Program of sighting: Mars
NASA link:
NASA claims to bear captured a photo of a dirt imp on the quality of mars. Its happened before but this time its not a red/brown dirt devel as others found bear been...its WHITE! I bear seen this before in undeniable Apollo photo (Panaramics-over 50!). This Mars UFO and the one in the Apollo 16 photos looks very finish. Tackle at the aristocratic photo and residue it to beneath photo...make you laugh hold at the video I finished. SCW
These are single a few of the various photos sooner than this dreadfully UFO.Click to surge.
What exploring NASA's image diagram for the Apollo 16 charge, I came tangentially various images that bear a perfectly iced cloud UFO on the far dead of the panoramic image. At first I was pessimistic and took a faster hold at the craft noting that the shape of the UFO something else shape precise period. It is mask if the cloud is a sheathe for the craft or the cloud is the craft, but one thing is for sure, it moves relentless and in line the dart of the Apollo curriculum. This UFO was clearly with and monitoring the Apollo 16 curriculum as it flew in revolve brutally the moon sack photos. Satisfy see to it that that the UFO moves from the top of the photo and matches its dart sooner than the Apollo curriculum after that at about 450 photos it begins to fall inoperative, purportedly realizing that the Apollo craft was no gamble. What's more nearby were about 40-45 images that had a 100% determined cloud in its stage set and each of these images are finely the same than the in addition to, not to mention that the lunar quality beneath the UFO changes in each photo the Apollo 16 curriculum took. I took all 458 unchanging images and put them in movie format sooner than each program once per jiffy. The movie starts sooner than a harsh up of the UFO and after that unfinished way in addition to shows the UFO in the lush NASA panoramic photos. So the similarities to the Mars UFO resonate to show it is a ship. SCW
Source: NASA Archive: