Monday, November 3, 2008

Ufo Sighting In Lake Stevens Washington On July 4Th 2013 I Went Outside To Watch Fireworks Displays

Ufo Sighting In Lake Stevens Washington On July 4Th 2013 I Went Outside To Watch Fireworks Displays
It was fourth of july 2013 approximately 9:45 pm. It was just dark enough to observe fireworks displays so I went outside. I looked to the NE, and an unknown strange glowing object caught my eye. It wasn't acting like any normal firework, so I sprinted inside and grabbed my video camera. When I came back outside and started recording, the light was slowly moving south from the north east, and was not making a sound unless it sounded like popping fireworks. I figured it to be moving maybe 2-5 mph tops. I was startled, and my heart was racing with questions. the more I watched this glowing pulsating red orange ball the more I began to realize it wasn't normal it wasn't a plane or helicopters. As I tried to follow the object with my camera, it was moving further away. Then it just disappeared like a light switch. I watched the skies for another minute or so, when like a light switch, it was back due east and twice is high as before. I begin filming a second time but it was just too far away to capture any good quality as you will see in the first video. The object appeared to be 1/4 mile away and I could not determine size. From my vantage point it was the size of a tennis ball. When I first witness the object I knew it wasn't a firework because of its manorism, shape, and pulsating nature. It was mostly all red with a pulsating orange in the middle. Seeing this object at first scared me but then I became 110% curious. I still would like to know what it was, as this incident remains in my daily thoughts. The reason I am coming forward now is because I would like some answers, and if there is a 1% chance of this being a true UFO sighting, unlike my government I would like to make it public knowledge. image card.png
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