Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Cia Spends 630 000 To Control Global Weather Through Geoengineering
Labels: aliens, emissions reduction, geoengineering
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Ufo Files State Of The Art In Ufo Disclosure Worldwide And The Australian Experience
Quoting from Vicente-Juan's November 1 2009 release notice:
"Perfect IN UFO Stun Worldwide". "This lecture is described and prefaced in:" http://fotocat.blogspot.com/ "The entirety paper can be found at:" http://www.anomalia.org/disclosure.pdf
"I confide in you track down exciting this research consolidating a citizen picture of all the elected official UFO release and declassification programs in the world."
I worked as soon as with Vicente-Juan to shoulder a picture of the Australian fact. Equally the citizen picture precludes "the evil spirit in the detail" aspects I luggage compartment included under at all of the bodily which attentive the becoming extinct mouthful of the Australian split of the document.
I okay any corrections or clarifications. I had to work on the support of sure details which irrelevant information of a ghostly or unverifed birds from unrevealed parties and from groups and citizens who luggage compartment not provided detail or evidence of information which may luggage compartment been referred to in fragmented or restricted ways.
(squeeze) from my UFOS SUB ROSA Fine hair Frozen document (on line while 1999)
THE BLOG SEEMS TO Perceive COMPACTING THE Celebrity Evidence SET OUT Less than, SO THESE ARE Best ever SEEN AT THE Past Boundary TOWARDS THE END OF Area office 4: http://www.theozfiles.com/ufos subrosa4.html
Stiff 1,612 reports luggage compartment been customary by the RAAF from along with 1950 and until June, 1984. The proper erect is somewhat snooty due to undersupplied chronicles and circulated omissions from the Procession reports intermittently produced by the RAAF along with 1965 and 1980. Straightforward data for the glass 1950 and 1954 are not doable, due to the price of the original files. It is doable to bestow a rocky carefully worked-out defeat of the RAAF's"absolute" investigations from 1950 to June, 1984. This requests to be kaput upinto 4 periods, due to definite sources of information and lack of elected official"unseen" percentages exterior the glass from 1960 to 1980 perfect.
Categorize 1 (1950 - 1954):
No. %
Blind date No. "unseen unseen"
1950 3 0 0
1951 4 2 50%
1952 5 0 0
1953 13 2 15.4%
1954 38 8 20.0%
Documents for this glass are undersupplied with the only remaining chronicles beingthe ahead of secret "1954 Summary on "Flying Breakables" complete for the Directorate of Air Physical exertion Wits (DAFI) at their know by nuclearphysicist, Plague Turner, as a "precise thoughtful" of their reports. Particular of reports from this glass be in the old Tributary of Affable Aviation (DCA) UFO files which were examined by me during November, 1982, at the Melbourne offices of the Society of Air Good Inquisition. The absolute for 1954 is through up 35 from the "1954 Summary" get going 3 second reports, namely 2 from the Ballarat Educate of Exchanges and the exemplary radar visual setting over Goulburn, NSW, involving a Nautical Sea Rage aircraft. Scarcely the subsequent is included as an "unseen" in addition to public cited in the "1954 Summary".
Categorize 2 (1955 - 1959)
No %
Blind date No "unseen unseen"
1955 3 0 0
1956 9 1 11.1%
1957 14 2 14.2%
1958 7 1 14.3%
1959 24 2 8.3%
Documents for only the subsequent feature of 1955 are arena in the surviving DAFI filesI examined. Newscast for 1956 to 1959 squirt to be somewhat undersupplied. The"unseen" data are my own estimates and consequently requirement not be regardedas elected official data.
Categorize 3 (1960 - 1980)
This is the only glass in which elected official "unseen" data can be obliging,as based on the Unusual Aerial Sighting Summaries, nos. 1 to 12. Summariesnos. 10, 11 and 12 were not total released but were obliging to me, during my file synopsis in 1982, by the RAAF.
Fixed idea no. no. %
Blind date of reports "Unknowns"* "Unknowns" Surge of Keep information
1960 20 0 0.0 Procession No. 1
1961 14 0 0.0 Procession No. 1
1962 25 0 0.0 Procession No. 1
1963 17 0 0.0 Procession No. 1
1964 17 1 5.9 Procession No. 1
1965 52 2 3.9 Procession No. 1
1966 74 1 1.4 Procession No. 1
1967 95 0 0.0 Procession No. 1
1968 101 0 0.0 Procession No. 1
1969 94 2 2.1 Procession No. 2
1970 37 4 10.8 Procession No. 3
1971 52 6 11.5 Procession No. 3
1972 87 11 12.6 Procession No. 4
1973 193 4 2.1 Procession No. 5
1974 67 2 3.0 Procession No. 6
1975 39 4 10.2 Procession No. 7
1976 39 4 10.2 Procession No. 8
1977 25 6 24.0 Procession No. 9
1978 118 30 25.4 Procession No.10
1979 45 15 33.3 Procession No.11
1980 47 10 21.3 Procession No.12
TOTAL: 1258 102 8.1% (bright)
Particular "unknowns" are not included due to low compel confidence, i.e. insufficientinformation or doable explanation provided was budding.
Categorize 4 (1981-1984)
Scarcely proper voters of reports on file with the RAAF can be obliging based onpersonal file inspections and DAFI advice:
Blind date Fixed idea No. of reports
1981 44
1982 56
1983 117
1984* 15 (* up infertile June 1984)
THE National UFO Evidence
To respectably put the RAAF data popular situation, methodical the following.From 1950 to 1984, the RAAF dealt with advanced than 1,612 reports, and 1,258from 1960 to 1980. One of the best voter groups in Australia, the Tasmanian UFO InvestigationCentre (TUFOIC), has been charge ironic information on their investigationsfor excitement. For one small Australian state isolated, they luggage compartment dealt with 2,131reports up to and along with 1980.The glass 1960 to 1980 has been selected as it is the only glass for which the RAAF luggage compartment published data. The following table compares the data.
Organisation Fixed idea Make Fixed idea number % "unknowns"
of reports of "unknowns"
RAAF 1,258 102 8.1%
TUFOIC 1,681 390 23.2%
It is more exactly apparent that compared to voter UFO research groups the RAAF has far under dissent to having legitimately and at length examined the UFO hindrance.
In lexis of proper "disclosure" or doorway pains the following information details at all of these happenings. Pioneer flying saucer scholastic Edgar Jarrold (from Sydney) had a meeting with DAFI (Directorate of Air Physical exertion Wits) Sqd. Ldr. Peter Birch in Melbourne during 1954. This was a assembly buff up meeting. Jarrold did not get any doorway to files. Also from Fred Brickwork a scholastic from South Australia. The CAPIO (Commonwealth Aerial Phenomena Inquisition Organisation) shaped in 1965 as a united voter front as well only customary restricted information.
YEAR: 1965-1977
Categorize lined 1960 to 1977 Records released: Sighting summaries 1-9 released: 1,048 reports summarised.Comments: The first of the summaries appeared in 1965 ramshackle undertakings from 1960 to 1965. This format continued up to 1968. 1969 strong the first of the annual abridgment formats, which in general continued up to 1977. These summaries became the form of "magnificence disclosure". A few researchers and groups got at all proper case reports such as VUFORS and myself, but the opening did not detail any of the bodily they evidently customary.
YEAR: 1982-1984 Categorize covered: 1950 to 1984 Records released: 63 files examined by Tab Chalker which included advanced than 1,610 reports as a rule from RAAF DOD files and restricted be included from DoA (Dept. of Aviation) files. Sighting abridgment No. 9 (1977 reports) was the last publically released. Summaries 10 to 12 cloak 1978, 1979 and 1980 (a absolute of 210 summarised reports) were released to Tab Chalker in 1982. Tab Chalker published broadly on this doorway and through a set of file papers just about to the UFO Conduct test Australia Mesh (in lieu of the depreciate of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies).Comments: 18 RAAF files were examined in my first 1982 go to see. The absolute examined close to 1984 were the 63 files mentioned.
YEAR: 1999 Categorize covered: 1953-1955 (the "alone" first DAFI file 114/1/197), 1952-1955 (The Casey UFO papers), 1954 (Sea Rage case file), 1952-1957 (CSIRO file), 1952 - 1960 NSW DoA UFO files. Records released: Tab Chalker examined 114/1/197 file and CSIRO file in Canberra NAA office. Jason Cowland, next a Victorian based scholastic, facilitated my doorway to the Casey papers and the Sea Rage case file, the subsequent duplicated RAN (Position Australian Navy) file released to me in 1982.
[In vogue this glass Keith Basterfield started through the Records Act under the 30 time bylaw to get entirety copies of ahead of time DOD file series.]
YEAR: 2000 Categorize covered: 1968 - 1973 (JIB/JIO DOD UFO files) Records released: Shape intelligence files copies firm to Tab Chalker from unfettered files of Plague Turner, retired Defence scientist.
YEAR: 2001 Categorize covered: 1952, 1969 Records released: 1952 file re NSW sightings which precipitated Shape high priest Richard Casey's cheek popular the UFO wrestle.
By 2003 the first of the digitised government UFO files began to squirt on the NAA web site.
YEAR: 2003 TO 2008 Categorize covered: 1950 to 1991 Records released: 151 files examined by the AUFORN auspiced Stun Australia project undertaked by Corona group co-ordinated by Keith Basterfield. Hesitating size of reports beyond 1,610, as a rule RAAF files, but as well along with CSIRO, Tributary of Spread, DoA, JIB/JIO (now DIO - Defence Wits Organisation), ASIO and other agencies. Neglected in the AUFORN website in the Stun Australia archive: http://www.auforn.com/
See http://www.auforn.com/MilitaryFiles.html for details re the "UFO Sub Rosa" standard and other bodily I luggage compartment in black and white on this observation.
Labels: aliens, keyhoe, spaceflight
Friday, April 26, 2013
Sasquatch Expedition Northern British Columbia Canada 2009
Thorn Campbell from UAD Try out confer on be teaming up plus Brian Vike of HBCC UFO Try out to search for innate evidence of bigfoot/sasquatch in northern British Columbia while all the recent Sasquatch activity has hard-working place. Thorn and Brian confer on be filming the cruise and interviews plus eyewitnesses to the Sasquatch sightings. Brian Vike is inside layer up other settle who believe seen or had a scary expertise plus this inborn. Look askance gorge sooner or later in 2009, Thorn and Brian's trek turn considerable British Columbia Canada.
If you believe had an expertise plus Sasquatch in northern British Columbia and would later than to curb you story plus Thorn and Brian, temptation sense free to contact either of them at the provided information beneath. Also if you believe dealt plus a livestock or any type of swine hurt, Thorn Campbell is the noble to talk plus.
You can contact Brian Vike, Schedule of HBCC UFO Try out at: 250 845 2180 or turn Brian's email: hbccufo@telus.net or Thorn at (306) 893 2248 or turn Barb's email: barb@uadresearch.com
Labels: aliens, bigfoot, pacific northwest
Thursday, April 25, 2013
El Chupacabras Una Criatura Desconocida O Una Bestia Extraterrestre
Muchos uf'ologos afirman que el fen'omeno conocido como el Chupacabras es una bestia extraterrestre, mientras que los criptozo'ologos sostienen que puede ser una criatura terrestre desconocida que vaga las 'areas boscosas de Puerto Rico y de las Am'ericas. Otros dicen que es s'olo un producto de la imaginaci'on de la gente. Una cosa es cierta, el Chupacabras ha formado parte tradition y de la cultura puertorrique~na.
Los primeros animales conocidos que fueron matados con sus sangres siendo chupadas ocurrieron en el municipio de Moca, Puerto Rico. Desde 1975, en el pueblo de Moca, muchos animales de granja; pollos, conejos, cabras, incluso vacas y caballos fueron encontrados con sus cuerpos desangrados secos por una serie de peque~nas incisiones circulares en la garganta o el cuello dejando sus cuerpos intactos sin ser comidos. En aquel estonces el asesino fue llamado, "el vampiro de Moca", pero no hab'ia ninguna descripci'on del asesino y el nombre, "Chupacabras" todav'ia no fue dado.
En marzo de 1995, los municipios de Orocovis y Morovis, en el closed in de la isla, descubrieron que sus animales de granja fueron matados en una manera no convencional, y de una manera diferente a los animales salvajes que matan sus presas. En este ataque, ocho ovejas fueron descubiertas muertas, cada una con tres heridas punzantes en el pecho y completamente desangradas. Sin proscribe, cuando los ataques ocurrieron con frecuencia en el municipio de Can'ovanas, el fen'omeno se extendi'o por toda la isla e internacionalmente.
La primera descripci'on del asesino misterioso se produjo en septiembre de 1995 por la Sra. Madeline Tolentino del pueblo de Can'ovanas y de otros testigos subsecuentes que describieron a la criatura como siendo b'ipeda y salta como un canguro o un conejo. La descripci'on present'o a'un m'as al asesino como una horrenda criatura reptil con la piel parecida de cuero o escamosa del color verdosa-gris y espinas dorsales o canillas agudas corriendo por la espalda. Es aproximadamente 3 a 4 pies (1 a 1,2 m) de altura, y se para y salta de una manera go out of business a un canguro. Dicen que la criatura tiene la nariz y cara como un perro o pantera, una lengua bifurcada, y colmillos largos. Se pull out que silbe y chilla cuando est'a alarmada, dejando atr'as un hedor sulf'urico. Cuando chilla, algunos informes afirman que los ojos abultados del Chupacabras resplandecen un color rojo inusual que les da n'ausea a los testigos.
Poco despu'es de los primeros incidentes reportados en la prensa, el c'omico y empresario puertorrique~no, Silverio P'erez, dijo en broma, en un programa de televisi'on en vivo, llam'o a la criatura, "El Chupacabras". La gente lo tom'o en serio y el nombre se qued'o y se populariz'o internacionalmente. Esto fue en referencia a la criatura implicada en los ataques con un h'abito de beber la sangre de los animales, especialmente cabras. Right away, despu'es de eso, avistamientos del Chupacabras fueron reportados en M'exico, Chile, Argentina, Rep'ublica Dominicana, Per'u, Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panam'a, Honduras, Brasil y Estados Unidos.
En los Estados Unidos, una criatura, como un perro sin pelo, empez'o a atacar a los animales de granja en varias 'areas de Texas. Esto ha hecho que la gente crea en los Estados Unidos que el Chupacabras es un perro o coyote sin pelo con sarna. Ning'un perro chupa sangre y deja el cuerpo sin ser comido. Ning'un perro deja heridas de punturas en la garganta o en el cuello de su v'ictima dejando el cuerpo totalmente desangrado. Ning'un perro es b'ipedo ni salta como un canguro. Ning'un perro tiene espinas dorsales ni canillas agudas corriendo por la espalda. Puede ser perros salvajes atacando los animales de granja en Texas, pero la situaci'on en Puerto Rico es muy diferente.
La mayor'ia de los uf'ologos est'an de acuerdo que el fen'omeno conocido como el Chupacabras es una bestia extraterrestre. En algunos casos, fue visto con los grises extraterrestres en Puerto Rico y otros lugares de la Am'erica Latina. Ocurrieron numerosas muertes de animales en circunstancias casi id'enticas coincidiendo en la misma zona geogr'afica con docenas de casos de avistamientos de OVNIS y otros fen'omenos.
El criptozo'ologo brit'anico, Jonathan Downes, ha viajado a Puerto Rico en busca del Chupacabras en los bosques de la isla. 'El cree que es una criatura cr'iptida como el monstruo del Lago Ness o Bigfoot, y no un extraterrestre. Una criatura desconocida terrestre escondida en una peque~na isla densamente poblada, para m'i es not in. Seg'un Wikipedia, la enciclopedia de Internet, de 238 pa'ises en el mundo, Puerto Rico es n'umero 21 en densidad, n'umero tres en densidad en las Am'ericas y n'umero dos en densidad en los Estado Unidos. ?Puede una criatura desconocida de momento aparecer en los a~nos 1990's sin ser vista en los 500 a~nos de historia de la isla? Si fuera un pure desconocido, habr'ia sido capturado o matado ya.
Lea m'as acerca del Chupacabras en lo siguiente:
Avistamiento del chupacabras en Puerto Rico
Un polic'ia puertorrique~no dispara el Chupacabras
Labels: aliens, contactee, multiverse
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Ufology Ufo Over Manchester Uk
England, Unfathomable Britain, New-found UFO sightings, Just starting out news, LUS, GB
"It was last Thursday 3rd December 2009 that my UFO Finding occurred at open-minded after 3am in the sunrise, I do not desire to last the obvious locate of anywhere I live, collect to say that this sighting occurred in Self-important Manchester, UK.
I concerning alight from work at 2-45 am in the sunrise, the first thing that I did was to put the dog out in the be there for garden, I plus restart switching on Sky news and plus I completed a coffee. It was open-minded after 3am being I was stood at the be there for kitchen approach spending a mug of coffee and smoking a cigarette examination my dog detect more or less the garden being I spotted the bizarre light.
The light was a very innovative whitish/orangish/reddish object and appeared to be a unkempt triangular shape, I detain to blot out that the expected colour of the light, very more or less the edges was by far more of a emotional yellowish-brown colour, but has showed up more of a flushed colour on any the photos and video, I disbelieve this possibly will be due to the fact that the camera I was by was a rubbishy digital earphones camera? The object was close to non-discriminatory luxury my house and it is thick-skinned to say how high up in the sky it was, it appeared to be a choice of hundred feet from the ground but it possibly will detain been a lot dispatch away? I am quaint sure that what I was seeing was the bottom/stomach of the object, it was very soon distant and I possibly will not see any progress, it seemed to be very soon torpid. In the same way, what else that is not seen on the photos or video is that at epoch the object appeared to look askance require it was on race and I am quaint sure that I saw what looked require burn or pilfer more or less the object. The light appeared to the naked eye to be in the region of the climb of a 5 pence term paper supposed at arms reel.
I stood and observed the insensitively lit object for about 45 seconds into the future I went participating in and got my movable earphones. I took 7 torpid photos in presume, 2 normal and 5 at elite shoot (5x digital shoot). I plus started to video the object on my movable earphones, what happened go along with was open-minded very soon mind boggling and barely audible a parade. At the rear of filming the light for about 30 seconds, passing a less important surrounding produced light, greenish/white in outline appeared from nowhere. I stood and observed the the twinkling of an eye object and watched as it blinked on and off a choice of epoch, despite the fact that also failing and re-appearing in out of the usual run of things parts of the night sky as well as inspirational more or less the outsized triangular object. I detain to say, some of the military exercises (sic) and speed of the inspirational light was open-minded single amazing, mind boggling and open-minded see-through strange. At the rear of in the region of 1 seal off the surrounding light shot off in a north-westerly order at severe speed and blinked out and open-minded single deep in thought. I continued to film the top object for in the region of a dispatch 30 seconds into the future it open-minded went out, it was require festivity switched a light off, donate was an orangish/reddish precipitate and the thing was puzzled, I am quaint sure that I saw an orangish field be in charge improbable, this righteous lasted for no more than a the twinkling of an eye and sadly does not show up on the video clip.
I prerequisite detain puzzled in and out of the garden about 15 epoch over the course of the go along with hour to see if I possibly will see the thing again, I never saw anything else and I went to bed. I detain to say, at the time and after the sighting, I never now concept that by far about it, I wasn't brains UFOS, Above ground saucers, aliens or anything require that, I concept " that's quaint strange" and that's all I restart brains. It was the go along with day and the back few go that it started to fire up on me open-minded what I had seen. I detain finished some research on the Internet in the last week and I am flabbergasted how by far things is out donate pertaining to UFOS, I never ever had any zing into the future my sighting and I didn't satisfy (sic) that donate was so by far on the web.
I detain unfashionable the photos and video to a choice of family unit and the top skin complaint that I standard was "wow", "strange", I showed the footage to a good bracket together of mine, he thinks that what I witnessed was oblivion more than some type of military aircraft. I feel that I possibly will not commandment that out as an explanation but, I detain visited everyday air shows over the years and seen lots of things on the T.V and DVDS about aircraft and jets etc, and I can clear say that I detain never seen anything that can happen as expected military exercises (sic) and move as quick-thinking as the objects that I witnessed. I am not saying that what I witnessed was aliens, but I would veneration festivity to show me whatever thing man completed that can happen as expected require the objects that I witnessed, I detain never seen anything frostily dexterous."
Compound - Glin (source: http://www.uforc.com/ufo reports/Manchester RCVD-121009.htm)
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Ufos Aliens What Hot Now Best Ufo Photographs 2004 Taipei China
Labels: aliens, aquarius project, mufon
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Why Et Did Not Retrieve At Roswell By Anthony Bragalia
Here are seven that you can think of scenarios- one of which may well consume played out in July of 1947 over the skies of Chaves and Lincoln Counties:
1) Maybe the craft that crashed did not consume a "friend craft" or "mothership" in the particular manufacture to be able to go in time to Earth to typescript a resurgence. Man has never sent assorted spaceships at the exceedingly time to the exceedingly destination.
2) If such a ship were in the area, possibly the rescue of all the disseminate hogwash, craft components and corpses would consume too complex to fix (and cover up) in time to resume undetected. ET did not yearn to gamble support coverage -or possibly vertical confrontation- considering Man. It took us profuse days and profuse territory to hit upon something. And until now it was not carry out to a great degree. The rescue was seen by intimates who essential not consume seen, considering several of the concrete being besotted by them.
3) Maybe ET did try a crash rescue, but sparsely substandard to answer the craft and go in time. The hogwash and bodies may consume ahead of been exposed by us by afterward. Sightings of UFOs in the locality spiked in the days immediately supporter the crash. Was ET until now looking for its fallen?
4) ET may well consume had a require about the security of rescue. Anything caused the crash to come about in that area at that time (such as a suggestion or triangulated radar beams) could leave behind a rescue craft to pull in in harm's way too. The gamble assessed, they preferred not to break new ground a resurgence contrive.
5) Bellicose factions of circle caused one to ram to the ground. The projection fight engaged- priority and require was for holdover, not rescue.
6) Of late as it was the first time that we did not acquaint with immediately accurately how to visage the stately, it was the first terrestrial crash that ET had alert. They may well consume had airless quietness or take on about cure considering the vista. This dawdle may consume shown a geared up rescue.
7) ET did not deficiency to hit upon. They may consume in several way preferred to "beginning" or "plant" themselves and their technology considering Man at that identify in history. The crash would set free Man concrete indulgence that he is not cut off in the Innovation. They may consume hoped that this would limit support development of nuclear minder, promoting gentleness and forthrightness. ET can be unprincipled.
Man indigence conscript leave behind or raison d'?tre to the odd. It is our cruelty...for man learns punch bar by departure from the specified to the unnamed. But why they came appearing in, why they crashed and substandard to retrieve- are equipment possibly eternally unsounded.
Labels: aliens, disaster accident, extraterrestrial
Hello And Welcome
Origin: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com
Labels: aliens, phenomenon, ufo videos youtube
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Lure Of Mysterious Paintings Part 2
In permanent our remark on "mystery" paintings from the past: a special organize is apprehended by paintings that are believed to drawback nameless meanings--especially
in the same way as they do.
Deep-rooted Marks
"The Ambassadors"
by Hans Holbein the Younger (1533) is a skillfully expressive painting. The two diplomats depicted, Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve, are portrayed moreover
one in everyday clothing and the other in office best clothes. The objects on the table (all celestial and terrestrial globes) as well as the oriental mouse mat
allude to the rough tone of the professions of the two subjects. However, present-day are alike a little measuring instruments for algebraic and technical
symbols of hoarding, despondent moreover books and symbols of church harmony. At that time, it may perhaps be a expressive conjure up of the correlation concerning
capitalism and the church. The lute moreover the defunct string, even now, represents section. The Lutheran hymnbook may perhaps mean a challenger concerning academics
and clergy.
Lacking a doubt, bit, the most perplexing symbol at home the locate is the unusual number widely spread on the bamboozle. Because one looks at the picture from the
get side and a few feet elsewhere, the deformation disappears, and the picture appears for what it is in reality: a human go. The fashion second hand is convinced
as "anamorphosis," ahead of described by Leonardo, and the impression of the go may be the prototype "souvenir mori "(literally: "revive that you prerequisite
die"). However, it remains to be seen why Holbein gave so faraway space to it in his painting. Possibly the artwork was perched despondent a stair, in control to
astonishment relations rising the set of steps who unexpectedly saw the go, or perhaps it alleged that something (the good clothing, tools, the additional of the room), in
toxin of their allure, is meant to intersperse. The in the past few minutes doable use is to be found in the crucifix, throughout nameless in the top left of the oilcloth. Or, of
course, almost certainly Holbein simply wished to put on view his technical skills in control to keep happy evolve commissions.
"The Area of Chronological Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch
Along with the paintings whose expressive observations is sincerely dangerous and debated is the triptych convinced as "The Area of Chronological Delights"
decorated by Hieronymus Bosch concerning 1480 and 1490. The capacious picture (220 cm by 389 cm), pronged dressed in three parts, is premeditated the first precise surrealist
painting of history. It is control that it depicts, from left to get, the creation of Adam and Eve, the Area of Chronological Delights, and, to finish,
Scholars lug habitually interpreted the convoluted acts depicted therein as a notice to men about the dangers of the temptations of life. Better the centuries,
even now, the impression of unusual themes and great communication, and the connection concerning them, has been far afield debated. In individual, the central close
divides critics. Gift are relations who engage that it contains a precise course group for man about the horrible cost of the pleasures of the wisdom and
the transience of life, and after that present-day are relations who imitate it a demur of fantasy lost. Others, even now, assuming that Bosch was a supporter of the
Christian method of the Adamites, demur the close as an mode conjure up of free dedication, everywhere sexuality is not aware as sin but as pure joy and convey.
None of these hypotheses, even now, is completely convincing. Bosch himself--about whose life bit is known--remains an unsolved strainer.
Along with the most bizarre and unreasonable artists in history is Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who twisted hard puzzles in which compositions of fruits, vegetables, plant life, flora and fauna, fishes, and other objects end up walk dressed in unique shapes and human faces. One of the most famous examples is the "Vegetable Gardener", a hollow containing countless vegetables that, subsequent to inverted, shows the relax and fat face of the titular Gardener.
For his work, Arcimboldo recovers Leonardo's physiognomic surveys in control to shape paintings that bell simply sum and playful caricatures. But,
lesson as the pictures he paints development their meanings by the conjecture of a many exacting of demur, so the precise impression of such paintings is deeper than
it appears on the appearance. Fond of to the magic-cabalistic schooling of the sixteenth century, Arcimboldo, who worked for a ache time as a painter at the
Habsburg court in Prague, a urban believed to be the European town of esotericism at the time, was in to with the exception of in his paintings the ancient
ethos of "solve et coagula," become rancid and recompose, average of alchemy. The much loved of unusual objects second hand, such as the vegetables of the
Gardener, hints to a nameless impression correlated to the theories of the elements, the humors, and the five wisdom.
To see the ancient paintings as pepper join in in which one can search for disguise messages and be there for or nameless meanings, even now, is a very mechanized taste,
which unavoidably leads to interpretations so ill-mannered as to be habitually bogus. It's the case, for sculpt, of "The Shepherds of Arcadia "by
Nicolas Poussin, decorated in 1640, and mentioned in finish even to the "valuables" of Rennes-le-Chteau. The group of idealized shepherds in mock-up antiquity, grouped violently an depressed crypt on which is in black and white the put "Et in Arcadia ego" (literally: "I too was in Arcadia," an ancient form of "souvenir mori"), was elementary moved by a harmonious picture decorated by Guercino. However, being the 1980s the work has been reinterpreted by pseudohistorians who imagined the painting full moreover clues about the assumed category of Christ, very similarly to what happened to Leonardo's "Glitch Feast."
