Sunday, March 29, 2015
Dyatlov Pass Paranormal Incident
"Look THE DYATLOV Dated Je ne sais quoi Landscape EPIn 1959, in the Ural mountains, Russia, nine hikers were found departed in what can exclusively be described as transitory under very derisive state of affairs. This is one of the most traumatic enigmatic incidents regularly reported. You may storage noticed how this wasn't titled as a UFO chance unite, that's like no one deceptively knows for sure whether what happened had suchlike to do among UFOs or aliens. Nevertheless, investigators storage worn-down a inane to express how at all of the dead local organs possibly will be beaten weak spot their being any slight injury's. Precise of the dead were assumption to storage died from hypothermia as acquaint with was no other explanation to how else they possibly will storage died. Complementary dead were departed among injury's such as fractured skulls, beaten chests, one was puzzled a dialect, and at all were rightly radiated. For example in the world possibly will be adept of causing such dreadful deaths. Orangey spheres in the sky storage been reported in the area for tons time and at all society won't go to Dyatlov Dated, nicknamed Bulk of the departed. Story's of what the orange spheres are scope from Russian Intercontinental Armaments to real UFOs and aliens that are not friendly or at best moody. Locals storage theoretical that they storage seen the orange spheres tons become old and storage managed to go about their term paper lives weak spot colossal incident. Bestow were reports from witnesses that seen orange spheres in the sight everyplace the nine hikers were camping on the night the unfamiliar incident took explode.Precise society are yes that this is the work of either UFOs and aliens, and at rest the illusion Yeti or BigFoot. At the same time as others say acquaint with is a far away better-quality normal explanation. One theory is: An landslide fell which complete the share trudge to vacation spot their tents in such a fluster that quite hence use the beginning they cut frank the marquee from the pinpoint to escape in a draft. The unfamiliar local injury's were the total of the tumbling landslide. Hypothermia complete the dead not killed in the landslide take captive off their attire (WHICH CAN BE A SYMPTOM OF HYPOTHERMIA) and they died as a total. The puzzled dialect from one of the dead was eaten by at all type of violent..It sounds for instance a very self-sacrificing explanation. And who's to say that this isn't what happened.Nevertheless, how do the de-bunkers express the orange spheres seen the exceptionally night in the area everyplace the incident took explode. For example about the perfectly high levels of radiation found on at all of the dead body's and clothing. Is it viable that the dead suffered the side gear from being in the theme of everyplace a Russian Intercontinental Nuclear warhead was being experienced. For example about the enigmatic local injury's among no slight vandalize, are these widespread injury's caused by an landslide..And if this was a frivolous case of an landslide thump they why was acquaint with such a big cover up by Russian officials, and why was answer evidence "LOST". This evidence reportedly included an mantle found present-day at all of the body's. This mantle went "PUZZLED" and has never been seen once again as. This case association an unsolved mystery. Look THE EP and fundraiser your own conclusions.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Paranormal Dont Miss It The 2011 Pennsylvaniufo And Bigfoot Conference
A book signing following the speakers and authors soul be reasonable October 21, 2011 at 8:00 pm est at Barnes ">GO TO THE 2011 PENNSYLVANIA UFO AND BIGFOOT Discourse
Taciturn Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook
Correctly Astonishing Pennsylvania: UFOs, Bigfoot & Long forgotten Odd Encounters Casebook One
Monsters of Pennsylvania: Astonishing Creatures in the Underneath Soil
12/21/2012: A Warning
Labels: aliens, bigfoot, pacific northwest
Friday, February 27, 2015
Stuart Miller Gives His Views On Saucer Spies
"It would seem fair to say that at least for the last year, Nick Redfern has been the hottest topic around when it comes to UFO related books. Back in June 2005 we had "Body Snatchers", the story about what really happened at Roswell, and now we have "Saucer Spies", the history of American and British Intelligence agency observation of Ufologists.
"Now when you read that last sentence it makes a kind of natural sense. After all, you would think, of course the Intelligence agencies are going to watch Ufologists and they are going to smack them sharply on the nose like a naughty puppy if any of them get too close to any kind of truth.
"Except that's not how it was. It seems that the spooks couldn't care less what researchers found out about UFOs, which isn't very nice of them. Their interest it appears was more to do with the concern that some Ufologists might be using an interest in the subject as a cover for less patriotic activities. Like for instance spying for a foreign power, and so on.
"And Nick Redfern should know as he himself was watched by the UK's Special Branch for a number of years. You see, Nick kept company with very bad men. Matthew Williams, Matthew Bevan and Robin Cole were all dastardly villains because they too were Ufologists and rather than sit lamely back and fiddle with their widgets, they got off their backsides and either broke into restricted government buildings to get answers or hacked into the Pentagon's computer system, or, as in Robin's case, had the temerity to actually write a pamphlet on what the GCHQ (UK equivalent of the NSA) knew about UFOs.
"But not satisfied with just consorting with these grave threats to the security of the realm, Nick further compounded his attraction to Special branch by standing outside Porton Down, the UK government's centre for biological warfare research, and noting down the car registration numbers of people driving in and out of the base. Why would a Ufologist want to do that for God's sake? I'm afraid the answer is in the book.
"Nick covers Adamski, Newton/Scully/Gebauer, Van Tassel, Albert Bender, Men in Black, the real story behind some alien abductions, APEN - a mysterious group of UK individuals from the political far right, the Berwyn Mountain incident, Jenny Randles meeting with "Robert", animal mutilations, the escapades of Matthew Williams, Matthew Bevan's hacking into the Pentagon, the Provost and Security Services, direct approaches to Ufologists by AFOSI, and much, much more. In particular, Nick has the assistance of a former Special Branch detective who he calls The Sandman who, years after the events described in Nick's book, is quite happy to confirm and clear up and explain what was going on and why.
"This is an excellently researched and well written and informative book that casts Ufology in another perspective. It is a perspective that some may feel uncomfortable with but you need to remember that this is a Nick Redfern book and Nick isn't in to tucking us up all safe and snug at night. What this is is a further clarification of the UFO reality and that reality isn't exactly what a lot of Ufologists currently believe it to be. "
Labels: aerial phenomena enquiry network, aliens, bigfoot
Ufo Sighting In Virginia Free State On September 29Th 2013 Bright Starlike Lite Surrounded By Circle Of Mist
My wife and I where taking a walk when we noticed the light. We thought it was the moon surrounded by what seem like a circle of misty clouds. We realised that it was not the moon and we ran home to fetch a camera. We could not take photos as it was too dark. I phoned a couple of friends who all saw it.the circle moved from NE to N at speed
Credit: MUFON
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Labels: aliens, chinese ufo disclosure, education
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Two Presidents Reagan And Carter Reported Sightings Of Ufos
By Dennis
I really do not enjoy writing or talking about political concerns I have, but am becoming more concerned that the only objective our leaders in Washington have are interests that benefit themselves. I won't lay blame on any individual party either, as I feel they all fall into the same trap once they get to Washington.
Over the past 65 years much has been written and reported in reference to the UFO situation world wide, while our leaders have for the most part ignored it, or have shown no interest in looking in to it, so the public might at least know truthfully what all these reports are about.
Nearly every President since Truman has indicated they would investigate the reports and have not succeeded in doing so. I think I do understand that since the President is a "temporary employee", serving a maximum of 8 years as President, he most likely doesn't have the security clearance, or "need to know" to follow through on his desire to obtain the information. In my opinion the President can't be trusted with such information. Nearly all have tried while in office to no avail, which I'll explain later.
Many of those that are in Congress are active on various committees that could easily look into the UFO situation, but have not done so to any satisfactory degree. Excuses for not doing so are evident in some of the reports I have read. This is not a matter of serving only their constituents they represent from each state, but a national concern that should be looked at by many or all of those that are elected to serve the people they represent. The Constitution states plainly in it's opening statement, "We the People", and for me that's been lost by those we elect to represent us in Washington.
When legislation needs to be passed prior to being read by those voting on it, as Nancy Pelosi recently alluded to regarding passage of the "Obama Care bill," we have a major problem with those we elected to represent us. I suppose I shouldn't expect them to take UFO reports under consideration, based on their current records, of not being able to agree on any legislation that currently affects all of us.
Two Presidents, Reagan and Carter reported sightings of UFOs prior to becoming presidents, while governors of their states in California and Georgia. Reagan even addressed the UFO topic at the United Nations in a speech given there in 1987 while President. President Clinton had an interest in UFOs and asked an aide to look into the topic, who reported back to the President that he could not find any information. I've heard rumors about Eisenhower having some involvement with extraterrestrials, but have never seen any confirmation on that. George Bush, Senior was head of the CIA prior to becoming president, and may well have been the only president with any prior knowledge of UFOs, although he has never publicly mentioned anything, that I'm aware of.
Barry Goldwater was a United States Senator from Arizona who ran for President in the 1960's and lost to Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 Presidential election. He was also a member of the Senate Intelligence committee, and promoted to Brigadier General in the Air Force Reserve. His interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial beings visiting earth has been recorded several times in interviews he did, particularly during an interview with Larry King on CNN in 1988. He had asked General Curtis LeMay about going in to the Blue Room at Hangar 18 at Wright Field in Dayton Ohio, and was told by General LeMay "to go to Hell", and "don't ever ask me that question again."
In 1995, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff requested an investigation into the Roswell Incident through the General Accounting Office. The report he received back after the GAO had interviewed several agencies in Washington stated that the documents related to Roswell were "missing" and destroyed without proper authority. Those were permanent records that should have never been destroyed. The GAO further stated they could not identify who destroyed the messages, or why. Those messages would have involved the 509th Bomb Group, (the only atomic bomb group in the world in 1947), who ended the war with Japan 2 years earlier. This, of course, raises the question of accountability among our leaders in Washington then and now.
Many times when I submit a Freedom of Information Request Form for military records to the National Personnel Records Center in St Louis, Missouri, I will get a response in a form letter stating those records may have been destroyed in a fire at the center July 12, 1973.
Since the Roswell Incident occurred in 1947 there have been a few congressional hearings on the subject of UFOs, with no substantial information coming forward from those hearings to resolve the question. Meetings have been held at the United Nations, again, with no results. Astronauts, law enforcement officers, airline pilots and such have brought up the subject of UFOs existing, again, with no follow up by any legislators or people in the know.
The Phoenix lights, Stephenville Texas near President Bush's ranch, the O'Hara airport incident and many others have all been reported by credible individuals, but no one follows through on these well documented occurrences. Lame, unsatisfactory excuses are sometimes given by those in authority to pacify the public, and then the incident is filed away, never to be mentioned again, such as was the case with the Condon Report, Blue Book, the Roswell Reports and several other reports made public over the years.
Many of us believe the 4 excuses given for Roswell during the past 60 some years do not satisfactorily explain what happened on the ranch near Roswell. For me that raises the question of who in our government is willing to admit that they have been lying to us for all those years? I don't see that happening, and would open the question to a lot of other things our Government and certain military leaders have been covering up, and still do today, if you watch the national news almost on a daily basis. Cover up has become a way of life and doing business by our leaders in Washington and at some local levels, and it appears that "we the people" are accepting that. At my age, the concern I have for our younger generation is that although there is information we probably don't need to know for our nation's security, lying to us about many of these cases is not what our elected officials are elected to do in representing us.
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Dick DAmato Unveiled as The Government Offical Who Met with Jesse Marcel Jr; Verifies Roswell Event & Government Cover-Up!
Shirley MacLaine Says (Then) Actor Ronald Reagan Had a Close Encounter with an Alien UFO NEWS
Fords UFO Legacy: Unapproving of The Air Forces Explanation He Requests Congressional Investigation
Monday, February 23, 2015
Spacex Should Partner With Reaction Engines
By cooling the super-heated air coming into the intakes at the speed of sound with liquid helium, the SABRE engine can ignite a rocket motor while traveling at supersonic speed. Now mind you, this was only a test and we're still a few years away from an engine ready to go to market, but a technical audit by the ESA found no flaws with the design. So while Reaction Engines may seem like it's pitching something out of a science fiction movie, its technical chops seem to be in order and it's not hiding behind invocations of or trade secrets when faced with tough questions. This is why they've gotten several grants from the ESA to keep working on SABRE. However, the final tally for the Skylon spaceplane fleet is estimated at 14 billion, several orders of magnitude more than government grants being offered and out of reach for the vast majority of private investors. So far, the plan seems to be to solicit another 4 million or so in funding to finish SABRE to then license the engine to other manufacturers and use the proceeds to start building Skylons. It's certainly an interesting idea, but who exactly would want to license an SSTO engine?
How about SpaceX? Right now, to advance its strategy of licensing SABRE, the company has a derivative design called the Scimitar and bills it as already being 50% funded by the EU to bring intercontinental travel at Mach 5 to the world at large. Now, this would certainly help big airlines make more profits by flying trans-oceanic routes more often in theory, but in practice, the really, really burdensome regulations against supersonic travel thanks to the kind of NIMBYism which played a major role in preventing the supersonic travel revolution predicted by many futirists, as well as the lead time to finish, test, and prove these planes in operation, Reaction Engines may as well forget about Skylon for the next several decades. If it wants to raise money and interest for a spaceplane, it should focus on creating a spaceplane and selling the Scimitar to militaries as the child of the successful SABRE. Yes, SpaceX is working on its Dragon capsule for sending humans to the ISS, and it has rockets capable of getting there, but if it can offer rocket launches to deliver larger spacecraft into orbit, ready for a Skylon to deliver the crew, it can build a major competitive advantage. An extra 20 or 30 tons of cargo capacity can help enable a less spartan mission beyond Earth orbit, and Dragon could be an emergency habitat in deep space.
We should no longer have just one launch stack for sending humans into space, but instead, we need to mix and match our technology for optimal results. Doing heavy lifting with rockets while the orbit is given to SSTO craft and inflatable space stations for staging, assembly, research, or all of the above, is probably our best way to steadily expand upward into space. So maybe Elon Musk should consider working with Reaction Engines in the near future. The investment wouldn't be small and returns on it won't be quick, but they'll not only be an investment in furthering how far SpaceX can go and what it can do for its clients, but also an investment in the infrastructure of the dawning space tourism and exploration industry. And judging from many proposals for the future of NASA and space travel in general, he's rather likely to find deep-pocketed and willing partners to make it all work. After all, sticking to space capsules and heavy lift rockets for almost everything would be a huge technological step back to doing what we know rather than using all our past skills to build something for the future. Why should we circle back now, especially when there's promising technology to make it happen just waiting for people with a big vision and the resources to make it come together, especially at a profit when all is said and done?
Labels: aerospace engineering, aliens, spaceflight
Sunday, February 22, 2015
More Ufos Reported Over Ohio
Recent reports of UFOs spotted in Ohio's skies may remind us of past incidents over the years in that state.For example, the 35th anniversary of the so-called "Coyne incident" over Mansfield, in central-northeastern Ohio, recently passed without much notice.
In that Oct. 18, 1973, case, four members of the Army Reserve were in their military helicopter flying from Columbus to Cleveland when a UFO flew in very close proximity to their chopper.
At one critical point, the pilot, fearing a collision, quickly positioned the chopper's controls for a quick descent. Interestingly, the chopper's altimeter showed that it was actually gaining altitude.
This is a very well-documented case and crew members actually completed a formal report for the Army Reserve.
The crew included pilot and aircraft commander Capt. Lawrence J. Coyne, a 19-year veteran of the Army Reserve. The co-pilot was Lt. Arrigo Jezzi. The others onboard were crew chief Specialist 5 Robert Yanacek and flight medic Sgt. John Healey.
The "Trumbull County incident" occurred Dec. 14, 1994, in northeastern Ohio. In that case, peace officers from multiple regional law enforcement and public safety agencies pursued a large object that intermittently emitted bright lights of various colors.
This case was made into a TV documentary segment and police radio transmissions have provided good documentation of the incident.
An earlier northeast Ohio UFO case gained public attention in the movies. It has been reported that the police chase of UFOs in the 1977 movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was based on an incident on April 17, 1966, in Portage County. In this pursuit, officers from various police agencies followed a UFO into Pennsylvania.
In addition, reports of UFOs spotted over Lake Erie, on Ohio's northern border, have sparked curiosity and theories.
Ohio is also home to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, in the southwestern area of the state. "Wright-Patt" has long been rumored to be the location where crash debris, and possibly extraterrestrial bodies, were taken after the "Roswell incident."
Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author Linda Moulton Howe has recently been reporting on more eastern Ohio incidents on her Web site
Howe recently reported an account by truck driver Tim Comstock that was accompanied by photos from his cell phone camera.
Near the town of Empire, Ohio, Oct. 23, 2008, at 3:45 a.m., Comstock noticed several cars pulled over to the side of the road, drivers looking at something nearby.
Comstock says he first saw a brightly lit object the size of a large pickup truck apparently slowly rising above a tree line. Then, he spotted a much larger dark object that included three bluish lights in a triangular pattern. The bright object appeared to be rising toward the larger object.
He said that larger object was "about the size of a large shopping mall and parking lot."Comstock said he took photos with his cell phone camera that caught both the brightly-lit object and the three bluish lights in the triangular formation. These were posted by Howe on
While the huge triangular craft seemed solid, Comstock told Howe that the brightly lit object "didn't look like anything mechanical by any means. To me, it looked like a cocoon."
"When I saw it, I was trying to take everything in and that's immediately what I thought when I saw it - that it was organic. That's the feeling that I got. I didn't think it could be anything else. It just came across as something organic," Comstock told Howe.
Subsequent to this report, Howe learned of other witnesses. A security officer, "Sarah," was reportedly on duty approximately three-tenths of a mile north of Comstock's location that morning.
Sarah told Howe she saw lights in a triangular configuration. Below these lights, she spotted an "orange-yellow, glowing object" that she termed a "pod."
Sarah said she first started seeing the triangular-shaped lights in the region in early August 2008.
Yet another witness contacted Howe with a similar sighting. This time the incident was due west of the Empire area in the town of Midvale, in eastern Ohio's Tuscarawas County, at approximately 2:30 a.m. on Nov. 2, 2008.
Midvale resident "Joy" told Howe that she glanced out her window and saw a "very large, orange-yellow-white-colored 'orb.'"
Joy claimed, "The orb didn't seem to keep one shape. I saw it at the edge of the tree line behind my house." She said the brightly-lit object reminded her of an amoeba under a microscope. She also stated she saw three lights in a triangular pattern above the orb.
Of course, the "usual suspects" to explain these kinds of events include secret advanced U.S. aircraft or spacecraft related to extraterrestrial visitors.
Other possibilities blend these two theories. Unidentified secret U.S. craft could be using extraterrestrial technology or actual ET craft, but are piloted by U.S. personnel. Or, U.S. personnel could be flying in joint operations with ET visitors with whom we have working relationships.
Some objects could be unmanned devices of some kinds, perhaps for reconnaissance or some other unknown purposes.
UFOs that seem to be glowing lights or energy, rather than solid metallic-like craft offer other possibilities. Could they themselves be forms of life? Could they be forms of consciousness - extraterrestrial, extra-dimensional or human?
As responsible researchers, journalists and average people continue to inquire about these encounters, we seem to get more pieces of the puzzle.
The most recent incidents in Ohio are more examples of anomalous and currently unidentified (at least to the public) flying objects that apparently have visited Ohio and many other places.
Is Ohio more prone to UFO sightings than other areas of the U.S. and the world? Probably not. Unusual objects in the skies have been reported all over the nation and the planet.
Ohioans who have had these kinds of close encounters join many other people on Earth who wonder about what might be going on.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Nasa Agent Spills Ufo Beans
By Mark Ballard
The Inquirer1-29-09
A VETERAN NASA agent who says he processed the real X-Files has come clean with the inside story on the Roswell aliens.
Joseph Richard Gutheinz Jr, a practising criminal lawyer and decorated former NASA special agent, spoke out in defence of UFO hacker Gary Mckinnon last week. Having also spent the last four years on the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Medical and Mental Impairments, he felt qualified to call on the US government to cease its unfair hounding of the UFO hacker.
But Gutheinz, it turns out, is himself a poster-boy for UFO conspiracists, just like McKinnon: he is famous for telling a mysterious tale of dead Roswell aliens being kept in Building 265 at NASA's Johnson Space Centre where he used to work in Houston, and of a sinister government cover up.
Gutheinz led a team of agents in NASA's Office of the Inspector General (OIG). They worked from a secret bunker with grass and trees covering it. It had cypher doors leading to secluded rooms furnished with nothing but a desk, a lamp and a single telephone. Beyond the steel doors to the outside world, astronauts were training for Space Shuttle missions.
"It was kind of a spooky building. People always wondered what went on there," Gutheinz told The Inquirer. "Except for Mission Control, it was the most highly secured building at Johnson Space Centre."
The OIG agents were so secret that even NASA wasn't allowed to know what they were investigating. "The joke at NASA OIG is that whoever was the producer of the X-Files picked the wrong agency, because nobody calls the FBI. They don't trust the FBI. What they do if they think they've been abducted or something like that, they used to call the criminal investigators at NASA, which is the Office of the Inspector General.
"As a senior special agent I used to get these calls on a regular basis where somebody says I've been abducted, I've got a chip in my brain, there's somebody following me around," he said.
"It's one of the things that interested me about the Gary McKinnon story because here's a guy who really thinks there's UFOs, who's going the extra step to prove it. I understood that, because I had dealt with so many of those individuals in the past," Gutheinz added.
The most prominent of those people was Jerry Alan Whittredge, who impersonated an astronaut and thought he was a CIA assassin. He blagged his way into Mission Control, was given Space Shuttle specifications and permission to fly jets. "That was a lot of the people that we used to get calls from," said Gutheinz.
OIG agents were involved in the seven-agency investigation that caught Gary McKinnon snooping around their systems for evidence of captured UFO technology. Typically, the OIG roots out internal fraud at NASA. That's why they have to be secret. What they don't do is interrogate aliens.
The truth
"Just so you know, so we are totally clear," said Gutheinz. "You can dig all over the place - there is no ET at NASA."
But it was Gutheinz who in the February/March 2005 edition of UFO Magazine wrote how he had been abducted by agents even more secret than his own; how, being unable to account for whole days, with only vague memories of brain chips, he stumbled across the desert outpost in New Mexico where the Roswell aliens had been autopsied and a terrible accident had turned NASA personnel to dust in their own biological suits.
"I had taken complaints from people who believed the government had placed transmitter/receivers in their brains before, and I had always assumed they were schizophrenics," wrote Gutheinz. "Even today I know many people who believe this happened to them probably are schizophrenics, but now I know some are telling the truth?"
But Gutheinz was only kidding. He wrote the story for fun. He now finds it embarrassing. His children and students take the mickey out of him. His wife thinks he'll never live it down. And it was just the transcript of a vivid nightmare that had merged his life in a secret NASA bunker with the calls he would get from conspiracy theorists. Just a transcript, cheekily submitted to a UFO Magazine with an introduction that asked, are these real memories or was it just a dream?
"I thought it was a great idea when I wrote it, because I understood it. But it was sort of like Andy Kaufman. His humour - you were the only one who got it some of the time. I got it when I wrote the thing. I thought it was novel," said Gutheinz.
The magazine wrote it up under the headline 'Alien Autopsy Expose - He knows where NASA hid the bodies'.
A self-confessed maverick, Guntheinz has a track record in causing mischief. What do you think he did with those calls he got about alien abduction at NASA?
"I hate to say it, but when I had a rascal instinct, I would find somebody at the FBI didn't like, and I would give them that phone number and have them call the FBI," confessed Gutheinz.
Won't somebody please come forward and reassure us that there really are aliens? That this fragile, lonely planet isn't all we have? Perhaps take some comfort here: the Disclosure Project, the UFO group that inspired McKinnon to hack into NASA systems in 2001, will tell us what we want to know. They only ask for money first.
See Also:
UFO Hacker Claims 'Proof' of ET in US Government Computers
NASA Hacker to Hear Fate Next Month
Grab this Headline Animator
Labels: alians, aliens, spaceplane
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunset On A Bigfoot Expedition
A nice fire to keep us warm
Kevin and Mike did some filming for the introduction to EA-TV episode of the Florida Skunk Ape. This is a project that has taken us into the third year of planning. The show does feature other aspects of the paranormal world, such as, ghost, UFOs, lake monsters, and so forth. I was excited to see that everyone was together and we were shooting in the field. In addition, there was a documentary company shooting as well.
Mike doing a great job on mic
Bryan and Sam from Big Wolf productions came with their camp gear and they were ready. It seems they are not just film makers, they are are experienced backpackers and know their way around the outdoors. That just gave us more capable people to assist. They wanted to remain objective and not do research. They only wanted to document what was going on, and shoot lots of "B" roll to help the documentary look slick. They had already shot Stacy Brown Jr and his team from north Florida, and now, they were shooting our team
Bryan from Sarasota documenting the event
After we wrapped up the interview segment of the show, we got our gear and headed out into the night. We would not be disappointed. We would be amazed by what we heard and saw. Check back tomorrow for lots more.
The campsite was the perfect place for the filming
Labels: aliens, ufo attack, ufo footage
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Project Orion 1958 Nuclear Powered Spacecraft
Labels: aliens, freeman dyson, spaceflight
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Two Bright Orange Lights Flying Over New Malden Surrey Uk
Date: November 3, 2012Time: 8:15 p.m. and once more at 10:00 p.m. Goodbye Brian, I barely indicate to impart what I saw last Saturday night, for me it was a very odd endure.I came out of my house, about to stop work to get a speedy hour in at the gym, time was I noticed two elegant, yellowish-brown lights flying overhead. They were booty a very wide-ranging arch which prepared me first view they were fireworks (FOR INDISPUTABLE REASONS, BEING SO GOAL TO GUY FAWKES NIGHT).After that, what struck me as odd, was that they did not twinkling. The next thing I noticed in the right position was that the flash light was following the first. Impart was no hurried movement but bestow was clearly a washed-out out contrivance as if they were banking to the missing in unison. The estrange between them was permanent.Moral, they weren't planes, no splendid lights and heartrending way too high-speed. They may possibly of course be in possession of been more rapidly to the ground but with the light did not sound elegant loads for that.So I comment, 'oh, they're helicopters', but they were leave-taking way too creatively for helicopters as well. And that's time was I noticed that bestow were no sounds either, no helicopter breathing, no jet engines, etc. So I plainly cogent that I had seen my first UFO. Since reasonably struck me as odd at the same time as was my own instant reply, not awe, shock, astound, etc., but a manageable shrug of the shoulders and 'oh, sunny.Ably, I missing the gym at about 10:00 p.m. and was thug backing, specific to see the fantastically lights in the sky once more, this time very nearly about a mile west of my house. As I was thug, I couldn't sit to tag on them, but it was reasonably a heartless endure the flash time ring-shaped.So what were they ? I was very shocked to see a go bust report of yellowish-brown lights in New Malden in June last year on your website. I can specific clasp someone has got a radio enclosed craft and is out for every fun to bend up the locals. Either that or I barely saw ET, I am spread-out minded to all show all the signs.If you be in possession of seen what on earth class this in the fantastically area gratify be pact loads to contact Brian Vike at: afterward the details of your sighting. All idiosyncratic information is reticent confidential. In addition to, gratify weigh up free to diminish in your sightings that be in possession of happened living ago. So bountiful of these gigantic sightings are dynamism lacking of breathtaking.The Vike Amount (BRIAN VIKE) Vike Amount 2 (BRIAN VIKE)
Labels: aliens, chemistry, spaceflight
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Hard To Watch Television Shows On The Paranormal
Disclaimer: These are personal opinions of the authors and, while they may reflect the views of the professional paranormal community, they might not. Comments are not directed at particular private persons or organizations and rather at publicly displayed television shows. In short, sue yourself for disagreement, not us. -Sean Feeney
Television shows on the paranormal make up such a small percentage of the average television line-up and out of that small percentage, very few approach their subject matter in a scientific or even downright logical way. I often find myself watching these shows simply because there's nothing else better on the particular subject. I know I may be coming off as a bit cynical here but when you're dealing with a topic that's so widely disbelieved as the paranormal its hard to approach it in any other way without coming off as well...a bit insane to your average viewer. Even being a believer in such things more often than not I find these shows a bit hard to watch and even comical at times. Although, it's quite easy to see the reasoning behind these shows of course. The aim of such shows producers isn't thought out scientific investigation, it's to garner viewers. This is where cheap scares, drama between "members of the team" and illogical theories that steer the aim of the show into fantasy more so than reality come into play. These shows focus completely on the unexplained and fantasy side of the paranormal and by keeping it unexplained it remains interesting to viewers.
Take the Travel Channel's Most Haunted for example, there's very little actual scientific investigation going on in this series for a fact most of the show bottles down to one investigator crying her eyes out in front of a camera Blair Witch style because she heard a sound and the so called physic claiming he's being possessed by ghosts and demons every five minutes. The act of the investigations themselves seems to be nothing more than that, just an act. The shows Wikipedia entry has a quite a few interesting quotes regarding the photography of Most Haunted, which adds to my hunch about the actual aim of the series.
"The photographic style of the series has changed considerably since series 1. In the first series many elaborate shots were set up with an almost 'theatrical' style, with illuminated windows and dry ice. Locations were often illuminated outside at night time, with blue and green colors. From series 1 - 3 there was extensive use of the steadicam, which provided gliding shots during Yvette's ghostly tales or for general views. In series 8 the team introduced a camera crane or 'jib' system for elaborate aerial shots of both Yvette and the locations. Most of the photography in Most Haunted focuses on 'general views' of a location and its surroundings. Most Haunted is filmed with both broadcast Sony DVcams and Sony PC120 miniDV cameras with night vision facility."
Sci-Fi channel's Ghost Hunters is the only series I can say I'm remotely happy with. For the most part they take every case as every paranormal investigator should, skeptically. Doing everything in your power to disprove a piece of evidence can often be a very hard thing to do as an investigator when your entire hope in investigating such things is to bring belief and credibility to the paranormal. What you have to see is that by disproving and dragging every piece of evidence through every test you can imagine, adds weight to it and brings it closer to fact and out of the realm of fiction. I think Ghost Hunters does this well compared to most series and that sole reason alone gives enough premise to watch it. When any evidence whatsoever is captured, I can believe it and more often than not I can agree with their methods for disproving it or proving it. All the praising aside, its not that Ghost Hunters doesn't have its fair share of theatrics as well, every once in awhile drama between members of the team comes into play. That's not much to fault the series over as a whole but, I could really care less if Brian forgot a wire and you're extremely pissed about it but, I'd rather see more of the reason I'm watching the show, the paranormal itself.
[Editor's Comment: I'm impressed at how the TAPS team learned from their mistakes early in the series and have since changed their investigative techniques. The new international team needs to learn from the same mistakes, however.]
A">[Editor's Comment: You can't blame everything on demons. Ground your investigations in hard science and keep a healthy sense of skepticism. As college students, you should know better. I'd suggest bringing some science majors on board to keep things running smoothly. Joining ARN's College Initiative could certainly help.]
Stay tuned for Brandon's coverage of the History Channel's UFO Hunters and Sci-Fi's Destination Truth.
Labels: aliens, paranormal, pseudoscience
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Bart Nunnelly Tonight
"Tonight's guest on the EXPLORING ALL REALMS radio-show that I co-host through Raven Meindel order be Bart Nunnelly, writer of the book Arcane KENTUCKY. And here's a bit better about Bart:Architect, actress, filmmaker and well traditional Fortean investigator, Bart Nunnelly has been studying all aspects of the puzzling in his native western Kentucky for over 25 sparkle. His wanderings all the way through the Bluegrass bottomlands keep brought him face to face through such creatures as Bigfoot, black panthers, water monsters and special other prying Kentucky cryptids plus a Thunderbird in 1998 - whatever thing no other years intellectual can a short time ago clear.In tally to famed beasts, Nunnelly has then sharp-witted ashen phenomena and UFO activity on diverse occasions. His first book, "ARCANE KENTUCKY"- kentucky.html - was published in 2007 by Whitechapel Rub down to a lot famous person and his minute two device "THE INHUMANOIDS! AS IT SHOULD BE ENCOUNTERS BEFORE BEINGS THAT CAN'T STAY," and "BIGFOOT IN KENTUCKY" are all due out later this blind date by CFZ Rub down - - and Whitechapel Rub down, each.His crytpo-art has been extreme featured in whatever thing from minor books to computer screen shows all the way through the world and his first documentary, "EXAMINATION THE DOGMAN," a rabble-rousing investigation of Kentucky's werewolf sightings, was released in 2007 by Grendel Movies - is at this point execution on his flare crypto-documentary film project, "THE SPOTTSVILLE WORM," through McGill Media Llc, out of Louisville.
Labels: aliens, entertainment culture, kentucky, spottsville
Pitlochry Ufo Case Must Watch
Witnesses reported seeing a large, diamond-shaped object hanging in the air next to a RAF Harrier above the A9 at Calvine, north of Pitlochry, on August 4. The UFO is said to have hovered for about 10 minutes before zooming skywards at high speed and disappearing from view.
The apparent close encounter of the Caledonian kind was photographed by members of the public whose images appear to show a blurry, diamond-shaped craft next to a jet. Fearing the pictures would spark significant media interest, the MoD decided to bring it to the attention of the Government. A Whitehall official wrote in a memo: "Such stories are not normally drawn to the attention of ministers. "On this occasion, however, the MoD has been provided with six photographic negatives of an alleged UFO... and has been asked for comments almost certainly for inclusion in a forthcoming story."
The memo suggested the media should be told that "no definite conclusion had been reached regarding the large diamond-shaped object". It has also emerged the MoD went on to commission a series of line drawings of the object the following year, noting that the "sensitivity of the material suggests very special handling". Former MoD civil servant Nick Pope, who dealt with UFO reports, described the image as the "most impressive" ever shown to his department.
He said: "The MoD has all sorts of equipment and expertise that we used to analyse and enhance imagery to tell whether there were any signs of fakery.
"This picture was assessed by our digital experts, who concluded it was a real photograph showing a solid-structured craft which was estimated as being around 25m in diameter. There were no wings and no visible signs of any propulsion system. It was exotic and unknown in a way far beyond even the most modern stealth aircraft being trialled at that time."
Pope, who served in the MoD for 21 years until 2006, claims they were unable to come up with any firm answers about the craft and its origins.
"I remember going to a briefing with the defence intelligence staff where the photograph was discussed. My opposite number in defence intelligence pointed his finger to the left and said, 'It is not the Americans,' then to the right, saying, 'It is not the Soviets,' and finally, he said, 'That only leaves...' and pointed his finger directly up."
During his time with the ministry, Pope had a blown-up copy of the photograph on his office wall until it was personally taken down by his superior. He recalled: "My head of division removed it and put it in his drawer because he was convinced, wrongly in my opinion, that it showed a top secret prototype craft.
"Somewhere along the line the photo disappeared, but I have no idea whether it was genuinely misplaced or whether it was treated as something we shouldn't have seen and put through a shredder."
Meanwhile, another newly released file reveals how efforts to create a computer database of UFO reports were halted amid fears of a potential public relations disaster should its existence come to light. The aim was to produce a database which could supply information and explanations when ministers were asked questions in Parliament about sightings.
A memo from March 1988 revealed the project was to be ditched because it "contravened" statements from ministers saying UFOs did not pose a threat to the UK. The official wrote: "I also understand that there was some concern about public reaction if knowledge of the work being undertaken emerged in the media."
A further file insists that the death of an US Air Force pilot attached to the RAF was a "tragic accident" rather than the result of a UFO encounter. Captain William Schaffner's fatal crash into the North Sea on September 8, 1970, made headlines over allegations he was on an secret operation to intercept a glowing, unidentified craft. But an MoD report concluded: "There is no reason to suggest that there is any sort of UFO incident in any way connected with the tragic crash."
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Nasa Funded Scientists Detect Water Below Moons Surface
NASA-funded lunar research has yielded evidence of water locked in mineral grains on the surface of the moon from an unknown source deep beneath the surface.
Using data from NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) instrument aboard the Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, scientists remotely detected magmatic water, or water that originates from deep within the moon's interior, on the surface of the moon.
The findings, published Aug. 25 in Nature Geoscience, represent the first detection of this form of water from lunar orbit. Earlier studies had shown the existence of magmatic water in lunar samples returned during the Apollo program.
M3 imaged the lunar impact crater Bullialdus, which lies near the lunar equator. Scientists were interested in studying this area because they could better quantify the amount of water inside the rocks due to the crater's location and the type of rocks it held. The central peak of the crater is made up of a type of rock that forms deep within the lunar crust and mantle when magma is trapped underground.
"This rock, which normally resides deep beneath the surface, was excavated from the lunar depths by the impact that formed Bullialdus crater," said Rachel Klima, a planetary geologist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md.
"Compared to its surroundings, we found that the central portion of this crater contains a significant amount of hydroxyl - a molecule consisting of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom -- which is evidence that the rocks in this crater contain water that originated beneath the lunar surface," Klima said.
In 2009, M3 provided the first mineralogical map of the lunar surface and discovered water molecules in the polar regions of the moon. This water is thought to be a thin layer formed from solar wind hitting the moon's surface. Bullialdus crater is in a region with an unfavorable environment for solar wind to produce significant amounts of water on the surface.
"NASA missions like Lunar Prospector and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite and instruments like M3 have gathered crucial data that fundamentally changed our understanding of whether water exists on the surface of the moon," said S. Pete Worden, center director at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. "Similarly, we hope that upcoming NASA missions such as the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, or LADEE, will change our understanding of the lunar sky."
The detection of internal water from orbit means scientists can begin to test some of the findings from sample studies in a broader context, including in regions that are far from where the Apollo sites are clustered on the near side of the moon. For many years, researchers believed that the rocks from the moon were bone-dry and any water detected in the Apollo samples had to be contamination from Earth.
"Now that we have detected water that is likely from the interior of the moon, we can start to compare this water with other characteristics of the lunar surface," said Klima. "This internal magmatic water also provides clues about the moon's volcanic processes and internal composition, which helps us address questions about how the moon formed, and how magmatic processes changed as it cooled."
APL is a not-for-profit division of Johns Hopkins University. Joshua Cahill and David Lawrence of APL and Justin Hagerty of the U.S. Geological Survey's Astrogeology Science Center in Flagstaff, Ariz., co-authored the paper. NASA's Lunar Advanced Science and Engineering Program, the NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) at Ames and the NASA Planetary Mission Data Analysis Program supported the research. NLSI is a virtual organization jointly funded by NASA's Science Mission Directorate and NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate in Washington, to enable collaborative, interdisciplinary research in support of NASA lunar science programs.
For more information about NASA programs, visit:
Posted by: Soderman/SSERVI Staff
Source: NASA
Labels: aliens, space, spaceflight
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Researchers Discover Water On The Moon Is Widespread Similar To Earth
The Moon. Image: NASA (Enlarge)
Last fall, researchers, including Larry Taylor, a distinguished professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, discovered "lunar dew" on the moon's surface -- absorbed "water" in the uppermost layers of lunar soil. This discovery of water debunked beliefs held since the return of the first Apollo rocks that the moon was bone-dry.
Now, scientists, including Taylor and Yang Liu, research assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, have discovered that water on the moon is more widespread -- on the outside and inside of the moon -- with some similarities to water in volcanic systems on Earth.
Their research will be featured in the article, "Lunar Apatite with Terrestrial Volatile Abundances" in the July 22 edition of the scientific journal, Nature.
Unlike lunar dew which is believed to come from an outside source such as solar wind which brings hydrogen into contact with the Moon's oxygen, the water discovered by Taylor and Liu is internal, arising from an entirely different origin. How it got there is not yet known. The water may have been added by impacting comets, which contain ice, during or after the formation of the moon and Earth.
The existence of volcanoes on the moon more than 4 billion years ago gave the researchers a clue that water might exist inside the body, since the dynamics of volcanoes on Earth are mostly driven by water. Therefore, the scientists made their novel discovery by examining a lunar basalt brought back from the 1971 Apollo 14 mission. Using secondary ion mass spectrometry at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., scientists determined volatile elements in a calcium phosphate mineral are very similar in the same mineral found on Earth.
The scientists said this provides "robust evidence for the presence of water in the interior of the moon from where some lunar rocks were derived. This demonstrates a closer chemical and geologic relationship between the Earth and moon than previously known. We must now re-evaluate the volatile inventories of the moon, relative to the Earth."
This is a photomicrograph of a thin section of lunar sample 14053. Credit: Larry Taylor/University of Tennessee (Enlarge)
The finding of volatiles on the moon has deep implications for how it, and the Earth, formed. It is generally believed that the moon was created when the early Earth was hit by a Mars-sized proto-planet called Theia, melting and vaporizing itself and a large chunk of the Earth. The cloud of particles created by the impact later congealed to form the moon, which supposedly was devoid of highly volatile elements such as hydrogen and chlorine. However, the researchers' discovery of these volatiles challenges this theory.
"If water in the Moon was residue water kept during the giant impact, it is surprising that water survived the impact at all because less volatile elements, such as sodium and potassium, are strongly depleted. The details of the impact theory need to be re-examined," Liu said.
The discovery of abundant and ubiquitous water on the moon could mean a human settlement on the moon is not so far-fetched. Currently, the endeavour would be very expensive. For example, it costs 25,000 to take one pint of water to the moon.
However, if scientists devise processes to easily recover this water from the lunar rocks for drinking water and fuel, a human settlement is not out of reach.
"Now we have ready sources of water that can be consumed by plants and humans but also electrolyzed into liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to develop rocket fuel," Taylor said. "Until the recent discovery of water in and on the moon, it was going to be a very energy-intensive endeavor to separate these elements from the lunar rocks and soil."
Provided by University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Scientists find even more evidence of water on the moon
More than 100 'Earth-like' planets discovered in past few weeks
Labels: aliens, matter, planetary science
Nevada Ovnis Na Rea 51
Labels: aliens, phenomenon, spacecraft
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Alien Encounter In Connecticut
Thanks for reading my email. I had an incident this past weekend that has me wondering what is fact or fiction. This past Monday night I was driving home from work around 9:45 PM. I live in a very rural area south of Falls Village, CT. and I was only 2 miles from my residence. The roads were still slick from the heavy snow we had received, so I was driving very deliberately. All at once, a deer jumped from behind a snow bank and bolted in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes but still skidded into the back of the deer. I didn't see where the deer went, but I was now stuck in the snow bank. I got out of the car and noticed that my driver's side headlight was smashed as well. I tried to push the car out the snow bank but it was not budging. So I had no choice other than to call for a tow truck.
About 15 minutes after I called for help, one of my neighbors was on his way home and stopped to ask if he could help. I told him I had called for a tow truck but I didn't know how long it be before it showed up. He said that he would go home, grab some chains and return with his 4-wheel drive pickup in order to pull me out. I thanked him and he left.
Not long after my neightbor left, I noticed lights coming toward me on the road. The lights were large and very bright, so I figured that it was the tow truck. As the lights slowly proceeded towards me several more lights illuminated above and below the others. The vehicle, or whatever it was, stopped about 50 yards from me and remained there for several minutes. Then all of a sudden I witnessed a brightly lit 'being' floating through the woods across from me. It reminded me of those bright white aliens from the 'Cocoon' movie though I didn't see any facial features. This being quickly floated through the trees then out onto the road. It started to come towards me but I was petrified. I just could not move. It didn't have arms or legs but there was definitely a head and something on the end that resembled a fish tail. It stopped directly in front of me and hovered no more than 10 feet away. There were no eyes or mouth, but I did feel warmth coming from it. It was very calming and comforting. Then it suddenly whisked towards the lights. After a few minutes the bright lights started to fade until it was completely gone.
My neighbor soon returned, as well as the tow truck operator. I asked them both if they had noticed any vehicle with intense bright lights, but they both looked at me like I was crazy. After they pulled me from the snow bank I drove home, quickly took a bath and headed for bed. I was still feeling a calming sensation and desperately wanted to go to sleep.
I was off work on Tuesday so I decided to go and have my headlight fixed. As I approached the area where I had been stuck the night before, I noticed that the area where the lights were was completely barren of snow and the roadway was dry. Did I have an alien close encounter? To be honest with you, I don't believe in UFOs, aliens or any of that weird stuff. But I am having seconds thought as to what I witnessed. Was it simply a spirit of some kind? I have had dealings with ghosts and spirits since I was young. What is your opinion? Beth
DIMENSIONS: A Casebook of Alien Contact
Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials
The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago"
Labels: aliens, keyhoe, warp-drive
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Sightings Of Ufos Over Ladakh Area On The Indo China Border
Hundreds of UFO sightings for the last two months were reported in this area the lake of Pangong Tso in the Ladakh area on the Indian-Chinese lineage. Host personnel assigned at the lineage reported seeing shining objects. They hold been problematic to study such strange phenomena but impart was no sanctioned charge yet from company. The office of chief minister has yet to piece cleanse build up of the phenomena. The ITBP has or else submitted a report to the Humanity residence ministry on the UFO sightings but the ministry issued no explanations as of this mail. The Indian gang is reportedly investigating the strange occurrences at the appropriate levels. Give to were reports that an gang radar was hand-me-down in September to research the site where these UFOs were reported but the radar unit did not detect those objects. An gang drone was also sent to thoroughgoing fashionable the objects but slipshod to get information. Indian Set out of Astrophysics, which has bough stations in this area the lake, has alleged they did not detect anything strange but their keep out has been alerted to cozily see the pencil case for payment and technology reasons. Residents in this area the lake are no recluse next UFO sightings. For the previous kick, they had witnessed strange lights over the area which defy explanation. The 60% of the ache, check lake belongs to Collectibles having the status of the drawn out accommodate is in India.
Labels: aliens, mysteries, paranormal
1948 Aztec New Mexico Incident
By Dennis Balthaser
The Aztec Incident occurred in March 1948, just 8 months after the Roswell Incident, and based on information now available it appears the government and military had learned from their mistakes at Roswell. Aztec had no newspaper or radio reports as Roswell did, when the Incident happened, which then had to be covered up and excuses given for the next 65 years.
Over the years since Aztec happened there has been very little information forthcoming, in fact there were only 2 books published about the event, again unlike Roswell. The first was Frank Scully's, "Behind the Flying Saucers", published in September 1950. The second book was co-written by William Steinman and Wendelle Stevens entitled, "UFO Crash at Aztec", and published in 1986. Both of those books created controversy, and created more questions than answers. Who was the mysterious "Dr. Gee", how could a 99' diameter craft be moved from the site to a secure location, and was the whole incident the work of con-men as many debunkers and critics have argued? There lies a similarity to Roswell in that debunkers and critics don't normally do the research required, as was the case with Karl Pflock and Dave Thomas, who were two of the most vocal debunkers of the Aztec Incident.
Finally in 2012 a third book has been published, co-authored by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, entitled, "The Aztec Incident, Recovery at Hart Canyon", ISBN 978-0-9850046-0-6 (left). The unending research, travel to archives, witness interviews and expenses encountered by the Ramsey's have finally answered some of the questions we have all had about Aztec over the years. When Scott began his research some 25 years ago he assumed he would be able to prove or disprove the Aztec Incident within a few months. That didn't happen and the more he delved into the facts about Aztec the more questions were raised. During his many trips to Aztec he met and finally married Suzanne, who became his co-author, and together they have compiled a book full of factual information, (with documentation to support their findings), that will have many taking another look at the 1948 Aztec Incident.
The town of Aztec had noticed the notoriety Roswell was getting with the annual Roswell Festival, and decided to start their own annual symposium in an attempt to raise money for a new library. I was invited to speak at the first symposium held in Aztec in 1998 (the 50th anniversary of the event.) Since then I have attended at least 8 of the annual events as either a speaker or Master of Ceremonies, and it was at these symposiums that I met Scott and Suzanne Ramsey and became seriously interested in the Aztec Incident. Like many others having read the first two books published I had many questions about whether Aztec was a real event or not. Working with the Ramsey's and others, discussing witnesses, visiting the crash site in Hart Canyon and other research we've done together, I soon became convinced that the Ramsey's were in fact revealing new information not previously known. Their "Aztec Incident" book lays to rest many of the questions that have been asked over the years.
The Aztec Symposium began growing with attendance increasing every year, primarily due to the well-known researchers that were invited to speak each year at the annual event. The list of speakers invited to Aztec was like a "who's who" of Ufology and the Aztec symposium became one of the most popular in the country, reaching a point where consideration was given to moving it to Farmington, a larger town a few miles west of Aztec that could facilitate the ever-increasing crowds.
Not all city fathers in Aztec supported the annual event, however through the friends of the Library a new library was built which the town of Aztec can be proud of. Recently someone now responsible for inviting speakers, decided to change the type researchers invited leaning more toward the paranormal types. That resulted in a reduction in the number of people attending, and last year an announcement was made that the annual Aztec symposium would no longer take place. Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, Randy Barnes, myself and a few others devoted a lot of hours over the years to make the Aztec symposium an event visitors looked forward to, and researchers such as Stanton Friedman, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Ted Phillips, Timothy Good and many others were an important part of making Aztec a respectable conference where serious researchers were able to share their knowledge with a receptive audience.
Reading through the Ramsey's book, one gets an appreciation for the hours of work involved in writing such an account. It contains many pages of government documents and correspondence, in addition to the travel involved to 26 states, universities, military archives and witnesses interviewed. This was not a couple of months project as Scott had anticipated originally, but rather a devotion to finding factual information with verification to determine if the Aztec Incident was a true event in 1948. I believe the Ramsey's (pictured above) have accomplished that, revealing information for the first time pertaining to different aspects of the Incident, which leave little doubt in the minds of the reader that Aztec was a real event, covered up by the military and government much better than the Roswell Incident had been when it happened 8 months earlier.
It appears that the mysterious "Dr. Gee" was in fact at least 8 different scientists combined under that one name. Moving the craft was thoroughly researched using an expert that had years of experience in moving large loads, determining the proper route, and considering the equipment that would have been available in 1948. The so-called con men referred to by many of the debunkers in the first two books is thoroughly discussed and explained as nothing more then a retaliation by a J.P. Cahn to get even with people for not allowing him to print the Aztec story. Radar sites basically unknown to the public were discovered within a reasonable distance of Hart Canyon and operational in 1948. Many of the first hand witnesses testimony revealed in this book, refers to oil field workers, law enforcement officers, a preacher, and others who were at the site at Hart Canyon in 1948, and saw the bodies inside the craft, and then sworn to secrecy by the military.
"The Aztec Incident" book is a must read and leaves no doubt that a craft came down in Hart Canyon a few miles east of Aztec New Mexico in March 1948, basically undamaged, containing bodies, was taken apart and transported off of the mesa, and remains covered up to this day, 64 years later.
... More
See Also:
The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon A Review By Kevin Randle
BOOK REVIEW The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon
UFO NEWS BOOK The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon - Forward By Stanton Friedman (Excerpt)
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