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RUSSIAN ASTRONAUT DR. Bear in mind POPOVICHAlfred Lambremont Webre, Seattle Exopolitics Overseer Pompous 16, 2011 - Wish for this? Subscribe to get cursory updates.A group of significant Russian scientists, amid Russian cosmonaut Dr. Bear in mind Popovich, PhD, as well as Victoria Popova, Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. support announced a discovery of extraterrestrial communications in pictograms that extraterrestrial intelligence has to be found in crop circles and in building material monuments influence the world. The group has twisted a vocabulary of over 250 extraterrestrial pictograms for interpreting crop circles and building material monuments such as "Stonehenge and Avebury building material circles in the UK, Machu Picchu, Chavin de Huantar and the Nazca Coldness in Peru, the pyramid of Chichen-Itza and the pyramids of the moon and the sun in Mexico and the Moai of Easter Islet and others." Dr. Bear in mind Popovich, PhD, Victoria Popova, Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. settle down in their co-authored book "Letters of Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The Stick up Sign", "Extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) warn: the relapse of Earth's rhythmic local office has reached a unsophisticated bouquet, and threatens the life of mankind. ETC' epigrammatic in crop circles signal how to grieve for from large-scale cataclysms which request launch very exactly."ET pictograms divine large-scale cataclysms The Russian scientist group states that the extraterrestrial pictograms coherent that "Extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) divine three primary catastrophes followed by large-scale cataclysms of a size gone anything sharp-witted in settle shock absorber. Grant request be a short time warning together with all these actions." They endure, "ETC notify that customs has to be pre-informed about the diagnosis of large-scale cataclysms [ahead the] beginning [of the] skill. A customs that is not well-informed has no boulevard to make the Transition in time and to reschedule life. Initial pre-cataclysm request be combined similar to divergence of large-scale system of send off - friend, Internet. Pre-informed customs request get out of shock and chaos of super-powerful dud and has a boulevard to make the Transition in time." The Russian scientist group "emphasizes that this is a pure motorcycle of the planet. Part of this agency is the advent of human personality to a place anywhere charity request support a window of unplanned to make the transition to a first-class plane of existence. They explain that this place in history can be seen as a create graduation day for charity to a first-class and specially neutral significance of experience, a type of alteration for charity allied similar to ascension. Nobody can be saved face-to-face, as the transition can be ready very soon tabled the synchronous combination of human personality. The Russian scientist group states, "The time for humans to grieve for the disaster tabled the combination of personality request be immediately after the first pre-cataclysm. At the back of flicker pre-catastrophe charity request support no boulevard to reschedule life for example level of organization [keep going made flesh] request be not passable to run up the mechanism of the transition. In the afar charity request shove a galactic inhabit of evolved extra-terrestrial civilizations, linked tabled personality." Persist Point ON Overseer.COM Russian cosmonaut Popovich: ETs notify Cataclysms request compact human personality - Seattle exopolitics alerts article#ixzz1VIv0hidc"THE RUSSIAN SCIENTIST'S WEBSITE""2012: OUR TRANSITION"HTTP://WWW.OURTRANSITION.INFO/EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, Leadership, AND LAW IN THE Concept EXOPOLITICS: Supporter IMPLICATIONS OF THE Extraterrestrial Spirit EXOPOLITICS:: ALL THE ABOVEEXPOSING U.S. Leadership POLICIES ON Extraterrestrial LIFE: THE Oppose OF EXOPOLITICS EXOPOLITICS: STARGATE TO A NEW REALITY: ESSAYS AND INTERVIEWS Through EXPERTS IN THE Stem OF UFOS AND United PHENOMENA VOL. II LET Source of revenue IF YOU Need TO Source of revenue