Coming soon in UK-UFO-ML:Stanton T. Friedman made an appearance on the UK TV talk show 'This Morning' - Thursday 19th October, 1995.I am in the process of typing the interview up and will post it as soon as possible.
Space Evaders!The RAF has made it's 'X-Files' public, revealing that dozens of airmen have seen UFOs."Hi all,Firstly may I appologise if you have received this mail twice. I first posted it a week ago but because of problems at my Internet providers end I know that some if not all of you never received it.Hopefully the problems are now at an end - so here we go again.I would like to thank all those of you who have written to pass on their thanks and encouragement for the UK-UFO-ML.Also thank you to those who wrote answering my querie on the current state of afairs with S.E.T.I (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). In Octobers UK issue of Astronomy there is a full story on 'The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (S.E.T.I), re-started this year under Project Phoenix, a privately-funded survey of Sun-like stars.When I have read the article I shall post a summery of it to the group.Also on Tuesday 24th October at 7.30pm Stanton T. Friedman is givinga presentation at the Birmingham Odeon Theatre. Tickets 7 pounds and50 pence. Available from venue box office Tel: 0121 643 6101. TicketShop and University Birmingham (Subject to a booking fee).Quote: 'UFO's Earth's Cosmic Watergate, a presentation by Nuclear Physicist Stanton T. Friedman. In this authoritive and provocative talk Friedman puts into context the recently released Autopsy of An Alien video and shares his findings - 30 years of empitical research work - in this special Birmingham presention.'They still have tickets. I got mine today. I shall try to audio tape the lecture. If it works then over a period of time I shall transcribe it and post it to the group.I will let you know what it was like after Tuesday night.Cheers for nowDave."From: Dave Pollard - Taken from alt.ufo.reportsUK.UFO.ML says "We do not quite understand Dave's description of timeand date. He has been mailed to see if he can elaborate."Here's another UFO report that was passed to myself whilst I wasduty the other night.The report comes from Bampton, West Swindon, Wiltshire. The incidentwas reported at 052145z Oct 95, and was witnessed by herself and herelderly mother who was staying the night with her. Neither soundeddrunk or under the influence of medication.At 1945z, she was outside bringing in the washing off her clothesline, when she observed a single bright light hovering in the fardistance. At first she though it to be a bright star. However, whilstwatching this "star" it suddenly moved quickly in a Westerlydirection, and the opposite side to the direction appeared to have ared glow. At first she though it was the local Police helicopter,which often transits along the M4, which is not too far away. Whilsttrying to make out the shape of the object, it rapidly changeddirection again, flying extremely fast to the East.It was at this point she called for her mother to come outside and towitness what was happening.When she returned outside, the object was still in the same location,on the Horizon to the NW of her home. With both people watching, itthen sped to due West before flying to the South, passing above herhome at approx 2nm range. Whilst at that location it appeared tosplit into two separate sources of white light. The two lights thenslowly accelerated to the West before disappearing over the horizon.Again, red light was visible from the trailing side of the objects.The weather on the night in question was relatively clear, with only1 Oktas cloud cover. Nothing was apparant on the Radar screen at RAFLyneham, and the base only had a single aircraft airborne, working tothe South West (Night Vision Training Exercise, and would have beenoperating without lights)The report was passed along official channels, as always, to the MODreporting controller. (Number available to others on request)Note: Dave has since replied with the following.> I imagine that you are in the services or involved with ATC. I> could not fully understand your description of times and date as> quoted below. I wonder if you could elaborate for me.Gladly,You're right on both accounts. I'm in the RAF in ATC.In the forces, and many civilian organisations, time is oftenwritten using a standard format. That being six numerics, threedigit month followed by a two numerical date. The small 'z' afterthe six numerics, represents that the time is infact written in'Zulu'. Zulu is the name given to GMT worldwide. This way, when avessel, whether it be an aircraft, ship or whatever, crosses a timezone, its estimated time of arrival never changes. The two othercommon letters used are 'a' (alpha) or 'l' (local). These tworepresent the same, by indicating that the time is written in theregional time zone. eg. At the time of writing, 'l' is one hourahead of 'z'Thus, at nine pm on the 16th October 1995, the date time group (DTG)would be written as 162100a Oct 95 or 162000z Oct 95.I hope that explains things."Source: alt.reports.ufoFrom: following object was seen by multiple witnesses on the 9th Oct95, and from what I have been told from the ones that I have spokento, this is what happened..I work in a large factory with approx 500 workers. We work shifts,and this week we are on lates, finishing at 22:15. I did not seeanything myself (pity), as I travel home in the opposite directionin which the sightings occured. The sightings were made in thevillages surrounding Milton Keynes, England.The first sighting was made at approximately 22:28, as near as we cantell. Witness A was driving to his home in the village of Sherington,and he first spotted the object from the top of Chichley Hill. Fromhere he could see all of the village and most of the surroundingcountryside. He is an avid plane spotter, and is familiar with thelocal flight paths and the usual air traffic.What he saw is best described as two white globes of light flying ata height of no more than 300 feet. At first he thought that it mayhave been a Hercules Transport plane, but he decided that the objectwas too large. He stopped his car and wound down his window tolisten for the engine noise but he heard nothing. As the object wasroughly 1 mile away, he thought no more of it. The object was movingat about the speed of perhaps an airship, in the direction ofHanslope. There were no other lights visible, just the two whiteglobes. He then proceeded down the hill and lost sight of the objectas the horizon came up.Witnesses B & C live in Hanslope, and they cycle to and from worktogether. The ride takes 20 to 25 minutes. It may be worthmentioning that there is a government installation near the village,called Hanslope Park. The road is quite bendy, but the last part ofthe journey is on high ground, a half mile straight to a 90deg bend(where the main gate to hanslope park is) and then another longstraight into Hanslope.Anyway, from the start of the 1st straight, they saw the objectslowly circle round hanslope, and then 'hover' at a very low altitudeabove a field, keeping a small copse between itself and hanslopepark. A point of interest is that this is the only side of HanslopePark with any 'cover'. The other sides are all open as theinstallation is surrounded by ariels or antenna. One witness saidthat it was if the object was trying to hide from the installation. The witnesses started to cycle slower and slower amazed by what theysaw. At the closest point they must have been no more than 300metres away. The object had two bright white 'globes' at each end,and (a bit unclear here) smaller lights or perhaps a glow linking thetwo globes. It hovered for about 4 minutes, (possibly slowly movingfrom side to side) and then just took off in the direction of Wicken,near Deanshanger. It made no sound at all. The size is thought to bebetween 200 and 500 feet across. The speed in which it departed wasunbelieveable, nothing like the slow pace at which it had arrived.Witness D lives in Wicken, and basically saw two white globes,possibly with a couple of small lights inbetween coming from theHanslope direction passing behind Wicken on a course that wouldeventually end up in Bicester. It is interesting to note that B it is the BELIEF init and in the alleged sinister purposes implied by some imaginedgobvernment "coverup" that I find dangerous.> I have been an avid astronomer for some time now, and have laughed> up my sleeve at the UFO buffs, but I cannot help notice all the> publicity it has been getting lately, like the autopsy films, NASA> shuttle films of objects unidentified, the Belgium sightings, etc> etc. We would like NOTHING better than to encounter extraterrestrial life- what in the universe could be better for NASA? We'd get ourfunding from Congress then, I'll bet! And more!> You guys are the ones who should know if anybody does. What do you> think? Is it possible that we are being visited by something? or> are the UFO people really going off their heads this last few> months? What is your honest opinion on this subject that just> won't seem to die?What I think is unimportant. I think it is a virtual certainty thatlife exists on a virtually infinite number of planets in the universe- the numbers of stars and planets in the universe are so staggeringthat even if the chances of life evolving is almost nil, it wouldhave to be ACTUALLY nil for life not to exist in millions, BILLIONSof locations elsewhere. And obviously the odds are NOT nil; lifeevolved here, didn't it?In some percentage of those worlds, intelligence has certainlyevolved in some form, and in some percentage of those, the capabilityfor space flight has certainly been developed.Now, this in no way addresses whether or not WE have been visited. Ipersonally feel it is unlikely. The distances are soincomprehensibly vast, and the laws of physics so inflexibleregarding such matters as speed limits, that I am very skeptical ofthe possibilities REGARDLESS of the level of technologicaladvancement an extraterrestrial society may have achieved.Warp drive is a Star Trek thing; I doubt that it is possible in reallife. Too many confirmed physical laws intervene.There is a very good chance (not a certainty, mind you) that thisparticular solar system is ours alone. It, and possibly someday thevery nearest stars like Alpha Centauri and Barnard's Star, may be theultimate limits of our reach, and similarly spaced boundaries mayvery well be shared by any civilization anywhere in the universe,regardless of their level of technological advancement.The UFO people WANT to believe that UFOs are extraterrestrials. Iunderstand their desire. It would be somehow comforting to know thatwe are not alone, and that a wonderful universe is within our grasponce we develop the technology to grasp it ourselves (and if THEY didit, we will too someday, right?). There is a great human imperativeto believe in "someplace better;" religious people have their Heavenor Nirvana or whatever. For the UFO folks, this need is served bybelief in a world somewhere that is so advanced that it can send aspacecraft here to visit us, and in the hopes that such a beliefimplies.SO (says I), we should explore those areas within our reach to thegreatest extent possible, in the hopes that we may better understandour world and ourselves, and dispel the paranoid ignorance that seemsto be tightening its icy grip on so many minds these days.The X-Files makes great TV, but it reflects real life no more closelythan does Beauty and the Beast.Woody SmithNASA HQ WWW Curator(But please understand that if they ARE keeping something secret,they are certainly keeping it secret from ME!)"Dave.UNITED KINGDOM UFO MAILING the groups World Wide Web pages at: site at: