Saturday, November 29, 2014

Yeti Bigfoot Exhibits At Nepal International Mountain Museum

Yeti Bigfoot Exhibits At Nepal International Mountain Museum

Source :

Below are photos from the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, iN ONE OF THE SECTIONS OF THE MUSEUM HALL IS A SMALL EXHIBITION ON YETIS!

Yeti sightings were so common amongst mountaineers that the NMA decided to collect all the information on Yetis from Himalayan mountaineers and compile them into a short display. The display tells stories about the thoughts and beliefs of famous researchers and writers, and the remarks of the local people who had encountered Yetis.

The Monk and the Yeti

Ang Dawa, Gyalzen Norbu, and Peter Byrne found a set of deep Yeti footprints at about 10,000 feet during the 1957 Slick Yeti Reconnaissance

Tom Slick discovered this Nepalese Yeti footprint measuring ten by seven inches in the mud during the 1957

Location Map of Tom Slick Yeti Expedition

Sir E. Hillary showed the sketch of Yeti based on eyewitness account. The sketch was adapted from one of Heuvelmans' One the Track of Unknown Animals

Bryan Byrne examines Yeti tracks found at 10,000 feet in the Arun Valley of the Himalayas in March during 1959

Hand of Yeti: in Pamboche, 1959. Photographed by Prof. Teizo Ogawa

Hand of Yeti: in Panboche, 1958. Photographed by Slick Johnson Snowman

The footprint of Yeti

Yeti: Footprints

Area of the Yeti Sightings

Shipton's party found fresh tracks providing evidence of the existence of the Yeti

Nanda Devi, 1934 at Satopanth Glacier. They saw one bear close-to, and the Sherpa's were terrified, thinking it was a Yeti

Everest from the South, 1951. They found the creature's foot in the Menlung Glacier

Footprints of Yeti, found in 1951 on Menlung Glacier, West of Everest by E. Shipton

Two men holding a stuffed chemo near a monastery

The footprint that started Reinhold Messner on his quest for the Yeti

A chemo paw

A so-called Yeti scalp from the monastery of Pangboche

A stamp of the Kingdom of Bhutan, depicting the Yeti as a kind of Himalayan King Kong

A fresh footprint in the mud next to young barley plants

In a ritual dance, the stuffed chemo becomes the Yeti

Conclusion Display 1

Conclusion Display 2

Conclusion Display 3

Brown bear ? lol

Friday, November 28, 2014

El Extrao Ser De Quives El Ovni De Chorrillos Y El Fantasma De Reece Pitman

El Extrao Ser De Quives El Ovni De Chorrillos Y El Fantasma De Reece Pitman
La semana pasada fue, por decir lo menos, una semana at'ipica en el mundo del misterio. Esto debido a tres noticias en las que de alguna forma se "acreditaba", con fotos y sobre todo con v'ideos, la existencia de t'opicos sumamente populares entre nuestros lectores como son los seres EXTRATERRESTRES, los OVNIS y los FANTASMAS.

El Extra~no ser de Quives

El pasado lunes 10 de febrero, el investigador peruano y experto en temas ufol'ogicos, ANTHONY CHOY, hizo p'ublica la existencia de un v'ideo en donde se muestra lo que pareciera ser una extra~na figura con aspecto humanoide movi'endose y caminando entre los matorrales de la ciudad de SANTA ROSA DE QUIVES, en CANTA, en donde fue obtenida la grabaci'on.

Seg'un narra Choy en su P'aGINA WEB, los autores de la cinta fueron una pareja de m'edicos, quienes en un momento de su visita a este pueblo, decidi'o alejarse del grupo que integraban para realizar algunas fotograf'ias en un peque~no bosque al borde del r'io Chill'on.

Luego de las fotos, deciden filmar usando la misma c'amara digital y fue en ese momento, en que el m'edico empieza a sentir la presencia de alguien en los alrededores. "Me siento muy fastidiado, no s'e por qu'e", llega a decir el joven en la cinta.

Fue justamente en ese momento, entre las quejas del doctor, en que aparece la extra~na figura en la cinta.

Seg'un puede verse en el v'ideo, la figura que aparece entre los minutos 1:31 y 1:37, tiene forma humanoide, se traslada de un lugar a otro, tiene unos 70 cent'imetros de alto, es delgado y de color verde, casi mimetizado con la maleza.

Choy, quien ha bautizado a la imagen como el "Extra~no ser de Quives" (que nos recuerda mucho al EXTRA~nO SER DE M'eRIDA del que hemos dado noticia en este blog), asegura que por lo menos a primera vista, no hay indicios de alg'un tipo de manipulaci'on en las im'agenes que pudieran dar la presunci'on de fraude, sin embargo, tambi'en sostiene que a'un faltan muchos elementos para analizar para saber la autenticidad de la cinta.



El otro hecho ocurri'o dos d'ias despu'es. Esta vez, el portal PERU.COM hac'ia p'ublico el avistamiento de un supuesto OBJETO VOLADOR NO IDENTIFICADO (Ovni) en la playa La Pampilla, en el Morro Solar de Chorrillos, en Lima.

En esta oportunidad no se obtuvo un registro en v'ideo del hecho pero s'i se public'o una fotograf'ia, que en este tipo de casos, siempre es importante.

El autor de la imagen y principal testigo del hecho es RAFAEL CORVACHO, un tablista que en esos momentos se encontraba pr'oximo al mar y que al ver aquel objeto sobrevolando la cabeza de alguno de sus compa~neros no hizo m'as que sacar su c'amara fotogr'afica y realizar la toma.

Seg'un cuenta Corvacho el objeto que divis'o se mov'ia de derecha a izquierda con movimientos cortos y r'apidos. Comenta tambi'en que pudo ver que el objeto ten'ia un centro transparente y que estuvo sobrevolando el mar por un espacio de dos minutos y que luego desapareci'o de su vista de manera intempestiva.

"Para m'i y para las personas que estuvieron en el lugar era un OVNI", ha dicho convencido Corvacho a la referida p'agina web.


Por 'ultimo, nada menos que el viernes 13, el portal web del diario THE SUN, difundi'o las im'agenes de un v'ideo filmado por un joven de doce a~nos de edad, en el que supuestamente se habr'ia filmado a un FANTASMA.

El v'ideo, que fue captado por la c'amara de un celular, fue filmado por Reece Pitman, un joven de doce a~nos quien luego de escuchar los comentarios de su peque~na hermana de 9 a~nos sobre una extra~na compa~n'ia dentro de la casa, decidi'o coger su tel'efono celular y pasearse por las habitaciones de su hogar para filmar a este supuesto ente.

El v'ideo muestra entre los segundos 9 y 13, una sombra que cruza el tiro de c'amara. Ciertamente lo que se ve all'i es s'olo una sombra y pudo haber quedado all'i, sin embargo, la BRITISH PARANORMAL SOCIETY (Sociedad de sucesos paranormales de Gran Breta~na) ha considerado que la cinta podr'ia ser "la mejor imagen de fantasmas en a~nos".

Aqu'i est'a el v'ideo de REECE PITMAN

Ciertamente ac'a no creemos ni dejamos de creer en nada pero tambi'en es cierto que cada vez m'as, la tecnolog'ia pone en manos de las personas herramientas capaces de realizar ediciones y adiciones que antes s'olo eran posibles gracias a la labor de algunos expertos y conocedores de estos temas.

Tambi'en es cierto que Internet se ha convertido en el gran campo en donde v'ideos y fotograf'ias como 'estas circulan de manera libre, muchas veces sin que nadie se pronuncie sobre la veracidad o autenticidad de las mismas.

En todo caso nosotros estaremos atentos ante cualquier explicaci'on, aclaraci'on o conclusi'on de las investigaciones que se realicen en torno a estas im'agenes.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Another Side Of The Roswell Flying Saucer Incident

Another Side Of The Roswell Flying Saucer Incident
By Roger SnodgrassThe New Mexican6-28-13 The upcoming Roswell UFO Festival, July 5-7 this year, celebrates the 66th anniversary of a legendary flying saucer crash about 100 miles northwest of Roswell on a ranch near Corona. To this day, nobody knows for sure why officials at the Roswell Army Air Base at the time announced that a "flying disk" had been recovered. The story was quickly rescinded and the universe was seemingly split between those who believe the initial account and those who don't. The officially corrected version and follow-up explanations long after the fact declared that the debris was from a secret research balloon project code-named MOGUL and that the "small bodies" recovered in the crash were not aliens, but test dummies.The UFO festival caters to the believers and puts on a world-class agenda of paranormal experts in everything from the latest archaeological finds from the 1947 incident to crop circles, alien abductions, prehistoric astronomy and government cover-ups.Asked to pick a high point of the program this year, Mark Briscoe, executive director of the International UFO Museum said all 20 speakers were major researchers. "We're really excited about Jesse Marcel Jr.," he added. According to Marcel's book, "The Roswell Legacy," published in 2008, his father Jesse Marcel Sr. was the first military officer at the scene of the crash and in the middle of the original controversy. "From my understanding, Jesse Jr. got to see the debris and hold it," said Briscoe. "This is the last time he is going to speak."Those who don't subscribe to the Roswell narrative, on the other hand, side with the scientific consensus. From nearly the beginning, scientists took almost the opposite tack. At the nuclear weapons laboratory in Los Alamos in about 1950, according to an archival document, Edward Teller remembered walking to lunch at Fuller Lodge with three other scientists, including Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi. Teller, often identified as "the father of the hydrogen bomb," said he had kind of a vague memory, "that we talked about flying saucers and the obvious statement that the flying saucers are not real."...Continue Reading... See Also:Veteran Roswell UFO Researcher Condemns Recent Witness Revelations As Shoddy and Disingenuous Details of Alleged Photographic Evidence Re Roswell UFO Crash Leaked To The Public! CIA Veteran Claims Knowledge of Roswell-Alien Cover-up Pseudo-Science of Anti-Ufology SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reader Submission The Small Bump

Reader Submission The Small Bump
I RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING EMAIL THIS AFTERNOON (12/27/12) AND LATER TALKED TO THE EXPERIENCER BY TELEPHONE:Hello Mr. Strickler: I am giving you permission to publish my incident but I do not want any personal information disclosed. To begin, I had an strange incident when I was a child living in south Florida. I could never explain it and I did not want my family to know about it. It involved, what I believe, an abduction by alien beings. I don't remember the specifics other than I went to bed, got up to go to the bathroom but don't remember returning to my bed. When I woke in the morning, there was an ache in my neck and a small bump at the base of my skull. The pain went away quickly but the small bump remained. I never told my parents about it and they never noticed it. That incident occurred 54 years ago.I now live in a rural township in eastern Ohio. My husband and I have lived here for over 40 years and are well-known within the community. My husband owns a business and employs several of the area's residents. We have raised 4 children and are also grandparents. We have been very happy with our life.This past Christmas Eve, I was alone at home during the day. My husband was at work and some of my children and their families were visiting for the holidays. They had all gone out to visit friends and to do some shopping, so I was the only one at home.Around 1:00 PM I decided to sit down in the club room and watch television. I had been busy all day cooking and doing a few other things, so I decided to take a break. I sat on the sofa and turned on the television with the remote control. As I was surfing channels the television suddenly went off. I just figured I had accidently turned it off with the remote, but I was unable to turn it back on. I got up and starting walking toward the television when everything went black. The next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa. My neck was very sore and I was laying on the sofa completely nude. My clothes were folded neatly and setting on the coffee table. I quickly dressed and noticed that the television was on and that the time was 2:48 PM. I went to rub my sore neck and noticed that the small bump that I had for 54 years was now gone. I went into the bathroom in order to look at the back of my neck with a handheld mirror. There was a 2 inch vertical red scar where the small bump had previously been.Today is Thursday Dec. 27th, 2012. My neck no longer hurts and the scar has healed nicely. It is barely noticeable. I had never told my husband about my incident as a child but yesterday I explained everything to him. He is very open-minded and believes in UFOs and other strange things. I also told my older son about it and he suggested I contact you. I believe he reads your articles and that you have talked to him in the past.My older son believes that I experienced an abduction. In fact, my husband agrees with him as well. Like I stated earlier, you have my permission to publish if personal details are removed. I have included my contact information below. Thank you for your time. SKNOTE: IT SEEMS THAT SK IS AN ALIEN ABDUCTEE. THERE WERE A FEW OTHER INCIDENTS DESCRIBED IN OUR TELEPHONE CONVERSATION BUT SK DIDN'T WANT ME TO DISCLOSE THIS INFORMATION AT THIS TIME. I DO KNOW HER SON BTW...I PLAN TO TALK TO HIM VERY SOON. I'M GOING TO KEEP THIS INCIDNT ON 'THE BACK BURNER'...I MAY WANT TO INVESTIGATE IT FURTHER AS MORE INFORMATION IS DIVULGED. LONHow to Defend Yourself Against Alien AbductionHigh Strangeness - Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien AbductionThe Alien Abduction Reference Guide: 100 Alien Encounters Explored"

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nasa Scientist Backs The Sun Study Of Britain X Files

Nasa Scientist Backs The Sun Study Of Britain X Files top scientist from the US labelled our bold bid to record alien activity in the UK as 'important'.Cash-strapped Ministry of Defence chiefs secretly axed the department that investigated UFOs last month.But now The Sun has picked up the baton as strange space sightings are close to an all time high.American Dr Christopher McKay - a NASA extra-terrestrial investigator - said: "It is important to keep a record of UFOs. I think it is only natural as a human to wander whether there is life outside of Earth."Unexplained"The public are really interested in the unexplained sightings so it is worthwhile to log them."Dr McKay - part of NASA's Space Science Division since 1982 - has spent his career looking for extra-terrestrial life.The planetary scientist was the co-leader of the Mars Phoenix Lander mission in 2008.The probe dug up chunks of ice on the Martian surface again fuelling hope that living organisms existed on the Red Planet.And he is busy planning a new mission to Mars in search of life.He said The Sun's bid to record the UFOs over the UK shared the same the goal he was striving for - to discover alien life forms.He added: "Tracking UFOs is the same as the interest that I have. My interest is from a scientific viewpoint but I am asking the same question."We are both asking the question - are there other life forms out there?"British Mars expert Professor Colin Pillinger CBE echoed NASA's Dr McKay.He applauded The Sun for reviving the MoD's UFO project after they shut it down on December 1 2009.Any sightings in Britain will now NOT be officially recorded because MoD chiefs branded the lb50,000-a-year department an "inappropriate use of defence resources".It came despite the near TRIPLING of alleged UFOs between 2008 and 2009 to 643.Prof Pillinger headed the Beagle 2 mission to Mars - which eventually ended in failure when the unmanned probe crashed on Christmas Day 2003.He said: "The Sun is right to keep the UFO files going."You have an army of readers who could flag up something extraordinary."Even if it is not alien life, it could be a meteorite which are of great value to the scientific community."The Sun is right to persist in reporting UFOs."Just because we do not understand something does not mean it is not true."Leading US professor Albert A Harrison, from the University of California, also backed our UFO files.Prof Harrison - who served with NASA - said: "The reason it is important to report UFOs is because it fascinates people who are interested in possible life in the universe and whether or not we are alone."Such surveys can be mined for helpful information and properly conducted research is valuable."The space watchers were in London for two days of talks at the Royal Society entitled "The Detection of Extra-terrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society".The Sun re-launched the nation's X-Files last week.We [The Sun] will now release a rundown of your sightings, like the MoD used to.[Source:]

Homegrown Ufo Part Three

Homegrown Ufo Part Three
c. 2007 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


Doing research about the Geauga County alien landing from 1957 was an incredible experience. It proved that even a place like ours can be touched by the surreal elements of other worlds.

I learned that the story of our homegrown UFO is one that has been analyzed by investigators from around the world. George Hunt Williamson spoke of the happening in his 'Road In The Sky' series. As part of a chapter called 'The Visitants' he mentioned personal knowledge of Olden Moore and his strange encounter:


"On November 15, 1957, I was lecturing in Cleveland, Ohio, when a report reached me that a UFO had landed on November 6th a few miles north-east of Cleveland. On that date, Olden Moore was driving home from Painesville, Ohio, to Montville, when he saw a blue-green flaming object fly over the highway at midnight. In describing the experience, Mr. Moore said:

In seconds the object loomed up in front of me. It was as large as a house. Then it seemed to split apart. One section disappeared into the sky and the other section settled down in a field near the road. When I first observed the object approaching me, I pulled off the road and turned off the ignition. I watched the craft in the field for about fifteen minutes, then I got out of my car and walked towards it. I heard a ticking sound like that of an electric meter. I stopped before I reached the object and returned to my car and drove home to get my wife so she might be a witness to the landing. When we returned together the object was gone. It was about fifty feet in diameter and shaped like a 'saucer' with an inverted 'saucer' on top of it, There was a cone-shaped dome that came to a point on top. The dome glowed brilliantly.

