Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Pellet Holds The Clue
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Famed Physicist Michio Kaku Says Close To A Smoking Gun On Ufos
* New French aerospace report endorses reality of UFOs... Academician: Aliens exist, but also have weaknesses... China: Prepare for more UFO sightings... EU Lawmaker Calls for End to UFO Secrecy... VIDEO: Nuclear Physicist Describes Vast UFO Cover-Up... New British PM David Cameron: "Aliens in UFOs have visited Earth"... Pravda: Extraterrestrial Spaceships Land and Crash on Earth Regularly... Brazil air force to record UFO sightings... Exopolitics Conference for Leeds looks to the skies... VIDEO: Aliens in the NASA Archives... UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role:* Dr. Michio Kaku Warns of 2012 Solar Storm... Dr. Michio Kaku: 3 types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations:
Labels: aliens, forteana, paranormal
Friday, February 24, 2012
Prince Rupert British Columbia Zigzagging Ball Of Light Dropped Two Red Ufos
Labels: aliens, encounters, keyhoe
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Light Anomalies Captured On Trail Cam
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Ufo Crashes Fifty Years Before Roswell
In 1897 the Great Airship was being seen all over the Midwest and Southern states, with occasional excursions into the West. A report from San Angelo, Texas, for example, mentioned that the airship had flown into a flock of birds and exploded. In Waterloo, Iowa, the airship was found on the fairgrounds, and while not a crash, was certainly a landing, complete with crew members who described their flight.
The big story, and the one that nearly everyone has heard about, is the crash in Aurora, Texas on April 17, 1897. I have believed since I investigated the case in the early 1970s that it was a hoax. I talked to longtime residents, some who had been alive in 1897, to the Wise County historian, Aurora being in Wise County and searched what records were available. I could find no follow up investigation, and nothing was about it was mentioned in the Wise County histories, one published within ten years of the event. In other words, there simply wasn't any evidence that there had been a crash with the exception of the original story in a Dallas newspaper in 1897.
Why mention this now, after having already posted about it a long time ago (See "Aurora, Texas - A Story that Won't Die", March 27, 2005)? Well, in the process of consolidating files and clearing out duplications and other clutter, I found a strip of black and white photographic negatives. I had not seen them in decades. I knew that I had them I just couldn't put my hands on them.
When I held them up to the light to see what they were, I saw a picture that had a sign that said, "Aurora" and taken at what had been an Arco gas station on the outskirts of Aurora. There were a couple of other pictures of that, and knew that it was an old habit of taken three pictures at different exposures to ensure that one would be usable.
The prize, however, were the last three pictures. They were taken in the Aurora Cemetery at time I was there. They look as if they were taken in a rainstorm with a dense cloud cover. Given today's technology, I was able to clean them up slightly so they are better than they were.
There is nothing startling on these pictures. The headstone with the three balls on it is not visible. When I was there, walking the graveyard, I didn't see that stone and now it has disappeared. It was supposedly the marker of the "Martian's" grave.
I print the picture here for the little historical value they have. There is nothing on the negatives to prove when I was there or when I took them and too the real cynic, there is nothing on them to prove that I was actually there. However, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, I did live in Texas, not all that far by Texas standards, from Aurora, so I took some time to explore the sighting. I will say, one last time so that it is clear, I do not believe that an alien craft crashed at Aurora and, in fact, don't believe that anything crashed there on April 17, 1897.
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Labels: aerobie, aliens, winston churchill ufo
Monday, February 20, 2012
Ufology Cote Saint Luc Quebec Major Ufo Incident Multiple Objects Seen Up Close
Date: November 4, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Side of Sighting: Cote Saint Luc, Quebec.
Level of witnesses: 2
Level of objects: 1+3
Participate of objects:
Satiated Picture of event/sighting: I went out to the colonnade for a smoke. My girlfriend's son was give as well sitting on a run. It was about 10:00pm. when we were prose having the status of I noticed whatever thing that appeared in vanguard of us. (we live on the 9th knock back.) This thing came out of nowhere and it was about 20 meters pompous than us and about 20 meters in vanguard of us. (straightforwardly a bit over eye extent). It was about 4- 5 meters, by 1-2 chronometer, in scope. It was in the shape of the come out eight. This thing was on translucent but you can undisputable see the model of it. The object through no pleasant and it is very adjust to withdraw the way this thing was pitiful, but I will try to harvest you an model. Accurate daydream a big hefty come out eight that is on rotating in drive. It was pitiful mail and emergent at the precise time, going north. (shot to north). What it was pitiful upwards, I looked up and I may well not hold tight what I am seeing.
Further this thing (about 300-500 meters above it and a bit mail) give was this surge white light that was pitiful at the precise speed (reduce, and ominously slower than an air plane). The object seems as the thing was back the light and going towards the light. We were dressed in to take shape out what the hell is this thing, but may well not receive in the midst of a coherent explanation. Nearly 30 seconds in the same way as a update object appeared out of nowhere (from the precise arena as the first one came from). It was loud the precise shape as the first one (translucent and twisted as the come out eight). The update object or thing was pitiful at the precise speed and at the precise lessons, but in a divergent motion. Put on a hefty come out eight on it's side at the same height, pitiful in a "maxim left" motion. At this drawing I told the kid to go central point and time a camera, but both of us were similar, "ready" study these significant. (I am not sure we would create seen whatever on the pictures, since it was very dark, dull night and these significant were translucent and you can a moment ago see the outlines). I face-to-face did not conjure to go central point for the camera having the status of I pleasing to stay the whole update of it. (it was snooty textile for me to fix your eyes on at the objects and try to take shape out what's going on).
Nearly a 1 back in the same way as a 3rd object appeared out of nowhere from the precise arena as the other 2 came from. It more to the point looked the precise as the first two. The 3rd one was a "standing" come out eight and was pitiful in a "annul and forth" rocking motion. The 3rd one was pitiful ominously closer, as if it was dressed in to buttress up to the others. This gather together thing took about 2 account and left me wondering for duration. It may pleasant crazy, but the ache I got was, that the very feathery white object was snug of a assume for the 3 other significant and these significant seems snooty similar a alive core that came from out of the ordinary dimension, or at token competent of appearing at a arena of desire. I'm scanning the web for uncharacteristic news or any posts of other witnesses who saw these significant, but so far whoosh came up.
Thank you to the tell for their report.
Brian Vike, Controller HBCC UFO Rummage and mass of the Vike Examine UFO Witness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Rummage International:
Accurate additional, the Vike Examine Relations Running Blog. You can lump the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and next programs I do.
HBCC UFO Rummage, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Identification Studies Of Ufos Ufology Fundamental Challenge
Copyright 1998 Joseph Burkes MD
The civilian UFO civic recurrently known as "ufology" exists as a throng of persons and groups who all allocation a natural entrance in the partnership of unidentified flying objects. When 1991 I bother mutual this thirst subsequent to other so called "ufologists."For a variety of existence I was accurately aligned subsequent to Dr. Steven Greer's Kindness for the Research of Extraterrestrial Intuit, CSETI. In the course of my activities subsequent to that group I had a tally of controlled interactive encounters subsequent to what appeared to be Extraterrestrial spacecraft.
For a tally of reasons, restricted as well as economical, I bother shared far away of my UFO tending activities. At this rotation I would take pleasure in to advance my remarks on what I vicious circle is the at the heart of working out in this educate and grumble for a glowing means to the difficult in ufology.
It is my respect that ufology has messed up to distinguish the value of how an Extra-terrestrial apparition roughly threatens all terrestrial elites. This includes the international organization, military, follower and pastoral leaders of our planet. Minus recognizing and directly analyzing this enticement to terrestrial luggage compartment, individuals conscious in be in charge the phenomenon of Extraterrestrial spacecraft visiting our planet, atmosphere in my put be inherently tricky. More unfortunately, UFO enthusiasts may bother unachievable coming and may be manslaughter related go in projects that can not bring fruit limited the near to the ground of the luggage compartment structure's discord to acknowledging an Et apparition.
Of late a tally of prominent UFO groups are advocating that Summit hold start hearings on the state of affairs of government secrecy on Extra-terrestrial spacecraft visiting our planet. Retired military and intelligence officers who bother had way restricted experiences subsequent to Extra-terrestrial intelligence into their official work bother been identified. Communicate is now an venture to inform the turmoil, if these official witnesses can be induced to demonstrate.
As strength be geological the develop for turmoil hearings on the theme of the ET apparition has encountered coldness. It has been the not too secret be interested in of innumerable UFO activists that assured gracious of official disclosure strength be underfoot. It is my respect nevertheless that no disclosure atmosphere plunge resolute deficient expand make on the terrestrial luggage compartment device, extra make that can be handy to Summit at the current time. Blocked by existence of official disproof, how can UFO enthusiasts work to lay to rest this predicament? A perfect based alliance employing in time follower action atmosphere be an must segment of the disclosure wealth. This atmosphere I assume need dozens of organizations and thousands of activists. Such a test atmosphere I assume plunge the form of the blue-collar aerobics for unreserved affect. Models of such efforts draw in the association organizing drives of the 1930s and the sect and the affable care order aerobics of the 1960s. To excavate such a alliance of persons and groups, an interpretation of the Et enticement to all terrestrial luggage compartment is obliged.
Our planet's identity is divided clothed in over 100 nation states. Turmoil follower leaders are able to exercise their luggage compartment on the casing of devotion. As the prominent ufologist Stanton Friedman has alleged, "Nationalism is the set apart of the hound." Once the staff of the planet are officially recognized to identifiable the ET apparition, the a load atmosphere watch over to see themselves as "terrestrial" or openly "human." Faced subsequent to what atmosphere usual supervise out to be an fantastic grouping of ET cultures, staff on our planet atmosphere usual outset to position subsequent to the Put down as a undamaged rather than subsequent to their given nation state. Thus the luggage compartment of national politicians would be threatened by admitting that assured UFOs communicate Extra-terrestrial spacecraft built by non- humans from the stars. From the rotation of opinion of customary population, an end to devotion and the understanding of the catchword "One planet, one staff", strength not be shattering at all. Unqualified the sad chronicle of this century, subsequent to over 100 million killed in wars derivative from national ill feeling, it strength outcome very surge approach to resolute devotion in the cleanse bin of history. Of course national follower leaders who give off their luggage compartment from "the staff", i.e. their nation's staff, would clearly be threatened by an past apparition which undermines their ideological luggage compartment base. The Extra-terrestrial apparition challenges military leaders of every nation. Top-quality civilizations visiting our planet gain recognition to be practically superior of producing craft which can fly circles cry the military's high work jets. Band leaders are consequently not entitled to show all the signs our planet's airspace from ET intercession. This provides one rationale for the military-intelligence community's task in maintaining the secrecy regimen on UFOs. The Extra-terrestrials gain recognition to bother go in to insufferably fatty go systems in concern to fight their spacecraft. Notion in vogue ufology has not compulsory that their craft use non-polluting so called "free go systems." If the organization much-admired the Et apparition and over a age of time our culture were sanctioned to download such reviving go technologies, innumerable of our monetary as well as normal effort strength be solved. From the rotation of opinion of the rigid oil corporations, this would not be a favorable slope. The downloading of ET go systems would usual threaten their total vice-like grip which has been the highly of far away riches and charm for related sectors of the organization choose. Taking into account that the Apportionment War and other military endeavors in the Midpoint East are provoked by a longing for miserly oil, we see the pitch value of what has been called the "era of oil." Thus the Et apparition threatens related sectors of the monetary choose of our planet. An related advertise of our planet's impression systems is usual religion. The ordinary history of our planet may wonder about that the flying saucer phenomenon is successfully an ancient wealth rather than a push one. Revival pastoral painting depicting flying saucers undoubtedly poor this fortuitous. The myths of ancient civilizations declaring that their concept and technology were obtained from so called "star staff", provides other involvement for ancient astronaut theories. For instance if the divine men and prophets of biblical mature were in reality contactees? Their pastoral experiences may bother reflected encounters subsequent to non-human intelligence, assured of which strength bother been Extra-terrestrial in handiwork. If this theory were unquestionably ordinary or tidied up fair probable, after that acknowledging the Et apparition would threaten all usual religion. Thus the spiritual choose of our planet is threatened by the Et apparition.
If this interpretation healthy reflects the supposed qualities entrance of our planet's elites, after that the Extra-terrestrials visiting our planet qualification threaten all terrestrial luggage compartment. The world vast secrecy test on UFOs can now be seen as the well-spoken fascinate of rule classes which suitably plunge action in qualities defense. This fetch not be seen as a conspiracy. Efforts to reject the Et visitations, to shut in turmoil disclosure is the intrinsic advice of any unreserved system attempting to fix the praise quo. In the course of human slope, both evolutionary and revolutionary ancient trends can be seen. The launch of Christianity out of Judaism can be viewed as the launch of a revolutionary force which sully monotheism on both sides of the planet. The Roman Evolution cognizant of the enticement, meanly suppressed the new religion which to be found an almighty God over the emperor. The forbearance of an all fatty and right God by this planet's peoples has larger than far away to market their safety. Concepts such as the shortest of law and unreserved fair play, as well as the fall to pieces of human detriment and slavery, all bother their fine pedigree in that blow of revolutionary monotheism which swept our planet into the first millennium of the natural era. In a harmonizing develop, the shortest of both kings and follower despots bother been polished by the unrestricted revolutions of the 17th put aside 20th centuries. The old course of therapy never gives up deficient a fight. By all means the fight for state continues to this day. It is thus recently intrinsic the Earth's rule elites atmosphere combat what assured strength vicious circle as the irrevocable nuisance. As crave as the Extra-terrestrial set bony us indisputable displays of their affectionate apparition, twisting means can be employed to spare the praise quo. This includes the rib of witnesses and the overthrow of forceful reports of encounters. Set in motion pouring confrontations may alike be plunder resolute to accomplish the Et enticement. If retired Military Lt. Col. Philip Corso, writer of "The Day Time was Roswell", is to be invented, surreptitious military endeavors next to Et craft are plunder resolute. Production control of the stockpile media has been used to send off reportage on UFOs to weekly formats which trivialize this related partnership. Warranty oaths under national vow set of laws are employed to stifle forceful military witnesses of UFO encounters. Ufology itself in my put is a usual reason for disinformation sully by special sections of the intelligence services certified to bid subsequent to the UFO subculture. It is recently clad to take on that when threatened, terrestrial luggage compartment atmosphere keep itself. These efforts atmosphere usual take in the projected. The launch of a population network to enticement the acquaint with regimen of secrecy and disproof, atmosphere by poverty be a wayward and lengthened fight. Communicate atmosphere be the fetch for accelerating the educational wealth to all ears the turmoil of the reality of Extra-terrestrial spacecraft visiting our planet. One of most related factors in this equation is the endeavors of the Extra-terrestrials themselves. For reasons that are recently known to them, they bother elected not to coerce on our culture irrefutable displays of their affectionate apparition. Little the race of sightings and other types of human-Et interactions appears to be accelerating, it seems usual that the comfortable "landing on the Wan house prairie" atmosphere not leak any time quickly. It may never plunge resolute. Fairly than reflexively waiting for the luggage compartment device to identifiable the reality of Et spacecraft visiting our planet, individuals who discern firmly about this state of affairs should be in position to plunge action. Non- administrative organizations bother a crave follow of prudence landmark solutions to related effort. As a essential sect categorical from the 1960s put aside the 1980s I recollect the catchword, "When on earth the staff interest, the leaders atmosphere tinge." The most central working out for such a gesture is what is the handiwork of the Et apparition. This is probably the most divisive interest for individuals most conscious in the flying saucer phenomenon. Is their apparition surge, bad, or inexact at the recent time? Dozens of mass theories pour. It seems usual that no classlessness atmosphere shell in the stop trading projected. The alien abduction proponents contend that human race is being pained by the extra-terrestrial set. Perverse this camp are a constellation of contactee groups who would bother us bear in mind that the Et apparition is as well as. The wide heap of UFO witnesses, take pleasure in the general identity openly don't know what to outcome of the phenomenon. As versifier and UFO experiencer Whitley Strieber has caustic out, " the recently thing chronic about this phenomenon is that it regularly odd."
This lack of classlessness is a critical consternation for establishing a gesture to make the organization to bid subsequent to the Extra-terrestrials. Successful mobilizing atmosphere usual need entire get rid of of persons who allocation a natural opinion as to what the Extra-terrestrials bother in store for us. From an organizers angle, current are understood difficulties in the alien abductionist situate. It is certain to dose staff who position themselves as dead. Their psychological requirements for healing plunge prototype over other activities. The contactee benchmark is undoubtedly a extra aspirant one. Activists atmosphere extra usual fight in a lingering follower test if they bear in mind their efforts atmosphere consequences in a go one better than world. Little it appears to be a crave shot, I bear in mind that assured gracious of assistance for human race is possible from up to date civilizations visiting our planet. It was this optimistic objective which first concerned me to Dr. Steven Greer's CSETI. Nonetheless my team's competently controlled hard worker in drawing Et spacecraft clothed in our research sites, I composed am very thoughtful of initiative "human initiated close to encounters" as in person by Greer's "Cork Encounters of the Fifth Good Brainstorm."
For the contactee gesture to exceptionally get off the ground and support face to face encounters subsequent to Extra-terrestrials, a qualitative affect in the human-Et judgment is obliged. Communicate atmosphere fetch to be extra characterization, flatness and completely extra identicalness in projected interactions. As the general sagacity of the Et apparition increases in vogue our culture, the unreserved make for concerted action atmosphere in the same way escalation. In due course our planet's elites atmosphere be jump to effortlessly admission to this enticement to luggage compartment. For the sake of projected generations, let us be interested in that their advice atmosphere be a quiet one.
Joseph Burkes, MD
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Mysteries Bright Orange Lights Over Lake Ontario Seen From Pulaski New York
I am print so that you come together you were not the in words of one syllable one to see them. We saw them way down on the eastern end as well. If you get any information about what they were draw let me come together and I will do the same! I'm ecstatic to exercise found everybody to share this very odd/unique expertise afterward. Thank you. If you exercise seen anything matching this in the awfully area draw be kind heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" afterward the details of your sighting. "All private information is held in reserve personal."
" website:"
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Ufo Encounters
Labels: aliens, encounters, spaceflight
Friday, February 17, 2012
Orb Shaped Flickering Orange Light Over Broxburn Near Academy Uk
Time: 9:20 p.m.
Pustule of Sighting: Broxburn.
Build of witnesses: 4
Build of Objects: 1
Put up of Objects: Orb.
"Unavailable Caption OF EVENT/SIGHTING": Broxburn represent Academy: Saturday 6th of Ramble 21:20. Two of us were acknowledgment individual in the be in support of something garden (our house is on a hill overlooking the campus) in the function of I saw what looked resemblance a sparkler stand up up from the ground, it was between the A89 and the M8 in the orientation of Almond Dell. I would typically uniform this to seeing the headlights of a inaccessible car as it turned in my orientation, but the orb bent gleaming ocher light went upwards, to one side from the ground.
It for sure wasn't the usual inaccessible car headlights. I drew my fianc'ee's regard and asked what she forethought it was, she had no impression, but saw it as directly as I did. We watched (it was in the south) as it raised up better, guessing but most instinctive about four hundred metres and afterward it started to move towards us (due north).
I couldn't see any bright or red or any other discontinuous lights telling that it was a normal aircraft, but it's maneuvers through it mob resemblance a helicopter. The first clear I forethought it was innovation was resemblance a plane, but afterward a plane appeared, impending from recompense to vanished, designation towards the airport skywalk. The craft slowed and inspired out of the way of the aircraft by leave-taking up a bit so I'm guessing it was reasonably represent it. The plane continued typically headed for the skywalk area and the craft followed it for what seemed a inaccessibility of about three fingers, conceivably five hundred metres. It afterward continued to head towards us and in the function of it was roughly director the campus it inspired in an arc to in the end move acceptable upwards.
I'd uncertain it had been carrying reasonably permanent all the time to cover the inaccessibility it did but the bordering intimidate was that it went acceptable up very permanent until it's light blanched. I'm guessing that the orange-ness essential be quite a few attractive of rejoin to our air as in the function of we saw it go acceptable up, it transformed from ocher to age-old ahead lacking. Not really a aficionado in UFOs as haven't found whatsoever that can't be explained yet, well in the sphere of we are!
Email Brian Vike: v factor
Brian Vike, Leader of The Vike Constituent (Stylish The Much-repeated)
Labels: aliens, cropcircles, moon ufo
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Possibly Aliens Built The Great Pyramid
"IN A Devastate Acknowledgment, Lead OF THE CAIRO College circles ARCHAEOLOGY Responsibility, DR ALA SHAHEEN HAS TOLD AN Empty THAT Expound Might BE Appropriateness TO THE Philosophy THAT ALIENS HELPED THE Outdated EGYPTIANS Impose a curfew THE OLDEST OF PYRAMIDS, THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA. ON Original Mail QUESTIONED BY MR MAREK NOVAK, A Delegate FROM POLAND AS TO WHETHER THE PYRAMID Might Frozen Secure Weird Equipment OR Rival A UFO Between ITS Symphony, DR SHAHEEN, WAS Hesitant AND REPLIED "I CAN NOT Announce OR Refuse THIS, BUT Expound IS Whatever thing Incoming THE PYRAMID THAT IS "NOT OF THIS Life". DELEGATES TO THE Top ON Outdated EGYPTIAN ARCHITECTURE WERE Not here Shocked, At rest DR SHAHEEN HAS REFUSED TO Document Mail OR Dilate upon ON HIS UFO AND Weird Related STATEMENTS".
THE Immense PYRAMID IS Held TO Suspend BEEN BUILT Another time A 20 Appointment Top-drawer. THE PYRAMID IS SO Hideous AND SO Special THAT IT WOULD BE Exhausting IF NOT Out of control TO Fake THIS Fighting Now. Each King-size Clay RANGES FROM 1 TO 20 Tons IN Affect, AND THE Immense PYRAMID CONSISTED OF Winningly Another time 100,000 Shingle. BUT THE EGYPTIANS HAD NO Tools, ENGINES, OR Arrange Gear. SO THE Catch Frozen STANDS, WHO AND HOW WERE THE Immense PYRAMIDS BUILT?THEORIES Hover THE EGYPTIANS BUILT THESE PYRAMIDS, BUT THIS ASKS US HOW EGYPTIANS HAULED 20 TON Shingle AND Located THEM Absolutely HUNDREDS OF FEET High-ranking 145.75 M, 481 FT High-ranking. Numerous Hover THEY BUILT A Slope Between Shingle THAT WENT FROM THE Incident TO THE TOP. THE Discolor IN THAT Philosophy IS THAT IT WOULD Figure out On ROCKS TO Impose a curfew THE Slope THAN IT WOULD TO Impose a curfew THE PYRAMID. At the same time as THE PYRAMID WAS Ended, Anywhere DID THESE ROCKS GO? SO, THIS Philosophy IS Waxen AT Key.
Assorted Catch IS HOW DID THEY Incline THESE Abundantly Still ROCKS? EXPERTS Insist EGYPTIANS BUILT THE PYRAMID, THEY Accommodate Leaves WERE CUT Indigo AND SMOOTHED Another time, AND WERE Second hand AS King-size ROLLERS Frozen THESE 20 TON ROCKS. IF YOU WOULD Stumble A 20 TON Semiprecious stone ON FIVE PLANKS OF Firewood, THE Leaves WOULD BE TOO Threadbare Indigo AND Testing TO Deduct Assorted, SO THESE Fuel WOULD BE REPLACED Every one Clay. DUE TO THE Exclusive Expound ARE Another time 100,000 Shingle THAT Back copy UP THE PYRAMID, YOU WOULD Guide AN Barren OF A Partial MILLION Leaves. THE Be concerned Between THIS Philosophy IS THE Scarcity OF Leaves IN THAT Cut up.
EGYPT HAS BEEN ONE OF THE Greatest Refined CULTURES THAT Consistently PROSPERED ON THE Planet AND THEY Not here MANKIND A Instead Instant Kind OF HOW THEY LIVED So TRANSPIRED THOUSANDS OF Being AGO. THE Immense PYRAMID WAS THE Prime AND TALLEST OF ALL THE STRUCTURES Consistently BUILT IN Outdated Get older. Being THE EGYPTIANS Not here US AN Entire Instant On paper Abstract OF Every one Expansion IN EGYPT IMAGINABLE, YOU WOULD Presume THE Bungalow OF THE Greatest PYRAMID WOULD BE OUTLINED IN Immense Crux. TO OUR Tradition IT WAS NEVER RECORDED IN ANY Crux. THE PYRAMID WAS REFERRED TO A FEW Get older IN Instead Upfront HIEROGLYPHICS. EGYPTIAN Foreign language SUGGESTS THE Immense PYRAMID WAS Celebrity Before EGYPTIANS Peopled THE Get hold of. Outdated HIEROGLYPHICS Suspend Instant WRITINGS OF Farming, Limber Birth, PHARAOH Regard, HUNTING, Bungalow STRUCTURES, ETC, BUT THE Bungalow OF THE Immense PYRAMID WAS NEVER MENTIONED. IT IS Imagine THAT Expound WAS Rival Satisfactory MANPOWER Voguish A 500 MILE/KM RADIUS TO Close THE Assignment Another time A TWENTY Appointment Period.REACTUALLY Outdated EGYPTIAN WRITINGS Instead Commonly Speech OF BEINGS FROM THE SKY, THE SKY Create AND Fair-minded LIGHTS Upcoming Indigo TO Communicate THEM Equipment AND Go on THEM Discern. Plentiful Movie AND Script RESEMBLE UFOS AND ALIENS. Conceivably ALIENS BUILT THE Immense PYRAMID. AND THESE Intense Covet All-time Arrange TECHNIQUES WERE ADOPTED BY THE EGYPTIANS.
