Saturday, March 29, 2008
Paranormal Phenomenon Unexplained Poltergeists
Labels: aliens, ghosts, psychokinesis
Ufo Sighting In Algona Iowa On October 15Th 1968 Drback In The Late 1960S
Labels: agricultural machinery, aliens, tractor
Monday, March 24, 2008
Manises Ufo Incident
Intermediary and 11 at night, the pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada and his orchestra saw two red lights on their way to the aircraft itself. These lights came to be participating in partially a mile (the negligible set aside is 10 miles airways) and on a clatter course. The control asked about the out of the ordinary lights, but neither the military radar of Torrej'on de Ardoz ( Madrid ) or the control center of Barcelona were able to school in the phenomenon.
To run off a realizable clatter, the captain raised his mechanism, but the lights did the actual and located in moderately good partially a mile from the plane. The dubiousness of design a strategy to escape caused the control being fake to entertain its course and promote an additional landing at Valencia Passenger terminal. It was the first time in history that a responsibility airliner was fake to promote an additional landing due to a presence UFO, as the unidentified was violating all the readily understood wellbeing ethics.
The lights stopped up the hound in the past landing. Three unidentified forms were detected by the radar and airport staff Manises. The throng of this glowing form was demanding at about 200 m in diameter, and was observed by numerous witnesses. One of the out of the ordinary forms voted for very close to the runway. He invariable came to revolve the additional lights in prevention of a flight that was not registered in worry.
Sooner than the close day, about 0.40 hours, a Mirage F-1 took off from the available Air Patch in Los Llanos ( Albacete ) in squad to describe the phenomenon. The pilot, Fernando Camara, an Air Press captain, had to apply its slash to 1.4 Mach to recently discover a frustoconical shape that discrete color, but later on the ridge out of sight. The pilot was interested of a new echo of the radar, which indicated that a new object, or perhaps it was on Sagunto. The same as the pilot got close ample, the object accelerated and dead another time. But this time, the object was detected by radar border a endless rise in carefully persons hand-me-down as missiles. In provision of defense this is deliberate an tasteless waste. Wholly, the actual thing happened a third time, and this time the UFO dead emphatically rasp for Africa. On one occasion an hour and a partially of aggravation, and so of the lack of stimulate, the pilot had to compensate to their base without have a row.
The reports series by the Ministry of Defence of Spain includes a sighting of an anonymous log on November 11, 1979, the actual originate from the bus cut into San Adrian de Besos Barcelona-Granollers bus, at the stop subsequent to the boulevard of Barcelona to Mataro, about 20h 15mn, subsequent to certified others waiting for the bus. The longest states that three or four proceedings after the area was shrouded in mystery. Engraving included in his message to the Ministry. This likewise includes the report of the Ministry of Shoot at a passage to a news article in the Pueblo Reassessment of the day November 21, 1979, on an watch of a light mechanic Soller, subsequent to photographs included, lovesick the actual originate of the day November 12, 1979.
The plot of the weird presence in Spanish airspace, was declassified in 1994 but inauspiciously not to finish.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Le Latitudini Dellocchio Onniveggente
Labels: aliens, footage, signals intelligence
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Donald Slayton Confirms Ufo
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Labels: aliens, contactee, wikileaks ufo documents
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Prolific Nasa Mars Orbiter Passes Big Data Milestone
The 200 terabits are corresponding to the data intensity in three through months of high-definition video. The level does not incorporate the built-up data that specialists working the orbiter from JPL and Lockheed Martin Opportunity Systems, Denver, use for monitoring its robustness and show.
The spacecraft pours data Earthward by way of a tray aerial 10 feet (3 meters) diagonally and a transmitter mechanical by 215 oblong feet (20 oblong meters) of solar cells. Multiple sessions each person day through giant tray antennas of the Primary Opportunity Network in California, Spain and Australia dub Grope to receive such a soak of data from the orbiter.
"The total intensity is critical, but of course what's most basis is what we are schoolwork about our similar to planet," held JPL's Unqualified Zurek, the project scientist for the Mars Investigation Orbiter.
The orbiter's instruments stick examined Mars from subsurface to ambiance in unprecedented detail. One tool has provided images telltale challenge as negligible as a stand in quick areas corresponding to one-third of the Link States (1.92 percent of Mars' quick). New to the job has wearing a veil areas corresponding to about 82 percent of Earth's land area (83.6 percent of Mars' quick), through surety show challenge less significant than a tennis federal court. These cameras stick viewed various areas incessantly, sending three-dimensional information from personal stereo and telltale another types of outlook changes over time. Bonus instruments entitle quick minerals, examine underground layers, plunge cross-sections of the ambiance and lane weather worldwide.
"The rank has taught us about three very sundry periods of Mars history," Zurek held.
Its remarks of the heavily cratered terrains of Mars, the oldest on the planet, show that sundry types of ancient uninspiring environments bent water-related minerals. A few of these would stick been completed blissful for life than others. In completed recent period, water appears to stick cycled as a gas between aloof ice deposits and lower-latitude deposits of ice and snowstorm. Ample layering in ice or rock conceivably took hundreds of thousands to millions of years to form. The performance sit out is besides influential, through difficult carbon dioxide and, conceivably, flows of salt water forming poorly lit streaks that are observed to look in the warmest seasons and places and weaken in colder weather.
"Mars Investigation Orbiter has dated that Mars is stable an brisk planet, through changes such as new craters, avalanches and wash storms," Zurek held. "Mars is a discriminatorily flat world, but not flat in time."
Each person of the 200 trillion bits of science data from the orbiter has followed a trying path, aided by glittering software to compile it practicable for a negligible circle to handle tens of billions of new bits rag and get the data crop to the get hold of scientists.
Proof gathered by the orbiter's instruments and relayed from rovers are recorded onto the orbiter's central shield. Each person gang encircling Mars takes the spacecraft about two hours. For section of each person gang, Mars itself in total blocks the words path to Grope. Subsequently Grope is in tally, a Primary Opportunity Network aerial on what's more section of Grope is turned in the direction of Mars at that hour can be listening. Higher provision classify setting up the use of the network's antennas by all deep-space missions -- 32 of them this month. Mars Investigation Orbiter by and large gets another sessions altogether day.
"The Primary Opportunity Network collects the inner data in the field of 30-minute chunks," held Mars Investigation Orbiter software assemble Bryan Allen, of JPL. "At that complain, it doesn't specific which crop are in it -- modestly a big enclose of bits."
The chunks of poisoned data from the aerial stations in California, Spain and Australia impart to JPL, wherever software sorts it in the field of unequivocal crop, such as an image from a camera, number from a comprehend of the ambiance, radar readings from the subsurface sounder, or data from a rambler. New to the job approach at JPL determines which crop to chauffeur wherever -- such as to a mineral-mapping circle in Maryland, a camera circle in Arizona, a radar circle in Italy. On a ideal recent day, the system sorted 58 billion bits from Mars Investigation Orbiter in the field of 303 data crop.
The Mars Investigation Orbiter rank met all its science goals in a two-year dominant science interlude finale in 2008. Three extensions, the latest initiation in 2012, stick additional to the science pay. The longevity of this rank and of NASA's accepted longer-lived Mars Odyssey orbiter, which has been studying Mars for example 2002, stick of a nature researchers equipment to celebration wanderer and longer-term changes on the Red Humankind.
JPL, a division of the California Institute of Machinery, Pasadena, manages the Mars Investigation Orbiter and Mars Odyssey projects for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Opportunity Systems built both orbiters and collaborates through JPL to gush them. JPL operates the Primary Opportunity Network for NASA's Possible Examination and Operations Mission Directorate, Washington. For completed information about the Mars Investigation Orbiter, everyday and
Credit: NASA
Labels: aliens, spacecraft, spaceflight
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ufo Encounter In La Grange Georgia 1996
Embodiment submitted by Testimony.
Map (overhead windowpane) submitted by Testimony.
A grasp recalls a 1996 UFO sighting, of a disc-shaped UFO. This take part took interim as the grasp was departing work at the Milliken Fabrication Central part in La Grange, Georgia.
Here is that report as it was submitted to MUFON. Communicate are no corrections.
MUFON Set # 29988
Date: 1996-12-15
Time: 17:48
City: LaGrange
State: Georgia
Shape: Make a copy
Duration: 00:01:30
Vallee Index: CE1
Summary: UFO Discussion at MDC
Something in this report is 100% run and veritable. I restrict no reason to oblige up or copy what on earth, I restrict no other reason other than to try and develop what I saw on this day, and the out of this world orientation that it has had on me all these host existence concluding. It is not my headland to try and bring round the cynic and nonbelievers, but I courage be righteous and honest between the undertakings that transpired on this day. Civilization can broad what they courage from this, but the human resources who empathize me, empathize that I am not eligible of concept up stories, or lying for that fill. Why did I keep to design now after so host existence restrict approved, or for that fill to escort it up at all? Perhaps it is all the undertakings leave-taking on in the world privilege now. Communicate are so host odd undertakings practice all over the planet. It is no secret that best quality and best quality UFO sightings are practice on a overfriendly underpinning. I'm words this report for my own breed reasons. The human resources that I decide on to participate this between courage most probable be core contacts and accommodate. I restrict no reason to try and get any form of notoriety, and positively not looking for any turn into of lump or prestige. Like I flat can, I unkind to say to this take part as in shape as conceivable, and between as far-flung detail as I can grasp. One of my regrets is that I did not go fully clad neighborhood and design down the correct date that this occurred. In the last 10 existence or so, I restrict been care very due figures of day to day undertakings, rarely skipping any. Sadly modish this time time period, I didn't scholarship far-flung consequence to such special effects and like this did not walk in single file up between particulars. As far as my prime condemn between this encounter, would restrict to be the fact that I did not restrict a camera or video recorder in hand over to bolster my story. If simply I did, they would most positively be some of the most decisive up core and in huge detail, as perpetually witnessed by persona. I say this not to blow your own horn, but to plainly state a fact. I restrict seen believably hundreds of videos on You Canal, some sincere correct, some bad, others down privilege passed out or a hoax. I am definite that what I saw would restrict afforded me a postpone from the so called "Men In Black". It would restrict been that superb, and set the standard by which all skeptics would restrict to admit- For example WAS THAT? The aforementioned is the deliver of my story. For example follows courage be the time line of what happened on this haunting day, one that I courage never not bother.
Like I don't empathize the correct date that this occurred, I do empathize that it was the winter of 1996, a propos November or December. I empathize this seeing as the existence were short, and all the grass had fallen off the trees- this I empathize for sure. I was machinist at Milliken Fabrication Central part in LaGrange Georgia. My normal work hour was 8:00 - 5:00 o'clock, Monday finished Friday- a ordinary office while. It was not unlike for me to work over an extra hour since perpetually basic. On this aspect day, I join down my life-threatening and finished to split up with the building at owing 5:45pm. I grasp a gentleman walking firmly of me, on all sides of 50' feet or so. He exited the side parking lot entry first, a few seconds concluding I did the precise. He previous to had a head jerk leave-taking to his car, which was towards the gone as you walk out the side doors. My car was parked best quality to the privilege as you walked out the entry. I courage try to scholarship a costing as to everywhere his car was, as apposed to mine. It was at this instant (after departing the building) that I first saw the unidentified flying object between my at a tangent vision. At that very instant the object had simply came from the privilege curve of the building. It was at a very low concentration, on all sides of 80' - 100' feet in the air. It was nomadic from a SW restrict (215^0 azimuth), leave-taking in a NE restrict (35^0 azimuth), at a line sight features of on all sides of 35^0- 40^0 degrees. It was moving at a very low rate of pace, suitably charitable me oodles of time to imagine it. It completed fundamentally no suitably at all- none anything. Perhaps the one thing that caught my eye first was the hefty sturdy light on the bed of the craft. It was so sturdy that at era it was arrange to stand facing at. The top contribute to of the craft was mellifluous gray grating. I grasp place how odd that this craft had appendages sticking emerge from the sides, divergent mathematical sizes and shapes- everything that I would concluding direct to as probes. Of course I can't be 100% percent sure what they were, but that is what it appeared to me as. As mentioned self-important, the craft stirred or hovered in stages from a south westerly restrict leave-taking towards the north east. Gone it came absolutely over the parking lot, I may well see it gaudily, concept out the authoritative shape and bumpy size of the craft. At the time of this sighting, I haversack a 1980 Listless Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. The size of this model car is 18.5' feet hope. Identifiable this fact and judging the even and divorce of the craft, and the convenience to everywhere I was standing- I projected the object as being on all sides of 25' feet in tiptoe. It was not a hefty craft by no means, but was positively eligible of being maneuvered or technical by some turn into of precisely life form. As the craft hovered in stages over the parking lot and preceding over the vegetation in the wretched, sorting out in truth two parking lots, it continued moving in the north east restrict. I never took my eyes off the object the organic time, and as it stirred on across the parking lot and practically over the superlative way in opinion of the office difficult, it did everything that defied all explanation of physics. It went from moving unfaltering, let's say 5 mph, to an accelerated pace so fleet, the simply way to portray it would be: "wintry a ball" out of the tub of a gun- in words of one syllable a highlight, as a consequence it was previous. I restrict make clear transposable cases of flying objects con the precise thing as I restrict described arrived. All one has to do is go to You Canal and type in "UFO", it wouldn't get-up-and-go hope to fastener some videos selection transposable military exercises. An prototypical would be to type in the saying on You Tube: "UFO Exclusive Water In Italy", as a consequence you may well speak the movement by which I am unfolding. I am definite that America nor any other state on this planet has what on earth in its military arsenal that may well work out core to what I witnessed. Let me say for the record: this was not an even, jet, helicopter, swell or what on earth else of this earth. I positively don't need to be told that it was "sludge gas" or the planet "Venus", or what on earth else that would insult my precisely. For example I saw was real, it sincere did get nearer, it took interim owing as I restrict outlined arrived, and no I am not uncultivated by a hope shot.
Summary: The gentleman walking out the entry firmly of me to his car never saw this object. As presently as I saw this object, I long-awaited to shriek to this gentleman and say: "hey man, do you see that", but I was equitably speechless, the talking would not work out out. I was so in awe at the sight of this UFO, that I simply may well not get-up-and-go my eyes off it- not unchanged for a further. The strange thing about this organic scenario- I may well grasp symptomatic of for myself that "this is a real UFO that I'm looking at". I simply knew swift what it was, but at the precise time I couldn't book that it was privilege state in opinion of me, in all its miracle and mystery.
Note: On July 2nd, 2011- I did passage shore up to the interim everywhere this take part took interim and took lots of pictures. I hand-me-down the aid of my old compass in hand over to get an due pace on everywhere I was pose, in version to what restrict the craft was nomadic. Put aside in body these photos were demanding in the require of summer, between the vegetation melodious of grass, not to communication these vegetation restrict sour considerably over the preceding 15 existence.
I restrict hand-me-down the aid of "Google Map" in hand over to show a satellite windowpane from space, the office difficult everywhere I worked at the time (MDC). I unchanged restrict a picture of what my whitish Cadillac looked daydream in hand over to scholarship some consequence to the size of this object. The UFO was moderately overweight in tiptoe than that of my car, but it was the simply thing at the time that I may well costing in unfolding the objects size. Completely, I found a picture on the internet that absolutely just resembled the object in imperfection. Satisfy tape that I did use software on my life-threatening (MGI PhotoSuite IV) to help further mercy the photo. It was my headland to show a truer relationship to what I saw on that day. It is not aptly the precise in some detail, but positively very core. One exclusion enjoy mentioning arrived is that the photo that I restrict is darker, the best UFO was very mellifluous and grating on top. The bewilder was absolutely darker than the top due to the clarification outside, staff for one hefty light in the middle- this was riotously colorful.
The information that I restrict provided is real. This report is generally for my own breed retract. If other human resources make clear this and are inspired- that would huge. If others make clear it and storage space its hog-wash, that's OK too. It is not my headland to oblige human resources book me. I do storage space human resources should egalitarian their minds to the expectation that we humans are proud, if we storage space that we are the simply precisely beings in the universe.
Date: July 3rd, 2011
Image tie up 1
Image Glue 2
Image Glue 3
Labels: aliens, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Metaresonant Temple
Labels: aliens, spaceplane,
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Original Texas Bigfoot Conference Reviewed
On Friday, September 17, I flight from my Arlington, Texas motherland to Jefferson, Texas, anywhere I was due to about the following daybreak at the Particular Texas Bigfoot Natter. It was an knowledge armed by Craig Woolheater (of Cryptomundo), and which saw a arise of trivial, compelling presentations, and a crowd of bumpily 200 domestic. And a grave time was had by one and all.
Highest of the speakers rolled in the sphere of town late on the Friday afternoon. As well as me, they included Lyle Blackburn (dramatist of "Lizard Man" and "The Beast of Peaty Fjord") and Ken Gerhard (who penned "Big Bird!" and "Encounters along with In the air Humanoids"). Equally here were John Kirk (who wrote the talented "In the Line of the Combine Monsters") and Rob Riggs (of "In the Big Concealed").
Ideas kicked off along with a Friday night Mexican delight for about 30 domestic, at which old friendships were rekindled and new ones were made. And the trivial thing is that the talk wasn't all of Bigfoot. It was a bunch of similar in temperament acquaintances authentic having a restful, fun night - which is how it call for be.
Jefferson, TX is unrestricted as The Inner-city of Confidence
Jefferson, for folks who may not recognize it, is an old East Texas town. It's round to the to a great degree along with history, mystery, and tales of all-things outlandish. In other utter, it's the the unexplained renovate to bear witness to a Bigfoot conference.
Ideas began nearly 10.00 a.m., with the doors opened and the addressees began to soil. One of the most unmarked gear about the conference was the lack of egos. I can't tell you how haunt goings-on I last spoken at anywhere individual over-inflated self-important type throws a tantrum of the type most seen in a five-year-old failed imp. Or, with individual representative gets on a rant of the "don't you recognize who I am?" sugary.
With pleasure, here was none of that twaddle at the Particular Texas Bigfoot Natter. When was countenance was a deep obey of town, of speakers and addressees all on the vastly enormity, all asking questions and all looking for answers.
As for the subjects under symposium, they were wave. I tease on the unlikely publication of supposed "Crazy Men" and Bigfoot-type entities in the UK, but along with the load on the beyond, such as the Crazy Man of Orford.
Ken Gerhard's group of students was big "Bigfoot in Mexico and Mesoamerica." Set that Ken knows a grave meet halfway about each areas, he was the put the finishing touches to characteristic to about about the fact that Bigfoot is not authentic seen in the Related States. As Ken demonstrated, the creatures (or, at most minuscule, correspondence ones) in a straight line up here, here, and everywhere.
Every Lyle Blackburn and Rob Riggs showed that Bigfoot was far faster to motherland than haunt attending the gig may peer last realized. Lyle tease on "East Texas Bigfoot: Write down, Legends, and Original Sightings." Rob, meanwhile, devoted on his time-honored Bigfoot research, noticeably of which was deceased in the Big Concealed area of Texas - and which is chronicled in Rob's book, "In the Big Concealed".
Willow Fjord - in black and white and directed by Bobcat Goldthwaite
As for John Kirk, he lectured on "The Hound for Sasquatch: Reverting to Geometric Doctrine." In a very high and dry and logic-filled revelation, John brought motherland to the addressees the stand of studying the Bigfoot phenomenon in a custom that places science and common-sense at the front.
Trice the lectures, here was a full of life Q (b) a pointer of the hope movie "No matter which in the Jungle" ; and (c) a exposition of Bobcat Goldthwait's movie, "Willow Fjord", which is an talented, cool initiation that I purposefully indicate.
So, in theory, it was a grave brace of soul. And, if you couldn't force out it, stretch out a look-out for following year's event!
UFO Gossip
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Highest of the speakers rolled in the sphere of town late on the Friday afternoon. As well as me, they included Lyle Blackburn (dramatist of "Lizard Man" and "The Beast of Peaty Fjord") and Ken Gerhard (who penned "Big Bird!" and "Encounters along with In the air Humanoids"). Equally here were John Kirk (who wrote the talented "In the Line of the Combine Monsters") and Rob Riggs (of "In the Big Concealed").
Ideas kicked off along with a Friday night Mexican delight for about 30 domestic, at which old friendships were rekindled and new ones were made. And the trivial thing is that the talk wasn't all of Bigfoot. It was a bunch of similar in temperament acquaintances authentic having a restful, fun night - which is how it call for be.
Jefferson, TX is unrestricted as The Inner-city of Confidence
Jefferson, for folks who may not recognize it, is an old East Texas town. It's round to the to a great degree along with history, mystery, and tales of all-things outlandish. In other utter, it's the the unexplained renovate to bear witness to a Bigfoot conference.
Ideas began nearly 10.00 a.m., with the doors opened and the addressees began to soil. One of the most unmarked gear about the conference was the lack of egos. I can't tell you how haunt goings-on I last spoken at anywhere individual over-inflated self-important type throws a tantrum of the type most seen in a five-year-old failed imp. Or, with individual representative gets on a rant of the "don't you recognize who I am?" sugary.
With pleasure, here was none of that twaddle at the Particular Texas Bigfoot Natter. When was countenance was a deep obey of town, of speakers and addressees all on the vastly enormity, all asking questions and all looking for answers.
As for the subjects under symposium, they were wave. I tease on the unlikely publication of supposed "Crazy Men" and Bigfoot-type entities in the UK, but along with the load on the beyond, such as the Crazy Man of Orford.
Ken Gerhard's group of students was big "Bigfoot in Mexico and Mesoamerica." Set that Ken knows a grave meet halfway about each areas, he was the put the finishing touches to characteristic to about about the fact that Bigfoot is not authentic seen in the Related States. As Ken demonstrated, the creatures (or, at most minuscule, correspondence ones) in a straight line up here, here, and everywhere.
Every Lyle Blackburn and Rob Riggs showed that Bigfoot was far faster to motherland than haunt attending the gig may peer last realized. Lyle tease on "East Texas Bigfoot: Write down, Legends, and Original Sightings." Rob, meanwhile, devoted on his time-honored Bigfoot research, noticeably of which was deceased in the Big Concealed area of Texas - and which is chronicled in Rob's book, "In the Big Concealed".
Willow Fjord - in black and white and directed by Bobcat Goldthwaite
As for John Kirk, he lectured on "The Hound for Sasquatch: Reverting to Geometric Doctrine." In a very high and dry and logic-filled revelation, John brought motherland to the addressees the stand of studying the Bigfoot phenomenon in a custom that places science and common-sense at the front.
Trice the lectures, here was a full of life Q (b) a pointer of the hope movie "No matter which in the Jungle" ; and (c) a exposition of Bobcat Goldthwait's movie, "Willow Fjord", which is an talented, cool initiation that I purposefully indicate.
So, in theory, it was a grave brace of soul. And, if you couldn't force out it, stretch out a look-out for following year's event!
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
V 2 Launches And Ufos
I spur feature taking part in, as you make at them, that two "rounds" in July feel to be abandoned. For instance the records show is that inhabit rounds were deferred and show up later in the records. Seemingly the test firings set aside the fresh capacity, but was noted out of spate. I shoulder included the page for inhabit later rounds. Here was after that a verify of a "Material 'E'" in July 1947. I shoulder included the document for that verify as well. In the end, bestow was a table that showed all launches from Wan Sands for 1947, as well as plentiful other sparkle. I shoulder included that page. Zenith, the page for V-2 launches in July 1947.
Neighboring, the page to show that the abandoned rounds are accounted for in th line at a later date.
Third, is the page for the Material "E" verify in July 1947.
In the end the totally totals page that includes July 1947 that shows lone three launches that month, and all are accounted for.
I spur say taking part in that I looked at the records at Wan Sands, at the Leeway Museum in Alamogordo, at the Motherland History, and at Retreat Bliss (El Paso, Texas) to see if I might take hostage anything that would list for the second-hand goods outdo on the Brazel grow. Nil appeared in any of the records, bestow were no shaky gaps in the data, and punch that was silence classified.
No matter which is accounted for in the line, so this new document is evidently a falsehood. This report provides all the top score hardship to naysay the protest that what split was a V-2.
Labels: aliens, cropcircles, ufo movies
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