In the same area on the same day that Olden Moore was having his encounter with the strange craft, a great cigar-shaped object was sighted by many people and also a car windshield was covered with pock marks and found to be radioactive.

On November 8th Olden Moore was interrogated by Lake County Civil Defense Director Kenneth Locke, Geauga County Sheriff Louis A. Robusky, United States Army officials and many newsmen.

However, on November 7th, Mr. Locke covered the field (where Moore had seen the UFO land) with a Geiger counter and discovered that 'the counter registered 150 milliroentgens in the center of an area So feet in diameter in the field. The reading dropped to 20-30 milliroentgens near the perimeter of that area.

Robert Seitz, a graduate student at the Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland, said that the normal background count was about 20 milliroentgens. Does this mean that the UFO was radioactive ?

Several small, but very deep, round holes were found in the field where the craft had landed. These were arranged in a strange circular pattern. The prints looked as though they had been made by something with `spikes' on it. The first report said that these were `footprints'; however, they were actually holes made by a protruding pole or something similar. The holes were very deep, and much force had been used to reach such a depth in the ground. Scientists from the Case Institute took soil samples a few days later but the counter registered a normal count and the ground apparently didn't suffer from the effects of the radiation.

The Geiger counter reading in this case is important, but not because it measured radioactivity. If the element causing the counter to react as it did was radioactive, then its half-life was shorter than that of elements made artificially in atomic accelerators. In other words, we can assume that the reading was due to some other stimulus than radioactivity. Free electrons will actuate a Geiger counter and it is quite possible that the object observed by Olden Moore possessed such a strong magnetic field that it ionized the air and the Geiger count was due to the free electrons."

In the course of gathering evidence about Mr. Moore, I realized that the story was larger than I had imagined. Our point on the map had been visited again since that day, fifty years ago. In fact, we seem to have attracted extra terrestrial attention on many occasions. Something eerie was at work. What could possibly direct those from the intergalactic neighborhood to a spot on the Earth like ours?

I began to compile reports that specifically mentioned a Geauga community. In only a short while, I had collected dozens of such incidents:


Occurred : 2/20/2001 23:00

Location: Chardon, OH

Shape: Sphere

Duration:3-4 minutes

Blue orb hovering over trees, then crosses field.

I was burning brush in our back yard. My house is rather secluded, so other than the light from the fire, it was very dark. I walked away from the fire, and walked deeper into the yard. On either side of the field is forest. I happen to look to the north and noticed a blue ball of light through the trees. It appeared to be roughly 50 ft. above the treetops. It slowly hovered to the south, crossing the field. There was no sound, only the blue light. It continued south in a straight line, until it vanished over the south tree line.

Occurred : 10/20/2005 20:00

Location: Montville, OH

Shape: Cone


Six coned like objects, with bright white lights floating in the Montville sky.

Bright Floating object hanging in the sky from the northeast. Bobbing in the air up and down and then it took off towards the west.

It was followed by five others, doing the same thing. They traveled about a half a mile from one another. They all appeared the same.

Occurred : 1/25/2006 02:30

Location: Aurora, OH

Shape: Other

Duration:20 minutes

Aurora, Ohio, string of lights deep in the woods at 2 in the morning hovering above the ground, revolved and whistled. 20 minutes.

The object sighted was 8 yellow spheres aligned and slightly bowed down towards the ground, it appeared as though they were all linked together, this object was about 15 feet long and hovering above the ground 10 feet. The other witness and I were deep in the woods camping, we were away from the fire gathering wood when we heard a high pitch noise such as a tea pot going off, we looked over and there it was hovering and slightly revolving, and of course it was night time so it appeared to be glowing, when we came upon it, it started to revolve faster and faster and get louder and louder, then it just appeared to fold into itself, and the light it had given off slowly dissipated. this all took place at about 2 in the morning. the other witness and I sprinted back to the campsite through the woods and told the others, who were skeptical even though we were clearly shaken.


Late Saturday night, November 16, 1996, at approximately 11:10 p.m., Carl Draper was driving on Ohio Route 422 in rural Geauga County, heading east toward Auburn Corners (population 70). As he approached the intersection of Route 44, just west of the reservoir, he "saw an object about the size of a manhole cover cross the sky from north to south." The disc-shaped UFO was flying at a high rate of speed, seemingly coming from Lake Erie. Carl described the UFO as "orange in color, and its trail was green...The tail extended across the entire arc of the sky, and it (UFO) covered the distance in less than one second."

These stories were informative and entertaining. But they had me wondering... was there some connection here between UFO visitation, sightings of Bigfoot, the Bulldozer Guy, the Tube Farm, and Agent X?

The question offered a perfect reason to return to my quest for clues!



Ufo News Virginia Collegiate Times Interviews Researcher Ufos And Nukes Author Robert Hastings

Ufo News Virginia Collegiate Times Interviews Researcher Ufos And Nukes Author Robert Hastings

By Cody Owens

Collegiate Times

11-16-11 Robert Hastings is a UFO researcher and lecturer who wrote the book "UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites." What sets Hastings aside from other alien enthusiasts is his focus on nuclear weapons cases. In September 2010, he hosted a press conference on the subject, which was live streamed on CNN.

Hastings shared his views with the Virginia Tech community last night in the Owens Banquet Hall. The Collegiate Times met with him before his lecture to ask him about his theories, as well as the connections he sees between UFOs and nuclear weapons.

Collegiate Times: How did you become interested in UFOs?

Robert Hastings: My father was career Air Force, and in 1967, he was stationed at Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana, which was a nuclear missile base. He was aware of UFO activity at some of the (intercontinental ballistic missile) sites and objects being tracked on radar. It was clear that the UFOs were maneuvering near and even hovering above some of the underground nuclear missile silos. I was aware in a very peripheral way of what had gone on at the time.

Coincidentally, I had a job at the air traffic controller tower three nights a week as a janitor (as) a junior in high school. In March of '67, I was present when the (Federal Aviation Administration) controllers who worked at the tower covered up the presence of five unidentified aerial objects being tracked. I brought that fact to my father's attention. Unbeknownst to me, he made inquiries where he worked, which was called (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment). It was part of the Air Force's radar system. They confirmed the presence of these unknown objects.

... More

See Also:

UFO NEWS VIDCAST: Fox News Interviews Robert Hastings

A lecture by Robert Hastings Titled "UFOs: The Secret Story"

Excerpt From UFOs and Nukes by Robert Hastings




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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ufo Information Released By Foreign Governments

Ufo Information Released By Foreign Governments

I know I am not alone when I say: "What is wrong with the U.S. government?" And "Why can't we just pull down the vail that hides these secrets about UFO's from us all?" What I find even more ridiculous is that other countries such as Canada and the U.K. has willingly released classified information. The U.K. has released information that was classified from 1985-2007 which can be publicly accessed from this U.K. government site called "The National Archives"

A former Canadian Defense Minister has released information pertaining to contact with extraterrestrial beings. The beings apparently asked if we needed any help whereby the response from the U.S. was "BANG!" Okay! I get it. I understand the reasoning behind security, but shoot first, then ask no questions?

Many officials (Police Officers, Astronauts, Military Pilots, etc) have come forward with information about their personal encounters with UFO's. Why is the U.S. government still dodging this subject? The following quote was originally written by:

* Clark C. McClelland
* former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet
* Kennedy Space Center, Florida

* (1958-1992) Dated: 5-31-2004

"They were all startled when a view of a facility similar to a medical examination room appeared on the screen and small bodies were observed lying on slabs. He heard several excited comments by the other officers seated near him. The small, strange looking creatures were humanoid in shape, and appeared similar to those described by alleged witnesses at the well-known Roswell site in the Southwest USA in 1947. They all had large heads, large eyes, slight torsos, arms, and legs. They did not appear to be of earthly origin." Widgets

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Secret Ufo Shootdown Policy

The Secret Ufo Shootdown Policy
UFO researchers Stanton Friedman & Frank Feschino Jr. discussed fighter accidents & vanished planes in the 1950s, which they related to UFOs and the military's 'shoot down' era. In the 1950s, the US military had standing orders to shoot down unidentified craft if they didn't land when instructed-- and it appears that UFOs shot back, said Friedman. There is no question that our planes were the aggressors, he commented.

There were many pilot deaths and mysterious military plane incidents during the early to mid 1950s. In fact, the New York Times, described jets as "disintegrated and disappeared" in their coverage, Friedman reported. Feschino detailed how aF-86 jet fighter plane crashed in SouthGlastonbury, CT on August 5, 1952 under mysterious circumstances and connected it to a UFO flap that was occurring that summer. Project Bluebook contained 1500 reports from 1952, with over 300 of them classified as

unidentified, he continued.

The Flatwoods Monster case also took place in the summer of '52-- there were sightings over 11 states the night the curious craft/robot set down in Braxton County, Feschino noted. On that same night, thirty objects were seen coming in over the Eastern Seaboard, and appeared to be following a craft that was damaged, he added. Friedman suggested that the US military eventually gave up on their shootdown policy, and instead began simply observing UFOs with their instruments. The Betty & Barney Hill case, which Friedman wrote about in his new book Captured! was also discussed.


Stanton T. Friedman received BS and MS degrees in Physics from University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956, where Carl Sagan was a classmate. He worked for fourteen years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Doulglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space.

Since 1967, Friedman has lectured on the topic of UFOs at more than 600colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 Provinces,England, Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Brazil, Australia, Korea,Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel. Often referred to as the "Father of Roswell", Stan was the first to investigate the incident beginning in 1978. He has been investigating UFO incidents since the mid 1950's.


In the early 1990's, Frank Feschino became involved in UFO and Crop Circle research in West Virginia. He frequently visited a relative's farm located in Braxton County, where Crop Circles appeared overnight and UFO sightings were frequent. This is when Feschino learned about the 1952 "Braxton County Monster" Incident, which occurred in Flatwoods, near his cousin's farm. Frank has interviewed a host of people on video in the more than 10 years he has been working on the case.

An unidentified flying object, often abbreviated UFO or U.F.O., is an unusual apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable to the observer as any known object, often associated with extraterrestrial life.

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The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is the hypothesis that some unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are best explained as being extraterrestrial life or non-human aliens from other planets occupying physical spacecraft visiting Earth.

See also

Alan F. Alford

Ancient astronauts

Chariots of the Gods?

David Icke

Dogon people

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

Interdimensional hypothesis

Murry Hope

Psychosocial Hypothesis

Robert K. G. Temple

The Sirius Mystery

The UFO Hostility Hypothesis

Zecharia Sitchin


Friday, November 21, 2014

What Exactly Is An Exoplanet Alien Life Will Be Found Exoplanets

What Exactly Is An Exoplanet Alien Life Will Be Found Exoplanets
"EXOPLANETS AND Creature from outer space Conception"Creature from outer space life has perpetually been a ground of hot good sense. The latest to add to the list of planets that could imaginably admit life on them are exoplanets. An extra-solar planet or exoplanet is basically a planet outdoor the solar system, which is community to admit life on its visage.The discovery of exoplanets, actually fill with in the habitable zone, has been a favourite under enemy control of research for extraterrestrial life.Solely, astronomers admit found the adjoining planet outdoor the solar system, which is straightforwardly four light-years to another place drink next 50 previous to minion planets. One of the planets was found to be in the habitable zone, sparking off poles apart good sense on the existence of life on the planet. The planet exposed is huskily rival to Dust in lumber room, but is a long way away faster to its star than Mercury is to the sun, which means that the planet is a dull and trash rock.AMRUTA LIMAYE, A Adherent PURSUING A PHD IN Morsel PHYSICS SAYS THAT THIS Discovery Will Rule TO Several Advent Situation TELESCOPES TO Stare FOR Programming OF Conception IN THE PLANET'S Appearance BY LOOKING FOR CHEMICAL SIGNATURES SUCH AS Resilient OF OXYGEN. "THE NEW Discovery SHOWS THAT THE Measure OF Research paper IS ACCELERATING AND WE SHALL Diametrically SEE NEW TELESCOPES Because Theoretical. THIS Discovery IS Indeed Enfold Break," SHE SAYS.Indranuj, an dry sci-fi supporter and a plasma physicist says that award is a lot concluded to be explored. "The discovery of exoplanets in our population and the super-Earths lying in the livable zone at unfriendly stars by the HARPES, categorically makes the endanger of assessment life out award a long way away concluded workable. How and what that life may be is an undo distribution subdue considering we gossip very underneath about the magnetosphere, suspect and composition of such exoplanets. Exobiologists admit turn hypothised the endanger of silicon-based life form, in which case the indicative sign of life that we search for may not be obvious. It is evidently too primordial to tell, until consequently we admit Chris Delivery service and Gene Rodenbary," he says.Source

Examiner Historian Richard Dolan Ufo And Extraterrestrial Disclosure To Occur In 5 Years

Examiner Historian Richard Dolan Ufo And Extraterrestrial Disclosure To Occur In 5 Years
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released on April 27, 2011, historian and author Richard Dolan states that he estimates authentic and genuine UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure will occur in approximately 5 years from 2011.

Richard Dolan ^aEURoeis the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: The People^aEURTMs Guide to Life After Contact. Richard^aEURTMs writing is widely seen as ufology^aEURTMs gold standard. His seminal history, UFOs and the National Security State, has inspired such statements as ^aEURoethe best history ever written about UFOs^aEUR by best-selling author Whitley Strieber, and ^aEURoemasterful and important^aEUR by Dr. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14.^aEUR

ET disclosure is a paradox

Richard Dolan: ^aEURoeI think disclosure will happen, but it will be forced.^aEUR ExopoliticsTV interview

Asked if there is any reason to believe that ET disclosure will happen in our lifetime, Mr. Dolan states that ET disclosure is a paradox. The human controllers that possess the ^aEURoesecret^aEUR of the ET presence have no real motivation to disclose it and may well decide to continue with their practice of continuing to conceal the ET presence.

The ETs also have a low-key presence, Mr. Dolan states in his interview, in terms of the artifacts and contacts that they leave with humanity such as ET contactees and abductees. The ETs have no made any official public announcement of their presence and have been operating by stealth as well as the human controllers.

Mr. Dolan states, "Then there is 'us', our human civilization ^aEUR" the variable that is going to force disclosure in terms of the rapid acceleration of change in human society. In 1991, 20 years ago, humanity barely had the Internet and an ability to communicate with each other. If we look at future changes, we can expect to have computers that will be as close to sentient, thinking beings that we can think of with IQs of 500 or more."

Mr. Dolan asks, "In this kind of future environment, are we going to still be under ET information embargo? Wikileaks or a copycat organization can have a huge impact on ET disclosure on our society within 5 years with a high computing and information technology."

ET Disclosure is not the end of a process, according to Mr. Dolan. It is the beginning of a new way of relating, and will require ongoing efforts at citizen-led prying out of information from institutions like the U.S. Presidency and the U.S. government.

ET abductions and extraterrestrial disclosure

In his interview, Richard Dolan addresses the issue of abductions of humans by extraterrestrials. Mr. Dolan states that ET abductions are one of the most explosive aspects of the entire extraterrestrial situation. He states that there is no indication that the abducting grey ETs are promoting ET disclosure or that the human power structure is promoting disclosure. If disclosure is to happen it will be because we the public, including abducted humans force disclosure to happen.

Mr. Dolan states that he does not envy any US President that has to make this announcement. Within 60 seconds of any Presidential announcement, many people will be asking about ET abductions. Are abductions true? Will abductions by ETs be on the negotiating table? How do we deal with fact that potentially millions of people have been taken with their memories of these abductions altered?

Clandestine cold and hot war with ETs?

Richard Dolan states there is a long history of the U.S. military chasing UFO objects, which tells him there may be a state of cold or hot war going on with some part of the extraterrestrial presence.

When asked about secret agreements with the US government allowing abductions to occur, Mr. Dolan answers ^aEURoePossibly yes ^aEUR" we cannot be sure. None of us have access to absolute certainty with documents. We have to rely on leaks and documents.^aEUR

He continues, ^aEURoeOne of the problems with disclosure is that it is going to open up a real mess with us. We may or may not be able to have an ET person standing next to the President when she or he makes this announcement. It is going to take a generation or more for the difficulties of disclosure to begin to be digested.

^aEURoeIt may be that our own society will be fragmented after disclosure, and that the problems will get a lot worse after disclosure before they get better.^aEUR

Mr. Dolan concludes, "For example, how will we know to a certainty that there may have been an agreement in 1954 to allow ET abductions in exchange for advanced ET technology? How will we be able to ascertain this after disclosure?"

Breakaway civilization and ET disclosure

In addressing the "breakaway civilization" concept in his interview, Mr. Dolan stated this had to do with the black budget world and its ability to make technological breakthroughs, such as electrogravitics, anti-gravity, sources of free energy that would replace petroleum.

According to Mr. Dolan, the breakaway civilization would veto this new free energy form from entering the civilian economy and yet would keep on researching in energy, propulsion, quantum access, and artificial intelligence. The definition of a civilization includes a cosmology, a technology, and relations with the rest of the world. In all of these measures the black budget world is ^aEURoea break-away civilization.^aEUR The breakaway civilization may not be totally divorced from this world, and may be an ^aEURoeAlternative 3^aEUR type of separateness.

ET disclosure vs. ET intervention

At about 26 minutes into his interview, Mr. Dolan states, ^aEURoeOur human capabilities as a society are what can break through the secrecy of the breakaway civilization. It can happen within 5 years. A few years ago I would have said disclosure would have happened 20 years from now. Now I say ET disclosure can happen 5 years from now."

Mr. Dolan continues, "If disclosure occurs, it might occur within about 5 years."

Mr. Dolan was asked about a parallel line of exopolitical research that also converges on extraterrestrial disclosure happening in about five years time.

This exopolitical research suggests the existence of an ET galactic governance council that has stated that it may intervene to clean the earth^aEURTMs ecology within about 5 years. Two contactees of this reported ET council, former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham and a former NATO Spanish intelligence officer independently stated they have been in contact with the ET council and predicted its UFO overflights over New York on October 13, 2011, November 24, 2011, and over Moscow, Russia and London, UK in January 2011.

In his interview, Mr. Dolan states, ^aEURoeI have my own quiet sources and I have not at any point gotten any reason to believe there is a galactic ET council. I have reason to believe there are multiple groups that are interacting with us for their own agendas.

^aEURoeAs a researcher, it is very hard to embrace information like the galactic governance council.^aEUR

Mr. Dolan continues, ^aEURoeHow do we deal with information like this [the galactic governance council? We deal with the information with caution. This does not mean that we throw the information out. We qualify all statement with a proviso that is an unproven claim.^aEUR

Mr. Dolan states, ^aEURoeBecause of the unequal power relationships we are dealing with vis a vis our government, we have to consider sources that cannot be verified and we have to subject unverified sources such as the galactic governance council to as much rigor and independent vetting as we can.

Mr. Dolan continues, ^aEURoeThe Power structure does not need to completely debunk what we do. They just need to sow the seeds of doubt, provide enough of a counter argument.

^aEURoeWe need to counter their seeds of doubt with rigorous research,^aEUR he concludes.

Authentic UFO/ET disclosure vs. recent FBI and NSA disclosure

Richard Dolan^aEURTMs predictions of authentic UFO/ET disclosure in approximately 5 years from 2011 come on the heels of the recent releases by the FBI and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) of UFO and extraterrestrial-related documents, most of which were first publicly released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in the 1970s or 1980s. While FBI and NSA may have released these with the intent creating the appearance of ^aEURoeUFO/ET disclosure^aEUR, further examination leads to a conclusion that genuine ET disclosure has not taken place

For example, in his interview Mr. Dolan discusses one of the UFO documents recently purportedly at the FBI website regarding a reported 1948 UFO crash event at Aztec, New Mexico were in fact first released under Freedom of Information (FOIA) in 1977 to UFO researchers.

Likewise, the recent NSA ^aEURoerelease of UFO and extraterrestrial-related documents^aEUR is limited to 42 sets of documents. The preponderance of these documents are documents generated by the UFO research community. NSA states in a brief preface to its release, ^aEURoeIn 1980, NSA was involved in Civil Action No. 80-1562, "Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency". Documents related to that litigation are marked with ^aEUR~*^aEURTM.^aEUR An inordinate number of the UFO-related documents released by NSA relate to legal papers in the 1980 lawsuit brought by CAUS under the leadership of Arizona attorney Peter Gerstein, over 30 years ago.

Reached for comment in Sedona, Arizona, attorney Peter Gerstein of CAUS stated that the CAUS documents NSA recently "released" has in fact been released publicly by NSA approximately 20 years ago, and that this recent NSA "release" did not constitute a new release.^aEUR

Moreover, Other official U.S. government documents released by NSA include 9 State Department reports and a set of NSA Communications Intelligence (COMINT) reports.

The NSA documents released are designed to confirm the SETI model - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The SETI model holds that extraterrestrial intelligence is not in Earth's immediate environment, and can only be located by sending radio signals to deep space. Thus, rather than an ^aEURoeET disclosure^aEUR, the NSA release is in fact a functional ^aEURoecoverup^aEUR of the UFO and ET presence in the near-Earth environment.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

House Committee Holds Hearing On Space Aliens

House Committee Holds Hearing On Space Aliens
Earlier we reported "Water Found On Five Alien Planets: NASA"

And a day later on December 4, 2013, the House Committee chaired by Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio. on Science, Space and Technology conducted a hearing to examine "what methods are being used to determine if any of [the] planets may harbor life.

The hearing was titled Astrobiology: Search for Biosignatures in our Solar System and Beyond. Nasa has published astrobiology "roadmaps" concerned with three key questions, according to a hearing charter:




In the past decade, NASA has published two Astrobiology Roadmaps, approximately five yearsapart. The last roadmap was published in 2008, and the next roadmap is expected to be published in 2014.The purpose of the roadmap is to outline definitions, goals, accomplishments and public outreach and education objectives in the field of astrobiology.

"This is the first time in human history we have the technological reach to cross the threshold," said Dr Sara Seager, an MIT professor and 2013 MacArthur "genius grant" recipient. Her work focuses on the detection of "biosignature" gases on distant planets, large volumes of which might indicate life, whether intelligent life or single-cell bacteria.

Seager testified that the James Webb space telescope, scheduled for launch in 2018, and other advances are changing the search for alien life forms. "If life really is everywhere, we actually have a shot at it," she said.

"The chance is very high" of life elsewhere in the universe, Seager said. "The question is: is there life near here, in our neighborhood of stars? We think the chances are good."

All three witnesses (Dr. Voytek, Dr Sara Seager and Dr. Dick) said they believe that there is "life out there."

After about 90 minutes of testimony, committee chair Lamar Smith of Texas gaveled the hearing to an inconclusive close.

It was not, however, a fruitless outing. In impassioned testimony, witnesses from Nasa, MIT and the Library of Congress described a crossroads in the search for life out there and suggested scientists may be on the verge of a breakthrough.

Watch full hearing HERE


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ufos Reported By Civilians Living Within Malmstrom Afbs Nuclear Missile Field

Ufos Reported By Civilians Living Within Malmstrom Afbs Nuclear Missile Field


- click image to enlarge -

By Robert Hastings


Malmstrom Air Force Base, located east of Great Falls, Montana, is the command and control center for 150 Minuteman-III nuclear missiles operated by the 341st Missile Wing. The ICBMs themselves are scattered across the north-central part of the state, organized into groups of ten called "flights", and deployed in underground steel and concrete silos, known as Launch Facilities (LFs)-each one connected by an electrical cable to a central launch-control site, known as a Missile Alert Facility (MAF).

In mid-October 2012, I traveled to Montana after learning of multiple, independent UFO sightings a few weeks earlier by civilians living within the huge Malmstrom missile field. Upon arriving at the Fergus County Sheriffs' Office, in Lewistown, I was allowed to review their "blotter", a chronological summary of law enforcement-related activity. Sure enough, I quickly discovered a number of UFO reports from around the county, beginning in mid-September.

The most dramatic sighting had been phoned in by Jennifer Styer, who lives east of the small town of Roy, which is located at the center of Oscar Flight, a mile or so northwest of the Oscar MAF. On the evening of September 19th, she reported seeing two V-shaped craft, silently flying wingtip-to-wingtip, coming from the direction of the Oscar-03 Launch Facility.

Styer told me, "They came out of nowhere, so fast! They were right on top of me before I noticed them. But they were big! Each one was a V-shape and had orange lights on each [leg]. I dont remember how many lights because it happened so quickly."

The craft flew at low altitude almost directly overhead, prompting a startled Styer to contact the sheriff, to ask whether Malmstrom was flying any military aircraft over the area. The log entry in the blotter states that Central Montana Dispatch had contacted the base but was told that no such aircraft were out by Roy that night.

After leaving Lewistown, I drove to Roy and spoke with a dozen or so townspeople, all of whom told me that UFO sightings were a common occurrence in the area. Several persons told me that military activity had picked up significantly during the previous month, with Air Force security patrols and missile maintenance vans in evidence, in far greater numbers than was normal. All of that started, I was told, around the time of Jennifer Styer's sighting.

Before leaving Montana, I drove to the nearby town of Hilger and met with Mark Zuidema, who told me that he had seen a number of apparent UFOs over the years and had even kept a log of such incidents. I asked him to immediately contact me by phone should he have a sighting in the future.

On November 1, 2012, at 8:31 p.m., Zuidema called me at my home in Colorado and told me that, at 8:13 p.m., he had seen another UFO. He said he had been inside his house when everything suddenly started shaking, so he ran outside to see what was happening. A military helicopter flying at extremely low altitude was rapidly moving away, in an easterly direction, apparently toward Roy. However, what caught Zuidema's eye next was intriguing: A small, white globe of light was also streaking eastward, staying just a short distance in front of the chopper, which was obviously pursuing it. He watched the spectacle until both were out of sight.

I told Zuidema to keep me updated, should anything else occur. At 9:07 p.m., he called again and said that another (or the same) helicopter had appeared just north of Hilger and was sweeping the ground with a spotlight. He watched it until it disappeared in the distance. After hanging up, I recorded the date/time and made a few notes relating to the incident for future reference.

Two days later, I spoke with Toni Keller, who lives south of Roy, who saw a lot of helicopter activity near her place that same night. She told me that three choppers had been shining spotlights toward the ground between 8 and 9 p.m. Keller said that they had been maneuvering in the vicinity of Rattlesnake Butte. The Oscar-07 Launch Facility is located one mile south of that geological feature, a fact that might be relevant in view of more recent events.


On August 6, 2013, at 10:10 p.m. Mountain Time, Mark Zuidema called and told me that he had just observed "a white, oval-shaped object" in the sky, apparently heading toward Roy, or at least in that direction.

About an hour later he called a second time and said that he had just seen a "sparkly, blue-green light" hovering low in the sky, again in the direction of Roy. Zuidema quickly acknowledged that it was impossible for him to say whether the light was much closer than the town, located some 21 miles to the east-northeast, or well beyond it. He did say, however, that the light had disappeared-gone out-after 15 seconds or so, ruling out the possibility that he was looking at a star or planet near the horizon.

After I suggested that a cloud could have passed in front of the light, creating the illusion of it going out, Zuidema said that the sky was completely clear and added, "I have been a stargazer for many years and I have never seen a star or planet that was that particular shade of blue-green. It was striking."

Hoping to find someone living in or near Roy who may have seen the blue-green light, or the white, oval-shaped object, I contacted Jolene Smith, who I had met in the fall of 2012. She told me that another local resident had recently reported seeing a strange "shooting star moving sideways" near her home south of town.

I then called the witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, who told me that she had been watching television when she saw, out of her living window, an "oblong, florescent blue object" moving near the ground, in an east-to-west direction. After a few seconds, it broke into two objects, which kept moving along the valley floor in tandem until they gained altitude and disappeared over a low mountain ridge west of her house.

I asked the witness to describe the "apparent" size of the object, using a standard question of mine: "If you held a dime at arm's-length, was it larger than that?" She replied that it was much, much larger and said that, before breaking in half, it had reminded her of "a small Volkswagen" automobile.

Not surprisingly, at least not to me, the witness' house is a quarter-mile west of the Oscar-07 missile silo and the mysterious object seemed to her to be even closer than that when it was observed.

As the conversation was winding down, I was about to ask her the approximate date of the sighting when she said, "I recorded the date and time in my diary. Would you like me to go look?" It turns out that the incident occurred on July 9, 2013, at 9:45 p.m. Mountain Time, or approximately one month prior to Mark Zuidema's August 6th sighting.

I suspect that other residents living within the boundaries of Malmstrom AFB's missile field, near Oscar Flight and elsewhere, have also seen bona fide UFO activity this summer. I am currently making further inquiries in the hope that I can locate additional witnesses.

IN THE 1960S

UFO sightings by U.S. Air Force security personnel posted at ICBM sites operated by Malmstrom AFB are an ongoing affair. The most famous cases occurred in March 1967, according to the testimony of three former or retired Minuteman missile launch officers-Capt. Robert Salas, Col. Frederick Meiwald and Col. Walter Figel.

A fourth officer, Capt. Eric Carlson, denies any knowledge of UFO activity at Malmstrom, despite tape recorded statements by his deputy missile commander, Walt Figel, who told me in 2008 that Carlson was sitting "two feet away" from him when he took a call from a missile security guard who reported seeing a "large, round object" hovering over one of Echo Flight's Launch Facilities. Within two minutes, all ten missiles had malfunctioned. That occurred on March 16, 1967.

Figel said that two other airmen, comprising a Security Alert Team that he had dispatched to the missile site, also reported seeing the UFO, thereby confirming the initial report. Both Figel and Carlson were later debriefed about the incident and told, "Don't talk about it," according to Figel, who kept his silence until 1996, when he mentioned it to former launch officer Bob Salas, during another taped telephone conversation.

Salas had his own UFO encounter, at Oscar Flight, on March 24, 1967, when as many as 10 ICBMs mysteriously malfunctioned moments after a disc-shaped craft was reported to be hovering over the Oscar Launch Control Facility (LCF). At the time, Salas had been sitting at the missile-readiness console in the underground launch control capsule.

Col. Frederick Meiwald substantiated most of Salas' statements about the incident during a taped telephone conversation with me in 2011, saying that he couldn't confirm everything because he had been on a rest break in the capsule when Salas woke him up, telling him that the flight's missiles were dropping off alert status.

But Meiwald did acknowledge that, moments later, he had ordered a Security Alert Team to respond to an alarm at one of Oscar's launch facilities, and that those men had briefly seen "a bright, flying object at low-level" hovering over it, before quickly fleeing back to the Oscar LCF. One guard was so badly shaken by the experience, according to Meiwald, that he had to be transported to the hospital at Malmstrom before the end of his shift.

IN THE 1970S

The following North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) log entries, relating to UFO sightings at Malmstrom's Launch Control Facilities and Launch Facilities, were listed in an official U.S. Air Force letter released to researchers in 1977, via the Freedom of Information Act. The time of each report is expressed in Z or Zulu Time, the military's version of Greenwich Mean Time. My own comments, in brackets, follow a few of the log entries:


7 Nov 75 (1035Z) Received a call from the 341st Strategic Air Command Post (SAC CP), saying that the following missile locations reported seeing a large red to orange to yellow object: M-1, L-3, LIMA, and L-6...Commander and Deputy for Operations (DO) informed.

7 Nov 75 (1203Z) SAC advised that the LCF at Harlowton, Montana, observed an object which emitted a light which illuminated the site driveway.

7 Nov 75 (1319Z) SAC advised K-1 says very bright object to their east is now southeast of them and they are looking at it with 10x50 binoculars. Object seems to have lights (several) on it, but no distinct pattern. The orange/gold object overhead also seems to have lights on it. SAC also advised female civilian reports having seen an object bearing south of her position six miles west of Lewistown. [Note that all of these reports refer to the observation of aerial "objects." Apparently, the Security Alert Teams could not identify them as either military or civilian aircraft.]

7 Nov 75 (1327Z) L-1 reports that the object to their northeast seems to be issuing a black object from it, tubular in shape. In all this time, surveillance has not been able to detect any sort of track except for known traffic. [In other words, when these sightings were first reported by SATs, radar personnel at Malmstrom AFB and Great Falls International Airport could not detect any unknown aerial objects near the missile sites. As we shall see, radar contact with the UFOs was finally established as the sightings continued to unfold.]

7 Nov 75 (1355Z) K-1 and L-1 report that as the sun rises, so do the objects they have visual.

7 Nov 75 (1429) From SAC CP: As the sun rose, the UFOs disappeared. Commander and [Director of Operations] notified.

8 Nov 75 (0635Z) A security camper team at K-4 reported UFO with white lights, one red light 50 yards behind white light. Personnel at K-1 seeing same object.

8 Nov 75 (0645Z) Height personnel picked up objects 10-13,000 feet. Track J330, EKLB 0649, 18 knots, 9,500 feet. Objects as many as seven, as few as two A/C. [Height-finding radar finally confirmed that UFOs were present, varying over time between two and seven in number.]

8 Nov 75 (0753Z) J330 unknown 0753. Stationary/seven knots/12,000...two F-106...NCOC notified. [Radar confirmed that one UFO, at an altitude of 12,000 feet, had hovered-that is, was "stationary"-before resuming flight at a leisurely 7 knots, or 9 mph. Shortly thereafter, two F-106s were scrambled to intercept it.]

8 Nov 75 (0905Z) From SAC CP: L-sites had fighters and objects; fighters did not get down to objects.

8 Nov 75 (0915Z) From SAC CP: From four different points: Observed objects and fighters; when fighters arrived in the area, the lights went out; when fighters departed, the lights came back on; To NCOC. [As SAT personnel at four different locations watched, the UFOs played cat-and-mouse with the F-106s, extinguishing their illumination as the jets approached their position and re-illuminating themselves after the fighters returned to base. The NORAD Combat Operations Center (NCOC) in Colorado Springs, Colorado was immediately informed of this incident.]

8 Nov 75 (1105Z) From SAC CP: L-5 reported object increased in speed-high velocity, raised in altitude and now cannot tell the object from stars. To NCOC.

9 Nov 75 (0305Z) SAC CP called and advised SAC crews at Sites L-1, L-6, and M-1 observing UFO. Object yellowish bright round light 20 miles north of Harlowton, 2 to 4,000 feet.

9 Nov 75 (0320Z) SAC CP reports UFO southeast of Lewistown, orange white disc object. 24th NORAD Region surveillance checking area. Surveillance unable to get height check. [Note the reference to the UFO having a "disc" or saucer shape. Two more log entries from November 9th confirm that UFOs continued to be reported by SAT teams positioned near various missile launch facilities.] IN THE 1980S

Another dramatic UFO sighting only recently came to light when former USAF Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka, Jr. agreed to be interviewed about his intriguing experience at Malmstrom's Alpha-1 Launch Control Facility in the fall of 1986. During that event, ten UFOs cavorted in the sky, "like crazy fireflies", witnessed by numerous security personnel posted at five different LCFs comprising the 10th Strategic Missile Squadron. Pscolka and his colleagues were subsequently debriefed and ordered to sign national security non-disclosure statements.

"These cases are only the tip of the iceberg and I cover several more in my book UFOs and Nukes". I am asking anyone, whether ex-U.S. Air Force or civilian, to contact me at with their knowledge of UFO activity at Malmstrom's nuclear missile sites-or at those operated by any other U.S. Air Force base-regardless of the time-frame. All responses, after being vetted, will be kept strictly confidential unless I am granted permission to publish them.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

UFOs Reported Near Malmstrom AFB's Nuclear Missile Sites in September 2012: Two V-Shaped Craft Sighted Southeast of Oscar Flight Launch Facility O-03

The Air Force Cover-Up:

"Deception, Distortion, and Lying to The Public About the Reality of the UFO Phenomenon"

Mysterious Leak at a Nearby Missile Launch Facility Forces Closure of Highway; Malmstrom AFB Cites "Abnormal Readings"

Telephonic Interview with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) By Robert Hastings - 1 of 3

Telephonic Interview with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) By Robert Hastings - 2 of 3

Telephonic Interview with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) By Robert Hastings - 3 of 3

Ten UFOs Cavort Above Nuclear Missiles at Malmstrom AFB: Air Force Witnesses Quickly Silenced

Former U.S. Air Force Security Policeman Ponders UFO Activity During Incident at Nuclear Missile Site



Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Spies Lies And Mi6

Spies Lies And Mi6 reports:MI6 is using the social networking site Facebook to breeze the bordering point of spies. The Inmost Pace Be of assistance, which has commonly wrinkled the country's extraordinary universities for employees, launched a series of online adverts this month as qualities of its attempts to fascinate populace from a model of backgrounds. As noted at the approved SIS/MI6 website:As Britain's secret circle, SIS provides the British Government considering a general silent feat to help and obscure the national shield and fiscal well-being of the United Country. SIS operates world-wide to stop secret surprising intelligence in supplicate of the British Government's policies and objectives. One of the better entrancing (and down to earth) aspects budding from tales of "spies, lies and polygraph tape" is the countenance of well-placed public from the intelligence community in the nooks and crannies of the Internet UFO underground.As considering all substance spy alike, nonentity is hardly as it appears.Documentation released by the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) give evidence the UFO phenomenon (also prearranged as Unnamed Feeler Phenomena) was awkward privately for being.Far away MoD files obtained by "Daz" Smith using the FOIA give evidence use in odd phenomena for intelligence deposit, among "remote viewing" and Russian research at home "true morphic fields."Whether or not represent is any reality to the phenomena in have a bearing, represent is no longer any have a bearing of government use and silent investigations.The "X-files" are real. And, I cool, the spy counterpart is clear as real.Which brings us be with to MI6, and their cast to "stop secret surprising intelligence in supplicate of the British Government's policies and objectives."For example meetings in the United States considering intelligence public wise about the UFO have a bearing former to advance, we were conversant that our diagnostic rise had been accused of an sort out considering MI6. Based upon MoD files we stock seen, it appears not ridiculous to cool accurate straight away of use from MI6 over the spy exercise being played in the United States.Most of the key squad from the American spy mission are also prearranged for having an use in UFOs and the seer spy programs.And based upon leaked email messages, at smallest possible accurate of relations public were concerned about the intense use in the UFO sufferer exhibited by British nationals.As noted by the MoD UAP [UFO] official categorizer, "The draw your attention of plasma and compelling fields to UAP were an unexpected respect of the magazine. It is optional that advance investigation should be at home the applicability of unique personality of plasmas in progressive military applications. Later reflection to the peril of the use of plasmas for military applications, such as mean radar signature control and antennas, it is noted that the implications stock ahead of been briefed to the prominent MoD technology managers."As soon as once again, we designate the informal sort out together with the UFO sufferer and use in progressive methods for new stealth technologies.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Alien Matter Beyond Solar System Spotted By Nasa Probe

Alien Matter Beyond Solar System Spotted By Nasa Probe

This so-called interstellar material was SPOTTED BY NASA'S INTERSTELLAR BOUNDARY EXPLORER (IBEX), A SPACECRAFT THAT IS STUDYING THE EDGE OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM from its orbit about 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) above Earth.

"This alien interstellar material is really the stuff that stars and planets and people are made of - it's really important to be measuring it," David McComas, IBEX principal investigator and assistant vice president of the Space Science and Engineering Division at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, said in a news briefing from NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.


These atoms are remnants of older stars that have ended their lives in violent explosions, called supernovas, which dispersed the elements throughout the galaxy. AS INTERSTELLAR WIND BLOWS THESE CHARGED AND NEUTRAL PARTICLES THROUGH THE MILKY WAY, THE IBEX PROBE IS ABLE TO CREATE A CENSUS OF THE ELEMENTS THAT ARE PRESENT.


Denver Ufos Or Flying Insects Still Have The Mile High City Abuzz Ufo News

Denver Ufos Or Flying Insects Still Have The Mile High City Abuzz Ufo News
By Lee Speigel The Huffington Post12-2-12 For some reason, recent UFO reports over Denver still have legs, or antennae, depending on your point of view, belief or personal bias.In early November, FOX TV affiliate, KDVR presented a series of videos, taken by an anonymous source, which purported to show UFOs buzzing around, maneuvering up and down, right and left at dazzling speeds -- all allegedly not visible to the naked eye, only by video after it was slowed down.Theories, including alien ships, military drones and insects have buzzed around the Internet in the past few weeks, and oddly, there still seems to be a mystery surrounding the identification of these objects -- despite the fact that, upon first glance, the videos appear to show flying bugs....Continue Reading... See Also:Denver UFO Stumps Experts; Video Captures Worldwide Attention - Dozens Arrive at Location To Capture Their Own Images UFO NEWS VIDCAST Mile High Mystery: UFO Sightings Recorded in Sky Over Denver UFO NEWS VIDEOUFO NEWS UFO Captured On Video Over Denver SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ufo Sighting Brilliant Footage Over China Russia And Usa

Ufo Sighting Brilliant Footage Over China Russia And Usa











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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why Ufo Buffs Think Barack Obama Is Their Best Hope For The Truth About Et

Why Ufo Buffs Think Barack Obama Is Their Best Hope For The Truth About Et
DISCLOSED ENCOUNTERS: WHY UFO BUFFS THINK BARACK OBAMA IS THEIR BEST HOPE FOR THE TRUTH ABOUT ET"It's a hell of a challenge," says Stephen Bassett as he saws through his chicken Caesar salad at a restaurant in the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. "But the reason we've made progress is because this isn't just any issue." After logging thirteen discouraging years as a lobbyist in Washington, Bassett is finally feeling optimistic. Compared to Barack Obama, Bill Clinton was "utterly unacceptable," and there were "huge problems" with George W. Bush. "They did what was necessary to contain the issue," he says. "They had to do that because it wasn't a secret," he adds, leaning in, elbows on the table."THE ETS ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE. THEY'VE BEEN FLYING AROUND OUR SKIES FOR SIXTY-TWO YEARS. "BASSETT is Washington's only registered UFO lobbyist." He is in his early sixties but looks easily a decade younger: compactly built and straight-jawed, with slate-blue eyes set like marbles below a prominent brow, he still resembles the small-time tennis pro he once was. The director of the Bethesda-based Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee, Bassett works on behalf of what he calls "the exopolitical disclosure movement," a subculture of UFO fanatics and researchers toiling to end what they believe is a government cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence on our planet. Although Bassett arguably represents a larger constituency than most K Street denizens-"A THIRD OF AMERICANS BELIEVE THAT ALIENS HAVE VISITED EARTH, ACCORDING TO A RECENT SCRIPPS HOWARD POLL"-he has scraped by on only an estimated 75,000 in outside contributions since 1996, plus about 200,000 of his own money he says he has poured into the cause. "If the civil rights movement had had to operate under these conditions," he says, "there'd still be separate bathrooms." Bassett's PAC doesn't make campaign contributions, and Bassett rarely meets with "CONGRESSMEN, WHO ARE, HE SAYS, "DEATHLY AFRAID TO SPEAK ABOUT" HIS ISSUE". Instead, he has deluged the Hill with "congressional alerts," issued hundreds of thousands of press releases to news outlets across the country, and given perhaps a thousand speeches worldwide. "At the moment, Stephen is very, very active," says Alfred Webre, a founder of the "political science" of human/ET interactions. In fact, BASSETT'S WEB SITE lists ninety-one radio and conference appearances in 2009 alone. BASSETT THINKS HIS TIRELESS ACTIVISM IS FINALLY PAYING OFF: "HE AND OTHERS IN THE DISCLOSURE MOVEMENT "BELIEVE "THAT OBAMA COULD BE "THE ANSWER TO THEIR PRAYERS"-THE "DISCLOSURE PRESIDENT" THEY'VE BEEN WAITING FOR." If Obama doesn't announce the existence of aliens by early 2010, they say, he certainly will in the next few years. For one thing, there are Obama's ties to his transition team cochairman John Podesta (an X-Files buff who once declared that "it's time to open the books" on the government's UFO investigations) and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (who told MSNBC in 2007 that while he doesn't believe in UFOs, "the federal government has not come clean" on the issue). "IN ADDITION, THE UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, CANADA, ""AND A STREAM OF OTHER NATIONS have declassified ""heaps of UFO documents in recent years"-a trend that disclosure advocates interpret ""as an international call for American transparency. ""There is also the "ROCKEFELLER INITIATIVE." From 1993 to 1996, Laurance Rockefeller, the billionaire grandson of John D. Rockefeller, repeatedly tried to convince Bill Clinton to "DECLASSIFY KEY UFO FILES", and his correspondence with the Clinton White House, Bassett believes, outs several Obama officials, including both Hillary Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta, as players with knowledge of the ET issue. Bassett didn't devote his life to UFO lobbying until he was forty-nine, and he claims to have never had a paranormal experience of any kind. A onetime Georgia Tech physics undergrad who had intended to get a PhD before the tumult of Vietnam led him to march for civil rights and get "pretty good and fried," Bassett spent most of the seventies operating tennis clubs and playing in the sport's equivalent of the minor leagues, and he later got into penny stocks and business consulting. Arriving in middle age with no immediate family and no long-term friends, "BASSETT DECIDED TO DEVOTE HIMSELF TO THE ET CAUSE. (HE HAD BEEN "ALMOST CERTAIN, INTELLECTUALLY, THAT ETS WERE HERE" SINCE THE AGE OF TWENTY.) "In January of 1996 he began volunteering at the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research at the Harvard-affiliated Center for Psychology and Social Change, which was operated by John Mack, a controversial psychiatrist who researched the alien abduction phenomenon. Bassett relocated to Washington that July, telling a friend he would stay two weeks. But two weeks turned into five years; the disclosure issue, he concluded, "was getting ready to pop." Like all good lobbyists, Bassett insists that his interests are perfectly aligned with the country's.DISCLOSURE, he believes, IS THE KEY TO AMERICA'S CONTINUED GLOBAL DOMINANCE: "OBAMA WILL COMMAND INTERNATIONAL RESPECT ""NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF HIS MORAL COURAGE ""BUT ALSO "BECAUSE HE WILL INTRODUCE ""THE COMMON MAN'S PAYOFF"-ET TECHNOLOGY. If you visit someone you don't know very well, Bassett explains, "you show up with a gift. Some wine, maybe some nice cheese. Well, if you're going to show up at a planet, and you're not their species, you had better be carrying a lot of gifts." "OBAMA, he anticipates, WILL ANNOUNCE ""THE EXISTENCE OF "ET PHYSICS, "DEDUCED FROM THE WORKINGS OF ALIEN CRAFT, ""THAT WILL SOLVE THE ENERGY CRISIS ""AND GLOBAL WARMING, ""AND THE ETS THEMSELVES WILL SHOWER US ""WITH ANTIDOTES TO CANCER AND OTHER DISEASES." But the government needs to act soon. "If China breaks the truth embargo tomorrow," says Bassett, "let me tell you something: the United States might as well just pack it up." By "truth embargo," of course, Bassett means "cover-up," but he dislikes the latter term's connotation. This careful framing of the issue represents just a small part of his effort to "normalize" his cause. When he arrived in Washington, Bassett felt that any real political issue needed a lobby. There wasn't a lobbyist for ET disclosure, so he registered. Candidates weren't debating the issue during elections, so in 2002 Bassett got on the ballot in Maryland's 8th Congressional District and amassed about 1 percent of the vote. "The disclosure movement needed an institutional home, so he created an advocacy organization called the Paradigm Research Group." It needed a conference, too, so he founded THE X-CONFERENCE, which in 2009 was attended by about 300 people. As the Bush administration drew to a close, Bassett hoped that the time for disclosure had come at last. The Cold War, during which disclosure could have inflamed American-Soviet relations, was a distant memory. In contrast to Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Barack Obama seemed on good terms with military intelligence officials-always a plus, since they're the ones sitting on the information. "He's also brilliant," Bassett says, "so he could handle the complexities of what disclosure is going to mean." There was also his international popularity-and his skin color. "If you're going to go to the world and say, 'We have been keeping from you the most profound information in history for six decades,' and it so happens that that world is predominantly brown, IT MIGHT HELP A LOT IF THE PRESIDENT WHO WAS TELLING THEM WAS BROWN," Bassett says." "These are significant assets, alright?" Following the election, Bassett mounted a final push, which he plans to continue until disclosure: he calls it the "Million Fax on Washington." Calling on his network of advocates-the initiative's Facebook group has more than 1,000 members-Bassett began bombarding the Obama administration and the White House press corps with letters, faxes, and e-mails. What is notable, he adds, is that no one has admitted to receiving a single one of them-if they did, they would have to respond. "You see, they have no response," says Bassett. "We have them in the corner." Lucky for us, Bassett thinks that "WHEN OBAMA FINALLY INTRODUCES "OUR FRIENDS," THEY WON'T RESEMBLE THE ALIENS IN INDEPENDENCE DAY. "THEY'LL BE REAL POPULAR, REAL FAST," HE SAYS. ""NOBODY'LL HAVE A BAD THING TO SAY ABOUT THEM. "'My mama just got cured by the ET tech! I love those ETs.' " He pauses. "So that means the next three, five, six years are going to be pretty damn interesting."
