Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is It True That Ufo Tape Recording Revealed

Is It True That Ufo Tape Recording Revealed
AN audio recording of a pilot who saw an unidentified flying object 17 being ago in Shanghai was naked at the weekend.The tape was recorded in the cockpit of flight 3556 from Shanghai to Ji'nan, Shandong Pasture at 6:15pm on Trail 18, 1991. Generous kin in Shanghai reported seeing the UFO fly over the city's northwest, and it was seen by witnesses in Wuxi, neighboring Jiangsu Pasture.The oration amid the pilot and control tower was released at a UFO forum on Saturday in Shanghai, the Nanjing-based Jinling Sundown News reported.From 6:12pm to 6:26pm, the UFO followed the flight, shifting its form, pace and knock down, the tape naked. Flight controllers urged the pilot to circle routes numerous times to steer clear of colliding plus it, according to the press release.The control tower saw the orange flying object first but no telltale sign of the UFO was recorded by airport radar, the press release hypothetical."I saw an unidentified flying object 7 nautical miles banned in chief of me after embezzle off. I was designate to 280 degrees and the object was similar a bit of hurl, about 3 to 5 meters crave," hypothetical the pilot on tape."It was flying state in the direction of the northeast and flew moreover banned after I swung to the missing. It then turned harshly and headed in the direction of 100 degrees south, and lowered its knock down."I tried to steer clear of it what it transformed its direct to the north, seeing that it altered itself in the sphere of a crave black object and once again lowered knock down in uprising. It then appeared as a black honestly and a round bit flying first to the northeast, then the northwest, in uprising once again."Nineteen UFOs have been seen in China the same as 1971, Wang Sichao, a instructor at Mauve Mint Observatory in Nanjing, hypothetical at the forum.
