(Save for Breakables Rumor News flash 3 UFOs in the photo, I truthful see two, probably the third is too dwindling, may yearning book photo to see pompous details. Scott W. )
Get the drift of sighting: May 23, 2011
Congeal of sighting: Kunming Motian, Breakables
Last Sunday Mr. Yen who was in the middle of a group of links participating in an outer surface activity on top of a mountains area captured particular UFOs by plummet. The photos of from the northern edge of Kunming Motian recreational area. He took distinct photos that day of landscape, links and so on.
That night what Mr. Yen went kingdom, he unobtrusively scanned over the photographes he had full of activity throughout that day. One photo stood out from all the others and captured his be bothered. Teh photo was greater than Songhuaba Have an account. This mass of water is contiguous to built-up areas and in this photo are not one but three black UFOs in the sky. Some futher than others.
Click on photo to refurbish.
Preceding Trainer of Physics at Yunnan College in Kunming who is head of UFO research ruled out the possiblility of kites and animals imediatly stating, "If it was a kite, it would call together a triangular shape, in spite of everything this is pompous sphere in shape, typical of most UFO sightings."
Chinese Source: http://big5.ce.cn/xwzx/kj/201105/27/t20110527 22445975.shtml
Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"
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