Saturday, April 7, 2012

Robert E Cotner Cia Alien Hunter Or A Fraudster

Robert E Cotner Cia Alien Hunter Or A Fraudster
Roberts confession: I, Robert E. Cotner, born 3/19/46, SS numeral 441 444 447, military numeral RA 25731405, NG 25731405, and MKULTRA CIA numeral 1059, Tulsa Restricted Investigator numeral 1059 (until 1979), hereby put up under declaration that the following is the best of our equipment fair and accurately and that it necessity be supposed as a deathbed debt, while I am passing away, and incentive possibly up front murdered, prior I die from other causes.MUFON UFO Press release, "Disorder information inscription" of the General UFO Maze in the role of 1967 (which is peculiar)! I hold back four-sided figure construe it, and in 1967 I had four-sided figure traditional my overtake as a hush-hush investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma (No. 1059) and was approached by the FBI. (In 1963 I partner the Armed forces and the CIA in 1964 and 1972, I departed the CIA and the FBI). I was operating in the MKULTRA project, and next I saw my first UFO in 1964 at Edwards Air Country Dreadful (the flying saucer at Roswell, as a result of characters from a 4000 year old vocabulary on the dashboard, which I can horsing around).Contemporary are at smallest three perverse types of UFOs, which I hold back very well seen. And three perverse races that they hold back built.Since 1967, because I considerable to chock from the CIA, I began copies of top secret files and documents from a mixture of fields,plus UFOs to steal, and these stolen documents are peaceful where I hid them. lunar truthmoon landingOutlandishaliensnibiruend of the worlddoomsdayjudgement day
