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Stanton Friedman, the face of ufology for cognoscenti, believes UFOs (flying saucers) are extraterrestrial craft, and he's believed that for a lot of years now.But he hasn't, despite a Herculean effort, proven the UFO ETH (Extraterrestrial Hypothesis) one whit - not a scintilla of proof has been proffered.Yes, a lot of circumstantial evidence, but that's been it.Kevin Randle is a Roswell devotee. He can't leave that episode alone, having invested much time and effort in trying to convince others (ufologists mostly) that something extraordinary happened near Roswell in 1947.No proof from Dr. Randle, just conjecture - thoughtful conjecture, but that's it.Jerome Clark has moved on to investigating or researching early Christianity and seems to have abandoned the field of ufology and UFOs pretty muchRichard Hall has been absorbed in the American Civil War, disgusted with the whole UFO nonsense he's been privy to, although he, like Clark, believes that UFOs are manifestations that deserve scrutiny.But all the writings of Clark and the thoughtful input of Hall have provided proof of nothing."Uber-geek Mac Tonnies is suffused with everything - and we mean everything - esoteric, as befits his caffeinated mind. But his ramblings have been totally conjectural, and his idea that there is a concomitant civilization living alongside mankind (and has since time immemorial) is without anything resembling proof.Frank Warren is an accumulator of UFO clippings and news items, and some interesting ideas about what UFOs are and are not. But proof of anything? Nada.There is a raft of UFO aficionados - Maccabee, Howe, Greer, Gersten, Story, Pope, Redfern, Bishop, et al. - who deal with UFOs but have yet to prove what they are.Yes, UFOs exist. There is enough proof for that. But what are they? Ufology hasn't even come close to a reasoned and convincing proof.Ufology and its minions - ufologists - keep dredging up old cases and incidents. But an original, convincing explanation for any of those sightings has not been forthcoming, so one can see why science and media eschews statements by any of the above named persons.