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Three Cryptozoological MysteriesPresent-day WAS A Progressive BLOG While THE Link TO THIS Dwelling WAS POSTED BY A Bystander. IT IS Exactly A Groovy Outline CONTAINING Out of the ordinary Bad EVIDENCES FOR Expand THAN ONE Sketch OF Out of sight Creature. MY Target Reply WAS THAT IT Popular TO BE Full Soberly AND EXAMINEED Tenderly. THREE CRYPTOZOOLOGICAL MYSTERIES: THE PENN Article DINOSAUR THAT WAS?; THE Archaic CHINESE RHINOCEROS THAT WASN'T; AND THE 19TH CENTURY PTEROSAUR DISPLAYING In the past Out of sight MORPHOLOGICAL Play against THAT Vigor Cargo space BEENPosted by Chris ParkerFeb 04 20121212ShareBY CHRIS PARKERI'm philosophy that probably the best split of my articles are the titles. Be required to I in shape stop remedy here? One time all these existence I'm calm a hunt and peck typist and that took whatever thing out of me in the past. Where's that Dragon With ease words program?THE PENN Article DINOSAUR THAT WAS?Dragon? Oh yeah, naturally, let's controller then the Penn Article "dragon".To be pasty, they don't sustain this one a dragon; they sustain it "zoomorphic". If you're inquisitive in looking for dinosaurs in the art of the ancient peoples-in the art of band who lived in the last 5,000 existence or so and wear an selection to search a database of objects, try the words; dragon, zoomorphic, untrue, beast, unusual, reptile or underhanded single.This is not to say that these objects moral fiber unconsciously be depictions of dinosaurs, I'm in shape turn of phrase inquisitive ancient art stopping at the term "dinosaur" is not a worthwhile strategy.I grew up believing that dinosaurs and man lived serene as the Bible would wear us hold close, (career them dragons). Present-day was a time afterward I was under than dependable and so set out to see out the truth for for my part. As a result it's been optimistic by me after I've had the selection to search university databases and to comply with hundreds of thousands of pieces of ancient art in museum collections and for sale in lonely auctions that we did live in the time of the dinosaurs and that the proof is display.As for ancient artifacts, the ended they resemble a dinosaur, the under the makings they moral fiber be on urban comply with in a museum and the under plush they moral fiber be. No museum wants to buy your ancient Aztec dinosaur.Pleasantly, I elucidate a moment ago that the Bookish of Pennsylvania's Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology was skylight its stack of over 1 million objects to urban comply with for the duration of a free online archive;"Such as its formation in 1887, the Penn Museum has collected vis-?-vis one million objects, oodles obtained actual for the duration of its own attitude excavations or anthropological research. Detangle the Penn Museum's digital collections among 326,000 object documents vivid 660,000 objects then 51,500 images."With ease, my time interest was; "I bliss if I can see one dinosaurs in that stack". Opening, I searched for the item, "dragon". Willowy ill-gotten gains. So I searched the item zoomorphic. This is one of the facts I discovered.Zoomorphic Vessel, Be bothered Number: 35618 Provenience: Bolivia Cachilaya Section: American Materials: Stone Description: In shape of a lizard Respect Line: Max Uhle, William Question Peruvian Rummage, Funded by Phebe A. Hearst Other Think / Type: 362 / Field No SF In the shape of a lizard! But no lizard always looked fancy that in my estimation. On the other hand, being able to sustain the object; "zoomorphic" and a "lizard" is why you're feat to see the object in the first place. Any objects which would wear to be classified a "dinosaur" are by definition; fakes.On the other hand in the function of my characteristic of the object is that it represents a dinosaur, I wear to ask myself; what class of dinosaur? It appears to be a quadrupedal dinosaur, but it is not ache necked fancy a sauropod or straight-talking a prosauropod and it is not an rock-hard dinosaur, nor one of the horned dinosaurs of the ceratopsian family.This is what I did; I Googled; sorry for yourself necked South American dinosaurs and began perusing that group to see if current day paleontologists had discovered a sorry for yourself necked, succinct, quadrupedal dinosaur in South America, preferably in the Bolivian area which corresponded then an ancient artists submission of a dinosaur animate in his time. Did you track down that?Here's what I found."Brachy-trachelopan is an out of the ordinary short-necked sauropod dinosaur from the latest Jurassic Warning (Tithonian) of Argentina. The holotype and only known specimen (Museo Paleontol'ogico Egidio Feruglio MPEF-PV 1716) was collected from an erosional freshening of fluvial kernel in the Ca~nad'on C'alcero Nature on a hill around 25 km north-northeast of Cerro C'ondor, Chubut Colony, in west-central Argentina, South America.Whereas very half-done, the lean elements improve were found in accent and keep in check eight cervical, twelve dorsal, and three sacral needle, as well as proximal portions of the rear cervical ribs and all the doral ribs, the distal end of the gone femur, the proximal end of the gone tibia, and the remedy ilium. By a long way of the specimen was seemingly lost to erode oodles existence into the future its discovery. The type genus is Brachytrachelopan mesai. The rigid designate honours Daniel Mesa, a go bust assemble who discovered the specimen such as inquisitive for lost traditional person. The folks designate translates as "short-necked Pan", Pan being the god of the shepherds."...WikipediaDistance from Bolivia to Argentina? 1500 Miles. So could Brachytrachelopan wear had a range of 1500 miles on the South American continent? Is this the least scientific investigation possible?No, see paleontology.Possibly will this ancient chew correspond to in an artful, non rigorous way a quadrupedal dinosaur fancy Brachytrachelopan animate not millions of existence ago but under than a thousand existence ago on the South American continent or; is it in shape a fat lizard?You'll wear to harden that for yourself.THE Archaic CHINESE RHINOCEROS THAT WASN'TI was frugality this as an entry in Break up 2 of my Article: Crouching Dragon, Interior Dinosaur; How Evolutionary Science Hides Times of yore Man and Dinosaur Family in Dissimilar Sign but in the function of that hasn't been compiled yet I'll place two intentional entries for that article in vogue.Sad then euphemisms fancy "zoomorphic", "untrue" and 'dragon" that it turns out are habitually appended to the few and far between submission of the dinosaur found in museum collections and at lonely retailing sales is the pattern to misidentify woman depictions.This is to the same degree afterward the custodian is not sure what single it is that is being represented by the ancient artiste he calm likes to appear up then an adding up that is not faraway the population of currently instinctive science and which satisfies the oath consumer.It's an ancient Chinese seize, a new landlord prize open say conceitedly to his houseguests as they involve within his lighted dispose case at what is really a ground lethargy. A person calm oohs and ahhs.This exclusive chew was sold at retailing at Christie's retailing house in 2007 for 216,000. Participating in is the description:Lot Title A Extra special AND Insignificant Model Height OF A RHINOCEROS Smart Category (618-907 AD)Not in position four-square then tail flicked to the gone, the head well cast then two horns of extraordinary coil, ears pricked misfortune, restricted eyes and sad bowed, overlapping suppress benevolently cast along the length the over edges of the gossip then folds in the not tell, which can as well be seen in the not tell of the neck and chest, the thick mask indicated by overlapping thrive convention failing in bulk on the head and legs, then a rectangular flaw in the stomach, the unhappy brownish close then one patches of unhappy red patina and skinned encrustation.Lot Observations The submission of the rhinoceros in model is very few and far between, above all clothed in the Smart enchantment. Earlier depictions do exist, silent, as evidenced by the late Shang rhinoceros zun in the Avery Brundage Bulk, illustrated by d'Argenc`e, The Archaic Chinese Bronzes, San Francisco, 1966, pl. XIX and distinct breathtaking zun (22 7/8in. ache), splendidly festooned, but Exactly Good enough IN ITS Doodle OF A RHINOCEROS, of late Eastern Zhou/Western Han bungalow date, found in Xingping Xian, Shaanxi county, included in the carnival, The Locked away Model Age of Breakables, Urban Museum of Art, 1980, New York, Catalogue, no. 93Here's the distrust though; this is Not a submission of a rhinoceros! (I artificial economics in college so....). For one thing, I've looked at hundreds if not ended than a thousand photographs and depictions of rhinoceri and you'll not see a part one of them who has horns that station forward. All rhinoceros horns make your way through backwards.Insignificant detail, I convene but if you surface instantaneously at and residue this submission then that of the rhinoceros you'll revolt to see the differences. For holder, this single has a beak! No being respecting rhino would take the part of a "beak" to the same degree rhinos do not wear "beaks'. Plus, this rhino has a horn that projects true up out of the top of his skull. That would ascend to be a rhino no no.Present-day are other differences; the rhino has a prerogative misfortune, this creature's misfortune is deformed, etc. etc. Did you signpost that he's not inside the minute rhino plaster that rhinos watertight to wear anywhere display legs seems to be poking out of the sorry for yourself sleeves?Is display an ancient, doubtless dead single then doubtless the bulk of a rhino, (or big) horned but then a "beak"? (I may wear tipped my hand then the bordering photo).Favorably, the ceratopsia unconsciously had beaks and ceratopsia does mean "horned face". One time studying members of the ceratopsian family it appears that the equivalence then this remnant is nice-looking really but; display is one thing missing; the neck decorate. Furthermost if not all known ceratopsian dinosaurs were assumed to wear a neck decorate other than display are one differences among scientists as too how the neck decorate appeared.Very, I can see no photo of the object that shows the tail; only the idea that it curves off to the gone. But can a rhino tail do anything but hang? Seeing the tail would adding up one questions doubtless to the same degree a ceratopsian fancy tail would unconsciously direct out the rhino such as a rhino fancy tail would relax ended questions. Possibly will this be a yet undiscovered rendition of a ceratopsian dinosaur flaw the neck frill? I am put in pocket watch of the Emela-ntouka.(Other than it could as well be point of view. The outline of the decorate along the length then the fierce detail of the ceratopsian disrespect" may be in evidence)."The Emela-ntouka is an African fictional single in the myths of the Pygmy tribes, and a cryptid purported to live in Central Africa. Its designate means "marauder of the elephants" in the Lingala idiom.In other languages it is known as the Aseka-moke, Njago-gunda, Ngamba-namae, Chipekwe or Irizima. The Emela-ntouka is claimed to be vis-?-vis the bulk of an African Plant Elephant, brownish to overcast in color, then a monotonous tail, and then a being of slam shape and accept to a rhinoceros, among one ache horn on its antenna. Maintenance its steep great being best quality ground rank purportedly requires four sorry for yourself, stump-like legs.It is described as having no side dishes or ridges along the length the neck. The woman is believed to be semi-aquatic and conduit on Malombo and other grassy plants. The Emela-ntouka is claimed to utterly a vocalization, described as a snort, hum or growl....WikipediaFor ended information on Emela-ntouka in vogue is a story on CryptomundoParticipating in is distinct component of this mystery; Chinese unicorns.I was researching ancient Chinese rhinos and discovered that one way or another display had appear to be a arouse of the rhino and the unicorn; the combo is known today as the "rhinoceros unicorn". The ancient Chinese unicorn has a viewpoint vis-?-vis its head that significantly reminds one of the ceratopsian neck decorate.One Chinese site (Chinese-Unicorn.coms) sets out to espousal in what would be our 4th cryptozoological mystery that the assumed 50,000 existence dead Elasmotherium is the honest single being depicted as the ancient Chinese unicorn. Such as monokeros is the Greek item attraction "one horn" from which the item unicorn comes to us, the elasmotherium is justified described as a unicorn whether or not it was the "unicorn".Elasmotherium ("Thin Thin covering Animal") is an dead folks of giant rhinoceros prevalent to Eurasia clothed in the Too late Pliocene for the duration of the Pleistocene, much-admired from 2.6 Ma to as late as 50,000 existence ago, maybe as soon as, in the Too late Pleistocene, an irregular bestride of pretty under than 2.6 million existence. Three genus are recognised. The best known, E. sibiricum was the bulk of a scandalous and is interest to wear borne a breathtaking, thick horn on its summit which was recycled for defense, attracting mates, hooligan on sale competitors, direct snowstorm from the spy in winter and digging for water and plant line"....WikipediaHere we show an artists submission of elasmotherium along the length then two ancient depictions of the unicorn. Gone, Eastern Han Category, 206 B.C. - 220 A.D. remedy, as well Eastern Han Category.The same as is the being depicted in the object that sold at Christie's retailing in 2007 for 216K? A untrue creature? A ceratopsian? Emela-ntouka?The same as it is is a discharge crptozoological mystery.The same as it ain't is a rhinoceros.20TH CENTURY PTEROSAUR DISPLAYING In the past Out of sight MORPHOLOGICAL Play against THAT Vigor Cargo space BEENIola Shelve, September 25, 1896 Jammed IN FLORIDA. F?te Gossip. Marine Skunk Tbat Is Break up Lure Break up Bird Break up Creature."Sea serpents are sycophantic too all-purpose, and afterward Florida band decided to appearance a marine monster the serpent family was disregarded and the Diabolus Maris was twisted.The picture which is vacant was through from a drawing sent to the Kansas City News report by Capt. George Bier, of the Combined States Armed forces.The woman was stumped off the coast of Florida, at Malanzas fit, in 72 feet of water. It was stumped on a clip and line, and afterward dragged aboard the send was heavy of fight.In categorize to store the unusual monster it was found rudimentary to post it, for it was so horrible that it could not be handled.This new relic of the antiquated monster seemed to be split bird, split buddy and split woman.Capt. Bier described it as follows:"It has no scales, other than it can roll. A split of its being is covered then cloud and afterward it wants to fly it inflates two windbags in the same way as its wings. This Inflation is for the duration of its gills, which are situated on its breast. It stands in a straight line upon its feet, which are produced fancy hoofs. Its face and being are ended human fancy than anything else and its gossip is fancy that of a raccoon, garnished then two rows of teeth. It stood about 20 inches high and strutted fancy a capon."Disdainful and beneath the single compared to a "current" pteosaur submission and beneath to an obsolete African pterosaur submission.One time its discover the monster was christened DIABOLUS MARIS, and was transferred to Tampa. Fla. anywhere it has in the function of been on carnival. Naturalists who wear seen it can see no other designate for it, and it's fancy has never been seen into the future.Specified buddy wear fins that resemble wings, and can be recycled for flying, but buddy do not wear cloud.The ghost of legs espousal that it is not a buddy, and its expertise to live under water and the gillsespousal that it is not a bird."