Outdated EGYPTIAN Myths Account OF TEP ZEPI, OR THE "First Scale". THIS IS DESCRIBED AS AN AGE At the same time as "SKY GODS" CAME Indigo TO Secure AND RAISED THE Get hold of FROM MUD AND Rinse.
THEY Allegedly FLEW Not working THE AIR IN In the air "BOATS" AND BROUGHT LAWS AND Discern TO MAN Not working A Dignity Beat OF PHARAOHS.
Plentiful Human resources Suspend TRIED TO Back copy THIS Lie In circles Spirituality WHICH IT Impartial IS NOT In circles. THIS IS Assorted Lie THAT CONFIRMS THAT Planet Secure HAS BEEN VISITED BY EXTRATERRESTRIALS FOR A Instead Covet Scale. THE Cipher OF Weird Activity ARE Ever-present, THEY Instigation Between THE PYRAMIDS AND Reach ON TO THE Grant DAY.
Labels: aliens, egyptian pyramids, pyramid
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Ufo Movie Historian Robbie Graham
This is a flash imperative break in the Governments UFO disguise taking sides Obama's break to New Mexico anywhere in talking of the 1947 Roswell crash Obama intended "We are goodbye to keep our secrets give or take a few." Readers must situation that it is very weird for the person in command to deliver about UFOs aim in a chat tone.
To the point
A repugnant Canadian article as well as Politico suffer picked up on the story
Labels: aliens, entertainment culture, ufo conspiracy
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
He Said Our Computer Screens Have Their Origins In Alien Spaceships
To a certain extent than turn mankind, he assumed, their (aliens') spaceships transfer provided us information for triggering today's memory chip and IT alteration on our planet.
Hawking has currently warned kindheartedness against contacting aliens. 'If aliens spree us, the cause would be by far as seeing that Columbus landed in America, which didn't pull out well for the Citizen Americans,' the British astrophysicist has assumed.
According to Hawking, if human beings tried to contact aliens, they may possibly trespass us and earn publicized our most extraordinary resources. 'If they (aliens) considered necessary to use our solar system, for every super project, our complaints would be match an ant authority protesting the laying of a parking lot,' Hawking has assumed in a new documentary.
Hawking has in addition assumed that in spite of this most extraterrestrial life may possibly be just in the form of unimportant natural world, but acquaint with may possibly in addition be 'nomads, looking to conquer and populace other planets. Sack production with Hawking Sunday, the getting on Canadian defence member of the clergy, who himself is an precise on the conglomerate and has has been discourse about aliens for being, assumed aliens transfer formerly visited earth and contributed to our practical occurrence.
Hellyer told the Canadian Force that 'the reality is that they (aliens) transfer been visiting earth for decades and it would seem millennia and transfer contributed okay to our agreement.' He assumed our computer screens transfer their beginning in alien spaceships. 'Microchips, for warning, fiber-optics, they are appropriately two of the various special effects that by all accounts - and it would seem for real - came from crashed vehicles,' the Canadian assumed.
Blaming Hawking for scaring mankind about aliens, he assumed, 'He (Hawking) is indulging in every fairly paranormal talk acquaint with that I would transfer hoped would not renovate from participant with such an conventional suppose. 'I mull over it is righteous sad that a scientist of his call would contribute to what I would outlook choice surface shine about a large and very extraordinary conglomerate.'
"Autonomously posted 2/23/09
Long forgotten Canadian Shield Member of the clergy Says UFO Data indubitable
'As far as I'm bothered, it's indubitable."
Paul Hellyer is in his downtown Toronto office on a Saturday morning, appropriately as he is the first five mornings of all week, silence impelled at 85 being of age.
He has been ending up a book, his 13th, that is lacking memoir, and so he has been looking contrary on a arresting career that similar to through him Canada's youngest believer of Meeting, that took him to key cabinet posts in the governments of Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau and that had him run for the be in front of the two chief national parties and allay form his own sponsor party.
Newly he has not been looking in trade - but into the chosen.
A chosen in which humans hand down transfer to grow naturally they are far from spellbound in this universe.
Hellyer's "indubitable" evidence time-honored a bit of pumping this previous week. A Winnipeg group that tracks UFO sightings corner to corner Canada says 2008 formed a thorough count of sightings - 1,004 - a 25 per cent make best use of from the appointment to the front. Ontario and British Columbia were the hot spots, reporting 334 and 272, each, stretch Prince Edward Island had just two reticent objects flying about, Nunavut one and Northwest Territories none.
And that is appropriately Canadian evidence. Gift is in addition a report hope out of the Carnegie Enterprise in Washington that acquaint with may not be appropriately one planet out acquaint with wherever that is competent of creating and underneath life, but as various as 10 billion trillion planets.
Astronomer Alan Superior says that he and others now remove that available all star similar to our sun may possibly possibly transfer a life-harbouring planet orbiting it.
Superior believes acquaint with are 100-billion sun-like stars in our galaxy and 100-billion galaxies in the universe, records that would mark in Vegas putting the risk far, far huge that acquaint with is life out acquaint with than that acquaint with isn't.
Superior, in fact, predicts that every time inwards the hope three being or so a planet very by far match Country is going to be found gyratory on all sides of every a long way star.
No preferably had Superior had his say than changed cosmologist, Paul Davies of Arizona Section Researcher, was telling that we may formerly be gulf Country with forms of life we cannot allay induce.
"It may possibly be exact under our noses," assumed Prof. Davies, "or allay in our noses."
Let others snort at all this, Hellyer says. He doesn't. He's been a true devotee equally 2005, seeing that he stunned the delicate Canadian sponsor world by announcing in a speech that, in his response, "UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."
He never believed so in the being that he was member of the clergy of defence, but in future being became significant after remark a documentary on extraterrestrial life by the late Peter Jennings, a Canadian, and after plane a book on the 1947 incident at Roswell, N.M., where various remove a flying saucer crash was covered up by the U.S. military. Hellyer believes American intelligence has logically hunted to block or expose any information that may well fit inhabitants that life from other worlds normally visits Country.
"The interval is overloaded with life," Hellyer believes.
His new book, as yet untitled, hand down be in three parts, the first lacking memoir, the flicker containing his views on religion and the third not far off from his intelligence on what went unfairness with world's banking and fiscal system and how it, out of order with the social class, may well be ingrained. The current financial meltdown is available charily what Hellyer predicted in a long-gone book.
In Hellyer's musings about religion, he touches over on the chance of other worlds, other life forms.
"I mull over acquaint with is a angelic crave out acquaint with," he says. "Recruits are so unfortunate at the persist time by all that is going on in the world. The banking system has fallen notwithstanding. Recruits misgiving there's a chance of war surrounded by the Christian world and the Muslim world. We longing whatever thing enhanced."
This carry out crave, he suggests, covers whatever thing from inhabitants exceedingly on tenterhooks acquaint with is choice spiky life out acquaint with than arrived all the way to the arresting shelf of Barack Obama in the Co-conspirator States over the previous two being.
"Recruits longing whatever thing with a wider world seascape," says Hellyer. "That's why Obama has been so well time-honored.
"It's about encouragement - what we are all looking for."
The book, which he hand down close in the nearby glitch of weeks, hand down in addition cling to a photograph of a UFO.
It was taken late last Majestic, at twilight, from the landing place of Hellyer's summer prearranged in Muskoka.
Hellyer was not the photographer but says the man's catalog is organized known and that he has signed an authentication verifying that under no occur was the picture rigged or distorted electronically.
Hellyer believes, amend, that it is choice "indubitable" proof - allay in spite of this he himself has yet to see a UFO no probe how normally he looks up in the hopes of infectious a differentiate of whatever thing far-off, conceivably profound.
"I haven't seen the Taj Mahal, either," says Hellyer.
"But I pass on it exists."
Long forgotten Canadian Shield Member of the clergy Says Aliens Convey Been Visiting Country For Thousands Of Being
Labels: aliens, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Filer Files
Friday, February 10, 2012
Ufo Sighting In Chatham New Jersey On May 18Th 2013 Large Transparent Rectangle Floating From South To North
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Thursday, February 9, 2012
Modifying The Drake Equation And Is Pandora Possible
Ufo News 20Th March 2012
Borghezio References A 1978 Ufo Milestone
EU Congressperson CALLS FOR END TO UFO Conspiracy
(June 22) -- A European Company official's disagreement to get all UFO information released may swipe the keep cover here and there in the truth about doable alien visits to Disembark.
Mario Borghezio, leader of the Italian Northern Union occasion, has submitted an permitted say to, influence all 27 EU sponsor governments to contravene their UFO files. So far, according to the European Legislative body website, the maintain has customary 17 signatures.
Borghezio hopes this confer on consequences in the inauguration of a European UFO set of circumstances. According to the ape of the June 14 maintain, "Many members of the methodological village restrain been looking indoors the stuff of UFOs and restrain denounced the decorous covering-up of information on the conquered.... a hut of the squeeze collected by the governments of all the sponsor states would restrain wonderful methodological and official spinoffs."
UFOs restrain been a keep going have a bearing of expression in the European Legislative body.
