the 'Archived' one. Very well written. Great flow to the information! (My compliments to author Billy Booth, job well done!)

hag6 hours ago

Miss Richards Sees A Flying Saucer - I have always felt, and still do, that private citizens involved in UFO research and investigations are tasked with providing information that will culminate in disclosure. Every agency associated with the government has a mission and agenda that promotes denial and disinformation. Securing the truth is our primary motivation. Rectangular UFO With Beings - UFOs with non aerodynamic shapes are interesting. This rectangular craft sported a window area that revealed 2 commonly shaped alien beings - just to be on the safe side, the craft had a red and a green running light. Archived Case - I watched this televised special several times and wondered why the MUFON investigators spent an inordinate amount of time to prove everyone associated with this case was deceptive and, possibly, part of a hoax.

nightsky9 hours ago

Iv'e read excerpts of " project Serpo " in the past and have been intrigued about it so I decided to get the book. The name of the book is " Secret Journey to Planet Serpo ". If you want an education on what has and what is happening in the "ET" world you absolutely need to read this book. I know one thing, it sure does answer a lot of questions. I got mine through Amazon for less than 14. Thanks for your time.

nightstalker12 hours ago

All stories today were absolutely fascinating, I wonder if anybody ever attempted to do some reverse engineering using all the evidence of past encounters and electrical effects on our earthly appliances. There have been numerous reports of car electrics misbehaving in presence of these crafts, and other electronic gadgets as well. Even effects on human skin and other medical conditions should slowly narrow down what kind of propulsion system these beings are using. And what kind of radiation their motors are emitting. I don't think the correct answer is too far away, we humans even have a detailed drawing of their motor by contactee Herbert Shirmer.

billybooth10 hours ago

Nice comment and certainly you are right about more research into these anomalies.

Read The entire Fayetteville, North Carolina Encounter, January 8, 2007 archived case of the week at:

UFO Prevents nuclear shots?

Details at: