Thursday, June 30, 2011
Freudian Or Jungian Ufos
Ufos And The Melting Pictures
Published: 1:47 PM 5/31/2013
Written by Grant Cameron
Most UFO researchers have heard of camera problems around UFO and crop circles. The general complain is that power is drained from the batteries of the camera leaving the camera unusable.
Rarely if ever is the camera ever affected. There is just light entering the lens after all, so what could possibly go wrong?
That might be the rule in the materialistic world view paradigm where everything is just a machine of one sort or another. In the world of the non-local paranormal the rules seem to be a bit different. This is especially true if you are Chris Bledsoe who has lived in a bizarre world of paranormal events since 2007.
I first became aware of Chris's camera story when I visited him in May 2013 just outside of Fayetteville, North Carolina. It wasn't until a woman in California complained of the same problem, however, that I realized the possible importance of what had happened to Chris.
On May 7 Ellen Harris, a member of the Santee Historical Society was photographing an historic building known as the Edgemoor Barn when she suddenly realized that she had taken a picture of something to the left of the barn. When she downloaded the picture to her computer she discovered what was clearly a picture of a classic flying saucer.
More important to this story - for some unknown reason Ellen's camera suddenly stopped working.
Now back to Chris Bledose. He is a man who has a rough go of it since 2007 when he and four others encountered a series of UFOs and small aliens with red eyes while fishing at the Cape Fear River on cool January evening. The events of that night changed the lives of the five men forever.
In a regression done with Chris in 2008, he recounted how he had seen three UFOs after wandering away from the other four fishermen and was abducted by one of the three objects. The encounter inside the ship was with aliens standing around him showing him things. Then it had some very strange aspects which have yet to be resolved.
What has occurred since the 2007 event can only be described as possibly the most bizarre paranormal UFO series of events on record. There have been numerous sightings of UFOs and aliens, UFO circles in the yard, black helicopters, shadow people, accurate precognitions, messages, medical healings, totally unexplainable burning trees, bleeding dogs, and a camera that broke when Chris tried to photograph one of the many UFOs.
Chris described the UFO camera encounter this way;
"I had just purchased a new digital camera not a cheap one but a 300.00 camera. Chris Jr. and a friend of his Zack Bond were going out for the evening it was cool out getting dark early evening. My TV room is in view of the back door of our home Chris and Zack started to the door looked over to me to tell me bye.
The boys went out the door and the door no longer shut it and they were back in shouting, 'dad come quickly.' I knew what it was by the way they were acting. I jumped up met them out back on the patio and looking up not high at all this beautiful Golden Object as gold as what is in Fort Knox was hovering less than a quarter mile away it was maybe 200 feet in the air. This object was so golden and brilliant there was rays shooting out all around it.
I ran inside grabbed my new camera hurried back out the door pushed the shutter button and the camera said Memory Card Error. The card still says Memory Card Error and the camera with a new memory card takes pictures but everything is melted. It had ruined my new camera."
I asked Chris to send me some of the melted face pictures and on May 26, 2013 he did. The pictures speak for themselves.
See the UFO Casebook case file,.
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source the pair was startled by what appeared to be a round low-flying object coming directly toward the car. The object appeared to pass over the car and Miss Richards turned to see it appear to speed up and then veer off out of sight. She and [her fianc'e] both felt they had seen something unusual which was difficult to explain and certainly did not appear to be an optical illusion."
In a debriefing with FBI agents, Miss Richards recalled that the object was definitely circular in shape, was spinning, and "was bright as though containing a series of lights in a zigzag pattern."
The debriefing report continued: "The object appeared to be flying very low as it came toward them, moving at great speed and gave off no particular sound. The object, to the best of her belief, was at least as wide as the highway and appeared to be no more than two to four feet in thickness."
It's also interesting to note that Miss Richards is described in the files as being "one of our best employees [and] stated heretofore she had placed little credence in 'flying saucer' stories and felt that had she and her boyfriend not seen the same object she would be inclined to think she had imagined something."
On April 10 and 13, the FBI prepared documentation on the case for the attention of U.S. Air Force investigators. In part, it states:
"[Miss Richards] advised she had seen the object for only a few seconds that it was still dark when she observed it, although it was near daylight on April 6, 1956. She stated when daylight came she observed the sky to be cloudy and it started raining approximately 30 minutes after she had observed the object."
The report expands on what happened next: "She recalled the object approached their car on the driver's side straight ahead at a height which she thought to be less than 25 feet. She was unable to estimate the speed of the object. She described it as being oval shaped, being very bright and having a light blue color. It made no sound that she could hear. She advised her fianc'e would be able to state exactly where they had observed the object in North Carolina, inasmuch as he was familiar with that area."
As an examination of the documentation shows, a recommendation was made that all the papers relative to the case be forwarded to the FBI's Domestic Intelligence Division for possible liaison with "interested military agencies." While the matter was indeed discussed with the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations, nothing more of any great significance was uncovered and the matter was filed away as unexplained.
For those who (wrongly) claim the Freedom of Information Act has not brought forth anything meaningful on UFOs, this affair should be a lesson in learning. First, we have a case involving two witnesses, one described by none other than the FBI as being "one of our best employees."
Second, the encounter was a very close one, with the UFO in question flying low over the car in which Miss Richards and her boyfriend were driving. That it was brightly lit with "a series of lights in a zigzag" pattern strongly suggests the UFO was a solid, intelligently-controlled device of some kind. And, third, the documentation makes it very clear that the matter was studied closely and seriously.
So, contrary to what I have heard time and again about FOIA and UFOs, and claims that the good material never sees the light of day, that's actually far from the truth. Yes, there's no doubt that we are lacking all the facts (and attendant files) on some significant UFO cases involving officialdom - such as the Roswell, New Mexico affair of 1947 and the Rendlesham Forest, England affair of 1980.
That does not, however, mean that everything of an extraordinary UFOs nature that has crossed the desks of government gets filed away forever. It doesn't. If those who proclaim that FOIA is of no significance actually studied - deeply - all the many and varied documents that have surfaced via its regulations, they would see that it is indeed a very useful tool.
It has also provided us with a unique insight into fascinating UFO cases filled with government connections and highly credible witnesses. And that includes Miss Richards.
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Large Rectangle/Alien Beings Spotted by Two Witnesses over Kansas
Published: 5:21 PM 5/28/2013
Kansas - Spring, 1975
One evening in the Spring of 1975, my girlfriend and I were driving through the Kansas countryside.
After crossing a cement bridge that spanned a river, we pulled into a farmer's access road and parked at the edge of a field alongside a bend in the river with the car pointing east.
Not long after we stopped we noticed a strange light that suddenly approached our location in a quick "blur."
Suddenly, hovering above the tress was a dark object, rectangular in shape with one red and one green running light positioned together on the lower part of the craft at its center.
We stared in amazement and couldn't take our eyes off the object. After 5 minutes or so, we noticed the craft's position had moved to the right.
It seemed to move in a very slow motion to the other side of the river. After another 5 minutes I decided to drive away from the area.
As we turned onto the county road and subsequently onto the cement bridge we saw that the craft had returned to its original position, above us and slightly back from the bridge.
I stopped again and got out to look at the craft. The object was about 20-25 ft. wide and now I noticed a large rectangular glass window, or what appeared to be glass, running across the middle third of its front.
Standing inside to the left side looking down on us were two beings, which I could see only from the waist up but could tell that theses beings were about 4 ft. tall, with abnormally large heads and large black eyes.
The eyes seemed devoid of emotion and their skin was pure white, like the moon, the texture resembling that of an albino salamander.
Their eyes ran almost north/south with their heads. The craft hovered silently the whole time. After about a minute of eye contact with the humanoids I got back into the car and rapidly drove away from the area.
We could still see the craft hovering where we had left it. My girlfriend and I eventually married and still live very near to the location where we witnessed this craft.
Sometimes, we both get an urge to return to the spot and just sit there and talk about our shared experience, kind of hoping these beings would stop by.
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peace is perfecta second ago
totally unexplainable burning trees,shadow people,some of the melted face pictures
If we consider the extraterrestrial phenomena to be a form of communication to us, what could these items possibly suggest? Burning trees? Melted face pictures? Shadow people? Incidentally, Ft Bragg and Pope Air force base are nearby.
irmensulan hour ago
Not much here about the "guardian"..the taller 7 foot one
98.63 hours ago
Great magazine this week! All good items.
I liked the double-up articles on the Bledsoe case, especially the 'Archived' one. Very well written. Great flow to the information! (My compliments to author Billy Booth, job well done!)
hag6 hours ago
Miss Richards Sees A Flying Saucer - I have always felt, and still do, that private citizens involved in UFO research and investigations are tasked with providing information that will culminate in disclosure. Every agency associated with the government has a mission and agenda that promotes denial and disinformation. Securing the truth is our primary motivation. Rectangular UFO With Beings - UFOs with non aerodynamic shapes are interesting. This rectangular craft sported a window area that revealed 2 commonly shaped alien beings - just to be on the safe side, the craft had a red and a green running light. Archived Case - I watched this televised special several times and wondered why the MUFON investigators spent an inordinate amount of time to prove everyone associated with this case was deceptive and, possibly, part of a hoax.
nightsky9 hours ago
Iv'e read excerpts of " project Serpo " in the past and have been intrigued about it so I decided to get the book. The name of the book is " Secret Journey to Planet Serpo ". If you want an education on what has and what is happening in the "ET" world you absolutely need to read this book. I know one thing, it sure does answer a lot of questions. I got mine through Amazon for less than 14. Thanks for your time.
nightstalker12 hours ago
All stories today were absolutely fascinating, I wonder if anybody ever attempted to do some reverse engineering using all the evidence of past encounters and electrical effects on our earthly appliances. There have been numerous reports of car electrics misbehaving in presence of these crafts, and other electronic gadgets as well. Even effects on human skin and other medical conditions should slowly narrow down what kind of propulsion system these beings are using. And what kind of radiation their motors are emitting. I don't think the correct answer is too far away, we humans even have a detailed drawing of their motor by contactee Herbert Shirmer.
billybooth10 hours ago
Nice comment and certainly you are right about more research into these anomalies.
Read The entire Fayetteville, North Carolina Encounter, January 8, 2007 archived case of the week at:
UFO Prevents nuclear shots?
Details at:
Labels: aliens, encounters, mysteries
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Crop Circle Appears In Snow In The Netherlands Pravda Hides Ufo And Norway Spiral Date Match More Alien Voices
December 22, 2009
A large series of circles and rings formed in snow in The Netherlands. Bizarre claims again made by UFO researcher Nancy Talbott and medium Robbert van den Broeke that he knew the snow circles were going to form.
December 22, 2009
Pravda hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid & Norway light spiral both the same night. See latest bottom of this page.
December 22, 2009
The Alien voice heard over television broadcasts in England during 1977 was not the only such report. Two more have come to light. Thanks to Ian Halling in U.K. for sending this report:
December 21, 2009
More impressive footage of strange lights we have to call UFOs over Chile. Full reports on the above by selecting the headline.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Ufo Alien Contact Hoax Dr David Lister Debunked
Labels: aliens, best ufo photos, warp-drive
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Obama And Tido Fathersonjesus Revelations 11612 Nettlesapplewhitehorse Ufo Two Witnesses
Labels: aliens, chemistry, ufologists
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Postcards From The Edge Report From The Ufo Congress
Note: Film set Details Clips
As I walked downhearted the pathways with the hundreds of compartment machines and their robotic squad at the Aquarius stick in Laughing, Nevada, I held outstanding than always how iron it is to confuse humans. Maximum of the squad were cloudy as well as age and sat near transfixed at their one arm masters as they out of breath occasionally on a cigarette. As I continued toward the Legislature, I reflection humorously; " they would doubtless think I'm the one that's wacky".
I went to the Worldwide UFO Legislature in Laughlin, Nevada to test out our night vision monocular, draw together Travis Walton, and encouragingly go out as well as Ed Grimsley.
UFOs: In The Humidity of the Day's end Paragraph One and Two
On the first day, I found Ed as well as his honorable socialize, Debit, strolling in the books and DVDs room at the Legislature. I promptly went up to him and asked him if he was having nightly spotting. He told me they had a table and, yes, he as well as Debit, are leave-taking out and had to charged twenty five dollars per separate to mitigate the allegation of his room and other contract.
This year's UFO Legislature was stacked as well as two hour companionable ET and or Nazi conspiracy speakers. Vinnie who came as well as me from the NY UFO Meeting Sort was in a state of tight spot as well as topics like; "Behind bars Starships: A forewarning trip up to life on other planets", but to his lay at the door of Vinnie was able to sit downhearted the inane and press on to outstanding authentic speakers thrill Travis Walton. Previously that type of squad was not my field, I and Vinnie had outstanding time to work as well as the arrive at. The first night, Sunday, Ed went out it was too dim and cold for me to hand out. Monday night it was clear. Ed, as well as his scopes, and we, as well as ours, went out to the well-known spot. Give is a look "the best laid diplomacy of rats and men" and this seemed to use.
It was so cold and blowy out offer that natural world up the arrive at and on the go as well as it was prohibited. As I became colder and colder I may perhaps presumption "died watching UFOs" decorated on my testimonial. I went back to the room, but Vinnie stayed. Nothing significant was viewed that night.
Tuesday, it was nevertheless real dim and very cold but Vinnie required to go out as well as Ed anew so I sent him out as well as the arrive at. Vinnie had dependable sightings. Time the rest of Ed's group viewed one sighting as well as assorted ships, Vinnie missed that one. (By the way we did not create our "Day's end Enforcer" arrive at dutiful properly. I think that is why we missed dependable of the objects.)
(As a consequence our Breathing space and adapter under you never create to amble your neck)
Wednesday was a no good as well as never-ending clouds. Thursday, Vinnie went out as well as the arrive at and he was able to get one object which may create been whatever thing but all in all they were doubtless satellites. They were not what we saw last day.
I create to say, having rapidly examined Vinnie's video, and listening to Ed racket in the background that the two objects Vinnie followed were UFOs, once they were most ability satellites, doesn't care his acceptance. Curb down, Ed. Ed's spotting spree this day weren't as corresponding or as make plans for as last day. Because you add the clouds and the entwine, it was wretched for spotting suchlike. But forwards and on the rise, possibly closest day in Phoenix we general feeling create advanced destiny and this time get them on video.
Damn you Aliens! J
Binding position On the Worldwide UFO Congress:
Worldwide UFO Legislature general feeling now be formed by "Drudgery Minds" and this may mean a fast Legislature closest day.. The State for the 2011 Worldwide UFO Legislature is group of pupils new bludgeon on an instinctive American have reservations about a few miles seeming of Phoenix. It has to be advanced than the Aquarius Cabin.. They announced they general feeling be having "Day's end Visions UFO Spotting" which want be neurotic right to be heard that area. I spar to Alejandro Rojas about my concerns for a outstanding fast locale.
Joe Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog
Labels: alien bodies, aliens
Liquid Water Once On Mars Australian Megafauna And Most Americans Believe Alien Life Is Possible
Welcome! "Perplexing Construction" tracks the latest discoveries and stance in the particular elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g STARS - Subsequent to it comes to exotic X-rays from Saturn, the ringed planet may act as a parody, shimmering pyrotechnics activity from the Sun, according to scientists by means of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. See article.g ABODES - In their explorations of Mars, every one the Basis and Disobey rovers found evidence that fluid water was following on the planet's begin. Joy Crispy, project scientist for NASA's Mars Seek Rovers, discussed the rovers' long rove and their breathtaking discoveries at a citizen reproach on May 19. See article. For linked story, see "The Swagger on Mars" in this area.g Construction - Analyses of ancient fossils stand for that to the fore Australian Aborigines did not hygienic out the continent's megafauna in a chaotic hunting rampage. New research conducted by Australian and British scientists reveals that in fact humans and megafauna, such as gigantic three-ton wombat-like creatures, a untamed marsupial "lion" and the world's ultimate principal lizard, may have co-existed for regarding 15,000 kick. See article.g Vividness - In an age of e-mails, databases and online catalogues, two heads may no longer be important than one, according to new ESRC-sponsored research dressed in the effects of information additional. See article.g Tutorial - The unclear approach is a international contraption of every one planetary clarification and SETI. Along with, it has a clear physical weight - a spectrometer finds the energy dispersal of photons, in human sensing it is color and sports ground. Under the structure on district of physical laws in our undo of universe, it may be premeditated that spectrometry else are by means of by folks aliens, who appreciate radio and aide theirs own SETI, too. See article.g COSMICUS - NASA's Mercury-bound Lackey spacecraft - under than three months from an Nest flyby that desire slingshot it toward the toward the inside solar system - triumphantly hardened its primary camera by snapping improbable approach shots of Nest and the Moon. See article.g Learning - Here's a terrific Web site for kids: "Mysteries of Wideness and Time". By the time a beginner finishes navigating this site, space obligation no longer be a mystery. Stopping at adept graphics and hand over games and other interactive play, this flair absolutely covers black holes, the planets, and masses anomalies of space. The lab draw desire be fussily pensive to astronomy students.g IMAGINING - Scientists at the SETI Setting up have long unhurried what life shove be delight on other worlds. You can express in this look for nap a game-like science group of pupils, "Inventing Construction Forms." It's personal for inventors of all ages. Stopping at one of a duo of dice, you work nap the vote of life for your life form. Furthermore, you essay this data and your role-play to meander a life form and recover a world someplace your for one person may possibly live. Download the commands for "Inventing Construction Forms" from the SETI Setting up website. It's the PDF group of pupils featured surrounded by our coaching candid, "How Energy Construction Evolution on Previous Worlds?"g Implication - Because most depictions of extraterrestrials are secluded to science falsehood, go up to two-thirds of Americans deduct that convinced form of alien life exists everywhere in the universe, according to a new regard. See article.Understand by this blogger's books
Friday, June 17, 2011
Swansea South Wales Looked Like Stars But Spun Around
Labels: aliens, encounters, humanoid
Central New York Experienced A Flurry Of Impressive Ufo Reports
In the future way in the considerably, I be keen on to tunnel that part of time, but for now I exactly deprivation to relationship Foremost Smith's assassinate bearing in mind the legal pandemonium that would grip Very important NY vivacity subsequently, like order manager and sheriff's deputy tempers flared, altering careers and, accurately, causing law enforcement agencies to skin UFO reports from the public. I assume that Foremost Smith would uphold given, but he was aspiration absent by the time the 1970s UFO reports exploded on the scene. Stable The National Enquirer showed up for a story, which it obtained, to the same degree Dr. Hynek's Base for UFO Studies looked for facts -- and was denied. Supervisor on that at recent time.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Lions Gate Films On Projects Ranging From Ufo Documentaries
zSHARE - creepy radio 007 - noah voss run.mp3
Labels: aerobie, aliens, unidentified flying object
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Fbi Alien Ufo
SHORT UFO FACT: [Sumerian legends tell of the god Oannes (EA) rising from the Persian Gulf in something that seems much like a diving suit. Ea is often depicted as an amphibious being, half fish and half man. These same legends state unequivocally that Oannes came from under the sea. In that case, Ea's vessel may have been an early USO (UNIDENTIFED SUBMARINE OBJECT.) Ea is the culture-bearer for the Sumerian civilization, who is said to have brought them the arts of writing, agriculture, toolmaking, etc. Suprisingly enough, one of the first people to advance the theory that Ea may have been an '"ancient astronaut"' was Carl Sagan, long before Von Daniken started searching for his chariots. There was a fabulous supernova right around this time, according to Michanowsky, and it appears to have coincided with Ea's visit. Zechariah Sitchin believes that Babylonian legends state '"unequivocally"' that Ea came from the 12th planet of our solar system, which is yet to be discovered by our astronomers.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Labels: aliens, humanoid, spacecraft
Friday, June 10, 2011
Anon Tries To Hack The Skies
Labels: aliens, anonymous, cybercrime
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Ufo Sighting In Lees Creek Ohio On May 1St 2013 A Light Fell From The Sky It Started Orange Then Turned Green
(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -
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Labels: aliens, unidentified flying object, weren
Alien True
SHORT UFO FACT: [There is absolutely no conclusive evidence that alien life exists in outer space, let alone here on Earth. Astronauts are rumored to have seen luminous or metallic objects, but these are only rumors. There is some NASA footage which clearly shows objects flying on the surface of the moon, and Earth, but again, this is inconclusive and could be space junk or meteors.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Controlled Disclosures Of The Ufo Cover Up Part 1
Labels: aliens, politics, ufocasebook
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Ufo Sighting Over Fireworks Display In Switzerland People Are Ready For The Truth
Labels: aliens, chinese culture, fireworks
Positive Aspects Of Beliefs In Ufos And Some Downsides To Such Beliefs
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by Norio Hayakawa
July 23, 2010
It seems to me that many who believe in "UFOs" ("that they are ALIEN SPACECRAFT PILOTED OR MANEUVERED BY ALIENS WHO ARE VISITING US") tend to be, on the whole, spiritually-oriented.
(I know I am generalizing it and I could be wrong on this).
Their main focus in life doesn't seem to be concentrated in such things as acquisition of material wealth or power.
Their main focus seems to be in "living right" and in "searching for truth" to the best of their knowledge or ability.
To me this is good.
And they have something to look forward to in life.
Probably the biggest hope for those "die-hard" believers seems to be that one day ("and most believers seem to hope for the imminent appearance of aliens in "UFOs") the aliens will openly land and will help us solve all the problems of this depressing and deteriorating world we are living in.
Of course there are some people who say that this kind of belief is almost equivalent to substituting "God" with "aliens").
Many of my friends (who are not into "UFOs") always tell me how envious they are about me because "you are interested in studying about "UFOs" are lucky because you have such a wonderful dream in life".
I am not sure when they say things like this whether they are complimenting me or feeling sorry for me ("as if I had lost my marbles and am living in a dream world"). LOL!
Moreover, this is the reality, that most people, such as one's friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc., do not talk about "UFOs" day in and night, much less talk about it AT ALL in daily life.
Those who claim to be in the "mainstream" (and claim to be in the "real world", which seems to be the bulk of the population) usually think you're a little weird for believing in "aliens" or taking an interest in the subject of "UFOs". (Even though they don't say so directly to you).
As soon as I mention "UFOs", they immediately assume that I am a believer in "aliens".
(They don't seem to be able to differentiate between studying about the UFO phenomenon and believing in "aliens").
Of course I must admit that there are also some downsides to believing in "UFOs".
There is always a danger of fanaticism that could lead "believers" towards isolationism or somewhat limited association with "normal" people.
(Although we do not even know for sure who is a "normal" person who leads a "normal" life).
Also, there is always a danger of paranoia.
For example, many conspiracy believers who start out by believing in one conspiracy theory, have a tendency to soon start ascribing every single thing that happens in this world to "conspiracies".
They begin to believe fanatically that everything is a "cover-up"!
But I am so glad that I got myself involved in studying about the UFO phenomenon since I was a high school kid back in the early 1960's.
I have been researching this fascinating phenomenon for more than 45 years already!
Even though ("despite my long years of research") I have no conclusive answers that I can offer to people about this strange phenomenon, I do not regret it at all because I can definitely say that this continues to be one of the most baffling mysteries of all time, especially of our time!
Reader Reports Ufo Sightings In Austin
Labels: aliens, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers
Monday, June 6, 2011
Absurd Bits In Fortean Phenomena
Reading one of my favorite esoteric Fortean authors Colin Bennett right now: "Flying Saucers Over the White House; The Inside Story of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and His Official U.S. Airforce Investigation of UFOs." I'm only just into it, but, as usual when I read Bennett, there is so much rich, juicy and insightful right on stuff it's exhilarating. It's almost too much, one quick brilliant statement after another. One of the numerous gems is the "psychosocial filter" as Bennett calls it concerning UFO (and, I'll add, paranormal events in general) witness experiences:
It is an amusing feature of the Western mind that those people who have had a UFO experience of any kind are judged to be people least worthy of analyzing that experience."The witness is often treated as an afterthought, or even an embarrassment. And all is lost if the witness has things that clogs up that "psychosocial filter":
The courts of "proper" debate rule out any odd, highly individualized, comic, or ludicrous or absurd elements. Here we see the most tragic-comic emblem of mankind's philosophy: get rid of the nutcases and there will be revealed the shining truth. [Bennett: 39]It seems obvious that without UFO witnesses we wouldn't have UFOs to investigate in the first place. The UFO investigator wasn't there, nor the Sasquatch explorer or the ghost hunter. The witness "was" there, and she knows of her experience.
The problem is with interpretation and assumption. But that's different than what happened, no matter how crazy it may sound. The researcher brings her or his own bias as well. The whole thing is -- I don't want to use words like contaminated or polluted because those words frame UFO and paranormal events as a negative -- but it's all messed up, turned inside out and upside down, from the moment it started. That's" okay." That in itself is part of the phenomena.
Instead, there are a lot of people out there chasing UFOs and ghosts and Bigfoot who believe they'll get to the truth of things if they reject anything that hints of those "absurd elements" Bennett refers to. That, and bringing along a lot of clanking high tech equipment that lights up and does other cool stuff.
I don't remember where it was that I read a suggestion from Jacques Vallee, who commented that many UFO researchers were going about things all wrong. Instead of asking the witness about measurements, size, yards, feet, longitudes and latitudes and behaving in somber UFO Investigator mode, just give the witness a pad of paper and a pencil and have them draw what they saw. In their own words, in their own way. Stand back, don't talk much, and just let them relate their experience. Then go from there.
It's a symbiotic relationship between witness and chroniicler of the event. Despite the insistence of some, Fortean phenomena isn't scientific (not to be confused with complete rejection of using scientific methodologies when desired), it's not objective, and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. You're either in it or you're not. You're in it and that means you take in the "absurd elements" along with the rest. The moment you start rejecting bits from a report because it's too weird or subjectively stupid, you've "contaminated" the research.
The UFO Police (and the Bigfoot Police) pop up with regularity, with new mission statements and rules about what will, and what will not, be accepted into their (always) scientific minded organization. Embarrassed by most all of UFOlogy UFO Police want to be treated with respect by the residents of Debunkerville and the MSM (mainstream media.) Those invites will never happen, because the phenomena won't let it. Which the UFO Police would realize, if they stopped rejecting the "absurd elements."
Meanwhile, witnesses continue to have UFO sightings that often contain high strangeness. I can only speak for myself, but I take it very personally when a stuffed shirt UFO investigator condescends to me that they only consider "hard evidence" and my experience is "only anecdotal." Well kid, it's all I got. But really, in my case, as with many other witnesses, that's a lot. It's actually "huge. "Lately I've been chronicling all of the strange UFO events in my life, going back to my childhood, (including those pesky "absurd" bits) and it's startling how connected and big this all seems to be.
The "problem with UFOlogy" as some like to say, isn't with the "absurd bits." It's with the idea there's a "problem" that needs to be fixed.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Just The Facts Circular Surgical Mark On My Hand Dingo Pets Myanmar Elite Mystic
TINLEY PARK, IL - 10/15/2011 - (UNEDITED): I was sleeping, something woke me up for a second. I tried to go right back to sleep but my right hand was hurting. It started to hurt more and more, until it hurt severely. I sat up and looked at my hand under my phone light. What I saw Made me say no no no, there was A pencil eraser sized incision in the middle of my palm The skin wasnt removed there was still a small like the point of a pencil sized piece of skin still attached to my hand. It had an Orange liquid around the incision and a like liquid band aid shiny like glass, ultra transparent and clear liquid over it all the size of a dime.
I couldnt believe what I saw. I had an overwhelming urge to go back to sleep I couldnt it hurt, I had to look at it again. I didnt want to look at it again. I looked at it again, I knew it was not normal. I knew this was serious and real. I tried to wake up my boy friend, I told him "Get up!, theres a hole in my hand!" I was smacking his shoulder, He said "Go back to sleep there is nothing wrong with you." He would not look at my hand. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep. I looked at it for the third time and just shook my head and said "This is nuts!, This is crazy! The cat mustve did that." I laid back down and just would not believe what I was seeing. The overwhelming urge to go back to sleep prevailed. Why I didnt take a picture, Why didnt I wake anyone else up, Why I didnt touch it. I dont know. It was unbelievable. I woke up the next morning not thinking of it at all, not remembering anything. Until my boyfriend woke up, And said "Oh yeah, (Sarcastically) What happened to the hole in your hand?" All of a sudden I remembered it all, I looked at my hand immediately. Not a trace of it was there. I know what I saw, and I dont think there has been a day since then that I dont think about it, worry about it, and am freaked out about it. Ive tried telling a few close friends and family. They dont even want to hear it. They tell me it didnt happen. I know what happened, I know what I saw, I know it was real. It was a surgical perfect incision with strange liquid. I want to know what happened to me, If this has happened to anyone else. In finishing I wasnt not supposed to see that. - "MUFON CMS"
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UFOs, ETs, and Alien Abductions: A Scientist Looks at the Evidence"
In a country where dingoes are synonymous with the words "got my baby", Desiree Hemberger has a lot of explaining to do. The owner of three purebred dingoes in Newtown, Sydney, Australia - urbane, crowded and in the midst of a baby boom - she insists they are not savages but shy, even huggable, companions. "Every time I take them for a walk, I will always bump into someone who will ask, 'they aren't dingoes, are they?' " Ms Hemberger said.
"It's part of owning them. You get to talk to a lot of people and explain they can make really good pets. They are really affectionate, always wanting to sit on your lap, sleep near you and just stay close." Despite their fierce reputations, the number of dingoes kept in backyards in New South Wales has risen steadily since 1999 when they became legal as pets. More than 580 purebred and 500 cross-breeds were registered last year.
NSW is one of only three states where dingo ownership is allowed in urban areas. The RSPCA NSW, which once deemed dingoes "too big a risk" to keep as pets, now rehouses them. This year the government published guidelines for dingo owners. It pointed out that while dingoes and hybrids had been successfully kept as pets, most people who bought the animals did 'not fully appreciate [their] 'hard-wired' behaviours".
The guidelines warned of destructive, aggressive and escape behaviour, and a limited ability to be trained or rehoused. Ms Hemberger agreed dingoes were headstrong but also "loving, generous and beautiful companions", even around children. "A girlfriend of mine has a little baby that we look after from time to time. One dingo in particular loves to come up and see him... they are not a threat to anyone." - SMH
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The Dingo"
China is easily dismissed as a laggard when it comes to innovation, but now a university in central China has come up with the world's fastest supercomputer, which is more than twice as fast as its nearest rival.
In the world of the supercomputer, it's all about the petaflops, and the Tianhe-2 is capable of sustained computing of 33.86 petaflops per second, which is the same as 33,860 trillion calculations per second, according to the semi-annual TOP500 listing of the world's fastest supercomputers by a group of 500 experts.
The Tianhe-2, which means Milky Way-2, was developed by the National University of Defence Technology in Changsha, in Hunan province. The TOP500 list is compiled curated by three computer scientists at universities in the US and Germany.
TOP500 editor Jack Dongarra, who toured the Tianhe-2 development facility in May, said the system was noteworthy in a number of aspects.
"Most of the features of the system were developed in China, and they are only using Intel for the main computer part," he said.
"That is, the interconnect, operating system, front-end processors and software are mainly Chinese."
The list was announced June 17th during the opening session of the 2013 International Supercomputing Conference in Leipzig.
The Tianhe-2 knocks the US Energy Department's Titan machine off the No 1 spot. It achieved 17.59 petaflops per second.
Supercomputers look like old mainframe computers used to look - large banks of data processing power with lights and buttons, and they are used for extremely complex tasks such as quantum mechanics, modelling weather systems, simulating nuclear explosions, simulations of the early moments of the universe and designing jetliners.
It's the second time a Chinese computer has been named the world's fastest. In November 2010, the Tianhe-2's predecessor, Tianhe-1A, was the fastest but it was ousted by Fujitsu of Japan's "K computer" overtook it a few months later.
It highlights China's efforts to boost innovation in high-tech areas, and shows how the country is translating fast economic growth into higher research spending. - Irish Times
Tiny, frail and barely able to speak, Myanmar's most famous fortune teller -- known as ET -- has for years whispered predictions to Asia's rich and powerful, from generals to foreign politicians.
The soothsayer, whose popularity has inspired a recent Thai biopic, is one of a plethora of mystics in Myanmar, where generations of rulers have sought ethereal advice.
Sprightly despite a range of disabilities -- including, her family say, that her internal organs are all on the wrong side of her body -- ET looks every bit the mystic when accompanied by her sister Thi Thi, whose penchant for shawls and elaborately embroidered frocks enhances the spiritualist image.
"My sister (is a) very, very grand and special one," Thi Thi told AFP in a recent interview in Bangkok, adding that her guidance has been sought across the region.
"Some is politician, some is business people... Everybody happy, became very famous," said Thi Thi, who acts as an interpreter for her sister.
Myanmar's fortune tellers are thought to be behind several unexplained occurrences in the country, from the abrupt decision by the former junta to relocate the capital in 2005, to bizarre episodes when the generals appeared wearing women's longyi -- a sarong-like skirt.
Normally sartorially conservative, the top brass resorted to cross-dressing "so that a woman would not become president in the country," said Aung Zaw, editor of the Irrawaddy, a news magazine started by Myanmar exiles, referring to the junta's fear of democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi.
"They are very superstitious," he said.
Mystics have been ascribed great influence in a country where the workings of the secretive junta were kept hidden from the public for decades.
Aung Zaw said that amid the wilder speculation were strong indications that the army chiefs did dabble in the dark arts to try to reinforce their power.
"There is a lot of interpretation... but they do these things quite often," he said, adding that the practice of consulting astrologers dated back hundreds of years, with Myanmar's former kings regularly consulting fortune tellers.
Ne Win, the strongman who ruled Myanmar for around three decades, was notorious for his reliance on fortune tellers and their "yadaya" -- an occult practice where a symbolic act is performed to influence the future.
Rumours about the former junta chief's use of yadaya to ward off adversity include that he stood in front of a mirror and shot a gun at his own reflection, according to one foreign observer who has long studied the old regime.
Even Myanmar's new reformist President Thein Sein has indicated his openness to heed the predictions of mystics.
"I don't know a lot about astrology, but there are many people who know astrology very well in Myanmar," he said in a recent documentary "Un oeil sur la plan?te" (An Eye on the World) by French broadcaster France 2.
"Sometimes they give me advice on how the situation of the country could be affected from the astrological point of view. I willingly take this advice into account."
Thi Thi said her sister, who is in her 40s, had also met former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and predicted his rise to power.
"He come and see my sister, before politics. At that time he is (in the) telephone business," she said.
Thaksin reportedly visited ET just days before he was ousted in a 2006 coup, but Thi Thi declined to give details of the relationship, saying only that her sister's predictions over the years were "80 percent correct".
In three decades on the road, she said ET has travelled to "many many countries", including Japan, China, Singapore and Thailand, and now ploughs a portion of her income into a hospital foundation at home.
While her clients include the occasional Westerner, most are local businessmen and wealthy Asians.
"It's definitely hard to get an appointment," said one Western diplomat, who said prices have now risen to a hundred dollars a session.
ET begins her consultations with theatrical flair by writing out the serial number of an apparently unseen banknote in the client's wallet -- a "convincing" start, the diplomat said.
Soon after Suu Kyi was released from her last bout of house arrest in 2010, amid uncertainty about how much freedom the Nobel peace laureate would be allowed, the diplomat asked ET for a prediction of the veteran activist's future.
"In spite of a warning that she doesn't predict politics or the lottery, she did say that 'Aung San Suu Kyi would be more free, very free'," the diplomat said.
Suu Kyi has since been elected to parliament and is eyeing a bid for the presidency.
ET -- whose name is also written E Thi -- has predicted her own early death from heart failure, but her sister says it does not worry the soothsayer because she will be "very pretty" in her next life.
Her family say her powers, including visions of ghosts and future events, were discovered after she was struck by fever while praying at a pagoda as a small child.
Others took a more prosaic route to otherworldly insight and international popularity.
Hein Tint Zaw says he studied for five years under a famous Myanmar soothsayer, learning astrology, tarot and numerology with around 100 other pupils before graduating in the mystic arts and moving to Thailand to set up shop among the many migrants from Myanmar.
His little studio in the industrial town of Mahachai mainly attracts workers from his homeland, who staff local factories in their thousands, but Thais also seek his services and bring along their own interpreters.
"I have never had to advertise," he said. -
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