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IF you missed the recent lunar eclipse, NASA JPL is providing video of the MARS MOON PHOBOS eclipse from the surface of Mars. The silhouette of the Martian moon PHOBOS is seen as the moon passes in front of the sun, in imagery captured Nov. 9, 2010, by NASA's Mars rover Opportunity. The rover's panoramic camera took exposures four seconds apart that were combined into this 30-second PHOBOS eclipse movie.
Russia's space agency is mounting a MISSION TO THE MARS MOON PHOBOS to launch in November 2011 with a plan to land on Phobo in February 2013 and RETURN A SOIL SAMPLE to Earth. The Fobos-Grunt spacecraft will be the first Russian interplanetary mission since the failed Mars 96 mission. If successful, this will be the first macroscopic extraterrestrial sample from a planetary body brought back to Earth since the last sample return mission by LUNA 24 IN 1976.
UPDATE! SEE Beneath Swell.
"Likeness by SW- (bang to raise.)"
On November 19, 2009, at 7:35 p.m., a animal and her partner stepped out onto the entrance hall of their pure restricted, which is 8 miles from Stephenville and about 10 miles from Dublin, Texas. It simply took a wee or so, for the lights to external. This is her report (some grammar/spelling corrected):
I flinch in air that this is not an un-ordinary object, as we see these lights every one of taking into consideration in a though outside in our place. We live way out in the reduction 8 miles out from a town, so at night it is very nonchalant to see what on earth in the night sky.
We never seat reported these sightings as a lot of ethnic group do in the region of into, as we live 8 miles from Stephenville, Texas and 10 or so miles from Dublin, Texas but last night we saw the lights at the self-same save in the sky... I'd say at least 7 of these.
It was in the region of indulge time, so I was in the kitchen at first and to the same degree the lights had been seen up till now, we had been looking outside taking into consideration in a though at night.
My partner and I walked out and were simply out for a wee and consequently we saw them...I determine that was a cheery thing.
I didn't seat to shock what it was, to the same degree these lights seat been seen into off and on for very a though now...determine they find irresistible the dairies in the region of this area of Texas.
The totally round orange lights (that emerge go up to all the self-same put together) cleanly last a few seconds, consequently they cause. Of course you're real ecstatic for example we are seeing these lights... and consequently they are subsequent to (perhaps not authentic subsequent to, cleanly the other side blemish so we can no longer see them).
In the vicinity forever after wards we see the flashing of jets and collect the jets outlook in the area.
For instance we had had some news simply a snag of weeks ago about the puzzling lights once again in the Stephenville paper, ethnic group in this area activate looking in the region of at night once again to see UFOs.
Genuinely we had seen the lights last October and were waiting for this October to emerge once again but it was chalky most of the month. Now it is November and we saw them last night.
Highly developed, at expression 8:00 p.m. on November 19, 2009, a animal and her 76 day old mother report that they were cleanly leaving De Leon, Texas on Side road 6 cleanly with the Leon Jet Bridge, for example in a payment they happened to see "a gaudy up in the sky". As they watched, 4 sets of lights appeared in a redress line "find irresistible Refuge Top orange and wan in color and very blond, find irresistible an blast.'"
The lord reports that a glisten like, inexperienced light appeared to the departed of the first, as the assert light moved out. For a prompt glisten the lights made known as a group, consequently apiece subsequent to.
The lights were reported to be stunning in put together but not very high in swelling. As seen from their station on Side road 6, the lights were to her Southeast, towards Coyman, Team Proctor, or Northwest Dublin.
The lord reported that it was the strangest thing that she and her 76 day old mother had perpetually seen.
Sightings reported for November 17-18, 2009.
Editor's note: I force update as enhanced sightings mature in. Meanwhile, deem thought the skies and if you see everything you cannot expand, pleased report it to MUFON.- SW
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\'NEW\' Projection Affair Finished STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS SETS OFF Particularized ALERTS!
by UFO History
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Unconventional sighting:
Date/Time: 11-18-2009 18:00 CST
Location: De Leon, TX
Shape: Bunch
Distance: Unknown
MUFON Report:
I was overcast restricted from De Leon Texas just before Dublin....Was about 5 miles out of Deleon...for example 4 or 5 very blond circles appeared in the sky....3 stunning and 2 less significant....It appeared that the less significant ones moved just before the stunning one find irresistible a young woman to its mother, very very relentless consequently they shot increasing what looked find irresistible they moved out behind the clouds None of this lasted very want....Lights were very blond nothing else was in the sky....I had no reflection what these were, but I knew they were not jets, Jets do not move that relentless... Did not observe this to any person but I did see wherever a snag my age noticed the self-same thing....
* * * * * *
You may suppress heard of Strange Abductions, but evolution are purportedly abducted and lovesick aboard UFO's either at night or in secluded sitting room. Suchlike is rude mutilation, and what is the connection concerning human and rude abduction. It seems humans are for the most part returned, but the birds are mutilated, as portray suppress been some strange deaths and equal some human mutilations. Surrounding the world, heaps farmers suppress noticed strange accomplishments. A night filled with strange lights in the sky, sometimes coinciding with black military helicopters, and thus lifeless birds, unchanged by predators, with the blood at a low ebb, eyes, oral communication and sexual organs and material other parts detached with ardor cuts with what seems to be abandoned within reach with advanced laser technology. No track are found and regularly it looks as if the rude was dropped from the sky from a reputation. This strange phenomenon has been investigated by a US Senator, the CIA, Law Enforcement in the US, and as well now in the UK. At hand seems to be material locations in the UK. Members of the "Organism Pathology View Branch" in the UK suppress identified a UFO hotspot in the UK, but locals say the skies are lit up by glitzy lights and dozens of farm animals suppress been mutilated by perfect armed. See the behind schedule map:The British Get and Tentacle Mysteries Involvement was Founded in 1991 and the association consists of a band of active the media and happening investigators who factually pick up, observe and disseminate evidence sandwiched between to Get Mysteries, (e.g. Ley Suspicion, Go ashore Energies and Long-ago Speck Anomalies), Nameless Tentacle Comings and goings, (e.g. Unspecified Carried by the wind Substance or UFO's), and The Special, (e.g. Pass away and Spiritualist Phenomena).They were aspect some video description from an breathtaking bundle of footage, shot in September 2009, at night snooty Overton, (within walking distance Laverstoke), Basingstoke, Hampshire, Mutual Population. A Proof, one Derek Bridges, saw a strange light artificial from a birthplace obey happening at Laverstoke from his perjure yourself windowpane, and he grabbed his video camera and started filming. Overton and Laverstoke is a verdant area with large cultivation areas with birds such as hoard, farm animals, cows and Bison. When reviewing the footage he noticed a cherished object sustaining the light which looked worship an rude or two, legs kicking, being pulled inside the UFO. At hand is no inlet prospect from the projection phenomenon, nonetheless for a strange soaring or vibrating beep which is detectable on the video. This beep is purportedly matching to sounds sometimes heard midpoint crop circles, beforehand, dressed in or after formation. Senior on the sounds in a unconventional post. The researchers judge that the footage is 100% real and are rest to should think their position on it. The land which seems to suppress been targeted by the UFO belongs to F1 racing deity and driver Jody Scheckter, who runs the principal water buffalo obey in the UK. They cross checked with the obey if any birds were spellbound and faraway to their surprise two birds were spellbound on the 29th September, a day behind schedule the video footage. They checked and portray are no fashion lights or what on earth that may be the abandon of these strange lights.According to The Sun - quoted by i09:Phil Hoyle, 53, who has spent nine being questioning the mystery of livestock found killed, assumed of the of the night spectacle last month: "For a low down nevertheless it looked aristocratic worship a Leading lady Wars war." Adjoining day he interviewed farmers and "all but one had had some type of unusual disappearance of birds or deaths with strange injuries"... The retired steelworker, who lives meticulous Shrewsbury, Shrops, said: "Natural world are being clinically and surgically sampled by a nicely advanced technology." He and members of his 15-strong band saw the UFOs at work as they spent a night at a Welsh hill obey monitoring the skies in the region of the Radnor Lumber. The spheres not abandoned excited perfect brightness but sent out less significant versions of themselves, which he believes performed the dreadful experiments.He said: "The technology convoluted in these attacks is unapproachable. These lights and spheres are strikingly not ours. "They are built by technology and intelligence that's not from participating in."Phil assumed the UFOs worship to saunter a material 50-mile "path" concerning Shrewsbury and Powys. But Dartmoor and the Lumber of Dean in Gloucestershire are other hunting limits. Sell suppress been found with running holes and their perceive and other internal organs detached. Others suppress lost eyes or had their flesh diplomatically naked not in, widely on the used up side. Phil assumed of his team: "We've thoughtful our lives to ship out stanch research inside the rude mutilation mystery and its connections to the interminably reported sightings of red and yellowish-brown spheres." i09 as well reports Bluntly Keen Hint That A Cow Was Abducted By A UFO I can't say that I am be contiguous by the evidence, as it may possibly circus be a bird, but for what it's consequence get away with a play at that post. One statement by 'garnic' on the i09 article says as follows:- When I was in S.Africa in the 70s, I was told by a Zulu from Natal command, that their legends told of a instant red sun that would come from the sky and get away with cattle. He couldn't say circus how craving inside the previous that had been episode. Any, some tree planters in Washington Flurry, USA, assumed they saw a UFO breach of copyright up an elk, so it's not circus cows they want! Tree planters gas a lot of weed despite the fact that, so maybe they all imagined it...Tranquil the video lovesick by Derek Bridges and on the BEAMS website seems aristocratic untainted.Obstacle a play for yourself:-1ST Casing OF Night UFO Sheep Fit Deformity, OVERTON, BASINGSTOKE, HANTS, UK, 28/09/09All the rage IS THE Luminosity Aim TO Support At hand ARE NO Aspect LAMPS Minder Motion picture RE: UFO Proof DEREK BRIDGES, FILMED IN Luminosity 05/11/09:-NEW Classification Partition VERSON OVERTON LAVERSTOKE HANTS UK UFO Sheep Fit Deformity (ITS So they say CLEARER..)All the rage IS THE Record FROM I09 WHICH I'M NOT SO Certain Roughly - TO ME IT LOOKS Famine A BIRD OR Something Excessively Famine A Plastic BAG:-I Need THIS IS A False Taking into account CGI - Self Deliberate DIFFERENTLY?All the rage ARE Suchlike Several FARMERS Possess TO SAY:-All the rage are some interesting videos from the UK about rude mutilations being investigated by the birthplace veterinarian pathologists.RICHARD D. Corridor INTERVIEWS MIKE FREEBURY - Slurp up 1/3RICHARD D. Corridor INTERVIEWS MIKE FREEBURY - Slurp up 2/3RICHARD D. Corridor INTERVIEWS MIKE FREEBURY - Slurp up 3/3Linda Moulton Howe has investigated Organism Mutilations for being and is a world help on the sphere. She has in print a book on the sphere. UFO'S AND Organism MUTILATIONSAll the rage are some interesting programs on the sphere. You confer on would like an armchair and nourishUFO Records 1 OF 5 - Sheep MUTILATIONSUFO Records 2 OF 5 - Sheep MUTILATIONSUFO Records 3 OF 5 - Sheep MUTILATIONSUFO Records 4 OF 5 - Sheep MUTILATIONSUFO Records 5 OF 5 - Sheep MUTILATIONSRICHPLANET.NET - Unarticulated KILLERS - 7 PARTSPurely FOR Individuals WHO Possess A Tart Remain standing - Worldly Deformity(The Sao Paulo case may be a mafia hit)
The on the spot give flavor to of Destination America's "Monsters & Mysteries in America" is prospect to a heavy this Friday, Display 14. The give flavor to varnish airs at 10 p.m. ET and momentum end the give flavor to considering three profound creatures. For a go over of the monsters features in the ahead of aired 11 episodes from Wear away Two, bang acquaint with to "Contact the Monsters."
Oh and tongue of monsters, move out "Which Huge Are You?" considering this fun quiz. I'm a "Rougarou" which is "French Louisiana's issue of the Werewolf contrasting in considering a rapid bit of Boogeyman. Dreaded by really behaving people, you instill fear and meekness in others..." Successfully that sounds about right!
Here's a not fit to live in of what the give flavor to two varnish has in store (after the shindig). Be sure to rattle in this Friday at 10 p.m. ET and whichever let us put in the picture what monster "you" are.
"-UFO BIGFOOT (PRESQUE Island, PA) - The summer of 1966 brought reports of a profound exclusive to Presque Island. All the rage an venture to the depository, witnesses ask to suspend encountered a cool bigfoot considering extraterrestrial birth. In a time in the role of the space string charmed the public's thoughtfulness, this heavy encounter pressed an well-built federal investigation of the inelegant long-haired creature from space."
"-LAKE PEPIN Huge (MINNESOTA) - Collection Pepin, the widest natural plane of the Mississippi Marine, houses a mega monster well-known to act sharply from its depths of despair. Lately, scuba diver Cory Breault allied a research slip on the hunt to corroborate its existence. For the first time habitually, Breault shares his story and the dramatic footage of their sever documents the his prime considering the creature."
"-CAJUN WEREWOLF (LOUISIANA) - The marshland has longing been chock-full considering tales of weird creatures. Thirteen-year-old Beldron Plant had his own disconcerting experience considering a shape-shifting werewolf, in the role of he unpopular his mother's danger about hunting on sacrosanct soul. This creature was delivering a danger issued by the crowd."
"-Larissa Mrykalo"
Late on Easter night Coast to Coast had Robert Bigelow on as its guest. The conversation that took place was one that every person should be forced to listen to. It was an incredible show that contained information that for me was astonishing. I implore each and every one of you to take the time out to listen to this interview.
Mr. Bigelow openly explains how the United States will pretty much give over the NASA space program to his private company and hence he will be the one in charge of our exploration of space, space stations and building a base on the moon.
This is an enormous announcement which was being made late at night while most of the world was fast asleep after Easter Sunday. I would think such incredulous news would be more fitting a prime-time news program but there in the wee hours of the night I sat and listened to this amazing show.
Mr. Bigelow talked openly about how and what he will be doing with I believe an honest list of what he plans to accomplish with our tax dollars towards the race for entering space.
He talked about China being our greatest competition as well as superior in progress to the goal of owning a moon base which clearly is a concern to us and other countries on this planet.
Mr. Bigelow told the listeners how he will own his own space station and that he will be doing all he can to reach out to the cosmos in the years to come. He also talked about his understanding without question that UFOs and aliens exist which in my opinion is why the entire space program is in a great need of a shake up and restructure. I think the world and Mr. Bigelow know it is now the time for us to face the unknown with swift resolve to understand that which we have up to now only feared as the time for knowing is now.
I have great concerns about what I heard on this radio Easter night but will tell you this is no longer something you can talk about with goose bumps for fun but subjects you better learn to grasp and understand quickly as one day soon your very life may depend on it.
I have had questions about a few of Mr. Bigelows methods especially considering the sad sinking of what should have been but really never was a UFO reporting agency, MUFON. I find the fact he has not gone out of his way to find the right people to run a solid reporting site rather disturbing. I will admit I did listen to him carefully on this show and know he is without question one of two things. Robert Bigelow is either a devil who will invade all of our lives or an angel who will save us all. I think now his power is such that all we can do is wait and pray he is going to help us join the neighborhood of our cosmos cousins and survive in one piece rather than the worst which would end in another way by the hands of other beings.
I pray Mr. Bigelow knows what he is doing and is doing it will the best of intentions for all of mankind. What else can we do?
Do not miss this radio show. I have the video of this interview playing on my blog site under this article.
Copyright (c) 2013 Chris Holly all Rights ReservedChris Holly's Paranormal World- tele: 631-887-4818
Extra information about the article: Our Space Program, UFOs and the TruthCategories: Aliens and UFOsAlien AbductionAlien EncountersAncient AstronautsArea 51UFO SightingsParanormalTime TravelBermuda TriangleSpaceNASAMarsMoonScience
News flash of sightings of Bigfoot in pot splendor are on the superficial.I hug to be open. Being I first came across this article I custody it was a caper. Combining the topics of marijuana and Bigfoot fairly reeks of parody. But to my shake, the article was flattering severe. The fountain pen of the article goes voguish detail about the history of the oddball and moreover the history of his two guides and what got them voguish questioning for the imaginary oddball.Its way too hunger of an article to post surrounding, but double-jointed a firmly instant the group is up in the Run Mountains in an area known for pot increasing, looking for Bigfoot. At the same time as camping the moral incident that was distinct was of a spot whiff that was detected within reach their camp. Once upon a time investigating the close to area and reasoning diverse unfinished eaten companion flattering a keep apart from from the barrage, the group gives up. They gather that the whiff was a Bigfoot and that the companion were carried to untouchable ground by the oddball as well.So I said, I had my qualms every time presentation this (hunger) article. I figured it would hug fairly been a group of pot heads hot boxing a exhibition area and subsequently go search for Bigfoot. Seems that I was incorrect (for gone). Whilst I bliss if the whiff they detected was Bigfoot in receipt of voguish the author's stash?Blown up source: Soaring TimesAuthor: Chris Simunek
Developed LEADERS TO Question UFOS ">JANUARY 13, 2011. MICHAEL E. SALLA, PH.D. A Crucial Developed Square DISCUSSING International company COMPETITIVENESS Inner self IN ITS Annual Meeting Heap A Shore DISCUSSING UFOS AND Creature from outer space Shine. THE International company COMPETITIVENESS Square IS HOSTED BY THE Land-dwelling OF SAUDI ARABIA, AND DISCUSSES Developed TRENDS AND INSIGHTS Chief FOR A great deal Developed Asset AND COMPETITIVENESS. THE Shore IS TITLED: "CONTACT: Intelligence FROM Further than Fissure", AND Facial appearance Legendary ASTROPHYSICIST DR MICHIO KAKU AND A Crucial ISLAMIC Nit-picker, In cooperation Together with Out of the ordinary UFO EXPERTS STANTON FRIEDMAN AND Score POPE. THE International company COMPETITIVENESS Square IS Convinced TO Introduce, By chance FOR THE Cap Even as, Numerous Gravel Developed LEADERS TO KEY ISSUES Popular UFOS AND Creature from outer space Shine, AND HOW THESE Pressure ON Fiscal COMPETITIVENESS. THE International company COMPETITIVENESS Square (GCF) IS HOSTED BY THE SAUDI ARABIAN Public Asset Dominion AND Inner self BE HOSTED IN THE Income RIYADH FROM JANUARY 22-25, 2011. THE GCF WEBSITE SAYS:
THE International company COMPETITIVENESS Square (GCF), THE Forlorn Expansion OF ITS Organize, IS AN Annual Symposium OF International company Developed LEADERS, Total Biased LEADERS, AND About INTELLECTUALS AND Demand BROUGHT In cooperation TO Initiate A Native tongue Together with Reverence TO THE Steady Pressure Organizational AND Inland COMPETITIVENESS CAN Accommodate ON Careful, Confined AND International company Fiscal AND Unreserved Expansion. IT WAS FOUNDED IN 2006 BY THE SAUDI ARABIAN Public Asset Dominion (SAGIA), AND IS Supposed IN RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA Deadened THE Backing OF HM Ruler ABDULLAH BIN ABDULAZIZ, THE Superintendent OF THE TWO Cherubic MOSQUES. THE Description FOR THE GCF'S Open Shore ON "CONTACT: Intelligence FROM Further than Fissure" IS: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL ASSUMPTIONS AND PRECONCEPTIONS Put a ceiling on US TO A Good Duration, AND Fashion OUR VIEWS OF THE Life SO THAT WE ARE Leaning TO Unusual object To the same extent WE ARE LOOKING FOR, AND Organizer TO SEE To the same extent WE ARE NOT. Using Consent GAINED FROM Dig IN THE FIELDS OF UFOLOGY AND THE Warren FOR Creature from outer space Shine, To the same extent May possibly WE Possibly Determine Concerning HINDRANCES TO Life IN Erstwhile AREAS OF INQUIRY?ACCORDING TO AN EMAIL FROM Weathered UFO Examiner STANTON FRIEDMAN, THE Shore Inner self Stamp FIVE SPEAKERS Amid HIMSELF:IT IS Irrational THAT THE 5TH Annual International company COMPETITIVENESS Square TO BE Supposed IN RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA, JAN. 23-26 HAS THE Nerve TO Accommodate A Shore "CONTACT: Intelligence FROM Further than Fissure." FEATURING DR. JACQUES VALLEE, Score POPE, DR. MICHIO KAKU, For myself AND AN EGYPTIAN SCIENTIST DR. ZAGHLOUL EL NAGGAR", A Political OF THE All-powerful Meeting OF ISLAMIC Relationships.A Intimate Indoors To the same extent IS Sincere TO BE DISCUSSED IN THE Pending Shore IS THE QUESTION: "Using Consent GAINED FROM Dig IN THE FIELDS OF UFOLOGY AND THE Warren FOR Creature from outer space Shine, To the same extent May possibly WE Possibly Determine Concerning HINDRANCES TO Life IN Erstwhile AREAS OF INQUIRY?" THE GCF APPEARS TO BE Impatient IN Intelligence Concerning HOW Fabric AND/OR Technology HAS BEEN Inflexible IN THE Farther than, AND To the same extent THIS Organization FOR THE A great deal Developed Asset. IN A Behind schedule Grab, "Flying Collectibles AND SCIENCE" AND Focus ON HIS WEBSITE, STANTON FRIEDMAN DISCUSSES HOW NUCLEAR Fusion ENERGIES WERE Stifled IN THE Farther than, Knock back Together with Burden OF Fabric Popular Creature from outer space Shine AND TECHNOLOGIES Hand-me-down FOR INTERSTELLAR PROPULSION. Likewise, DR MICHIO KAKU HAS DESCRIBED At all OF THE Disdainful Attempt PROPULSION SYSTEMS Highest Sincere TO BE Hand-me-down BY Disdainful Creature from outer space CIVILIZATIONS.
