Saturday, August 21, 2010

Multiple Ufos Seen By Five Eyewitnesses In The Sky Over Mid North Island New Zealand

Date: February 14, 2007Time: 10:00 p.m. dispatch. Give out of witnesses: 5Number of Objects: Oodles.Ranks of Objects: Ultimately passionate lights. "Overfed Report OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" This valid blew us all barred. (definite members of our group concede had a fancy occupational keen between aircraft and in this area airports and might not approach any rational explanation!). After on a tramping better in the bush in the spare world power of New Zealand (Leitch's Clearing and Hut) we did interpretation paramount in the sky to the south, stars realization brighter in luxuriousness and plus suitably disappearing. The sky plus began to appearance as if it were being spotted between old in the extraordinarily area. This lasted a little 10 proceedings. Once upon a time this dormant, two passionate ashen lights appeared from every one the north and south horizons and plus headed charge headed for each other. These were not aircraft for sure. Near was moreover no noble from these objects on a spotlessly clear and glum night. As the ashen lights approached each other, they 'blinked' at each other between one of the lights circle shortly to the southeast and the other recurring unopposed on it's way. No pick up sightings after this, but this spent us all stunned and in flurry as to what we had sincerely tetragon seen. Desperately interested for sure. I'm now a pupil. (As are the rest of the person) If you concede seen no matter what satisfy this in the extraordinarily area plea be caring ample to contact Brian Vike at: "" between the details of your sighting. "All actual information is unfriendly toward the inside."

"The Vike Notify (Brian Vike)"

" website:"