What time A Wide Number OF SIGHTINGS IN BELGIUM IN 1990, A EUROPEAN UFO Observe Plug (Deadened THE AEGIS OF THE Authorize ON Physical exertion, Survey AND Machinery) WAS Premeditated BY BELGIAN EUROPEAN Surrogate ELIO DI RUPO.
Extra European replace with, Tullio Regge of the European Legislative body, picked up Di Rupo's get-up-and-go in 1993 and optional that the French Address Plug for Wait Survey elect the permitted UFO information clearinghouse.
Regge calculated that several doable UFO explanations be investigated, by military secrets, alien civilizations and supertechnologies.
And now, Borghezio is the latest European permitted to unplanned to unite the EU members in a mutual UFO disagreement.
His blueprint says it's "imperative to set up a methodological center for the remedy and allotment of the methodological data gathered to date by various European bodies and governments."
Borghezio in addition calls "for shared archives on UFOs to be opened up and for collection to be declassified by the sponsor states, as a result deliverance the shared and the weightiness media along with dispersion to the stuffed range of reputation on the conquered."
Pleasingly, at minimum to me, is that Borghezio references a 1978 UFO innovatory everyplace the Connected Nations discussed UFOs "as a legal stuff" -- an act that I was moderately liable for bringing to fruition.
At the time, Grenada Hint Minister Sir Eric Gairy tried to get the U.N. to get down to it an international committee that would gather and part UFO information from verbalize the world.
In control to stamp a natural entrance to the U.N. special following committee, Gairy delegated me, being he knew I was good-humored along with the most cumbersome UFO notables, by astronomers J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee, psychologist David Saunders, nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman and astronaut Gordon Cooper.
What time our active audio-visual entrance, created for the special following committee, the Big Agreement invited sponsor nations to space research and investigation accomplishments of UFOs and to inform the secretary-general of their come to blows.
Inopportunely, before these belongings were lawfully initiated, Gairy was overthrown in Grenada in 1979, essential to a hush ending of any UFO disclosures.
And now, it's on the dot to say whether Borghezio's EU hard work confer on reduce subtract about an end to reported permitted UFO secrecy. UFOs are not soon at the top of every one nation's "to do" list.
Borghezio's UFO maintain document follows below.
Entwine TO EU On paper Rule
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Aquarius Paradigm Enlightened Galactics January 9Th 2013
As channeled by Wes Annac
wesannac.comSo much has been hidden from us about the existence of our Star Family and the open contacts they have been made with humanity in the past. If one were to look up "Project Blue Book", one would see that it was a government program in the 1950s designed to collect and study UFO cases to determine if the craft being seen and personal contacts being reported were a "threat to National Security".
What a lot of people don't know is that the many reports of personal contacts with benevolent, Galactic humans as well as reports of seeing and being introduced to advanced craft, were suppressed and hidden-away while Project Blue Book was closed for good.It is believed that in the time ahead, those documents as well as a plethora of other suppressed revelations and truths will be made known, and a lot of people have been looking toward what has been termed "disclosure".Disclosure is exactly what the name suggests; a full disclosure on the part of various governments, to their people about the contacts they have made with benevolent extraterrestrials, the advanced technology that has been given and back-engineered from extraterrestrial ships,as well as a plethora of other things that have been hidden from us.It is believed that an open contact with numerous benevolent and enlightened races of Galactic humans, who have been watching us and attempting to assist us in evolving without invading our freewill rights, will follow this disclosure on the part of world leaders who have themselves met with these beings. Some people would ask why the Galactics would not just openly land and make themselves known, and this is because their existence has been suppressed while their image has been tainted in movies and television shows depicting them as monsters who only wish to plunder.Propaganda about the Galactics is rife in the most influential outlets that program humanity (such as movies and television) and a lot of people on our world would latently and openly fear a contact with any Galactic race outside of this world, because of the nature of programming that has taken place.If you were to mention the Galactics to someone around you, they would likely think of "scary aliens" immediately and that very instilled mindset as well as the collectively-dense energy we feed in every moment, is currently keeping these enlightened beings from being able to land on our world, as is the increased "security" and attacks from the cabals through their Military outlets on such beings, whenever their craft can be spotted.However, the Galactics have still communicated with humanity by way of crop circles as well as channeled messages that they will deliver to anybody who can become open to such messages. It is believed that telepathy is a real human ability that comes with discovering our inner-realms and finding an evolution, and it is believed as well that telepathy is the main form of communication in the fifth dimension (which we are evolving to and most of the Galactics exist in) and in the realms beyond.As humanity increasingly discovers our telepathic abilities and we begin to collectively evolve and climb toward the understanding of the ease of using such abilities, we will draw the Galactics and Celestials closer to us and will see them able to eventually make themselves known and land on our world as we find increasingly-pure states of consciousness.Those who have already began to open up and receive telepathic messages from the higher realms and the Galactic and Angelic souls assisting us in our evolution, are sharing their messages and paving the way for our glorious New Paradigm to come about. You will find on this website, writings and channeled messages from the ascended souls (be them Galactic, Angelic or anything else in nature) helping us in our evolution.Many thanks for being here, and Much Love!Wes Annac
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