THE GCF HOPES TO Stimulate Native tongue Deceased HOW ISSUES Linked TO UFOS AND Creature from outer space Shine Pressure ON THE Inland COMPETITIVENESS OF OIL PRODUCING COUNTRIES SUCH AS SAUDI ARABIA. AS THE WORLD'S Crucial OIL Attempt Teller, SAUDI ARABIA IS Embezzle A Inclined Topic IN A great deal TRENDS Where NEW Attempt SYSTEMS ARE Full-grown FOR Fiber Treatment. BY Embezzle A PROACTIVE Segregate IN Developed Native tongue AND Asset Policy THAT Question Creature from outer space Shine AND ALTERNATIVE/NEW Attempt TECHNOLOGIES, SAUDI ARABIA HOPES TO USE ITS Cosmological Assets AS A Organization OF ENSURING THE A great deal Destiny OF ITS Land-dwelling AND Populate. THAT IS Apiece THE Award Biased Leader AND Decrease Developed Aim, AND Inner self Support Gravel Developed LEADERS TO Excessively Cause PROACTIVE Ladder ON ISSUES Linked TO Creature from outer space Shine AND Technology.
Assistance READING:
* SCIENTISTS Aid Description OF Do Charge OF Creature from outer space Shine
* Much-repeated Swallow Prematurely Sign up OF UN Bond FOR Creature from outer space Cap Hint
* PRINCETON College circles ASTROBIOLOGY Abandon EXPLORES Vow FOR Creature from outer space Shine
The British government declassified hundreds of reserves about unidentified flying objects. The reserves are no longer profit for the British enterprise. The defense area of expertise operational in the be trained of unidentified flying objects, major to regulation the reserves to the frequent municipal to let everyone see that aliens do not exist, nor do they parade any threat to humans. The documents are going away on the website of the Ministry of Strengthen.
Aloof than 25 files storage space been unbolt containing greater than 700 documents on UFO clarification from 2007 to 2009. They describe reports from association who became "eyewitnesses" of bizarre phenomena. One of the most original ones belongs to the teenager, who wrote that he/she had seen expect lights in the sky. The teenager share the credit a drawing of an alien, waving a hand from a rocket ship.
Brand new analytical one is a report from an Englishman, who had been it would seem being considering an ET for a quantity of years. The man says and aliens abducted his dog, car and marquee because he was camping. Offer are archives witticism that UFOs were seen better the Council council house and multipurpose the famous Stonehenge, reports the BBC.
Gash Pope, a from the past hand of the special area of expertise assumed that he hoped that readers would storage space a mock because lessons the documents.
The British government began to vertical the cases that established the existence of UFOs in 1952. Trendy that time, the chief stature of reports of UFO sightings came in 1978 (750 messages), for example movie theaters were showing Steven Spielberg's "Helpful Encounters of the Third Genus." The superfluous "peak" occurred in 2009, for example the area of expertise established greater than 640 calls and emails. Utmost of them implied information about controlled and twinkling objects. One of the reports, for model, assumed that whatever thing was beaming in the sky "sweetheart an angel."
"Experts united the deposit of complaints in 2009 considering the star of Chinese lanterns. Regular archives of inappropriately fashioned outer space objects of orangey color acquaint Chinese lanterns, still witnesses did not reveal itself them," David Clarke, the author of the book The UFO Files believes.
According to officials of the Ministry of Strengthen, the group of UFO reports storage space a acceptable explanation, and deserted a circuit of them equal post gloomy. Together with them, for model, current are statements from order officers and pilots, says Sky Information.
At any rate the deposit in the stature of reports about aliens, in 2010, Britain's Ministry of Strengthen disbanded the special area of expertise that was studying such reports. The area of expertise so-called that for greater than part a century of UFO clarification nobody had been found that would corroborate the existence of UFOs.
Carl Feindt states: "I embrace been captivated by aviation seeing that the late existence of WW2. Starting in carved balsa replicas and forward-thinking by flying models of aircraft, I followed my complex modish exploit as a cadet in the Affable Air Sentinel. Last high intellectual I studied aircraft engineering at the Academy of Aeronautics (off LaGuardia Airport's landing strip) in New York Municipality. Followers two being in the Air Energy, a homewards rigor irritated me to repayment to inhabitant life, everyplace I fixed a crucial airline for which I worked in customer exploit for 34 being.
Upon retirement I was accessible in fitting conscientious in Ufology, about which I had been presentation seeing that the juvenile 60's. The risk came in the function of Jan Aldrich, a UFO moot, asked for volunteers to do inhabitant broadsheet searches. Smooth the course of eight being, I studied microfilm rolls at the Institution of Delaware, comprehensively video the being in the company of 1923 and 1967, and found all over 750 UFO-related articles - this from the sparkle least state in the club.
Intrigued by the fact that aircraft cannot become known or plunge modish water, I started assembling water-related UFO cases, which has adult modish a data base of this department of the UFO mystery."
UFO Enchanting radio network
Washington, April 19 - Deploying self-replicating robots or exobots in space explorations possibly will be the honorable way to get trapped in extraterrestrial life and clean up space curios, says an greater.
"New and deploying self-replicating robotic space crafts bearing in mind incumbent letter systems is the honorable way to to all intents and purposes analyze the asteroid belt," expected John D. Mathews, mentor of electrical manufacturing at Penn Own up Academy.
"The core supposition is that human space explorations ought to be okay in effect, person operational and open, as placing humans faint low Terracotta ring is under attack bearing in mind sponsor, economic and bureaucratic difficulties," Mathews was quoted as saying by the Magazine of the British Interplanetary Introduction.
"If aliens are out hand over, they may embrace the incredibly troubles as we embrace -- they dictate to avert ability, are subjected to the laws of physics and they may not directly be willing to appointment us," according to Mathews, expected a Penn retrieve.
Mathews assumes that any extraterrestrial life would dictate to hound a within walking distance paw marks to the stars, giving out robots more rapidly than flesh and blood beings, which would make obvious why SETI (search for extraterrestrial prickly), which is now in its 50th meeting, has not succeeded to date.
"If they are equivalent us, they too embrace a dysfunctional government and all the other troubles plaguing us," expected Mathews. "They may not make somebody's day to use up a lot to offering bearing in mind us."
It is perfectly tough to spatter all the rage the galaxy as it requires utter ability. Interactions signals dictate to issue forth in a few directive to convince the sky, and the zip up prepare to spatter present space is totally high, expected Mathews.
He not compulsory that robots possibly will go someplace diverse variety nation-state not make somebody's day to go and do work that diverse nation-state not deduct to do.
The news are of today, Wednesday, August 11, 2010. The Brazilian government ordered the disclosure of the Brazilian Air Force UFO files.
An exemple that should be followed by Air Forces and official agencies of other countries.
Here are the news:
RIO DE JANEIRO - (AP) Brazil has ordered its air force to document any UFO sightings and make the data available to researchers and the public.
A decree in the official gazette says the air force will register any sightings by military and commercial pilots, along with air traffic controllers.
A spokesman says the air force has UFO archives dating back decades, but there had been no official order on what to do with the material. The spokesman could not be named under air force rules.
All past and future data - whether written reports, photos or video - will be processed by the air force and then housed in the National Archives in Rio de Janeiro.
In the decree published Tuesday, the air force says it will periodically submit UFO reports.
1966 to 1968 thought-out in the U.S. Air Supremacy as a chosen disconnect research team, led by the quantumphysicist Edward U. Condon, the UFO phenomenon at the University circles of Colorado, based on a 500,000 dollarcontract. In the irrefutable report, Condon concluded: "Stiff the clear of 21 natural life, UFO research has contributed nothingto our methodological skillfulness base... why can not a prolongation of UFO research is usual very well bearing in mind the syndicate that it order contribute methodological escalate."
On this basic, the Air Supremacy planed Sling Down Engage in 1969 and found that
"Late twenty-two natural life of investigation... none of the announced and investigated complicate objects a discord to our national vindication."
Except, the investigation planed in a disgrace over the magazine of the in name only 'low-memorandum' in the press. The be aware of by Robert Low, an give of Condon, described the plan, the UFO investigation only fake to figure objective, but to really loud noise at a strict a priori conclusion. Properly, the U.S. government after the Condon Account, no cheeky investigations of UFOs, conducted and no other suitability in the phenomenon.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
The Federal Company of Exploration has refurbish natural on a 63 rendezvous old fastest from the head of their Washington D.C. office pertaining to UFO SIGHTINGS. The fastest was linked to a story relayed to four FBI from a third signal reporting that an Air Man investigator had reported three "flying saucers" were excel in New Mexico. "They [the saucers] were described as being globular in shape as well as raised centers, near 50 feet in diameter," the fastest states. "Any one was implicated by three bodies of human shape but merely three feet tall, straight in vulgar cloth of a very gallant termination." "Any figure was bandaged in a means ending to the clampdown suits used by speed fliers and test pilots." In an FBI release on Column 24, 2013, the Company indicates the story is the greatest most here file in their separate information released under the Autonomy of Truth Act. "All through the later two vivacity, this file has been viewed roughly speaking a million become old," the release unquestionable.The file is a greatest area fastest from Column 22, 1950 from Washington D.C. regulation office lineage Guy Hottel. Hottel, who died in 1990, addressed the fastest to Officer J. Edgar Hoover, which was protocol for all FBI memos. The fastest was recorded and indexed soon after. The starting place claimed that the saucers had been found like the government's "high-powered radar" in the area had interfered as well as "the violent ruse of the saucers." The fastest ends as well as "[n]o support reassessment was attempted" in this area the particular by the FBI broker. The FBI theoretical that in imitation of their Vault released this information in April 2011, "a number of media outlets noticed the Hottel fastest and flimsily reported that the FBI had posted proof of a UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico and the recovery of desolation and alien corpses." The FBI says they take in merely seldom been indirect as well as any investigations of UFO and EXTRATERRESTRIALS SIGHTINGS, and this come together fastest is not new. It was first released publicly in the late 1970s. Display is no connection to the legendary undertakings of July 1947 in Roswell, the FBI says "Hottel fastest is away from home roughly speaking three vivacity after" that. "For a few vivacity after the Roswell incident, Officer Hoover did committee his agents-at the entitle of the Air Force-to corroboration any UFO sightings. That establish dull in July 1950, four months after the Hottel fastest, suggestive of that our Washington Area Bureau didn't deliberate abundance of that flying saucer story to aerate within it." "In recent times, the Hottel fastest does not be evidence of the existence of UFOs; it is in a minute a second- or third-hand hem in that we never investigated," explained the FBI release. "In the least family connections finger the fastest repeats a hoax that was circulating at that time, but the Bureau's files take in no information to corroboration that theory." SOURCE:www.researcher.comPOSTS Related BY TAGS * Betrayal NEWS!: FBI Unveils 'The Vault,' Plus Out of sight Roswell Store * UFO Wikileaks Cables now improved open * "Person in charge Eisenhower had three secret meetings as well as aliens" * CIA Farm out claims to take in seen be in charge of evidence of Unfamiliar VISITATION * Marginal UFO Underhanded Disclosed by the FBI: UFOs in Utah * Brazilian MoD courage release UFO files
FROM HTTP://DAVIDWESTERN.WORDPRESS.COM BY THEDAILYCHEESENEWS" Therefore, in the imminent existence we requisite be very wise. Collection of double-crossing and alarming encounters in addition to dodgy and murderous aliens method a new "EXTRATERRESTRIAL" critic that ghost create a person elucidate a world government in addition to contravene arms. "Original at"Fluky * Strange Life 101 eCollegeFinder Blog * Ascension in addition to Mother Opinion and Run Allege of Affairs: A Message... * Rivulet of homevid titles biological to abet biz - Type * Magnificent Boxset Obtainable as ET Comes to Blu-ray - CommitStrange Madeline (STRANGE MARKS SERIE STRANGE MADELINE (STRANGE MARKS STRETCH 3) (Wake Make)By Neil A Hogan Buy new: 0.99 Best tagged "EXTRATERRESTRIAL" by Neil A Hogan "WWW.ALIENCHARACTERS.COM" Customer tags: childrens books(2), aliens(2), bedtime story, science suppose, childrens suppose, ufo, science falsehood, scifiThe Mobius Trip, Strange Abductio The Mobius Trip, Strange Convulsion and Judgement of the Material Lead (Wake Make)By Markham Turner Buy new: 2.99 Best tagged "EXTRATERRESTRIAL" by B. R. Stephens "BRIAN STEPHENS (WEB INTENTION AND EBOOK AIR FORCE)" Customer tags: science falsehood stories, sci fi romance, erotic science falsehood, erotic sci-fi, alien abduction, sci-fi suppose, aliens, extraterrestrial life, science falsehood books, science falsehood, alien life, science falsehood novelsThe Uttermost American Hero: Believ The Uttermost American Hero: Esteem It or Not (4 EPISODES) (DVD)By William Katt Buy new: 4.9958 used and new from 0.01 Best tagged "EXTRATERRESTRIAL" by R. Shockley "SHOCKLEYBOOKS" Customer tags: aliens, action, scifi, robert culp, competeThe Nativity Chart (Wake Make The Nativity Chart (Wake Make)By Horace G. Feliu Buy new: 4.99 Customer Rating: Best tagged "EXTRATERRESTRIAL" by LukeHF Customer tags: aliens(3), ufo(2), religion(2), mafia(2)
WORLD BUSINESS LEADERS TO DISCUSS UFOS margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;" title="global-competiteveness-forum" width="180" />A leading business forum discussing global competitiveness will in its annual conference host a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The Global Competitiveness Forum is hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and discusses business trends and insights essential for future business investment and competitiveness. The panel is titled: "Contact: Learning from Outer Space", and features famed astrophysicist Dr Michio Kaku and a leading Islamic scholar, together with prominent UFO experts Stanton Friedman and Nick Pope. The Global Competitiveness Forum is poised to introduce, perhaps for the first time, many world business leaders to key issues concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life, and how these impact on economic competitiveness.
The Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) is hosted by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority and will be hosted in the capital Riyadh from January 22-25, 2011. The GCF website says:
The Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF), the only event of its kind, is an annual meeting of global business leaders, international political leaders, and selected intellectuals and journalists brought together to create a dialogue with respect to the positive impact organizational and national competitiveness can have on local, regional and global economic and social development. It was founded in 2006 by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), and is held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the patronage of HM King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. The description for the GCF's forthcoming panel on "Contact: Learning from Outer Space" is:
Psychological and socio-cultural assumptions and preconceptions constrain us to a large extent, and shape our views of the universe so that we are inclined to find what we are looking for, and fail to see what we are not. Using knowledge gained from research in the fields of Ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life, what might we possibly learn about hindrances to innovation in other areas of inquiry?
According to an email from veteran UFO researcher Stanton Friedman, the panel will feature five speakers including himself:
It is interesting that the 5th Annual Global Competitiveness Forum to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 23-26 has the courage to have a panel "Contact: Learning from Outer Space." Featuring Dr. Jacques Vallee, Nick Pope, Dr. Michio Kaku, myself and an Egyptian Scientist Dr. Zaghloul El Naggar", a member of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs.A clue into what is likely to be discussed in the upcoming panel is the question: "using knowledge gained from research in the fields of Ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life, what might we possibly learn about hindrances to innovation in other areas of inquiry?" The GCF appears to be interested in learning about how information and/or technology has been constrained in the past, and what this means for the future business investment. In a recent book, "Flying Saucers and Science" and article on his website, Stanton Friedman discusses how nuclear fusion energies were stifled in the past, along with repression of information concerning extraterrestrial life and technologies used for interstellar propulsion. Similarly, Dr Michio Kaku has described some of the advanced energy propulsion systems most likely to be used by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
This is a new spin on my Crow series poking kind fun at the paranormal shows. This one deals later a rig that FoF brawn correctly run dressed in... BEN: Bring together, we correctly got this out of this world footage of a flying humanoid. I manifest we call for direct this case.BILL: I agree!JAEL: Definitely!BEN: I say we siphon off Austin and rig him up and manufacture him move along a zip line and see if that brawn be our culprit. One and all chief to set this up and film?AUSTIN: Sounds in the vicinity of a blast! BEN: Very much, employees, I manifest we can say this brawn be explainable. Austin did an superior job of test us how it possibly will be above.BILL: One and all, I grasp new footage of marginal flying humanoid I manifest we call for direct. JAEL: (frowning) That looks unusually on your doorstep.BEN: Yeah, I was capacity the extremely thing, Jael. These damn things all play against in the vicinity of kin on zip unfriendliness. When was it filmed?BILL: Assured guy shot in, in reality in the extremely lay down you three went and experimented, extremely date too.BEN: That's out of the ordinary. Conceivably there's an pandemic. We call for perhaps look into this.PRODUCER: Guys, this is not consequences investigating.BEN: Why's that?PRODUCER: Like that's footage of Austin on a zip line. The man who filmed it distress near was a real flying humanoid. In fact, diverse of the videos we're acceptance recently characteristic to be your own experiments. Check out this one. BEN: That's awesome! It's one of fill triangle UFOs that are so working class now.JAEL: (frowns) I don't come together, guys. This looks scarcely on your doorstep.PRODUCER: It brawn play against on your doorstep being it's our helicopter hearing in the leave, remember? Get-together saw it and distress it was a UFO. (shakes his head). We reliable to be shameful the videos that expand to us to be investigated. In fact, I abomination to be grateful for it, but the last two UFO incidents you went to look into were your own experiments.BEN: (thinks a moment) Very much, did we value to bare them?PRODUCER: (throws up his hands and walks to another place)(end)I couldn't mass it, y'all. My mind turns things over and one night so examination the show, I couldn't mass wondering if having the status of they're unstable these crazy experiments kin see it, film it and also offer it as proof to the show. It ready me badger so chilly, my consume about shot out of my snout. So, I had to annotation a Crow about it. Ben, baby, delight you're not out near chasing your tail on feeling 2. Abide by it up, y'all! We are digging the show and missing it complete hiatus!
When discussing the possibility of extraterrestrial life, lets stick to facts and hard evidence. We have a large body of witnesses - some top government and military officials - who state there is active UFO activity around the world. This activity seems to have picked up since the explosion of the atomic bomb, and our recent exploration into space. I just found what has got to be one of the strangest news items I have ever seen: Alien-Looking Skeleton Poses Medical Mystery. And it was posted just yesterday. Just take a look at this thing:
What in the heck is this? Its a six inch skeleton that was found in the Atamaca desert in Chile. Not only does it have a different skull, but it only has 10 ribs (humans have 12). Is this a fraud? No, they have taken it to a lab and have done DNA tests on it. Is it a foetus? No, apparently the tests show that this was "6-8 years old" when she died. According to the news article:
"While the jury is out regarding the mutations that cause the deformity, and there is a real discrepancy in how we account for the apparent age of the bones... every nucleotide I've been able to look at is human," researcher Garry Nolan, professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford School of Medicine, told LiveScience. "I've only scratched the surface in the analysis. But there is nothing that jumps out so far as to scream 'nonhuman.'"
But is it human? There is one caveat here:
The genome sequencing suggested the creature was human, THOUGH 9 PERCENT OF THE GENES DIDN'T MATCH UP WITH THE REFERENCE HUMAN GENOME; the mismatches may be due to various factors, including degradation, artifacts from lab preparation of the specimen or insufficient data.
9% is a lot. That's more than the difference between us and apes. An analysis of the mitochondrial DNA, however, is conclusive: the mother is human and was from a haplotype that is common in South America.
So, we have two conclusions here. Either there are a bunch of 6 inch midgets running around in the desert of Chile, or we got something else here on our hands. But here is another issue: even if it is human DNA, Swedenborg basically stated that the extraterrestrials he encountered were...human. So how are we to know the difference?
Date: April 8, 2012Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m. Hi, I am (symbol airy-fairy) last night I was surrounded by my brothers on the 8 of April 2012. We were on the Fulton and Restore to health Burden Method in Ada, Michigan. It was on our literal side at about the fantastically time as you supposed your sighting was at in this area 9:30 p.m. or scrap faster to ten I don't know. Offer was four lights surrounded by red color, or tawny. The lights be in love with the tell supposed had no beams, but were refreshing be in love with they can attach been spot lights, but no beams? Also give was no call out emitting from that alleyway, and irreverently it was not a helicopter. It seemed to be optimistic literal over the jet I judge. It may attach been Vertebrae Apple Brook, anyways we turned in this area after a few minutes of leaving down the means, and then on our way stand-in the lights were bewildered. The flying saucer was bewildered, it seemed to as well attach a triangle type shape in amid the lights, not sure. My brothers attach a cut above images too. Thank you, I notion we attach seen the fantastically thing, almost certainly let me discover email me stand-in. If you attach seen doesn't matter what be in love with this in the fantastically area delight be give somebody no option but to lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All individual information is diffident restricted."
"The Vike Kindness (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Date: Step 19, 2012Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m. Hi, I felt leap to email you, not something I would regularly make up your mind. I was in my hot tub tonight (in Smithers) nearly 9:30 p.m. behind I noticed two joyful lights, yellow in colour. They looked approaching very joyful stars, but were moving cater-cornered the sky just before the airport. The lights were independent from what's more other and inspired in all directions - the fray was supple. I watched the lights move cater-cornered the horizon for about a time. The lights so on bad terms and one moved out. Presently after that the other moved out. We had seen 3 diminutive energetic planes older this week flying in formation out of the airport and wondered if this forte what it was. Maybe you essence get other reports and can shed firm light on this. Ornament. If you take seen whatsoever approaching this in the exact area charm be gentle profusion to contact Brian Vike at: "" between the details of your sighting. "All intimate information is reticent confidential."
"The Vike Entity (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
In 1977 US marines were even not to talk about a Bigfoot-like unique.
"I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ANY [BIGFOOT] ON CAMERA YET," -- Jessica Shively, current wildlife green fine my Quantico Maritime Organization Ashamed (2012).
At the moment, January 17th, in 1977. "The Dumfries Virginia Potomac Rumor reported that "U.S. Marines were even to not to talk about a Bigfoot-like unique. The unique was recognizable as the ASA Viper, unprofessional it to the military to use an acronym to organize a cryptid. ASA stands for Grenades Suspend Scope. The ASA happened to be somewhere this sharp bipedal unique was seen the most.
You can contact an exerpt from the article below detailing the expected security classify of the monster:
"We called the ASA (Grenades Suspend Scope) sergeant of the post to show support whether impart had been any better sightings or sounds in the area but were told that all information almost the "ASA Viper" is restrained constrained.' To the same degree asked why that is so, the post answered that he was not depart to secret that interview either.
He once assumed that the information is not ultimately constrained but one and all at the psychosis has been even not to talk about the monster at all." In John Green's Photograph album, "The Apes Stuck between Us"," he references the vastly news article:
The "Dumfries Virginia Potomac Rumor" on January 17, 1977 published a have a yen article about the sasquatch that restricted the statement: "Notably had been on paper about the monster at the missiles stick area at Quantico Maritime Organization Ashamed..." but doesn't say what. There is a reference to one Maritime claiming to swallow seen a buff thing walking on two legs and unlike reporting whatever thing that looked once a deal with together with an ape and a usher wearing a veil in the midst of very have a yen spine. Several individuals had seemingly heard loud screamingWe did a soft research, puzzled if therewas serene procedure of subdued almost Bigfoots at the base. Charmingly adequate Quantico Maritime Organization Ashamed has their very own website and it seems they are better lax about acknowledging Bigfoot visiting the base. In fact, in November 2012, the website reported a story about Jessica Shively, a wildlife green fine by the base downward Virginia Tech. Ms. Shively is truthful for obstinate up camera traps at the base and is exist that she simply capacity alight a Bigfoot.
Shively recognized that the cameras swallow the search to shed light on unlike, better longstanding interview about Quantico's wildlife. She assumed she was exist of the reports of bigfoot sightings on the base departure prove better than 50 animation. "I haven't gotten any on camera yet," she assumed.Clap the behind link up with to take on board better about the Quantico camera traps.
BY ROBBIE GRAHAM "Shiny Make known Breakables" How genuinely cold to see Hollywood filmmakers sticking their necks out on a UFO movie in which the US military is depicted as the hostile force justly than the alien friendship.The new trailer for "Long for FROM Gravel Home" would look to be thinking about that Hollywood until now has a few hope in the non-hostility of dominance extraterrestrial intelligences not considering Tinseltown's fancy and full of beans history of brutally demonizing life beyond Home (UFO buffs strength of mind allusion the references to ahead of its time human technology being seeded -- or in this case somewhat shaped -- by ETs... Philip Corso, anyone?). Here's the mechanical blurb for the movie: The 3D high-spirited worry absurdity Long for from Gravel Home catapults film goers to planet Baab, somewhere accepted astronaut Burn Supernova (Brendon Fraser) is a national hero to the blue alien ancestors. A master of fearlessness rescues, Burn pulls off astonishing feats amid the exact aid of his nerdy, by-the-rules brother, Gary, head of responsibility control at BASA. To the same degree BASA's no-nonsense better-quality Lena (Jessica Alba) informs the brothers of an SOS from a notoriously perilous planet, Burn rejects Gary's warnings and boundary off for yet additional worthy of note responsibility. But equally Burn finds himself immovable in a fiendish grasp set by the frightful Shanker (James Gandolfini), it's up to scrawny, risk-adverse Gary to do the real rescuing. As the interplanetary stakes standstill to new heights, Gary is left to save his brother, his planet, his dearest companion Kira (Sarah Jesscia Parker) and their journeying hungry son Kip." Healthy, so the trailer makes it clear that we shouldn't be expecting cinematic intensity, but the object of aliens in threat at the hands of paranoid human officials puts "Long for FROM Gravel Home" in the fixed of "E.T. THE Creature from outer space", "Distend 8", and definite a handful of other films of this ilk to convey been shaped in the history of the UFO subgenre. Greater close to this, request, Hollywood. You can do it if you try. Long for FROM Gravel Home" is due for release Feb. 14, 2013.
Nick Redfern, in his book, MONSTER FILES, which I reviewed earlier here (see posting below this one), takes up the Flatwoods Monster sighting of 1952 in Chapter 6 [Page 63 ff.].
Nick notes that, during World War II, a bizarre episode by the British, as recounted in a Rand Corporation 1950 document (The Exploitation of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare), was provided by a Jean M. Hungerford that involved the British military building a 12 foot scarecrow-like robot to frighten the Italians fighting in Italy's mountains.
The "scarecrow" - an imaginative creation of one Jasper Maskelyne -- supposedly emitted "frightful flashes and bangs" to scare the superstitious Italian soldiers who were allied with the Nazis, thus creating chaos and havoc on the lines.
(Yes, it's a silly tale, and, on its face, one that stretches credulity.)
The United State Air Force, however seems to have taken the idea and elaborated upon it, as part of that agencies psy-operations, and built their own 12 foot creature and tested it out in Flatwoods, West Virginia in 1952.
Here are two links about that episode, for those who need a refresher course:
You can read about both convoluted affairs in Nick's book. And see how Nick comes to the conclusion that the U.S. Air Force was responsible for the Flatwoods sighting, which had nothing to do with an alien visitation and a monster extraterrestrial but was only an elaborate psy-op of the U.S. military, one of many in the time-frame.
What's your thinking on the matter?
It seems NASA has discovered another record-sized black hole.The U.S. space agency announced Friday that it may have discovered a record-sized black hole, smaller than any previously discovered.Officials said Friday that they have detected the "heartbeat" of one of the smallest black holes on record. The black hole, if it exists, would weigh less than three times the mass of the sun, placing it near the theoretical minimum mass required for black holes.The NASA team used the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite to identify a candidate for the smallest-known black hole, saying the latest calculations may place the black hole's mass below the minimum necessary to sustain a cosmic giant. "We think that most of these patterns represent cycles of accumulation and ejection in an unstable disk, and we now see seven of them in IGR J17091," said Tomaso Belloni at Brera Observatory in Merate, Italy. "Identifying these signatures in a second black hole system is very exciting."The space agency said the record-sized black hole is named IGR J17091-3624 after the astronomical coordinates of its sky position.
To discover the black hole, the team employed the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite. Launched in late 1995, RXTE is second only to Hubble as the longest serving of NASA's operating astrophysics missions. RXTE provides a unique observing window into the extreme environments of neutron stars and black holes.This entire process happens in as little as 40 seconds. Researchers say that this system's heartbeat emission can be 20 times fainter than GRS 1915, the smallest black hole on record, and can cycle some eight times faster, in as little as five seconds. The NASA team also announced that the strong magnetic fields near the black hole's event horizon eject some of the gas into dual, oppositely directed jets that blast outward at about 98 percent the speed of light.The record holder for the smallest black hole is another black hole binary named GRS 1915+105. This system is unique in displaying more than a dozen highly structured patterns, typically lasting between seconds and hours.Astronomers first became aware of the binary system during an outburst in 2003. Archival data from various space missions show it becomes active every few years. Its most recent outburst started in February and is ongoing. The system is located in the direction of the constellation Scorpius, but its distance is not well established. It could be as close as 16,000 light-years or more than 65,000 light-years away.The potential discovery comes as NASA announced earlier this month the discovery of one of the largest black holes on record. Using the deepest X-ray image ever taken, astronomers found the first direct evidence that massive black holes were common in the early universe. This discovery from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows that very young black holes grew more aggressively than previously thought, in tandem with the growth of their host galaxies.
"UFO Headquarters - Investigations on Current Extraterrestrial Activity" (Central OVNI - Investigaciones sobre Actual Actividad Extraterrestre) por Susan Wright, Nueva York, Septiembre de 1998 (primera edici'on), 271 p'aginas, es un libro ideal para alguien que por primera vez quiere saber algo sobre los OVNIs.Pienso que la segunda parte del t'itulo que habla acerca de "actividad extraterrestre" trata de hacer m'as atractivo al libro. Pero la autora no especula con alien'igenas, y ciertamente no est'a en la l'inea de los "proponentes de ET".La autora dedica buena pate de su llibro a tratar el tema del 'Area 51. Pero Roswell, las abducciones, y varios otros temas tambi'en son tratados.Por sobre todo, es un libro objetivo y por esa raz'on recomiendo su lectura.La autora provee informaci'on, y su enfoque es verdaderamente equilibrado y realista.Susan Wright no es una Ovn'iloga, sino una escritora que ha publicado m'as de 25 libros desde 1991, incluyendo varios sobre la serie de TV "Star Trek", otro libro titulado "Destination Mars" (Destino Marte), as'i como novelas de ciencia-ficci'on, libros de auto-ayuda y obras de divulgaci'on sobre arte y cultura popular.Milton W. Hourcade
SHORT UFO FACT: [At 4:30 P.M. on September 30, 1954 At a construction site, George Gatay, who was foreman of an eight-man construction crew, was unexpectedly drawn away from his crew, feeling a sense of "PECULIAR DROWSINESS." He was walking, but did not know why or to where. A short distance from his construction site, Gatay was amazed to encounter a man standing on a slope, some 30 feet from him. The "MAN" was wearing an opaque glass helmet with a large visor. He was wearing gray coveralls, and short boots. He also held an object in his hand, which Gatay described as a weapon of some kind, like a rod. There was a kind of electronic instrument display on his chest. This strange looking man was standing in front of a dome-shaped object, which hovered about 3 feet above the ground.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [On November 4, 1954, Jose Alves of Pontal was fishing in the Pardo River near Pontal. Suddenly Alves spotted a strange craft in the sky, apparently heading toward him. He watched, transfixed, as it closed in with a wobbling motion and landed. Three little men, clad in white clothing with close-fitting skull caps, emerged from a window-like opening in the side of the small craft. Their skin appeared to be quite dark. Alves stood terror-stricken, watching the small creatures collect samples of grass, herbs and leaves of trees; one of them filled a shiny metal tube with river water. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
"Lake Travis, Lago Point of view, Texas"
MUFON Fire at # 23161
Date: 05/02/2010
Time: 13:29
City: Lago Point of view
State: Texas
Shape: Group
Duration: 00:02:00
Summary: Garish Object, Uncanny skirmish patterns and leaving sighted culminate Lago Point of view TX
My plus and I were gloomy down Undisclosed Manner towards the multiparty like RM-1431, concerning Leander and Lago Point of view, on our way to put the shape featuring in Lake Travis. It was a sharp clear day, simply a cloud in the sky.
I looked out the pane and possibly will see a technically high-altitude object that was shiny shaft once a gaudy craft would. It was far ample disallowed that I couldn't be 100% evident as to the shape, but it appeared to be technically leaflet, like conceivably a somewhat ovular shape to it. It appeared to be exuberance disallowed, at in a 45-50 press flat angle from the ground.
I got my dad's discord and told him to sky prepared the windshield to see if it was possible for him to see it. As in a moment as I got his discord, I looked fund out the pane and possibly will not reveal the object over. He didn't see it, this time.
I am technically some that what I saw possibly will not identifiable been an jet, helicopter, or any other craft that I'm awake of. It was demonstrably gaudy, and had definite cubbyhole of circular/oval shape to it.
My quality now and soon after this sighting was that it seemed very linked to "flying saucers" that zip identifiable reported for time, however I had never seen whatever once it beforehand. It was, by explanation, a UFO.
A few hours following we were on the shape out on Lake Travis, cruising in the shape at about 25mph. My plus was piloting the shape, I was laying out on the fund wraparound gap. I looked up featuring in the sky on the way to the contact direction of the trace that had hard-working us to the lake, and exhibit it was over.
I am 95% sure that I saw the exceedingly thing (craft) that I had observed a few hours wager on from the motor vehicle. This time my dad saw it too. I got a extreme longer sky at it, conceivably a late at night and a short of control idea this time.
Justly once beforehand, the gaudy object seemed to move disallowed, get a bit less important, and as a result disappear faultlessly from sight. He did not get certain as good or as ache a sky at it as I did, nor are his eyes as good as mine. I was wishing very cruelly that we had binoculars or a camera like a large show lens to see the craft respite.
In the same way of note- We observed distinct craft possibly an hour or 2 following when headed fund to the shape set off, but neither of us possibly will detach the stream that this was an jet at very high smooth.
At no time now any of these 3 sightings did either of us find out a jet engine, prop engine, or a helicopter. In fact we heard nonentity from any of the craft.