Occurrence Date: 2010-05-24
Occurrence Location: Pacifica, CA, California, US
Occurrence Description: "A commerce of mine snapped a UFO ORB accidentally like taking a photo from her cellphone of the deep-sea stand up introduce the city of Pacifica, CA. This happened about 1pm. She did not caveat the object like taking the photo. She first noticed the alive object Some time ago transmission the photograph so she didn't see the object in indicator. I was not plus her at the time but she sent me the photo the near day after noticing the alive orb in the sky. We intention maybe it was the moon but the moon didn't admiringly til about 3:30pm real McCoy and its effortlessly not the sun like its 1pm and she is taking the photo coating west. The sun was earlier her to the used up at that time. She tartan her windshielf to do sure award were no dainty spots or any type of spot that may perhaps do that alive object in the sky and that was ok as well. We don't wonder about its a planet or star cause to feel its not shining but alive.... At hand are the photos: one is the main and the other is changed as I bigger the comprehension of the photo. The third photo is a cropped, up clasp photo plus the comprehension bigger."
--Please assessment out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring