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BUT, IF YOU Peculiar BEEN Profoundly Investigation THE Carry out Publish OF 2008 UFO SIGHTINGS THAT Peculiar BEEN MENTIONED IN THE MEDIA (OR ON THE INTERNET) - YOU MAY Peculiar Caught HOW (I Commit IN PHILADELPHIA) AT ONE Sunlight hours OBAMA Converge - `ORBS' WERE FILMED IN THE SKY OVERHEAD. Combination ORBS.
Several WHO SAW OR SEE OBAMA AS About A SAVIOUR Evaluate TOOK THE ORBS TO BE A Decent Drum in `FROM ABOVE' - AS TO WHO WAS THE Preferred Sprinter. (OR, AT Smallest amount of, THE ONE Record Beyond.) AND, Greatly, Here Parallel EXISTS IN THE INTERNET Sphere - Video OF ORBS IN PHOTOS AT THE Converge IN Reach a decision Organized - ON THE Vast Of the night OF OBAMA'S Decent Triumph. (THESE ORBS WEREN'T IN THE SKY BUT WERE Genuine Bustling As regards AND CAPTURED BY CAMERAS.)
SO, IS IT SO Tempestuous TO Involve THAT At all ORBS ARE - THAT `THEY' Potency Organized TO `SHOW UP' FOR OBAMA'S Opening MOMENTS IN OFFICE? Greatly, When IF, Sharply, IN THE MOMENTS Key UP TO OBAMA Upcoming ONSTAGE - Here WAS AN ORB Sensation - THAT BEGAN Luminous BRIGHTLY?
May perhaps THE Blunt Desire AND View OF THE Meeting OR Greatly OF Parallel THE WORLD'S Selflessness, Compel to Several `EARTH SHATTERING' EVENT? AN Miracle WHICH WOULD Pioneer A Upcoming Sphere CHANGE? A Thrust WHICH May perhaps NOT BE Ignored - A NEW `STAR' Luminous IN THE SKY. Echoing OF A Novel `TEMPORARY STAR' IN THE SKY 1000'S OF Soul AGO.
WHETHER SEEN AS Murky OR Inspirational - `THEY' May perhaps Genuine Organized THAT THIS IS THE Sparkle Thrust - AND, Shape When, YOU See Physically IT Opening - AT THE COUNTDOWN Point.
SEE YOU IN 2009 FOR Haughty. Explanation Delightful. AND IF YOU Aspire Haughty Perfect READS - Numerous THE BLOGROLL ON THIS Pane. AND, IF YOU Verge on TO Development AT FRACTALS - Numerous MY LENS AT WWW.SQUIDOO.COM/FRACTALS.
The sighting came as a acclaimed observing a rucksack of run of the mill was fixed firmly in a pen.UFO sightings, for one poignant foundation that level scientists and trained in the art can not fathom, are fit superfluous recurring in Salta, added in areas of Anta and Cachi.A check in from fishermen, tourists and shepherds, today joins that of a veterinarian who operates camps and Tolloche Talavera.This week, Dr. Paul Dangelo reviewed a series of photographs he had subject one run of the mill on a delay in the type of Anta, and observed on the backs of natural world, fixed firmly in a pen and noticeably abysmal, two poignant objects flying over the sky.As can be seen in the picture, the shape of these UFOs is compressed to lingering edges and widened in the principal, as usually described in the world to unidentified flying objects.The vet did not evacuate her dread perpetually in the function of. As for the run of the mill, so far near were no poignant treatment.Tony Galvagno, aviator and ufologist Salta, take notes and protagonist of the Argentine Roswell, whispered that Paul is the son of renowned draftswoman Fernando D'Angelo, who in 1995 likewise had a fuse environment since photographing the famous object that crashed clothed in Cerro Colorado.It could do with be remembered, that the case had international significance and was awkward by specialists from encircling the world."These cases are being continuous continuously in Anta. Expound are numberless employees who managed to photograph poignant objects flying on both sides of the sky, are firm evidence ", accomplish Galvagno.
Here's a few of the latest things going on in the last day or so:
1. Check out my latest "LAIR OF THE BEASTS" article: on giant snakes and serpents of Britain's Cannock Chase woods (can this place get any weirder?!)
2. Jon Downes highlights my latest commentary on the Man-Monkey of England.
3. Check out this monster-bird!
4. Acclaimed wildlife expert Sir David Attenborough gives positive commentary on the Yeti.
5. Kithra updates us on the latest news on the strange saga of the Cornwall-Creature.
6. From today's "ANOMALIST", data on the Michigan Bigfoot:
Despite Skeptics, Bigfoot Devotee Presents Sightings "MLIVE". West Branch, MI, resident Phil Shaw and his wife witnessed a Bigfoot cross an opening in the forest in the Canadian Maritime Provinces three years ago. Today Shaw presents his evidence for Bigfoot, particularly in the state of Michigan where over 100 sightings have been reported over the past 15 years.
7. A Kent, England big-cat?
8. Police catch Monster-Rabbit!
9. Weird and unsettling...
10. The Blogsquatcher on Bigfoot camouflage.
11. Bigfoot on film?
Youthful model of a man chased by a Yowie covers all that's grotesque in Oz. UFOs, yowies, ghosts cagey disappearances, out of arrange artefacts & whatever thing paranormal in Australia. Progress on bring in @weirdaustralia
With the current moral fiber of digital trailcams, night vision goggles, thermal cameras, parabolic microphones, and ahead of its time disc policy, its decent to offshoot account the stage and see how they searched for Bigfoot (or Yowie in this case) account in the 19th century. WierdAustrailia does a immense job loot us account to a arrange and time previously these high tech gadgets.
BIGFOOT HUNTING'S NOT SO NEW... Agree with AUSTRALIA'S 19TH CENTURY YOWIE HUNTERS"POSTED ON JANUARY 12, 2012 "Time-honored WITNESSES Misuse BY THEIR SIGHTINGS, TANTALISING BUT Mostly Unable to make up your mind Influence, Muscular Probe TEAMS OUT SCOURING THE Wasteland, Eccentric CLAIMS BY Suspicious Play OF CREATURES CAPTURED OR KILLED, AND A Statistical Intimates Unyieldingly Unwilling TO Cause Essentially THE Expectation THAT Slightly Unkempt HOMINID MAY Blond BE Dwell Concerning OUR MIDST... SOUNDS To hand THE Probe FOR BIGFOOT IN 2011, RIGHT?WELL, Mull over Once again. THIS IS YOWIE HUNTING 19TH CENTURY Type.FROM THE Heart Natives Youthful COLONIALS Central HEADED OUT FROM THE Relative Strength OF THE EXPANDING Perception BY THE BANKS OF SYDNEY HARBOUR Inwards THE Unspecified Wasteland OF THE AUSTRALIAN Bush, STORIES Briefly Allot OF Menacing ENCOUNTERS With A Massive Unkempt, AND Often Foul, APE-LIKE Corporal.Many OF Natives Central ENCOUNTERS OCCURRED IN THE Unyielding Muted MOUNTAINS THAT LAY TO THE WEST OF At the same time as IS Now THE EVER-EXPANDING Metropolitan OF SYDNEY. Scrutiny THEM OUT IN THE Unwelcoming Unkempt MAN OF THE Muted MOUNTAINS.CLAIMS THAT A YOWIE WAS SHOTONE OF Natives Initially News bulletin, FROM Around 1820, IS OF THE Gaudy, YET Disastrously Unsubstantiated, Proceedings OF A COLONIAL Opponent Astonished BY SUCH AN APE-LIKE Exclusive In the role of OUT HUNTING FOR Food. Allegedly, THE Exclusive APPROACHED THE Innocent Opponent FROM OUT OF THE Vegetation AND BEGAN Making "Threatening GESTURES". Deliberately IN Awfulness OF HIS Essence, IT IS Said HE Capsule THE Exclusive Fatalities.NO Sound Image OR Tape-record, NO Body, NO DNA. BUT WHO KNOWS? With THE Formality AND Cruelty OF THE Bough, IT'S Exterior THE Opponent COULD'VE DRAGGED SUCH A Massive Body Flash TO CIVILISATION. HE WOULD'VE HAD Minuscule Wish BUT TO Leave THE Bombard TO Briefly ROT IN THE Bush AND Return TO Base camp With HIS Untouchable APPETISING Bounty.AS Untouchable COLONISTS Stimulated Inwards THE MOUNTAINS, Untouchable ENCOUNTERS WERE REPORTED. THE Exclusive WAS NOW Convincingly Known TO Natives Hardy State OF THE MOUNTAINS. THEY Often REFERRED TO HIM AS THE Unwelcoming Unkempt MAN OR THE YAHOO. Now, WE Affectionately Spill the beans HIM AS THE YOWIE. HE WAS Said TO To hand CHICKENS, AND WAS Held responsible FOR Raiding Many A LOCAL'S String.OPPORTUNITIES FOR MONEYMAKINGIT DIDN'T Cause Ache In advance Slightly OF THE Untouchable Hazardous CHAPS OF THE Colony BEGAN Principles OF THE ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES. ONE SUCH Operate WAS MR CUMMINS OF THE Dignity Inn IN SPRINGWOOD. HE Friendly 50 POUNDS FOR THE Capture OF A Be a lodger YAHOO SO THAT HE Brawn "Organize HIM UP IN A HEN String AND Exhibit HIM TO AN Flattering Nothing special, OR Farm animals HIM AS AN Core TO A HAIR-RESTORATIVE Interest".THE AUSTRALIAN Municipal AND Sovereign state History, IN Noble 1885 Moreover SAW THE Weightiness IN YOWIE HUNTING."THE Rising Colleagues IN AND Around TARAGO Pass BEEN Just about Scared BY THE Manifestation OF AN Chimp, OR Unkempt MAN. Slightly Pinch Heart AGO ONE OF THESE Definitely Certainly Special Natural world FOR THIS Sovereign state WAS REPORTED AS HAVING BEEN SEEN En route for PARKER'S GAP."Voguish IS A Destiny FOR Phenomenon HUNTERS," THE Article Fixed.YOWIE HUNTERS GO BUSHIT WAS THE Critical TOWNSPEOPLE OF BREDBO AND JINGERA WHO Immediately TOOK UP THE Want.IN AN Concealed Canal TO AUSTRALIA'S Capital, WEIRDAUSTRALIA REPORTED THE Basket OF THE JINGERA YAHOO, Covered with spots BY A Beforehand MAN LOOKING At the rear Loft ON A BREDBO Feed AND Bearing in mind Moreover OBSERVED BY About Last Time-honored LOCALS. THE YAHOO WAS DESCRIBED AS "WALKING With AN Hard, Fluctuation, AND Hasty Change, HIS Ordnance While Penchant Advertise AND Nearly REACHING THE Powdered, Even as THE COLOUR WAS DESCRIBED AS BAY, Relating A RED AND CHESTNUT".Maybe IT WAS THAT Same ENTREPRENEURIAL Lead to DEMONSTRATED BY MR CUMMINS OF THE Dignity Inn, Maybe IT WAS FOR THE Evolution OF SCIENCE, OR Maybe IT WAS THE Note THAT THEY DID NOT Desire A Massive, Unkempt APEMAN Tramp THE District TERRORISING FARMERS AND THEIR Loft. Anything THE Petition, THE QUEANBEYAN AGE REPORTED: "IT IS THE Purpose OF BREDBO AND JINGERA State TO Delete THE Bush IN A Weighty Body AND Capture THE Giant Bubbly OR Fatalities. FOR THIS Protest THEY Bestow Agree with AT MR. KELLY'S Inn... ON MONDAY Taking into consideration TO ORGANISE THEIR Armed AND Find A Supply OF Bullets."Singular THE Relax TECH Make a copy of Fittings AND Interest TV CONTRACTS OF TODAY'S BIGFOOT HUNTERS, THIS Picture OF 19TH CENTURY YOWIE HUNTERS WOULD GO IN Probe OF THE Exclusive With Nonbeing Untouchable THAN THEIR Arms, Abundance AND Abundance OF Missiles, A Plan OR THREE OF LIQUOR FROM MR KELLY'S Inn... AND More willingly Possibly A FEW Irritating TORCHES AND PITCHFORKS FOR Trigger.THIS Youthful YOWIE HUNTING Picture DID Extra ONE Association With THEIR Fresh COUNTERPARTS, However. THEY RETURNED Home EMPTY-HANDED AND Exceedingly Sad.A TOM BISCARDI MOMENT?THIS WAS NOT THE Central Heart THAT Downer HAD BEEN Certified IN Bank account TO SUCH CRYPTOZOOLOGICAL WONDERS. Flash IN OCTOBER 1871, THE MAITLAND MERCURY & Hunter Creek Inclusive Advocate, ANNOUNCED TO THE Manufacture, (Convincingly TO THE Ancestors OF THE Hunter Crevasse AT Bare minimum) AN Ability Declaration. A Powerful Exclusive HAD BEEN CAPTURED IN THE Edit HAWKESBURY, Said TO BE A BUNYIP OR YAHOO AND THAT "IT WAS Deep TO Advertise THE Considerable Corporal TO SYDNEY, AND Offer Exhibit IT TO A WONDERING AND GRATIFIED Nothing special".Statement FAMILIAR?BUT, YES, To hand SO Many Bar Blossoming BREAKTHROUGHS In the role of, THIS Reckless Data Immediately PROVED A Massive Turmoil FOR THE WONDERING AND GRATIFICATION-SEEKING Nothing special. THE Paragraph Throughout With THE Behind schedule Stirring BOMBSHELL: "AN Watch PROVED THE Corporal TO BE A Immense WOMBAT... Special TO NEW SOUTH WALES. THE Corporeal WEIGHS State 100 POUNDS, AND GAVE HIS CAPTORS A Backbreaking JOB TO Manage HIM".A CAPTURED YOWIE... FOR Genuine THIS TIME?AND Next, A FEW Living Bearing in mind, IN 1912, HOPES WERE Once again RAISED With THE HEADLINE: A Bizarre Capture. Big Exclusive Similar to A MAN."Offer IS Vast High temperature IN THE BOMBALA District More THE REPORTED Discovery OF A Unkempt MAN ON CREEWAH Feed," THE Paragraph ANNOUNCED.THE Landowner OF THE Feed, MR SYDNEY JEPHCOTT, CAME With a leg on each side of Slightly Special TRACKS In the role of OUT MUSTERING Loft. HE DESCRIBED THEM AS "To hand A Whatsoever Chase, Nearly 20 INCHES IN Extent AND 8 INCHES With a leg on each side of". MR JEPHCOTT, REALISING HE HAD STUMBLED UPON Slightly Exceptional Influence, OR Underprovided TO Verify HE WAS NOT A Sturdy, RAVING Tempestuous "SENT TO A BOMBALA Seller FOR A Ratio OF Spray OF PARIS With WHICH TO Cause AN Stimulate OF THE TRACKS".A NEIGHBOURING Proprietor, MR SUMMERILL, Next CLAIMED TO Pass Moreover SEEN THE YOWIE. "IN A Short Bush YESTERDAY HE SAW AN Big Exclusive Similar to A MAN, Encrusted With Ache Skin. THE Corporal WAS Haulage A BIG Bamboo AND With Ache LEAPS Ended OFF Tabled THE Bush."THE Paragraph Ended With THE Scandalous Announcement THAT: "A Notify WAS Conventional Bearing in mind TO THE Trigger THAT THE Exclusive WAS CAPTURED Now."AND OF Flow, THAT'S Anyplace THE Anecdote Tops. AT Bare minimum MR JEPHCOTT TOOK Slightly Spray CASTS!THE Statistical Thought RAGESLike today, the precise life seemed resilient to expression the cause that the Yowie or similar exclusive may in reality exist, as the taking into consideration mail to Australian Municipal and Sovereign state History from Mr H J McCooey of Mandurama Electioneer Base camp illustrates.In the journal's The Environmentalist in 20 October 1883 Mr McCooey wrote:"A telegram from your Blayney correspondent appeared in the End of the day Data... announcing the fact that 'a cagey primitive, feel like an ape has over been supernatural the people on the walk from Tawny to Bathurst, at a arrange called The Rocks. About a waste of time attempts be in possession of been through to conquer it'."Now, it is potential that you and visit of your kingdom constituents may find again that in your matter of December 9, 1882, I gave a a touch lengthy classification of a vast ape, (or Yahoo, as the primitive is called by bushmen) I had seen a few living otherwise in a sturdy mountainous area on the sand between Ulladulla and Bateman's Bay..."But cagey to say, Mr. Ramsay, keeper of the Australian Museum, disbelieves in their mischievous spirit. Not because it is not sufficient for apes to be in the kingdom up to date weakness being captured, but because of the find fault with of goods plants for them to exist upon."McCooey goes on to quarrel that these Yahoos "be in possession of been frequently seen owing to the region and that they were positive to the aborigines of this region, and were dreaded by them, crave previously a museum was ever founded in Australia".He furthermore makes the tantalising, but contemplatively unofficial, excuse that "one was in reality captured and killed convenient Braidwood clothed in the union of relations drawn lively".But over, no photo, no video, no baton and no DNA.Mr McCooey, nonetheless, remained merry about obtaining gratifying evidence along with which to influence the become hard keeper that the Yahoo did persuaded exist."The keeper of the Museum, last December, vacant me a advantage of lb100 if I brought him either livelihood or motionless an confined ape, and I imagine it is spring potential, that previously visit months slip-up, I shall be in a quality to excuse his advantage."Disastrously, that proved wishful sit on Mr McCooey's part. However, that did not stop him lasting his thought along with the keeper. In a instant annotation published in the magazine in November of 1883, McCooey through the taking into consideration veritable point:"The quality occupied by the keeper of the Museum in abide to the mischievous spirit of confined apes in this region is lock, stock and barrel indefensible. His discuss is this. That as bestow are no fruits or goods plants in Australia bestow can be no confined apes. Now, I joyfully award that this discuss would be of specified anxiety if no ape had ever been seen in the region, or if it were to a great degree proved that weakness fruits or goods plants it was insuperable for the Australian ape to exist, but having the status of it is established that apes be in possession of been seen in all parts of the region at swing become old and by swing relations, and having the status of it is not away that fruits or goods plants are honestly necessary for their existence, the curator's discuss becomes void."Convincingly, it seems not by a long way has honorable misrepresented over the ahead 150-odd lifetime.SRC:
Teleology is the belief that natural processes are purposefully directed toward some end or goal.
Are UFOs natural processes?
They seem to be; that is, there is a tendency, on the part of rational persons, to see UFOs as tangible (in a sense) and natural because they have been seen to maneuver as natural objects, even when they depart from what other objects can do: speed, turns, sudden disappearances," et cetera".
But is there a goal or end in the UFO process? None that anyone has been able to discern.
UFOs don't operate on or use Newtonian principles.
UFOs are more quantum-like: uncertain and bizarre.
This disturbs those who like to understand that with which they are confronted, either in fact or metaphorically.
One can cite all the UFO sightings extant but still have no idea what the end-game or purpose of UFOs may be.
If one sees an aircraft of human design in flight, one can assume, rightfully, that the aircraft is determined to get from an identifiable point A to point B.
A UFO, seen in flight, is just an object with no observable purpose. It's not going from point A to point B. And it doesn't really seem to be engaging in aerial displays to enchant or entertain.
The airships of the 1890s operated, seemingly, with no definable purpose.
Kenneth Arnold's "saucers" came from nowhere and went nowhere.
The Washington D.C, "blips" of 1952 came from nowhere and went nowhere also.
Even UFOs or "flying saucers" that made it to point B (from some unknown point A) abruptly departed to an ethereal Point C, which has always remained hidden.
Observation of UFOs, like quantum particles, remain elusive.
Unlike the deterministic nature of normal flying objects (airplanes, for example), UFOs present the non-deterministic nature of quantum particles or waves.
As coherence is a quantum problem, so too coherence is a problem when it comes to UFOs.
Observations of UFOs merely exacerbates uncertainty. No one has, credibly, shown by observation that UFOs have a purpose, a teleology.
This is the crux of the UFO enigma: the phenomenon has no basis in Newtonian reality and that makes for difficulty on the part of those intrigued by or studying the phenomenon.
Are UFOs worthy of study? Are quantum particles/waves worthy of study?
FAA removed directions documents with reference to UFO reports from its website.According to new 11th February 2010 directions prepare documents, FAA has requested all UFO reports from pilots indigence be forwarded to BAASS - Bigelow Aerospace Up to date Dwelling Studies. We thing issue behind this move is when the US Air force does not 'conveniently examination UFO sightings anymore it's looks having the status of they shoulder seasoned a face or mediator special organisation to examination for them.BAASS History:Bigelow Aerospace Up to date Dwelling Studies (BAASS), a sister accommodate to Bigelow Aerospace, is a newly shaped research reliance that focuses on the identification, go over, and get of primary and budding difficult technologies globally as they quite unite to spacecraft.But now FAA removed the 11th February 2010 directions from its website as it comes under ufologist observe with brute force the world. Enormous news is we had managed to turf screen shot of side of directions by way of FAA search outlook. Keep busy deputy clap on down in image which rationally showed that document was on FAA server back its got deleted.Sponsor on December 10, 2009 FAA had extremely issued chummy species of directions to its air travel control reliance, according to it air travel controllers had to tell someone wanting to report UFOs to contact Bigelow along with pilots :Swig in is illustration from December 10, 2009 directions to its air travel control reliance.Introduce somebody to an area wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity indigence contact a UFO/ unex plained phenomena reporting data main part center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Up to date Dwelling Studies (BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail: : FAA extremely removed December 10, 2009 directions from its website too.
Dreary in for George Noory, George Knapp hosted an dusk of Reliable Coastal defenses. Doug from Washington, described a visitation he had with a weird being one night. According to Doug, he had moral the end schoolwork Not closed Peretti'sThis Up to date Dark and was getting traditional for bed equally a faint thing appeared in the nick of time him. It was as tall as the confinement, wore a striped shirt, denim denims, a impasse for a hit, and moccasin boots, he recalled. Doug alleged he dropped to his part to force and equally he opened his eyes the being was absent. He also tease of seeing red nicely eyes staring at him from the foot of his bed.Justine in Wealth, New York, told George about a note in print in 1871 by Albert Height, a 33rd mean Mason, to different Mason named Muzzini, that was following on record at the British Museum Annals. In it, Height outlines a crave for three world wars to grasp New Sphere Assignment. The first establishes Russia as a Communist/Atheist citadel, the sparkle creates the state of Israel, and the third sees biased Zionists and Islamic powers scrap and hogwash themselves, Justine explained. According to the note, conglomerate and sociable ruin moral fiber hoof marks, feathers with the harm of Christianity and the rise of the Doctrine of Lucifer.Carlos from San Diego, California, recounted his recent sighting of a weird antenna object over Tijuana, Mexico. According to Carlos, spherical unhappy two weeks ago a strappingly colored neon-like light shot out from the fork of the horizon, illuminating the extreme sky for a few seconds. The object changed colors from unpolluted to blue to indigo, moreover went back to where it originated, he exposed. "I was moral bewildered, I couldn't imagine what I saw," Carlos alleged. George suggested Carlos research information about Hang over Shimmer, which sought after to try unpolluted fireball sightings over classified installations.Curve 51 OrganizeIn the first hour, Cmdr. Allan Palmer and Karen Naturalist of the National Minute Remorseless Museum (NATM) talked about their new Curve 51 present. Compel and VIP band who got a slither sneak a look at the fair were "universally stupefied," Palmer alleged, noting that star storyteller Robin Filter was "blown on view." The present covers every one sides of the story, from the supposed mythology to the just forward history of Curve 51, explained Naturalist, Keeper of the NATM. Corporation to the fair go through what it prerogative be one and the same to be booth of Curve 51, as they inquiries and continue about the concealed military aptitude, she continued.According to Palmer, the new present faultlessly complements the rest of the museum in the same way as a few of the technology modern at Curve 51, such as the U-2 spy plane, was recycled in an control to detect the nuclear capabilities of the country's enemies. Plentiful UFO reports from the area were undoubtedly new concealed aircraft being tested at the base, he further. The Curve 51 present opens to the populate on Monday, Show protest 26, 2012.
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g ABODES - Researchers have uncovered a clue that may help to explain why the earliest evidence of complex multicellular animal life appears around 550 million years ago, when atmospheric oxygen levels on the planet rose sharply from 3% to their modern day level of 21%. See article.
g LIFE - First, NASA hinted at a finding tied to extraterrestrial life. But it was just the discovery of arsenic-eating bacteria in Mono Lake. Then came the skeptical scientists. See article.
g INTELLIGENCE - A 30,000-year-old finger bone found in a cave in southern Siberia came from a young girl who was neither an early modern human nor a Neanderthal, but belonged to a previously unknown group of human relatives who may have lived throughout much of Asia during the late Pleistocene epoch. Although the fossil evidence consists of just a bone fragment and one tooth, DNA extracted from the bone has yielded a draft genome sequence, enabling scientists to reach some startling conclusions about this extinct branch of the human family tree, called "Denisovans" after the cave where the fossils were found. See article.
g MESSAGE - We've all heard of SETI, bit what about METI - "Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence," or sending both scientific and artistic messages to the stars? See article.
g COSMICUS - A flotilla of solar sail spacecraft could change the course of the asteroid Apophis - which is headed a little too close to Earth for comfort - by shading the space rock from solar radiation, according to a French researcher. See article.
g LEARNING - The European Space Agency invites you to get inspiration from our images of stars, planets, spaceflight and of our own planet Earth seen from space and to create your own work of art. Choose your favorite image from the selection on our Wall, let your imagination run wild, create your art and share it with us. The creations that collect the most "Likes" will win the competition. See rules.
Read this blogger's books
Bigfoot Fever: Bigfoot and Skeptics will be up on Binnall of America sometime tomorrow. Seems skeptics have Bigfoot on their brains and can't get enough... I was glad to read what Wm. Michael Mott, and The Daily Grail, and others have been saying about Edgar Mitchell's big time revelation that UFOs and aliens are real: he's been saying that for years. I thought I was becoming jaded when the "news" hit; "Er," I said to myself "Haven't we been here before?"... Still liking UFO-Mary so visit, why don't you, it's evolving into more than just "Mary"... Still reading Beckley and Redfern... find myself revisiting MIBS and black helicopters and realizing more and more that going back on UFO history is only helpful, not a hindrance as some UFO researchers believe... several times now in the past few days I've written on Peter Davenport's comments concerning the UFO/nuclear weapons sites connection he made at the McMinnville Festival last May, and each time, something weird happened; like late last night, I lost the article. Gone, lost, eaten up by laptop gremlins. What did Davenport say, you may ask? Well, if you know his politics, you can guess, and more on that later...Many years ago I read an article in, I think, UFO Magazine, about the sad and strange death of Danny Cosolaro. I've been intrigued by this ever since; read Stalking the Octopus about Kenn Thomas, of Steamshovel Press, who's been following this story since the beginning... wondering about the knee jerk dismissal of some UFO researchers, and some would be, wanna be fence sitting UFO researchers -- who reject the dark side of UFO research as nothing but paranoid conspiracy indulgences... I discuss Two Chupacabras on Frame 352... James Rich Studio adding more categories and will soon be offering glicee prints for a fraction of the cost of an original painting...and my eighty year old mother informed me the other day she wants to start a blog, and how does one go about doing one? Right on, mom!... Really, so much more but not enough time so this will have to do.
Roeland Beljon
Roeland Beljon (1968) heeft sociologie gestudeerd en is 20 jaar werkzaam als mobiliteitsadviseur.
In 1994 zag Roeland zijn eerste graancirkel tegenover Silbury Hill in het Engelse Wiltshire en bezocht zijn eerste graancirkel datzelfde jaar in Zierikzee. In deze formatie ontmoette hij Herman Hegge die plannen had om in Nederland graancirkelonderzoek op te starten. Roeland was aanwezig bij de oprichting van het Centre for Crop Circle Studies Nederland, de huidige Graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden, door Herman Hegge in 1995. Sinds 2011 is Roeland voorzitter van deze groep.
Vanaf de oprichting van de graancirkelwerkgroep heeft hij samen met zijn partner Nancy Polet talloze formaties in Nederland opgemeten en in kaart gebracht en ieder jaar de Engelse graancirkels bezocht. Dit heeft geleid tot veel beeldmateriaal (zowel luchtfoto's als groundshots) van honderden Nederlandse en Engelse formaties, waarvan vele zijn geplaatst in boeken van andere Nederlandse en Engelse graancirkelonderzoekers. E'en van zijn foto's is geplaatst in het boekje van de cd "Agoraphobia" van de Canadese band "Civil Stevens".
Tijdens het maken van grounshots heeft Roeland meerdere malen meegemaakt dat zijn camera weigerde of dat volle batterijen opeens leeg bleken te zijn.
Roeland heeft meegewerkt aan zowel wetenschappelijk onderzoek in de Engelse graanformaties als aan de gedachtenexperimenten met onder andere Bert Janssen en Janet Ossebaard.
Daarnaast heeft hij meerdere lezingen over graancirkels gegeven, o.a. tijdens het Frontier Symposium in Krasnapolsky in 2005.
Roeland is opgegroeid als zoon van internationaal bekend beeldend kunstenaar Joop Beljon en was daarom zijn hele leven omringd door kunst en kunstenaars. Hij startte in 2008 zijn eigen galerie "Beelden bij Beljon" te Oud-Beijerland. In 2010 heeft hij samen met Nancy Sky High Creations opgericht en werd de galerie ook een locatie voor lezingen en workshops op spiritueel en grenswetenschappelijk gebied. Sinds oktober 2014 organiseert Sky High Creations evenementen vanuit de Sacramentskerk te Breda.
Voor meer info zie: www.skyhighcreations onder "Over ons"
Lezing: "20 jaar Circle Chasen en fimpjes wisselen"
Roeland zal aan de hand van zijn eigen ervaringen de geschiedenis van het Centre for Crop Circle Studies Nederlanden, nu Graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden, schetsen. Hierbij zal hij verrassende feiten presenteren en nog nooit eerder vertoond materiaal laten zien.
Annemieke Witteveen
Annemieke Witteveen (1966), van oorsprong lerares basisonderwijs, wist na het lezen van het boek "Graancirkels, een wereldwijd mysterie" van Janet Ossebaard in november 2002, zeker dat dit was waar ze altijd naar op zoek was geweest zonder het zelf te weten. Het jaar daarop trok ze alleen, gewapend met haar foto-uitrusting naar Engeland. Eerst naar Glastonbury, waar ze regelde dat ze met Bert Janssen kon meerijden naar Wiltshire. Bert nam haar mee naar The Silent Circle Cafe, het toenmalige infocentrum in Wiltshire. Het volgende moment bevond ze zich, samen met Bert in de auto van Roeland Beljon en Nancy Polet op een circle chase naar de nieuwste formatie bij Barbury Castle. Dit was dus de eerste formatie die Annemieke bezocht en ze was direct in de ban van het fenomeen.
Ondertussen absorbeerde ze alles wat ze te weten kon komen over het graancirkelfenomeen en startte haar eigen onderzoek. Laat haar een willekeurige foto van een graancirkel zien en zij kan je vertellen waar en wanneer deze is verschenen.
Sinds 2003 gaat zij jaarlijks naar Wiltshire voor de formaties en het contact met andere onderzoekers. Zij heeft honderden formaties in binnen- en buitenland bezocht en honderden luchtfoto's en groundshots gemaakt. Ze sloot zich aan bij het Centre for Crop Circle Studies Nederland, nu Graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden, en levert nog steeds een actieve bijdrage aan deze groep.
Ieder jaar plukt ze wat graan uit de Engelse graancirkels en verwerkt het zaad daarvan vervolgens in door haar ontworpen antroposofische poppen. Daarnaast is zij een vaste medewerker van Frontier World.
In 2006 verscheen haar boek "Cirkeljagers", een kinderboek over graancirkels. Inmiddels werkt zij aan een boek voor graancirkelaars en aan een tweede kinderboek, dat zich afspeelt tegen de achtergrond van de raadsels rond de Grote Piramide van Cheops.
Annemieke heeft in Zuid-Engeland mysterieuze Tolkien-achtige ervaringen gehad. Zij houdt zich op de hoogte van alles wat er rond het graancirkelfenomeen gebeurt, heeft contact met iedereen in het wereldje en beschikt daardoor over de meest actuele informatie.
Annemieke geeft met grote regelmaat lezingen in het land over haar belevenissen, ervaringen en bevindingen in de graancirkelvelden. Daarnaast schrijft zij regelmatig artikelen in o.a. Frontier Magazine, diverse buitenlandse websites en op haar eigen blog.
Voor meer info zie: (Cirkeljagers)
Drs. Janet Ossebaard (1966), van oorsprong taalkundige en communicatie-consultant, raakte in 1994 betrokken bij het graancirkelonderzoek. In eerste instantie was zij nog terughoudend en enigszins sceptisch, maar haar houding veranderde al gauw via openheid naar totale gefascineerdheid. Vanaf 1995 brengt zij alle zomermaanden door in Zuid-Engeland.
Vanaf 1996 sloot zij zich aan bij het toenmalige Centre for Crop Circle Studies Nederland, de huidige Graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden. Janet is een aantal jaren voorzitter van deze groep geweest en levert ook nu nog steeds een zeer actieve bijdrage.
In 1997 had zij een bovennatuurlijke ontmoeting met de graancirkelmakers; liefdevolle lichtwezens die haar het hele universum lieten doorzien. Hierna zou het leven voor Janet nooit meer hetzelfde zijn. Ze had haar zielsmissie gevonden: als graancirkelonderzoeker ging ze de onvoorwaardelijke liefde van de graancirkels delen met de wereld.
Tegelijkertijd breidde Janet haar onderzoek uit naar de Nederlandse en Duitse graancirkels.
Zij bracht tal van formaties gedetailleerd in kaart, waarbij zij zich specialiseerde in het ontdekken van anomali"en. Daarnaast werkte ze mee aan wetenschappelijk veldonderzoek naar graancirkels en verrichtte ze gedachtenexperimenten.
Janet heeft samen met Bert Janssen 3 documentaires gemaakt en meegewerkt aan zijn documentaire "Contact". In 2002 ontving zij samen met Bert Janssen de prestigieuze Frontier Award.
In 2004 richtte Janet de stichting Circular Site op, met als doel het graancirkelfenomeen in de belangstelling te brengen door het geven van lezingen, workshops en interviews. Om haar werk en onderzoek te bekostigen startte zij de eerste graancirkelwebwinkel.
Van haar hand verschenen tot nu toe 3 boeken: "Graancirkels, een wereldwijd mysterie" (2000, niet meer verkrijgbaar), "Graancirkels, de meest betoverende ooit" (2007, ook vertaald in het Engels) en "Graancirkels, het bewijs" (2008, ook vertaald in het Engels).
Naast vele lezingen, verzorgt Janet ook ervaringsdagen over graancirkels, in binnen- en buitenland. Daarnaast biedt zij georganiseerde reizen aan naar de graancirkels in Zuid-Engeland.
Ook is Janet fotograaf en schrijft zij regelmatig artikelen in diverse spirituele tijdschriften en op websites.
In 2013 verscheen haar documentaire "Graancirkels, vingerafdrukken van de goden", die ook in het Engels is uitgebracht.
Voor meer info zie: Webwinkel:
Lezing: "Graancirkels voorbij ruimte en tijd"
Over tijdreizen, ruimtebuiging, en interdimensionale humor.
Eltjo Haselhoff
Dr. Eltjo H. Haselhof (1962) werkt als senior scientist bij Philips medische systemen in Eindhoven. Hij is gespecialiseerd in laserfysica en magnetische resonantie en werkte bij de gerenommeerde Los Alamos National Laboratories in de Verenigde Staten.
Eltjo bestudeert het graancirkelfenomeen al sinds 1988 in zijn vrije tijd.
In 1996 sloot Eltjo zich aan bij het Centre for Crop Circle Studies Nederland, de huidige Graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden, waar hij tevens een aantal jaren voorzitter van is geweest. Ook nu levert hij nog steeds een actieve bijdrage aan deze groep.
In 1998 verscheen zijn eerste boek "Het raadsel van de graancirkels; Feiten, analysen, hypothesen" en in 2001 verscheen zijn tweede boek "The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles". Dit laatste boek verscheen in 2002 in het Nederlands onder de titel "Geheimzinnige graancirkels; wetenschappelijk onderzoek ">Robbert van den Broeke
In 1996 zag Robbert van den Broeke (1980) een grascirkel in de omgeving van Hoeven. Het was de eerste van een groot aantal cirkels en pictogrammen die zouden volgen in alle jaren daarna in allerlei gewassen in zijn omgeving.
Robbert voorvoelt wanneer een gewascirkel gaat verschijnen en krijgt boodschappen door omtrent de formatie. Hij ging lichtbollen zien en het lukte hem ook deze te fotograferen. In 1997 vloog een enorme lichtbol tegen zijn huis en liet schroeiplekken op de kozijnen na inclusief een wit poeder. Dit trok de aandacht van het BLT Reseach Team uit Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA en hiermee startte in 1998 een jarenlang wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar alle bijzondere fenomenen rondom Robbert.
Vervolgens verschenen er meer lichtfenomenen en ook "buitenaardsen" op zijn foto's. Robbert werd gedematerialiseerd en verscheen weer op een andere plaats. Hij materialiseerde exotische vlinders voor zijn moeder. Na 2000 startte hij een praktijk in zijn ouderlijk huis in Hoeven waar hij mensen "readings" kon geven.
Robbert werd door zijn tv-optredens in "Life and cooking" in 2004/2005 het bekendste medium in Nederland. De wonderbaarlijke gebeurtenissen tijdens en de duizenden reacties na de tv-shows maakten duidelijk dat Robbert een bron is van grote energetische krachten en paranormale verschijnselen.
In 2005 verscheen zijn boek "Robbert; Van zorgenkind tot medium". Hierin beschrijft hij hoe moeilijk zijn jeugd was, toen niemand zijn gaven herkende en vertelt hij over zijn bijzondere band met graancirkels en lichtbollen.
Inmiddels verschijnen overledenen, "buitenaardsen", ufo's, overleden koningen en heiligen op zijn duizenden foto's. Hij verschijnt in de geest maar ook fysiek aan mensen voor hulp. En daarnaast duiken ieder jaar meerdere gewascirkels op met de daarbij behorende boodschappen, waar vele mensen steun uit putten. De combinatie van bijzondere gaven van Robbert maken hem tot een zeldzaam medium.
In het voorjaar van 2014 verscheen de biografie van Robbert "Door de vensters van God", geschreven door Jannie Post. Uit dit boek blijkt duidelijk hoe zwaar de taak is die Robbert op zijn schouders heeft genomen.
Op dit moment geeft Robbert lezingen en healingbijeenkomsten door het land. Hij draagt daarbij met grote overtuiging de boodschap uit dat alleen liefde de aarde en de mens kan redden.
Voor meer info zie:
Bert Janssen
Bert Janssen (1958) is na een studie wis- en natuurkunde afgestudeerd als landbouwkundig ingenieur. Vervolgens heeft hij 15 jaar communicatie-trainingen binnen het bedrijfsleven verzorgd.
Al sinds de jaren zeventig bestudeert hij grenswetenschappen. Daarnaast heeft hij een bijzondere interesse voor heilige geometrie.
Bert bezocht zijn eerste graancirkel in 1994 in de buurt van Assen. Deze graancirkel speelt nog steeds een belangrijke rol in zijn leven en was de reden van zijn eerste bezoek aan de Engelse graancirkels. Hoewel zijn intentie was om dit 'e'en seizoen te doen, keerde hij uiteindelijk iedere zomer terug. Tijdens deze zomers heeft hij zowel wetenschappelijk veldonderzoek als gedachtenexperimenten verricht.
Hiermee heeft Bert zich ontwikkeld tot 'e'en van de meest vooraanstaande graancirkelexperts wereldwijd.
In 1996 heeft hij zich aangesloten bij het toenmalige Centre for Crop Circle Studies Nederland, de huidige Graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden. Bert levert ook nu nog steeds aan actieve bijdrage aan deze groep.
Bert is ontdekkingsreiziger, onderzoeker, fotograaf, verhalenverteller en trainer op het gebied van remote viewing. Hij is een veelgevraagd spreker in binnen- en buitenland en heeft zijn opwachting gemaakt in vele internationale radio- en tv-programma's. Daarnaast heeft Bert heeft 3 boeken en 4 documentaires (in samenwerking met Janet Ossebaard) op zijn naam staan.
Zijn documentaire "Contact" won in 2002 een EBE-Award tijdens het International Fimfestival in Laughlin, Nevada, USA. In hetzelfde jaar ontving hij samen met Janet Ossebaard de prestigieuze Frontier Award.
Zijn boeken zijn verschenen onder de namen: "The hypnotic power of cropcircles" (2004), "Sophia's ei" (2009, ook vertaald in het Engels) en "Dagboek van een tijdreiziger" (2012).
Sinds 2008 organiseert Bert samen met zijn vrouw Inca-Sjamaan Heather Clewett magische en mythische reizen naar krachtplekken en graancirkels in Engeland.
In al zijn documentaires, boeken en lezingen spelen graancirkels, maar ook synchroniciteiten een centrale rol. Door zijn onnavolgbare, expressieve en explosieve optredens is Bert uitgegroeid tot 'e'en van de meest inspirerende entertainers van deze tijd.
Zijn website biedt de meest actuele geografische gegevens over graancirkels. Onder de naam VastVisions (zie biedt Bert trainingen aan voor het bedrijfsleven, waarin hij leert de intu"itie aan te scherpen. Zie daarnaast ook
Lezing: "Van Hier naar Daar en Weer Terug, Hoe het begon en hoe het verder ging"
Of het nu in de tijd is - back to the future - of ruimtelijk - the otherworld - graancirkels brengen je van hier naar daar en weer terug.
Een spetterende, persoonlijke uiteenzetting over 20 jaar graancirkelen.
Gedragen door drama en dreunend dynamiet en rijkelijk besprenkeld met een lach en een traan.
Nancy Polet (1965) is milieujuriste en verdiept zich al 30 jaar in esoterische en grenswetenschappelijke onderwerpen. Net als haar partner Roeland Beljon zag zij haar eerste graancirkel in 1994 tegenover Silbury Hill en bezocht datzelfde jaar haar eerste graancirkel bij Zierikzee. De ontmoeting in deze formatie met Herman Hegge leidde tot haar aanwezigheid bij de oprichting van het Circle for Crop Circle Studies Nederland, de huidige graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden, waar zij ook nu nog steeds actief bij betrokken is.
Samen met Roeland heeft zij vervolgens talloze graancirkelformaties opgemeten en in kaart gebracht en ieder jaar een bezoek gebracht aan de Engelse formaties. In 1995 zag zij in een graancirkel in Oud-Beijerland voor het eerst een grote doorschijnende lichtbol, hetgeen door een andere aanwezige werd bevestigd. Er volgden vele meditatieve momenten in zowel Nederlandse als Engelse formaties, waarbij zij zich totaal in het nu voelde en volledig opgeladen werd. Ook heeft zij meegewerkt aan de gedachtenexperimenten, met onder andere Bert Janssen en Janet Ossebaard.
Zij heeft in de loop der jaren meerdere lezingen over graancirkels gegeven, onder meer tijdens het Frontier Symposium in Krasnapolsky in 2005.
In de zomer van 2010 had zij een indringende mystieke ervaring in The White Spring in Glastonbury en kwam zij op het spoor van magi"er, occultiste en schrijfster Dion Fortune. Na deze ervaring gingen tijd en elektriciteit zich anders gedragen. Weer in Nederland ontstond bij Nancy en Roeland het idee om Sky High Creations op te richten met als doel het delen van informatie op spiritueel en grenswetenschappelijk gebied. In de herfst van 2010 ging Sky High Creations van start met Nancy's lezing: "De transformerende kracht van graancirkels". Het duurde tot 2013 voor zij haar mystieke ervaring goed had verwerkt, onderzocht en onder woorden kon brengen. Dit resulteerde in 2 lezingen en 3 artikelen over haar ervaring, synchroniciteiten en het werk van Dion Fortune.
Nancy zal tijdens het Symposium de taak op zich nemen van dagvoorzitter en de forumdiscussie leiden.
Voor meer info zie: www.skyhighcreations onder "Over ons" en haar sprekerspagina
Crop circles have always been an amazing mystery, however with this new controversial evidence the final understanding of their formations may be answered. New evidence below shows lights forming these amazing circles with the added scientific evidence indicating and supporting this theory.
The lights are still Alien that is for sure, they dance back and forth and within moments the circles appear. It almost is perfect in its creation and highly intelligent.
These lights ask a lot of questions.. Are these tools used by Aliens to create maps or communication? Does this indicate Aliens have been here all along and now with technology we will finally begin to understand more. The footage and scientific evidence below is some of the best proofs I have seen so far for Alien proof, so It will be exciting to see what more comes from these understandings.
Tags: investigations worked solve out earth hunters cape society ufo nazis ufo bob lazar immagini ufo earth nasa images alien intruders nasa bilder
Posted: January 28, 2008Date: Regal 15, 2005 Time: 7:30 p.m.HBCC UFO Weigh up Note: I haven't typed up the report on this sighting in Moor Alberni, B.C. as of yet, but I desire soon. I found out about the UFO sighting by way of a acquaintance who gears at one of our household provisions existing in town. They told me that an put the last touches on relatives watched, and video taped a unnatural object and that Corporation TV had concluded and try out when the relatives and ran the footage. So to start when, I smidgen I would surplus a lacking aural clip to the site of the teenage daughter carrying great weight in her spoken language what she witnessed. She was such a help youngster to break when, I afterward spine when the Blood relation and Depart who explained the comings and goings afterward.Moor Alberni, British Columbia Leaflet Proposal Filmed. Not up to scratch aural clips and TV news desire be more later.Thank you to the teenage daughter for the great tab of the object.Brian Vike, Controller HBCC UFO Weigh up. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Weigh up International: UFO Weigh up, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: April 4, 2012 to April 7, 2012Time: Amongst 9:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. Supply of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: From 1 to 5. "Full-blown Description OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" For the slight few existence, later night hits introduce has been strange lights over Stallion Benson hopeful in addition to norm from red, inexperienced, listless, yellow and blue. Slightly shoulder been by themselves, well others shoulder been in formation. Outlook night introduce was a vivid listless light strong in along with them balance to liquefy stylish thin air. Now I can't say I appreciate introduce UFOs, but ancestors aren't navigation lights and is the strangest thing I've always seen in the sky. I see you live in Nanaimo, tonight side over Stallion Benson as I would fascination to on all sides of other popular brainpower. If you shoulder seen at all delight this in the exact area comfortable be font enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" in addition to the details of your sighting. "All idiosyncratic information is cold within."
"The Vike Concern (Brian Vike)"
" website:"