For the occasion, we have set up a e-shop, which, combined with our site, offre maintenant une des plateformes virtuelles francophones les plus professionnelles sur la sc`ene de l'ufologie civile internationale.
This reorganization will allow us Garpan especially to resume our research and d investigation with renewed calm, gr^ace auquel nous augmenterons la rigueur scientifique de notre d'emarche et la port'ee de nos d'emonstrations bas'ees sur la pr'esentation claire et distincte de faits v'erifi'es.
A home d specialized editions ufology
As home d specialized editions ufology, although we will promote the safe general ufology, and we encourage authors to submit manuscripts ufology if they want to take advantage of our platforms and recognition of the quality of books published in Garpan editions.
Les nouveaut'es de 2015
We announce at least three books for 2015, of which the first is now available (the shipping 19 January) :
1- "THE NEW SCIENCE", THE WILBUR SMITH (trad. Yann Vadnais)
Traduction in'edite de l'"opus magnum" the Wilbur Smith, the pioneer ufology in Canada. In this little-known work (even specialists in ufology), we find the central ideas that have animated Smith during searches of "Project Magnet", this famous project government UFO study conducted on behalf of the Canadian Department of Transport, of 1950 `a 1954.
It will mainly present the results he achieved this by combining scientific knowledge with the data obtained, firstly, UFO sightings by witnesses and the evidence associated (signature radar, ground traces, photos), and, other, contacted by six groups, avec lesquels il avait r'ealis'e une 'etude sp'ecifique.
This book is distinguished by its conceptual approach and scientific reflection on realities within the vector geometry and mathematics, the physics of particles and atoms, electric and magnetic fields, Finally, quantum physics. Strangely, Wilbert Smith talks to spell topics that he announces : for example by heading the third section of his "treaty" : "The principles and technology of other species (Advanced) >>. Without naming them explicitly, Smith refers constantly to technologies that will revolutionize our civilization : nanotech construction of objects and tools, transportation and antigravity tools, interstellar travel, technology invisibility, etc.
L highlight of the book : "Assembled from data obtained by more advanced beings than us".
Order "The new Science" (145 p.)
We plan to publish in middle year project which we take to heart and we believe to be d some importance. It s is the first French translation of a "mythical" text in the Canadian UFO literature, that it photocopied and "was going on under the table" before inlet internet, "The Wall of Light" (1971) s d & rsquo English, British-born Arthur H. Matthews, who resided in Lac Beauport, to 20 km north of Quebec City. In this book, he tells his repeated contacts with "Venusians" of 1941 to 1971. However, as he knew since Nikola Tesla childhood, and that he himself was an electrical engineer, Matthews leaves a considerable part to his friend and revered master, reproducing some of his texts, letters, et confiant de nombreux t'emoignages personnels.
The translated text is preceded by a detailed study of the d Arthur Matthews -- the first ever comprehensive -- which are highlighted UFO aspects, futurologiques and meta-historical information transmitted by Matthews. Putting them in parallel with the socio-historical context of work of Tesla -- "L twentieth century inventor", as Matthews likes to repeat -- this new translation proves d dismaying news
Finally, our colleague Guillemette Tobi offer us being year an innovative and fun book, which he has worked hard, and whose quality is truly remarkable, both visually and bookish, que critique et 'epist'emologique.
With these "Some philosophical tools to use of ufologists" Tobi introduces us to the rigorous reflection "UFO witness", familiarizing us with useful and necessary concepts of phenomenology, psychoanalysis, s Hypnosis, etc.. By revisiting several important UFO cases, he gives the example of the application of the phenomenological method in the analysis of "events" related to UFOs. Same To You, after analyzing UFO-objects themselves -- with examples in which data clearly confront us with a technology called "alien" -, the resources of the phenomenological method allows to update swathes of these "phenomena", thanks to the "eidetic variation". Le tout pr'esent'e avec la clart'e coutumi`ere de Tobi Guillemette.
C is also in this book that undertakes a Garpan "Revolution at the theoretical level" by adopting a new meaning to the word UFO, becomes "OBJECT VARIABLE NATURE UNKNOWN", This represents both an elegant solution to the skewed sense of "unidentified flying object", but especially a more appropriate definition of our "objects (Physical / intentional) "D study. Besides, about it, Here's an excerpt :