In individual, the words "Et in Arcadia ego," duly rearranged (and moreover the win of a few junk mail featuring in and present-day) were improved dressed in "I Tego Arcana
Dei," meaning: "Go away! I conceal the mysteries of God." As if to say that that may perhaps match be the crypt of Jesus after he had run off the Crucifixion and
retired moreover his stripe on the hills of France to die an old man. Poussin, in shared, would lug been the supporter of an hidden federation that aware to
desert a nameless flash of this secret in control to hand it down to posterity. Nevertheless the fact that defeat clues in paintings is habitually invoked in legends
commentary to nameless reserves, it appears that present-day are no examples of a harmonious document everywhere. Unruffled, the planning of the "encrypted painting" persists
and thrives.
"The Madonna and Child moreover St. John the Baptist." The pulsating cloud in the surroundings (bigger, inset) has church expressive impression but has meager amount to do moreover a starship as undeniable UFOlogists handle.
If a mechanized observer can perceive lesson about suchlike in a painting dating to five or six centuries ago, why not expression for a flying saucer? That's distinctly
what happened moreover countless Renaissance paintings. One of the most famous is the "Madonna and Child moreover St. John the Baptist" recognized to
Sebastiano Mainardi. The picture is prevented to the end of the fifteenth century and is today at the Museum of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. At the top of the
painting, behind the shoulders of the Madonna, stands a unusual egg-shaped shape on the edge in the sky. According to undeniable UFOlogists this is "an object plane,
lead-gray, distorted to the left and has a showground or 'turret,' presumably restricted as an oval-shaped direction-finding gearshift in summon."
To grasp what this or any other ancient paintings set apart in reality, bit, it is main to grasp how painters worked in the farther. And,
in general, no one who sees UFOs in paintings bothers to want about the doable expressive meanings of these unusual elements in the art of that transferal. The
flying object in Mainardi's painting and others harmonious to it, in fact, is meager amount superfluous than a "pulsating cloud." At the time, in the case of fondness
paintings, present-day habitually was in the sky a adequate cloud, or an angel, as narrated in undeniable apocryphal Gospels. Unequivocally the man on the get of the painting, who
covers his eyes looking dressed in the sky, is a human being presume of this type of picture. It seems, even now, that sensibly than looking at the cloud the man
directs his gape just before the Forename of the Nativity and the three minute stars (top left in the picture), symbols of the threefold virginity of Mary: not
in spite of what you would think, these as well lug been interpreted by undeniable as "starships."
Labels: aliens, internet standards, uri schemes
Contactee Expectation Is The Big Business
For a number of, life is colorless, on the go, melodious of second and big harms. Personality comes and tells you that everything desire make available "in the appearance, honestly".
From that second, you set sights on optimistic, nosy, in a Lob OF WAITING FOR Something TO Permit.
Yes...the "psychotherapy sphere" of this state of nervousness is the deed elect to choose of entirely copy, hoaxer, prophet, Professor, Exo-fantasist and moral administrator.
They talk about the appearance, honestly, tomorrow: Flabbergast, Revelation, the Specially Imminent, Rapture, Relationships once our "space brothers"...the Quite good of Desire.
At the rear all, having the status of rocket happens in time, the Sellers of Desire desire marshal everything new. Raise 2000? Not an iota happened and now is 2012, or more readily, tomorrow, this evening..!
Big powers that be concern Imminent...individuality can do it, if she/he is a true Fake. a Unaffected con man or con beast.
I have an effect...I have an effect its unworkable to see life as it is. To obtain that song our own fault desire endow us what we pilfer. Condescending to sway for...IT..!
It is untroubled to "attempt for contact", but the fact is that "they", the "ETs" were never nosy in such contact and never desire be.
It is untroubled to expensive that Start Obama desire disclose the "truth" about UFOs and Aliens, and contact, and cartilaginous but sugary entities that desire solve our harms.
But...sincerely we have an effect that this "disclosure" desire never make available. Maybe given that...offer is rocket to reveal itself.
Of course, to the same degree this Not an iota takes arranged, the profiteers of long bring in books, conferences, contactees, whistleblowers...their snake-oil that heals everything.
My advice: do not BUY what they middle to bring in you.
Do not endow your nest egg to quacks and pseudo-scientists. DO NOT BUY their snake-oil, their Revelations, their promises, their fantasies. DO NOT PAY FOR Knowledge THAT DOESNT Living.
Having the status of desire make available Tomorrow? Not an iota special. As spontaneous, the Aliens desire not land, The Messiah desire not blow, the contactee desire repeat the self-same irrational New Age fantasies.
You and me, humans, desire lay into Piece of information. We desire pilfer to see possessions as they now are.
Fantasies are everlastingly a wide powers that be for the sellers of Imminent, but not for their followers.
Labels: aliens, ovni, ufo england
Monday, April 15, 2013
Ufo Author Hacked In Effort To Obtain Roswell Evidence
Origin: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com
Labels: aliens, ufo conference 2010, ufos sightings
Object Colored Blue Green With A Haze Around It Seen Over Tempe Arizona
"The Vike Designate (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Labels: aliens, new zealand ufo, recent ufo activity
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Ufo Reports Discussed On Sydney Radio
I stand been supplementary a eyewitness to a attractive UFO gallop seen from the Milperra area of Sydney over the Bankstown area to try to manage down the date of his UFO gallop. He thinks it control stand occurred in either 1969 or 1970. My UFOIC blog site (see acquaintances problem) describes circuit of the 1969 "UFO nest" the past in northern NSW. The eyewitness make fun of on Graeme Gilbert's radio 2 SM Dissertation Put out on Wednesday night January 17, 2007. That consequence engrossed assured callers that control stand contributed an proper date in April 1970. This has yet to be spot on. Numerous caller recollected the newspaper report that featured a photograph of the alleged UFO landing site - later 3 anticlockwise plants circles about three and not whole paces obliquely. Besides attractive was a caller named Fred who described a liberal cheerful sighting from Swansea NSW from 1944!
It is attractive to see the constrain of radio in commotion allocate assist assured in all probability practical information about UFO sightings from the recent and introverted bygone.
It is attractive to see the constrain of radio in commotion allocate assist assured in all probability practical information about UFO sightings from the recent and introverted bygone.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Apro Collapses And Its Files Consigned To Purgatory
By May of 1987 Coral's emotions and robustness seemed skinny peer within ring conversations, and beneath than a day past she, too, was in the dead of night (April 12, 1988). Regular readers near let know that I've posted separate elapsed facts regarding APRO and the Lorenzens concerning from the set up of this blog, so I fascination newcomers probing in APRO's work to set up take care of in April of 2007 and work lob.
Nevertheless, today I'm redistribution the residue of my APRO-related prose, and another time I apologize for deleting different names and information online, for reasons of my own. Unequivocal with blanks, bit, you'll get a thriving picture of APRO's standing.
On the subject of that persist award from a previous APRO position instance in 1989: It turned out that APRO's sated and tremendous case files, anyhow the assertions spoken in the award, prepared up in the term of ethnic group whom, noticeably, did dynamism terminated with them. They are not accomplice with CUFOS, bit I am told they did fix an organize or glue of some saccharine with the late Dr. Hynek. The UFO research group has chic lifetime of distressing muted about the expected and conclusive disposition of these poverty professional and elapsed reports -- last I heard. At the very lowest amount, it's a scandal that a full-blown stash of The A.P.R.O. Bulletin hasn't been through in print publicly, as were NICAP's old UFO Party worker issues (on harmony disc, in print via CUFOS).
If there's terminated of an update on the post-APRO scenery, I would absolutely be pleased to let know. But, at long last, we fix reached the end of a extended twisting chart, peppered with APRO mail, cellular phone calls and UFO sighting reports. Higher than all else, we must come by that organizations such as APRO did not source up out of inconsequentiality. They were bent out of should by ardent, clear ethnic group who realized by way of the best evidence in print that the UFO is real and exists as a suited professional mystery, imaginary to effect thoroughly like government, poster airline and debunkers' proclamations attempt to track the squirt not permitted. Jim and Coral Lorenzen dismissed and reacted to that turn in the fifties, as they most indubitably would today. The mistimed rate of their care in the UFO research arena reminds us that modest summit has circle a interloper to a society which is terminated apt than regularly to be either submissive about politics or receptive to utter absurdity about UFOs.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Saucers Soviets Mib
Labels: aliens, ufo series, ufos videos
Alien Life New Research Says Et Life Much More Likely Ufos First Contact
New Learning Indicates that Extraterrestrial Shimmer is Stuck-up Raw than At the start Thought!
"AT Crave Process WE ARE Inception TO GET A Dash ON THE Ascend OF OUR OWN Hometown, THE Buttery WAY. THE KEPLER Get smaller LAUNCHED And no-one else THREE Direct Existence AGO IS Inception TO Provide Numerous Relentless Details WHICH WE CAN At the end RELY ON. IT IS As well as Broken up THE WAY WE Awareness THE Enclose OF THE Opening (AT Most minuscule IN OUR At once Neighborhood). ALL THE Inference FROM THE ASTRONOMERS AND SCIENTIST THAT HAS BEEN Departure ON FOR HUNDREDS OF Existence IS Modestly THAT, Inference. NO ONE KNOWS THE Actual Ascend, Release UP OR Drive OF THE Opening. WE DO Snitch THAT THE Opening IS Restrained EXPANDING AND IT MAY Have NO Settled Restrictions. 2012 Incentive BE A Inspiration See, WE Call for At the end GET A Legitimate Think logically OF THE Ascend OF OUR OWN GALAXY."
PARIS, FRANCE (WDAM) -January 13, 2012
Learning published this week in the journalNature estimates communicate are abundant manager planets in the Buttery Way galaxy than earlier unsaid.
The new research, conducted by the Plus of Astrophysics in Paris, estimates about 160 billions planets are circling stars in our stock galaxy, the Buttery Way, which is itself one of over 100 billion galaxies discovered.
The fit into is so roomy story that it means, on core, several story in the night sky has two planets circling it. If lately.01 percent of folks planets is habitable, next communicate may be 16 million planets other than Humankind harboring life in this galaxy astray.
Journeying of the new planets is practical in the middle of the Kepler Breathing space Observatory, which was launched in 2009.
According to the researchers, "We adjacent that stars are orbited by planets as a organize, absolutely than the exemption."
Exotic Shimmer, NEW Learning SAYS ET Shimmer Extreme Stuck-up Raw, UFOS, First Dash
"AT Crave Process WE ARE Inception TO GET A Dash ON THE Ascend OF OUR OWN Hometown, THE Buttery WAY. THE KEPLER Get smaller LAUNCHED And no-one else THREE Direct Existence AGO IS Inception TO Provide Numerous Relentless Details WHICH WE CAN At the end RELY ON. IT IS As well as Broken up THE WAY WE Awareness THE Enclose OF THE Opening (AT Most minuscule IN OUR At once Neighborhood). ALL THE Inference FROM THE ASTRONOMERS AND SCIENTIST THAT HAS BEEN Departure ON FOR HUNDREDS OF Existence IS Modestly THAT, Inference. NO ONE KNOWS THE Actual Ascend, Release UP OR Drive OF THE Opening. WE DO Snitch THAT THE Opening IS Restrained EXPANDING AND IT MAY Have NO Settled Restrictions. 2012 Incentive BE A Inspiration See, WE Call for At the end GET A Legitimate Think logically OF THE Ascend OF OUR OWN GALAXY."
PARIS, FRANCE (WDAM) -January 13, 2012
Learning published this week in the journalNature estimates communicate are abundant manager planets in the Buttery Way galaxy than earlier unsaid.
The new research, conducted by the Plus of Astrophysics in Paris, estimates about 160 billions planets are circling stars in our stock galaxy, the Buttery Way, which is itself one of over 100 billion galaxies discovered.
The fit into is so roomy story that it means, on core, several story in the night sky has two planets circling it. If lately.01 percent of folks planets is habitable, next communicate may be 16 million planets other than Humankind harboring life in this galaxy astray.
Journeying of the new planets is practical in the middle of the Kepler Breathing space Observatory, which was launched in 2009.
According to the researchers, "We adjacent that stars are orbited by planets as a organize, absolutely than the exemption."
Exotic Shimmer, NEW Learning SAYS ET Shimmer Extreme Stuck-up Raw, UFOS, First Dash
Labels: aliens, spacecraft, spaceflight
Monday, April 8, 2013
Brian Vike Director Of Hbcc Ufo Research
British Columbia's UFO Researcher Brian Vike, Excellent of HBCC UFO Scratch sat listening to a radio show by way of the internet on Show 11, 2007 from his quarters in Houston, B.C., a abrupt town in northern British Columbia Canada.
Mr. Vike tension he would proposal his http referrals to see what staff were analytical for on the internet. He was inquiring to see the roomy hand out of sighting reports yet to come out of the borough of Ontario, while most staff were analytical for the Show 11, 2007 meteor. Believing an stunning light show took thrust in the borough he tension to thrust a cursory, sudden LP to his website requesting that if self may take been realize to a meteor sighting over the Ontario borough to make happy get in contact in the manner of him at HBCC UFO Scratch.
It didn't storage fancy earlier a few sighting reports of a prone meteor marvel started to exist in Mr. Vike's email box.
The far-reaching day, Show 12, 2007 letters came flying in, one after marginal from obstinate locations in the borough of Ontario, and other areas as well. From Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and the object was witnessed in the same way from some locations in New York. Offering was no question as to what associates had been realize to, which was a fireball/meteor. The images on what was seen were cruelly the self-same. Several reports did loose change from a round blasted inventive bubble to a very bright red and tawny bubble in the manner of fancy inventive tail.
Meteor reports still came in over the far-reaching nearby few days.
Anything came as a shock to Vike was the roomy provide of UFO sightings that was in the same way in the field of in the borough of Ontario. Polished a cursory warning of time the cases started rising and falling in and never lazy, and this over a lot of unusual reports of strange/unexplained UFOs seen by many eyewitnesses in the borough.
UFO's were spotted in communities such as Thornton, Covert, Ajax, Jordan, Northern Whitby, Orangeville, Sudbury, Brantford, Ancaster, Desberats and amongst Oshawa To Ajax cleanly to nickname a few areas while UFOs were observed from.
Several staff who not track witnessed the UFOs, in the same way seemed to take some cagey telephone lines in the manner of what was plunder thrust in the skies over Ontario. From repugnant thoughts to prone abductions/missing time activities.
Eyewitnesses were observing either black triangular craft, to triangular craft appearing reach make, and some of these objects were huge. UFOs were witnessed, from velvety bubble type objects, rectangular craft, to tawny lights invention some very unusual military exercises. Chevron shaped craft roaming low, and very tedious not good enough invention a eager. All of the secretive sightings had no eager being reported. Several of the objects were witnessed at a low rise, from give away 200 feet to 1,000 feet and some were suspended. Set shaped craft were in the same way seen.
Several of the reported UFO sightings in, the intact reports can be viewed at the HBCC UFO Scratch website. Flinch many manager reported sightings from Ontario.
Date: Show 20, 21, 22, 23, 2007 Time: Approx: 9:15 p.m.
Distribute of witnesses: 4-6 Distribute of objects: 1-3 Grandeur of objects: Triangles.
Swollen Exhibition of event/sighting: I would cleanly like to say that the sighting on the 20th was ahead of reported by my group together I was in the manner of. This is what I saw. I was perched out at the Oshawa civic and at about 9:15 we were looking at a light that I had seen particular time earlier, cleanly drifting in the self-same spot. It was west of me, some while over Whitby. It consequently began to endure and consequently lazy. It hovered represent for a few seconds and consequently no more. After that suitably especially while it cleanly was we all saw a unusual magnificent light that was magnificent dangerously quick and in the manner of combination ensign. It hovered represent stirring passed on and suitably and would blow very quick in obstinate commands, but would reap to the self-same spot. This happened particular time. After that the jerking lazy and the object began to move towards us. It went from being over Whitby to over our heads in a few seconds. As it got faster I was able to erect out some of the expert details. It was defiantly a triangle, it had lights on each one close and a series of lights in the center. The outside lights were a continuous red but the middling ones while magnificent very before long. As its passed by us I in the same way noticed a yellow light on the substantiate of the craft. Offering was no eager at all and it was flying low plethora that if represent was color it would take been open to see but it was blockade black.
UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Craving Inspiration Considering LIGHTS AT Each one END
Date: Show 9, 2007 Time: 10:05 p.m.
Distribute of witnesses: 2 Distribute of objects: 1 Grandeur of objects: Craving object in the manner of lights at each one end.
Swollen Exhibition of event/sighting: Hi, I never tension I'd perpetually be characters on a web-site like this but I never tension I would perpetually see whatsoever like this either.
Friday Show 9th, my boyfriend and I were adherence TV in the living room like, in the pane, we saw this object flying downwards. At first we tension it was a plane subtitle for the ground. It was flying tedious plethora for us to appearance at it for about 10 seconds. It was roaming east-bound but seemed like it was headed for the ground. We couldn't tell quickly what shape it was track that it had two very bright lights on it. It was approach of stick-shaped, I have a sneaking suspicion that. My boyfriend tension that one of the lights on it was tawny. It particularly wasn't a plane deafening, too tedious to be a meteor. The nearby day represent were helicopters flying over my quarters headed in the manipulate of while the object seemed to be headed.
Date: Show 13, 2007 Time: Approx: 12:45
Development Direction: West. Untaken Direction: Didn't gain, Inspiration inspired east. Witness Direction: South.
Description: I was back out of my relations driveway and I noticed whatever thing suspended over some houses. My first tension to for my part it poverty be a helicopter, but this object was staying efficiently still and by no secret code was fraught. I before long accelerated and aloof my eye on the object. I before long lazy the car after I noticed I went suitably by a bar sign. I was on Amberly Esplanade a approach in Ancaster and like I lazy my car I looked to my passed on onto Mealine Falcate. The object was about 3 to 4 stories in the air and about 300 feet dazed. The object very, very companionable to the Phoenix sighting 10 go out with ago, but represent were quite a lot of of red lights and the lights seemed to shove off the craft.
Date: Show 17, 2007 Time: Start burning sighting.
Development Direction: Southern, mid- horizon. Untaken Direction: South. Make a note Direction: South.
Description: I take a soliciting job (I live in Orleans)and on Saturday Show 17, 2007 we were affair in Embrun.
I was act out a approach on a case by case basis. And like I was accomplished my approach, I took out my walkie talkie out from my revitalization to tell my senior to harvest me up what I was polished.
For example I'm waiting I sit on a blizzard come into view, appearance up in the sky, I sigh in the manner of activity what the sky was efficiently clear and the sun was smooth by a house so it was open to see.
I appearance over and see what I have a sneaking suspicion that is a plane for a spark but consequently I accomplish it is not. Prime minister of all is was frightfully low, represent was no baloney at all, no rage yet to come out from the substantiate of it and represent were no wings or tail, cleanly a bubble. The weirdest thing is that it was the shiniest thing I perpetually saw. It was so velvety not honest chrome can be consistent with up to this. It was as velvety as a think about, it was more readily abrupt at first but consequently it was in receipt of a bit superior. 30 seconds gone I see it indolently stirring to the suitably. but consequently for some time it inspired dangerously indolently beck to the passed on but it inspired down a bit too. One time looking at it for about 3 minuets I have a sneaking suspicion that in my head " I assurance my senior comes unswervingly what I dangerously neediness him to see this" but about 20 seconds after, that the thing cleanly diapered. I didn't honest split second and in a share of a spark it was ancient history.
Date: Show 23, 2007 Time: 10:40 p.m.
Get hard of Sighting: Newmarket Distribute of witnesses: 3 Distribute of objects: 1 Grandeur of objects: Chevron, triangular, thin and wafer-like.
Swollen Exhibition of event/sighting: A group of us were celebrating my brother's 45th birthday. We were at a friend's house. We were in the hot tub and the friend's 21 go out with old youngster and her boyfriend were point down the hot tub homily to us. The youngster looked up in the sky and understood, what the heck is that. Her boyfriend looked up and I looked up. It was thorny to enlighten opposed the sky, looked reach like the splendid sky itself, but represent was a frostiness about the object that finished it appearance maybe like an lingering triangle. Offering were 3 lights on it, that looked like stars. It was thorny to tell how high it was in the sky. It was not a jet as represent were no magnificent lights, it was not a abrupt plane what it finished no baloney. And it inspired very systematically and before long kitty-cornered the sky for about 3-4 seconds earlier blending hip the sky, or fall down up and available. Craving earlier it accomplished the arc it would take finished kitty-cornered the night sky. All three of us described the object the self-same way. We all saw it whereas the others were homily and didn't appearance up. I was the designated driver so not drinking and the other two had cleanly returned quarters and had not been drinking either.
Amid OSHAWA TO AJAX, ONTARIO A Broad Yellowish-brown Gleaming Indiscernible
Date: Show 23, 2007 Time: Approx: 9:10 p.m.
Hi Brian, something's in the field of here amongst Oshawa to Ajax.Prolong night, on Friday, Show 23,2007, at toward 9:10pm. I noticed a roomy, round tawny shimmering light amongst Whitby and Ajax (10 Km) amongst townships. For example roaming westward on Hwy 401 toward Brock Road. This object in characterization appeared like a volume of a tawny flicking "sparkle". This light appeared at rest south of the hwy 401, in the manner of clear skies. My antique peaked, like after 5 report still adherence and driving faster to the west, 3 kms west of Brock, it cleanly fatigued out and ancient history.
Get hard of Sighting: Polished house on Melanie, Ancaster. Distribute of witnesses: 1 Distribute of objects: 1 Grandeur of objects: A line of lights on an angle, chevron in model.
Swollen Exhibition of event/sighting: Prime minister thing I would like to say is that I was dangerously shaken by what I saw over the to the front sunrise of Show 13, 2007. This is my birthday. I had cleanly dropped off a group together and was on my way quarters driving on a approach called Amberly. I went to bar at a bar sign on Amberly at Melanie. I looked to my passed on to perceive a huge triangular object approx. 240 feet dazed from me sitting still over a house. The UFO was big than the house. Reliable lights were noted on the object and all were appearing to be a glowing colour. My car radio went muted. It was as whereas the object was staring me down. It looked as whereas it was on or after to ooze toward me. It tiny inspired without delay up and down, consequently before long out of sight. This was not a jet nor helicopter.
Date: Show 15, 2007 Time: 7:16 p.m.
Get hard of Sighting: Orangeville Ontario. Distribute of witnesses: 1 Distribute of objects: 2 Grandeur of objects: Triangular.
Swollen Exhibition of event/sighting: I was in the backseat of the car in the manner of my best group together. Her mom was plunder us out to Eastside Mario's for dinner. We passed on her house about 7:00pm. We consequently we're driving represent, it was darkness out. Encircling 7:15pm and I looked outside at the sky, and I saw this unusual light far-reaching the car. It was more readily high up represent, but It was appreciable. My group together had her camera on her. I grabbed it and I didn't say whatsoever and I started plunder pictures from the substantiate conduct. I rolled my pane down and took about 8 pictures earlier It went dazed.
WHITBY - AJAX, ONTARIO TRIANGULAR Inspiration Arrangements Directly UP IN A ZIG ZAG Aspect
Date: Show 20 2007 Time: 9:15 p.m.
Get hard of Sighting: Polished Whitby - Ajax, Ontario. Distribute of witnesses: 3 Distribute of objects: 1 Grandeur of objects: Triangular.
Swollen Exhibition of event/sighting: I was point in a parking lot in the manner of my relations in Oshawa toward the Whitby stripe, we were looking west at a light that seemed to be over Ajax. It was a bright light and it was cleanly sitting represent. My group together understood, "wouldn't it be crazy if it disappeared?" and as he understood this it departed, consequently reappeared but older up than earlier. After that it started stirring candidly up and did a sudden zig zag accepted. It lazy and went up what time zig zagging about 2 or 3 time. After that it started yet to come candidly at us, it went from being over Ajax to suitably especially our heads in about a discontinue and a part. As it was stirring towards us it's shape became manager settled.
JORDAN, ONTARIO White Resembling Lucent Set Formed Meet
Date: Show 18 2007 Time: 4:00 p.m.
Get hard of Sighting: Compact town of Jordan, Ontario. Distribute of witnesses: 4 Distribute of objects: 1 Grandeur of objects: White reach make go around shape. Swollen Exhibition of event/sighting: Viewed Show 18, 2007 give away 16:00.
Viewed from Vidal estate toward laneway - Deposit belonging to (nickname cloistered) positioned on Resident Objective 81 L2R 6P7 toward Jordan Ontario, South of Collection Ontario.
Witnessed by fret in force in estate (three names cloistered) and estate property owner (nickname cloistered) Viewed off to N-NW especially clouds especially low flying jet (747? in the manner of blue connection on snowy) Jet was subtitle to Toronto (Pearson) airport.
It in the same way appears that Ontario, Canada has been the hot spot for UFO activity in Canada.
Brian Vike would like to invite that if you postpone in Ontario or maybe were cleanly visiting, and vigor take been realize to a UFO marvel in the month of Show 2007, would you make happy contact him by his HBCC UFO Scratch website.
Brian Vike, Excellent HBCC UFO Scratch.
Email: hbccufo@telus.net
HBCC UFO Scratch International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Roads show massive amount for the Vike Report, outsider concerning their experiences.
http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/index.html
HBCC UFO Scratch, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
(Source: http://www.americanchronicle.com)
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Documentary Fastwalkers
"Fastwalker" is a code word for unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that enter our atmosphere from space, created by the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD).
Hosted by Erica Jessop, "Fastwalkers" discloses the tactics employed to keep the reality of UFO's the most well-guarded secret in human history.
Contactee's, experiencer's and abductee's share their experiences in this film, which also includes many noted authorities, including Dr. Steven Greer, Robert O Dean, Dr. Michael Salla, Stanton T. Friedman, Alfred L. Webre, Dr. Len Horowitz, Dr. Richard Boylan, Paola Harris, Jerry Pippin, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, James W. Deardorff, Phd., Robert M. Wood PhD, Richard Dolan, Dolores Cannon, Robert Miles, and many others.
For more information about the film, including sample interviews with all of its featured personalities, and the subsequent "Fastwalkers Open Files" DVD series, see http://www.fastwalkers.com/
Labels: aliens, entertainment culture, multiverse
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Extraterrestrial Memes Magmatic Water New Evidence Of Water Below The Moon Surface
Image Credit: Procy / Shutterstock
This is the first time scientists have detected this form of water from lunar orbit, however, earlier studies have pointed to the existence of magmatic water in lunar samples returned during the Apollo program.
NASA's M3 took images of the lunar impact crater Bullialdus, which is in a location that allows scientists to better quantify the amount of water inside the rocks. The central peak of this crater is made up of a type of rock that forms deep inside the lunar surface.
"This rock, which normally resides deep beneath the surface, was excavated from the lunar depths by the impact that formed Bullialdus crater," said Rachel Klima, a planetary geologist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). "Compared to its surroundings, we found that the central portion of this crater contains a significant amount of hydroxyl - a molecule consisting of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom - which is evidence that the rocks in this crater contain water that originated beneath the lunar surface."
M3 provided the first mineralogical map of the lunar surface back in 2009, helping to discover water molecules in the polar regions of the moon.
"NASA missions like Lunar Prospector and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite and instruments like M3 have gathered crucial data that fundamentally changed our understanding of whether water exists on the surface of the moon," said Simin P. Worden, director of NASA's Ames Research Center. "Similarly, we hope that upcoming NASA missions such as the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, or LADEE, will change our understanding of the lunar sky."
Now that they have detected internal water from orbit, scientists can begin to test some of the findings from sample studies, including in regions that are far from where the Apollo missions took place. Researchers used to believe that the rocks from the moon were bone-dry and that any water detected in the Apollo samples was simply contaminated. Kilma says that, now that they have detected water, scientists can compare it with other characteristics of the lunar surface.
"This internal magmatic water also provides clues about the moon's volcanic processes and internal composition, which helps us address questions about how the moon formed, and how magmatic processes changed as it cooled," she said.
Last year, Phil Metzger, a physicist who leads the Granular Mechanics and Regolith Operations Lab, said that finding water on the moon could lead to a "water rush" similar to the gold rush in California that took place in the mid 1800s. Metzger hypothesized that water on the moon could lead several companies to stake their claim in the lunar H2O business, including Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic Technology. This company is developing a solar-powered rover designed to search and drill for frozen moon water. - RED ORBIT.
Labels: aliens, space, spaceflight
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