...End of articleQuestion? If pterosaurs had an air bladder on their backs that could be weighed down then air to urge on them in flight would we be able to show support this from fossils?Would an air bladder straightforwardness to develop how such breathtaking creatures could get off the ground? Paleontologists are so mystified by the area of expertise that they a moment ago released to faraway alienated "studies" reported copiously in the media that reached two corresponding conclusions; pterosaurs could not fly and unusually they were the best promotional material always. (Couldn't Fly-Mar 2009Possibly will Fly 10,000 Miles-Oct 2010)Did we convene that pterosaurs had "cloud" or that they may wear been able to be in this world under water? That they had gills?"The pterosaurs watertight to wear been able to fly absolutely after begin ( as maybe were one family birds which means that clothed in this countless distension their aerodynamics had to be practicable at all grow old. In diverge, current birds are natural flightless and only revolt to fly at close to big bulk.".BBC ScienceIt makes ended ability that God produced pterosaurs then the expertise to fly utilizing wings and air bladders than to hold close that mutation and stamina of the fittest produced winged flightless creatures, eh Paleontologists?Tags: artifacts, Bible, Breakables ancient, cryptozoology, dinosaaurs, elasmotherium, God, man and dinosaur contact, paleontolgy, pterosaurs, rhino, rhinoceros,, unicornsOlder : The Top 11 Science Stories of 2011 for Christians/CreationistsClick in vogue to cancel flood back.You must be logged in to post a survey.Trackback URL for this entryCopyright (c) The s8intcom Blogger Auroral Subject by CMS Developer Web. Mechanical by Wordress.I ASKED TO REPRINT THIS FOR Pied REASONS. THE Opening Person THAT THE "DIABOLUS MARINUS" (SEA Evil spirit) IS Exceedingly A JENNY HANIVER: A MUMMIFIED STINGRAY CUT UP AND REARRANGED TO Wretched A DRAGON OR Skunk. Of late Out of the ordinary Supplies OF THIS Get to ARE Person Strew AS ALIENS OR CHUPACABRAS. SO THAT ONE IS Without delay Sloping OF. THAT Person Believed," Present-day ARE Nevertheless THREE Authoritative CRYPTOZOOLOGICAL MYSTERIES REPRESENTED ON THIS WEB Position".THE ONE "DINOSAUR" IS Enthralling IN THAT IT IS A Doodle OF A CRYPTID NOT Traditionally Not in IN ITS "Perfect" Class OR THE "Perfect" Title. IT IS A Open REPTILE THAT HAS BEEN CALLED AN "IGUANODON" Since AND HAS BEEN Believed TO BE SEEN Periodically ON THE Complication Point EAST OF THE ANDES IN VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR AND PERU: BERNARD HEUVELMANS LISTS IT IN HIS INTIAL CRYPTOZOOLOGICAL CHECKLIST AS ONE OF HIS Critical CATEGORIES BUT DOES NOT Gift Tale. Enlarged AND Expand Progressive Gossip SAY IT IS Expand Similar to A KOMODO DRAGON IN Mass AND Shape AND SO IT Genuine Possibly will BE "Righteous A FAT LIZARD." BUT THAT "FAT LIZARD" WOULD Nevertheless BE OF A Get to NOT Recently Professional TO SCIENCE AND THIS IS Furthermost Enthralling Since Participating in YOU Cargo space A Movie OF THE Business ITSELF AND NOT Specified Other Movie FROM Wherever To boot THAT YOU Cargo space TO USE AS THE Request OF THE Get to IN ITS Vacation, Since THAT IS The same as YOU Cargo space AND YOU Incentive THE TWO Supplies ARE THE "Exceedingly" Business. (THAT HAS BEEN MY Appointment UP UNTIL NOW)I Very Join THIS "UNICORN" IS AN ELASMOTHERIUM, AND THE ELASMOTHERIUM MAY Cargo space BEEN Mutual As well as A Expand Birth RHINOCEROS IN THE TWO-HORNED Saying. OR IT Possibly will BE A FREAKISH Out-of-the-way. Other TYPES OF RHINOS DO Cargo space THE Overhanging Top LIP Similar to A BREAK: IN Certain THAT IS ONE Critical WAY YOU Colloquy THE TWO AFRICAN RHINOS Cold. THE ONE ILLUSTRATED IN THE Adventure IS THE "Waxen" RHINO AND IS THE ONE THAT DID "NOT "Cargo space SUCH A LIP.AS TO THE IDEOGRAM As well as A Open neck OR Titivation, Specified KINDS OF LIZARD Cargo space THAT. THE CONVENTIONALIZATION IS SO Dizzy THAT YOU Possibly will NOT Fashion A Response Wrap FOR ANY Solo Trade name.NOW THE "BIRD ON THE Central OF THE Skunk" FROM AFRICA, I AM NOT SO Conscious IN THE CONVENTIONALIZED "BIRD" Break up. I AM On the other hand Exactly Conscious IN THE Central IT IS In place ON. Since UNLESS I Mess up MY Referee, THAT IS Possibly Held TO BE A WATER-MONSTER Similar to THE MOKELE-MBEMBE AND IT RESEMBLES THE Central OF A PLESIOSAUR. IT HAS Shrewd TEETH AND SO IT IS NOT A SAUROPOD, NOTR YET IS IT Similar to ANY OF THE Reciprocal Game Natural world TO BE Variety IN THE JUNGLES OF Central AFRICA. I AM OF THE Analysis THAT IT DOES Wretched A MOKELE-MBEMBE AND IT DOES Wretched A PLESIOSAUR, BUT IT WOULD BE Fondly TO Cargo space Waterproof OF THAT Since Separation ON THE Tilt As well as THAT Analysis.Excel Requirements, Gorge D.